@ -173,21 +173,18 @@ let collect_do_abstract_pre pname tenv (pset : Propset.t) : Propset.t =
let collect_do_abstract_post pname tenv ( pathset : Paths . PathSet . t ) : Paths . PathSet . t =
let collect_do_abstract_post pname tenv ( pathset : Paths . PathSet . t ) : Paths . PathSet . t =
let abs_option p =
if ! BiabductionConfig . footprint then
L . die InternalError
" Interproc.collect_do_abstract_post ignores the _fp part of propositions, so it should only \
be used during re - execution . " ;
let abstract_o p =
if Prover . check_inconsistency tenv p then None else Some ( Abs . abstract pname tenv p )
if Prover . check_inconsistency tenv p then None else Some ( Abs . abstract pname tenv p )
if ! BiabductionConfig . footprint then
Paths . PathSet . map_option abstract_o pathset
BiabductionConfig . run_in_re_execution_mode ( Paths . PathSet . map_option abs_option ) pathset
else Paths . PathSet . map_option abs_option pathset
let do_join_pre plist = Dom . proplist_collapse_pre plist
let do_join_pre plist = Dom . proplist_collapse_pre plist
let do_join_post pname tenv ( pset : Paths . PathSet . t ) =
if Config . spec_abs_level < = 0 then Dom . pathset_collapse tenv pset
else Dom . pathset_collapse tenv ( Dom . pathset_collapse_impl pname tenv pset )
let do_meet_pre tenv pset =
let do_meet_pre tenv pset =
if Config . meet_level > 0 then Dom . propset_meet_generate_pre tenv pset
if Config . meet_level > 0 then Dom . propset_meet_generate_pre tenv pset
else Propset . to_proplist pset
else Propset . to_proplist pset
@ -537,12 +534,6 @@ let collect_analysis_result tenv wl proc_cfg : Paths.PathSet.t =
Paths . PathSet . map ( remove_locals_formals_and_check tenv proc_cfg ) pathset
Paths . PathSet . map ( remove_locals_formals_and_check tenv proc_cfg ) pathset
module Pmap = Caml . Map . Make ( struct
type t = Prop . normal Prop . t
let compare = Prop . compare_prop
end )
let vset_add_path vset path =
let vset_add_path vset path =
Paths . Path . fold_all_nodes_nocalls path ~ init : vset ~ f : ( fun vset n -> Procdesc . NodeSet . add n vset )
Paths . Path . fold_all_nodes_nocalls path ~ init : vset ~ f : ( fun vset n -> Procdesc . NodeSet . add n vset )
@ -570,9 +561,13 @@ let compute_visited vset =
! res
! res
(* * Extract specs from a pathset *)
(* Extract specs from a pathset, after the footprint phase. The postconditions will be thrown away
by the re - execution phase , but they are first used to detect custom errors . * )
let extract_specs tenv pdesc pathset : Prop . normal BiabductionSummary . spec list =
let extract_specs tenv pdesc pathset : Prop . normal BiabductionSummary . spec list =
let pname = Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
if not ! BiabductionConfig . footprint then
L . die InternalError
" Interproc.extract_specs should not be used for footprint but not for re-execution, because \
it does not optimize postconditions . " ;
let sub =
let sub =
let fav =
let fav =
Paths . PathSet . fold
Paths . PathSet . fold
@ -583,54 +578,35 @@ let extract_specs tenv pdesc pathset : Prop.normal BiabductionSummary.spec list
let sub_list = List . map ~ f : ( fun id -> ( id , Exp . Var ( Ident . create_fresh Ident . knormal ) ) ) fav in
let sub_list = List . map ~ f : ( fun id -> ( id , Exp . Var ( Ident . create_fresh Ident . knormal ) ) ) fav in
Predicates . subst_of_list sub_list
Predicates . subst_of_list sub_list
let pre_post_visited_list =
let pre_post_list =
let pplist = Paths . PathSet . elements pathset in
let f ( prop , path ) =
let f ( prop , path ) =
let _ , prop' = PropUtil . remove_locals_formals tenv pdesc prop in
let _ remaining , prop = PropUtil . remove_locals_formals tenv pdesc prop in
let prop'' = Abs . abstract pname tenv prop' in
let prop = Abs . abstract ( Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc ) tenv prop in
let pre , post = Prop . extract_spec prop'' in
let pre , post = Prop . extract_spec prop in
let pre' = Prop . normalize tenv ( Prop . prop_sub sub pre ) in
let pre = Prop . normalize tenv ( Prop . prop_sub sub pre ) in
let post' =
let post = PropUtil . remove_seed_vars tenv ( Prop . prop_sub sub post ) in
if Prover . check_inconsistency_base tenv prop then None
( pre , ( post , path ) )
else Some ( Prop . normalize tenv ( Prop . prop_sub sub post ) , path )
let visited =
let vset = vset_add_path Procdesc . NodeSet . empty path in
compute_visited vset
( pre' , post' , visited )
List . map ~ f pplist
let compare ( prop1 , _ ) ( prop2 , _ ) = Prop . compare_prop prop1 prop2 in
let break a b = not ( Int . equal 0 ( compare a b ) ) in
let pre_post_map =
let separate ps =
let add map ( pre , post , visited ) =
let pre =
let current_posts , current_visited =
match ps with
try Pmap . find pre map
| ( pre , _ ) :: _ ->
with Caml . Not_found -> ( Paths . PathSet . empty , BiabductionSummary . Visitedset . empty )
| [] ->
let new_posts =
L . die InternalError " Interproc.extract_specs: List.group outputs empty list?? "
match post with
| None ->
| Some ( post , path ) ->
Paths . PathSet . add_renamed_prop post path current_posts
let new_visited = BiabductionSummary . Visitedset . union visited current_visited in
let pposts = List . map ~ f : snd ps in
Pmap . add pre ( new_posts , new_visited ) map
( pre , pposts )
List . fold ~ f : add ~ init : Pmap . empty pre_post_visited_list
pathset | > Paths . PathSet . elements | > List . map ~ f | > List . sort ~ compare | > List . group ~ break
| > List . map ~ f : separate
let specs = ref [] in
let mk_spec ( pre , posts ) =
let add_spec pre ( ( posts : Paths . PathSet . t ) , visited ) =
BiabductionSummary . { pre = Jprop . Prop ( 1 , pre ) ; posts ; visited = Visitedset . empty }
let posts' =
List . map
~ f : ( fun ( p , path ) -> ( PropUtil . remove_seed_vars tenv p , path ) )
( Paths . PathSet . elements ( do_join_post pname tenv posts ) )
let spec = BiabductionSummary . { pre = Jprop . Prop ( 1 , pre ) ; posts = posts' ; visited } in
specs := spec :: ! specs
Pmap. iter add_spec pre_post_map ; ! specs
List . map ~ f : mk_spec pre_post_list
let collect_postconditions wl tenv proc_cfg : Paths . PathSet . t * BiabductionSummary . Visitedset . t =
let collect_postconditions wl tenv proc_cfg : Paths . PathSet . t * BiabductionSummary . Visitedset . t =