@ -1908,8 +1908,8 @@ and proc_call ?dynamic_dispatch exe_env callee_summary
(* * perform symbolic execution for a single prop, and check for junk *)
and sym_exec_wrapper exe_env handle_exn tenv proc_cfg instr ( ( prop : Prop . normal Prop . t ) , path )
: Paths . PathSet . t =
and sym_exec_wrapper exe_env handle_exn tenv summary proc_cfg instr
(( prop : Prop . normal Prop . t ) , path ) : Paths . PathSet . t =
let pname = Procdesc . get_proc_name ( ProcCfg . Exceptional . proc_desc proc_cfg ) in
let prop_primed_to_normal p =
(* Rename primed vars with fresh normal vars, and return them *)
@ -1950,7 +1950,7 @@ and sym_exec_wrapper exe_env handle_exn tenv proc_cfg instr ((prop: Prop.normal
(* Check for retain cycles after assignments and method calls *)
( match instr with
| ( Sil . Store _ | Sil . Call _ ) when ! Config . footprint ->
List . iter ~ f : ( RetainCycles . report_cycle tenv pname ) [ p ]
List . iter ~ f : ( RetainCycles . report_cycle tenv summary ) [ p ]
| _ ->
() ) ;
let node_has_abstraction node =
@ -2000,7 +2000,7 @@ and sym_exec_wrapper exe_env handle_exn tenv proc_cfg instr ((prop: Prop.normal
(* * {2 Lifted Abstract Transfer Functions} *)
let node handle_exn exe_env tenv proc_cfg ( node : ProcCfg . Exceptional . Node . t )
let node handle_exn exe_env tenv summary proc_cfg ( node : ProcCfg . Exceptional . Node . t )
( pset : Paths . PathSet . t ) : Paths . PathSet . t =
let pname = Procdesc . get_proc_name ( ProcCfg . Exceptional . proc_desc proc_cfg ) in
let exe_instr_prop instr p tr ( pset1 : Paths . PathSet . t ) =
@ -2015,7 +2015,7 @@ let node handle_exn exe_env tenv proc_cfg (node: ProcCfg.Exceptional.Node.t)
Sil . d_instr instr ;
L . d_strln " due to exception " ;
Paths . PathSet . from_renamed_list [ ( p , tr ) ] )
else sym_exec_wrapper exe_env handle_exn tenv proc_cfg instr ( p , tr )
else sym_exec_wrapper exe_env handle_exn tenv summary proc_cfg instr ( p , tr )
Paths . PathSet . union pset2 pset1