@ -22,9 +22,6 @@ open CFrontend_utils
(* - If it is a declaration invoke it from run_frontend_checkers_on_decl *)
(* Helper functions *)
let location_from_sinfo info =
CLocation.get_sil_location_from_range info.Clang_ast_t.si_source_range true
let location_from_stmt stmt =
let info, _ = Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_tuple stmt in
CLocation.get_sil_location_from_range info.Clang_ast_t.si_source_range true
@ -109,6 +106,38 @@ let ctl_ns_notification decl =
} in
condition, issue_desc
(* BAD_POINTER_COMPARISON: Fires whenever a NSNumber is dangerously coerced to
a boolean in a comparison *)
let ctl_bad_pointer_comparison_warning stmt =
let open CTL in
let is_binop = Atomic ("is_stmt", ["BinaryOperator"]) in
let is_binop_eq = Atomic ("is_binop_with_kind", ["EQ"]) in
let is_binop_ne = Atomic ("is_binop_with_kind", ["NE"]) in
let is_binop_neq = Or (is_binop_eq, is_binop_ne) in
let is_unop_lnot = Atomic ("is_unop_with_kind", ["LNot"]) in
let is_implicit_cast_expr = Atomic ("is_stmt", ["ImplicitCastExpr"]) in
let is_expr_with_cleanups = Atomic ("is_stmt", ["ExprWithCleanups"]) in
let is_nsnumber = Atomic ("isa", ["NSNumber"]) in
NOT is_binop_neq AND
(is_expr_with_cleanups OR is_implicit_cast_expr OR is_binop OR is_unop_lnot)
UNTIL is_nsnumber
let p = Or (is_expr_with_cleanups, Or (is_implicit_cast_expr, Or (is_binop, is_unop_lnot))) in
let p' = And (Not is_binop_neq, p) in
let condition = EU (p', is_nsnumber) in
let issue_desc =
{ CIssue.
issue = CIssue.Bad_pointer_comparison;
description = "Implicitly checking whether NSNumber pointer is nil";
suggestion =
Some ("Did you mean to compare against the unboxed value instead? " ^
"Please either explicitly compare the NSNumber instance to nil, " ^
"or use one of the NSNumber accessors before the comparison.");
loc = location_from_stmt stmt
} in
condition, issue_desc
(* name_contains_delegate AND not name_contains_queue AND is_strong_property *)
let ctl_strong_delegate dec =
let open CTL in
@ -247,44 +276,14 @@ let captured_cxx_ref_in_objc_block_warning lcxt stmt =
Some issue_desc
else None
(* BAD_POINTER_COMPARISON: Fires whenever a NSNumber is dangerously coerced to
a boolean in a comparison *)
let bad_pointer_comparison_warning _ stmt_info stmts =
let rec condition stmts =
let condition_aux stmt =
match (stmt: Clang_ast_t.stmt) with
| BinaryOperator (_, _, _, boi) when
(boi.boi_kind = `EQ) || (boi.boi_kind = `NE) -> false
| BinaryOperator (_, stmts, _, _) -> condition stmts
| UnaryOperator (_, stmts, _, uoi) when uoi.uoi_kind = `LNot ->
condition stmts
| ImplicitCastExpr (_, stmts, _, _)
| ExprWithCleanups (_, stmts, _, _) ->
condition stmts
| stmt ->
match Clang_ast_proj.get_expr_tuple stmt with
| Some (_, _, expr_info) ->
let typ = CFrontend_utils.Ast_utils.get_desugared_type expr_info.ei_type_ptr in
CFrontend_utils.Ast_utils.is_ptr_to_objc_class typ "NSNumber"
| _ -> false in
IList.exists condition_aux stmts in
if condition stmts then
Some { CIssue.
issue = CIssue.Bad_pointer_comparison;
description = "Implicitly checking whether NSNumber pointer is nil";
suggestion =
Some ("Did you mean to compare against the unboxed value instead? " ^
"Please either explicitly compare the NSNumber instance to nil, " ^
"or use one of the NSNumber accessors before the comparison.");
loc = location_from_sinfo stmt_info
let checker_NSNotificationCenter lcxt dec =
let condition, issue_desc = ctl_ns_notification dec in
if CTL.eval_formula condition (CTL.Decl dec) lcxt then
Some issue_desc
else None
let bad_pointer_comparison_warning lcxt stmt =
let condition, issue_desc = ctl_bad_pointer_comparison_warning stmt in
if CTL.eval_formula condition (CTL.Stmt stmt) lcxt then
Some issue_desc
else None