@ -8,13 +8,28 @@
open! NS0
open! NS0
include NSSet_intf
include NSSet_intf
module Make (Elt : sig
type ('elt, 'compare_elt) t = ('elt, 'compare_elt) Set.t
type t [@@deriving compare, sexp_of]
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
end) : S with type elt = Elt.t = struct
module S = Stdlib.Set.Make [@inlined] (Elt)
type 'compare_elt compare = 'compare_elt Set.compare
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
module Make_from_Comparer (Elt : sig
type t [@@deriving equal, sexp_of]
include Comparer.S with type t := t
end) =
module S = Set.Make [@inlined] (Elt)
type elt = Elt.t
type elt = Elt.t
type t = S.t [@@deriving compare, equal]
type compare_elt = Elt.compare
type t = S.t [@@deriving compare]
type compare = S.compare [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
let comparer = S.comparer
include S.Provide_equal (Elt)
module Provide_hash (Elt : sig
module Provide_hash (Elt : sig
type t = elt [@@deriving hash]
type t = elt [@@deriving hash]
@ -34,21 +49,12 @@ end) : S with type elt = Elt.t = struct
let hash = Hash.of_fold hash_fold_t
let hash = Hash.of_fold hash_fold_t
let to_list = S.elements
include S.Provide_sexp_of (Elt)
let sexp_of_t s = to_list s |> Sexplib.Conv.sexp_of_list Elt.sexp_of_t
module Provide_of_sexp = S.Provide_of_sexp
module Provide_of_sexp (Elt : sig
type t = elt [@@deriving of_sexp]
end) =
let t_of_sexp s =
s |> Sexplib.Conv.list_of_sexp Elt.t_of_sexp |> S.of_list
let empty = S.empty
let empty = S.empty
let of_ = S.singleton
let of_ = S.singleton
let of_option xo = Option.map_or ~f:S.singleton xo ~default:empty
let of_option xo = Option.map_or ~f:S.singleton xo ~default:empty
let of_list = S.of_list
let add x s = S.add x s
let add x s = S.add x s
let add_option = Option.fold ~f:add
let add_option = Option.fold ~f:add
let add_list xs s = S.union (S.of_list xs) s
let add_list xs s = S.union (S.of_list xs) s
@ -118,6 +124,8 @@ end) : S with type elt = Elt.t = struct
let reduce xs ~f =
let reduce xs ~f =
match pop xs with Some (x, xs) -> Some (fold ~f xs x) | None -> None
match pop xs with Some (x, xs) -> Some (fold ~f xs x) | None -> None
let to_list = S.elements
let of_list = S.of_list
let to_iter s = Iter.from_iter (fun f -> S.iter f s)
let to_iter s = Iter.from_iter (fun f -> S.iter f s)
let of_iter s = Iter.fold ~f:add s S.empty
let of_iter s = Iter.fold ~f:add s S.empty
@ -139,3 +147,12 @@ end) : S with type elt = Elt.t = struct
module Make (Elt : sig
type t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
end) =
Make_from_Comparer (struct
include Elt
include Comparer.Make (Elt)