@ -17,14 +17,43 @@ type debug =
When using LowerHil-AI, we're not interested in the underlying SIL instructions,
When using LowerHil-AI, we're not interested in the underlying SIL instructions,
it's the only case where want to disable it. *)
it's the only case where want to disable it. *)
type 'a state = {pre: 'a; post: 'a; visit_count: int}
type exec_node_schedule_result = ReachedFixPoint | DidNotReachFixPoint
module VisitCount : sig
type t = private int
val first_time : t
val succ : pdesc:Procdesc.t -> t -> t
end = struct
type t = int
let first_time = 1
let succ ~pdesc visit_count =
let visit_count' = visit_count + 1 in
if visit_count' > Config.max_widens then
L.(die InternalError)
"Exceeded max widening threshold %d while analyzing %a. Please check your widening \
operator or increase the threshold"
Config.max_widens Typ.Procname.pp (Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc) ;
module State = struct
type 'a t = {pre: 'a; post: 'a; visit_count: VisitCount.t}
let pre {pre} = pre
let post {post} = post
module type S = sig
module type S = sig
module TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL
module TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL
module InvariantMap = TransferFunctions.CFG.Node.IdMap
module InvariantMap = TransferFunctions.CFG.Node.IdMap
type invariant_map = TransferFunctions.Domain.astate state InvariantMap.t
type invariant_map = TransferFunctions.Domain.astate State.t InvariantMap.t
val compute_post :
val compute_post :
@ -41,37 +70,30 @@ module type S = sig
val exec_pdesc :
val exec_pdesc :
TransferFunctions.extras ProcData.t -> initial:TransferFunctions.Domain.astate -> invariant_map
TransferFunctions.extras ProcData.t -> initial:TransferFunctions.Domain.astate -> invariant_map
val extract_post : InvariantMap.key -> 'a state InvariantMap.t -> 'a option
val extract_post : InvariantMap.key -> 'a State.t InvariantMap.t -> 'a option
val extract_pre : InvariantMap.key -> 'a state InvariantMap.t -> 'a option
val extract_pre : InvariantMap.key -> 'a State.t InvariantMap.t -> 'a option
val extract_state : InvariantMap.key -> 'a InvariantMap.t -> 'a option
val extract_state : InvariantMap.key -> 'a InvariantMap.t -> 'a option
module MakeNoCFG
module AbstractInterpreterCommon (TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL) = struct
(Scheduler : Scheduler.S)
module CFG = TransferFunctions.CFG
(TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL with module CFG = Scheduler.CFG) =
module CFG = Scheduler.CFG
module Node = CFG.Node
module Node = CFG.Node
module TransferFunctions = TransferFunctions
module TransferFunctions = TransferFunctions
module InvariantMap = TransferFunctions.CFG.Node.IdMap
module InvariantMap = TransferFunctions.CFG.Node.IdMap
module Domain = TransferFunctions.Domain
module Domain = TransferFunctions.Domain
type invariant_map = Domain.astate state InvariantMap.t
type invariant_map = Domain.astate State.t InvariantMap.t
(** extract the state of node [n] from [inv_map] *)
(** extract the state of node [n] from [inv_map] *)
let extract_state node_id inv_map = InvariantMap.find_opt node_id inv_map
let extract_state node_id inv_map = InvariantMap.find_opt node_id inv_map
(** extract the postcondition of node [n] from [inv_map] *)
(** extract the postcondition of node [n] from [inv_map] *)
let extract_post node_id inv_map =
let extract_post node_id inv_map = extract_state node_id inv_map |> Option.map ~f:State.post
match extract_state node_id inv_map with Some state -> Some state.post | None -> None
(** extract the precondition of node [n] from [inv_map] *)
(** extract the precondition of node [n] from [inv_map] *)
let extract_pre node_id inv_map =
let extract_pre node_id inv_map = extract_state node_id inv_map |> Option.map ~f:State.pre
match extract_state node_id inv_map with Some state -> Some state.pre | None -> None
let debug_absint_operation op node =
let debug_absint_operation op node =
let pp_name fmt =
let pp_name fmt =
@ -92,10 +114,8 @@ struct
NodePrinter.finish_session underlying_node
NodePrinter.finish_session underlying_node
let exec_node node astate_pre work_queue inv_map ({ProcData.pdesc} as proc_data) ~debug =
let exec_instrs ~debug proc_data node node_id ~visit_count pre inv_map =
let node_id = Node.id node in
let on_instrs instrs =
let update_inv_map pre ~visit_count =
let exec_instrs instrs =
if Config.write_html && debug <> DefaultNoExecInstr_UseFromLowerHilAbstractInterpreterOnly
if Config.write_html && debug <> DefaultNoExecInstr_UseFromLowerHilAbstractInterpreterOnly
@ -116,20 +136,27 @@ struct
(Instrs.pp Pp.text) instrs Domain.pp astate_post
(Instrs.pp Pp.text) instrs Domain.pp astate_post
|> Escape.escape_xml ) ;
|> Escape.escape_xml ) ;
NodePrinter.finish_session (Node.underlying_node node) ) ;
NodePrinter.finish_session (Node.underlying_node node) ) ;
let inv_map' = InvariantMap.add node_id {pre; post= astate_post; visit_count} inv_map in
InvariantMap.add node_id {State.pre; post= astate_post; visit_count} inv_map
(inv_map', Scheduler.schedule_succs work_queue node)
(* hack to ensure that we call `exec_instr` on a node even if it has no instructions *)
let instrs = CFG.instrs node in
let instrs = CFG.instrs node in
if Instrs.is_empty instrs then exec_instrs (Instrs.singleton Sil.skip_instr)
if Instrs.is_empty instrs then
else exec_instrs instrs
(* hack to ensure that we call `exec_instr` on a node even if it has no instructions *)
on_instrs (Instrs.singleton Sil.skip_instr)
else on_instrs instrs
let exec_node ~debug ({ProcData.pdesc} as proc_data) node ~is_loop_head astate_pre inv_map =
let node_id = Node.id node in
let update_inv_map pre ~visit_count =
let inv_map' = exec_instrs ~debug proc_data node node_id ~visit_count pre inv_map in
(inv_map', DidNotReachFixPoint)
if InvariantMap.mem node_id inv_map then (
if InvariantMap.mem node_id inv_map then
let old_state = InvariantMap.find node_id inv_map in
let old_state = InvariantMap.find node_id inv_map in
let widened_pre =
let widened_pre =
if CFG.is_loop_head pdesc node then (
if is_loop_head then (
let num_iters = old_state.visit_count in
let num_iters = (old_state.State.visit_count :> int) in
let prev = old_state.pre in
let prev = old_state.State.pre in
let next = astate_pre in
let next = astate_pre in
let res = Domain.widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters in
let res = Domain.widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters in
if Config.write_html then
if Config.write_html then
@ -137,21 +164,16 @@ struct
res )
res )
else astate_pre
else astate_pre
if Domain.( <= ) ~lhs:widened_pre ~rhs:old_state.pre then (inv_map, work_queue)
if Domain.( <= ) ~lhs:widened_pre ~rhs:old_state.State.pre then (inv_map, ReachedFixPoint)
let visit_count' = old_state.visit_count + 1 in
let visit_count' = VisitCount.succ ~pdesc old_state.State.visit_count in
if visit_count' > Config.max_widens then
update_inv_map widened_pre ~visit_count:visit_count'
L.(die InternalError)
"Exceeded max widening threshold %d while analyzing %a. Please check your widening \
(* first time visiting this node *)
operator or increase the threshold"
update_inv_map astate_pre ~visit_count:VisitCount.first_time
Config.max_widens Typ.Procname.pp (Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc) ;
update_inv_map widened_pre ~visit_count:visit_count' )
else (* first time visiting this node *)
update_inv_map astate_pre ~visit_count:1
let rec exec_worklist cfg work_queue inv_map proc_data ~debug =
let compute_pre cfg node inv_map =
let compute_pre node inv_map =
let extract_post_ pred = extract_post (Node.id pred) inv_map in
let extract_post_ pred = extract_post (Node.id pred) inv_map in
CFG.fold_preds cfg node ~init:None ~f:(fun joined_post_opt pred ->
CFG.fold_preds cfg node ~init:None ~f:(fun joined_post_opt pred ->
match extract_post_ pred with
match extract_post_ pred with
@ -166,19 +188,45 @@ struct
if Config.write_html then
if Config.write_html then
debug_absint_operation (`Join (joined_post, post, res)) node ;
debug_absint_operation (`Join (joined_post, post, res)) node ;
Some res ) )
Some res ) )
(** compute and return an invariant map for [pdesc] *)
let make_exec_pdesc ~exec_cfg_internal ({ProcData.pdesc} as proc_data) ~initial =
exec_cfg_internal ~debug:Default (CFG.from_pdesc pdesc) proc_data ~initial
(** compute and return the postcondition of [pdesc] *)
let make_compute_post ~exec_cfg_internal ?(debug = Default) ({ProcData.pdesc} as proc_data)
~initial =
let cfg = CFG.from_pdesc pdesc in
let inv_map = exec_cfg_internal ~debug cfg proc_data ~initial in
extract_post (Node.id (CFG.exit_node cfg)) inv_map
module MakeWithScheduler
(Scheduler : Scheduler.S)
(TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL with module CFG = Scheduler.CFG) =
include AbstractInterpreterCommon (TransferFunctions)
let rec exec_worklist ~debug cfg ({ProcData.pdesc} as proc_data) work_queue inv_map =
match Scheduler.pop work_queue with
match Scheduler.pop work_queue with
| Some (_, [], work_queue') ->
| Some (_, [], work_queue') ->
exec_worklist cfg work_queue' inv_map proc_data ~debug
exec_worklist ~debug cfg proc_data work_queue' inv_map
| Some (node, _, work_queue') ->
| Some (node, _, work_queue') ->
let inv_map_post, work_queue_post =
let inv_map_post, work_queue_post =
match compute_pre node inv_map with
match compute_pre cfg node inv_map with
| Some astate_pre ->
| Some astate_pre -> (
exec_node node astate_pre work_queue' inv_map proc_data ~debug
let is_loop_head = CFG.is_loop_head pdesc node in
match exec_node ~debug proc_data node ~is_loop_head astate_pre inv_map with
| inv_map, ReachedFixPoint ->
(inv_map, work_queue')
| inv_map, DidNotReachFixPoint ->
(inv_map, Scheduler.schedule_succs work_queue' node) )
| None ->
| None ->
(inv_map, work_queue')
(inv_map, work_queue')
exec_worklist cfg work_queue_post inv_map_post proc_data ~debug
exec_worklist ~debug cfg proc_data work_queue_post inv_map_post
| None ->
| None ->
@ -186,25 +234,22 @@ struct
(* compute and return an invariant map for [cfg] *)
(* compute and return an invariant map for [cfg] *)
let exec_cfg_internal ~debug cfg proc_data ~initial =
let exec_cfg_internal ~debug cfg proc_data ~initial =
let start_node = CFG.start_node cfg in
let start_node = CFG.start_node cfg in
let inv_map', work_queue' =
let inv_map, _did_not_reach_fix_point =
exec_node start_node initial (Scheduler.empty cfg) InvariantMap.empty proc_data ~debug
exec_node ~debug proc_data start_node ~is_loop_head:false initial InvariantMap.empty
exec_worklist cfg work_queue' inv_map' proc_data ~debug
let work_queue = Scheduler.schedule_succs (Scheduler.empty cfg) start_node in
exec_worklist ~debug cfg proc_data work_queue inv_map
let exec_cfg = exec_cfg_internal ~debug:Default
let exec_cfg = exec_cfg_internal ~debug:Default
(* compute and return an invariant map for [pdesc] *)
let exec_pdesc = make_exec_pdesc ~exec_cfg_internal
let exec_pdesc ({ProcData.pdesc} as proc_data) = exec_cfg (CFG.from_pdesc pdesc) proc_data
(* compute and return the postcondition of [pdesc] *)
let compute_post = make_compute_post ~exec_cfg_internal
let compute_post ?(debug = Default) ({ProcData.pdesc} as proc_data) ~initial =
let cfg = CFG.from_pdesc pdesc in
let inv_map = exec_cfg_internal cfg proc_data ~initial ~debug in
extract_post (Node.id (CFG.exit_node cfg)) inv_map
module MakeWithScheduler (C : ProcCfg.S) (S : Scheduler.Make) (T : TransferFunctions.MakeSIL) =
module type Make = functor (TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL) -> S
MakeNoCFG (S (C)) (T (C))
with module TransferFunctions = TransferFunctions
module Make (C : ProcCfg.S) (T : TransferFunctions.MakeSIL) =
MakeWithScheduler (C) (Scheduler.ReversePostorder) (T)
module MakeRPO (T : TransferFunctions.SIL) =
MakeWithScheduler (Scheduler.ReversePostorder (T.CFG)) (T)