@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
* )
open ! IStd
module AccessExpression = HilExp . AccessExpression
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module MF = MarkupFormatter
@ -23,16 +24,18 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
type extras = ProcData . no_extras
let add_access loc ~ is_write_access locks threads ownership ( proc_data : extras ProcData . t )
access es exp =
access _domain exp =
let open Domain in
let pdesc = Summary . get_proc_desc proc_data . summary in
let rec add_field_accesses prefix_path acc = function
| [] ->
| access :: access_list ->
let prefix_path' = ( fst prefix_path , snd prefix_path @ [ access ] ) in
if RacerDModels . is_safe_access access prefix_path proc_data . tenv then
add_field_accesses prefix_path' acc access_list
let prefix_path' = Option . value_exn ( AccessExpression . add_access prefix_path access ) in
( not ( HilExp . Access . is_field_or_array_access access ) )
| | RacerDModels . is_safe_access access prefix_path proc_data . tenv
then add_field_accesses prefix_path' acc access_list
let is_write = List . is_empty access_list && is_write_access in
let access = TraceElem . make_field_access prefix_path' ~ is_write loc in
@ -41,9 +44,9 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let access_acc' = AccessDomain . add_opt snapshot_opt acc in
add_field_accesses prefix_path' access_acc' access_list
List . fold ( HilExp . get_access_exprs exp ) ~ init : access es ~ f : ( fun acc access_expr ->
let base , accesses = HilExp. AccessExpression . to_access_path access_expr in
add_field_accesses ( base , [] ) acc accesses )
List . fold ( HilExp . get_access_exprs exp ) ~ init : access _domain ~ f : ( fun acc access_expr ->
let base , accesses = AccessExpression. to_accesses access_expr in
add_field_accesses base acc accesses )
let make_container_access ret_base callee_pname ~ is_write receiver_ap callee_loc tenv
@ -66,7 +69,9 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
| _ ->
OwnershipAbstractValue . unowned
let ownership = OwnershipDomain . add ( ret_base , [] ) ownership_value astate . ownership in
let ownership =
OwnershipDomain . add ( AccessExpression . base ret_base ) ownership_value astate . ownership
let accesses = AccessDomain . add_opt callee_access astate . accesses in
Some { astate with accesses ; ownership }
@ -83,32 +88,32 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let open Domain in
if AccessDomain . is_empty accesses then accesses
let rec get_access_ path = function
let rec get_access_ ex p = function
| HilExp . AccessExpression access_expr ->
Some ( HilExp . AccessExpression . to_access_path access_expr )
Some access_expr
| HilExp . Cast ( _ , e ) | HilExp . Exception e ->
get_access_ path e
get_access_ ex p e
| _ ->
let formal_map = FormalMap . make pdesc in
let expand_ path ( ( base , accesses ) as path ) =
match FormalMap . get_formal_index base formal_map with
let expand_ exp exp =
match FormalMap . get_formal_index ( AccessExpression . get_ base exp ) formal_map with
| Some formal_index -> (
match List . nth actuals formal_index with
| Some actual_exp -> (
match get_access_ path actual_exp with
match get_access_ ex p actual_exp with
| Some actual ->
Access Path. append actual accesses
Access Expression. append ~ onto : actual exp | > Option . value ~ default : exp
| None ->
path )
ex p )
| None ->
path )
ex p )
| None ->
ex p
let add snapshot acc =
let access' = TraceElem . map ~ f : expand_ path snapshot . AccessSnapshot . access in
let access' = TraceElem . map ~ f : expand_ ex p snapshot . AccessSnapshot . access in
let snapshot_opt' = AccessSnapshot . make_from_snapshot access' snapshot in
AccessDomain . add_opt snapshot_opt' acc
@ -125,16 +130,15 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
(* the actual is a constant, so it's owned in the caller. *)
Conjunction actual_indexes
| HilExp . AccessExpression access_expr -> (
let actual_access_path = HilExp . AccessExpression . to_access_path access_expr in
match OwnershipDomain . get_owned actual_access_path caller_astate . ownership with
match OwnershipDomain . get_owned access_expr caller_astate . ownership with
| OwnedIf formal_indexes ->
(* access path conditionally owned if [formal_indexes] are owned *)
(* conditionally owned if [formal_indexes] are owned *)
Conjunction ( IntSet . union formal_indexes actual_indexes )
| Unowned ->
(* access path not rooted in a formal and not conditionally owned *)
(* not rooted in a formal and not conditionally owned *)
False )
| _ ->
(* couldn't find access path , don't know if it's owned. assume not *)
(* couldn't find access expr , don't know if it's owned. assume not *)
let update_ownership_precondition actual_index ( acc : AccessSnapshot . OwnershipPrecondition . t ) =
@ -174,7 +178,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
AccessDomain . fold update_callee_access callee_accesses caller_astate . accesses
let call_without_summary callee_pname ret_ access_path call_flags actuals astate =
let call_without_summary callee_pname ret_ base call_flags actuals astate =
let open RacerDModels in
let open RacerDDomain in
let should_assume_returns_ownership ( call_flags : CallFlags . t ) actuals =
@ -186,7 +190,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
( Procdesc . get_attributes callee_pdesc ) . ProcAttributes . is_abstract
match Procdesc . get_formals callee_pdesc with
| [ ( _ , typ ) ] when Typ . equal typ ( ret_access_path | > fst | > snd ) ->
| [ ( _ , typ ) ] when Typ . equal typ ( snd ret_base ) ->
| _ ->
false )
@ -194,11 +198,12 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
if is_box callee_pname then
match actuals with
| HilExp . AccessExpression actual_access_expr :: _ ->
let actual_ap = HilExp . AccessExpression . to_access_path actual_access_expr in
if AttributeMapDomain . has_attribute actual_ap Functional astate . attribute_map then
if AttributeMapDomain . has_attribute actual_access_expr Functional astate . attribute_map
(* TODO: check for constants, which are functional? *)
let attribute_map =
AttributeMapDomain . add_attribute ret_access_path Functional astate . attribute_map
AttributeMapDomain . add_attribute ( AccessExpression . base ret_base ) Functional
astate . attribute_map
{ astate with attribute_map }
else astate
@ -207,14 +212,15 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
else if should_assume_returns_ownership call_flags actuals then
(* assume non-interface methods with no summary and no parameters return ownership *)
let ownership =
OwnershipDomain . add ret_access_path OwnershipAbstractValue . owned astate . ownership
OwnershipDomain . add ( AccessExpression . base ret_base ) OwnershipAbstractValue . owned
astate . ownership
{ astate with ownership }
else if is_abstract_getthis_like callee_pname then
(* assume abstract, single-parameter methods whose return type is equal to that of the first
formal return conditional ownership - - an example is getThis in Litho * )
let ownership =
OwnershipDomain . add ret_access_path
OwnershipDomain . add ( AccessExpression . base ret_base )
( OwnershipAbstractValue . make_owned_if 0 )
astate . ownership
@ -228,7 +234,8 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
if RacerDModels . acquires_ownership procname tenv then
let astate = add_reads actuals loc astate proc_data in
let ownership =
OwnershipDomain . add ( ret_base , [] ) OwnershipAbstractValue . owned astate . ownership
OwnershipDomain . add ( AccessExpression . base ret_base ) OwnershipAbstractValue . owned
astate . ownership
Some { astate with ownership }
else None
@ -240,11 +247,10 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
Option . bind ( get_container_access callee_pname tenv ) ~ f : ( fun container_access ->
match List . hd actuals with
| Some ( HilExp . AccessExpression receiver_expr ) ->
let receiver_ap = HilExp . AccessExpression . to_access_path receiver_expr in
let is_write =
match container_access with ContainerWrite -> true | ContainerRead -> false
make_container_access ret_base callee_pname ~ is_write receiver_ ap loc tenv
make_container_access ret_base callee_pname ~ is_write receiver_ expr loc tenv
( Summary . get_proc_desc summary ) astate
| _ ->
L . internal_error " Call to %a is marked as a container write, but has no receiver "
@ -258,7 +264,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let open RacerDModels in
let open ConcurrencyModels in
let pdesc = Summary . get_proc_desc summary in
let ret_access_ path = ( ret_base , [] ) in
let ret_access_ exp = AccessExpression . base ret_base in
let astate =
if RacerDModels . should_flag_interface_call tenv actuals call_flags callee_pname then
Domain . add_unannotated_call_access callee_pname loc pdesc astate
@ -272,7 +278,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
{ astate with threads = ThreadsDomain . AnyThreadButSelf }
| MainThreadIfTrue ->
let attribute_map =
AttributeMapDomain . add_attribute ret_access_ path ( Choice Choice . OnMainThread )
AttributeMapDomain . add_attribute ret_access_ ex p ( Choice Choice . OnMainThread )
astate . attribute_map
{ astate with attribute_map }
@ -304,7 +310,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
; threads = update_for_lock_use astate . threads }
| LockedIfTrue _ | GuardLockedIfTrue _ ->
let attribute_map =
AttributeMapDomain . add_attribute ret_access_ path ( Choice Choice . LockHeld )
AttributeMapDomain . add_attribute ret_access_ ex p ( Choice Choice . LockHeld )
astate . attribute_map
{ astate with attribute_map ; threads = update_for_lock_use astate . threads }
@ -329,11 +335,11 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
add_callee_accesses astate accesses locks threads actuals callee_pname pdesc loc
let ownership =
OwnershipDomain . propagate_return ret_access_ path return_ownership actuals
OwnershipDomain . propagate_return ret_access_ ex p return_ownership actuals
astate . ownership
let attribute_map =
AttributeMapDomain . add ret_access_ path return_attributes astate . attribute_map
AttributeMapDomain . add ret_access_ ex p return_attributes astate . attribute_map
let threads =
ThreadsDomain . integrate_summary ~ caller_astate : astate . threads
@ -341,11 +347,11 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
{ locks ; threads ; accesses ; ownership ; attribute_map }
| None ->
call_without_summary callee_pname ret_ access_path call_flags actuals astate )
call_without_summary callee_pname ret_ base call_flags actuals astate )
let add_if_annotated predicate attribute attribute_map =
if PatternMatch . override_exists predicate tenv callee_pname then
AttributeMapDomain . add_attribute ret_access_ path attribute attribute_map
AttributeMapDomain . add_attribute ret_access_ ex p attribute attribute_map
else attribute_map
let attribute_map = add_if_annotated is_functional Functional astate_callee . attribute_map in
@ -354,29 +360,25 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
PatternMatch . override_exists
( has_return_annot Annotations . ia_is_returns_ownership )
tenv callee_pname
then OwnershipDomain . add ret_access_ path OwnershipAbstractValue . owned astate_callee . ownership
then OwnershipDomain . add ret_access_ ex p OwnershipAbstractValue . owned astate_callee . ownership
else astate_callee . ownership
{ astate_callee with ownership ; attribute_map }
let do_assignment lhs_access_expr rhs_exp loc ( { ProcData . tenv } as proc_data ) ( astate : Domain . t )
let do_assignment lhs_access_exp rhs_exp loc ( { ProcData . tenv } as proc_data ) ( astate : Domain . t ) =
let open Domain in
let lhs_access_path = HilExp . AccessExpression . to_access_path lhs_access_expr in
let rhs_accesses =
add_access loc ~ is_write_access : false astate . locks astate . threads astate . ownership proc_data
astate . accesses rhs_exp
let rhs_access_paths =
HilExp . AccessExpression . to_access_paths ( HilExp . get_access_exprs rhs_exp )
let rhs_access_exprs = HilExp . get_access_exprs rhs_exp in
let is_functional =
( not ( List . is_empty rhs_access_ path s) )
&& List . for_all rhs_access_ path s ~ f : ( fun access_ path ->
AttributeMapDomain . has_attribute access_ path Functional astate . attribute_map )
( not ( List . is_empty rhs_access_exprs ) )
&& List . for_all rhs_access_ expr s ~ f : ( fun access_ ex p ->
AttributeMapDomain . has_attribute access_ ex p Functional astate . attribute_map )
match Access Path. get_typ lhs_access_path tenv with
match Access Expression. get_typ lhs_access_exp tenv with
| Some { Typ . desc = Typ . Tint ILong | Tfloat FDouble } ->
(* writes to longs and doubles are not guaranteed to be atomic in Java
( http : // docs . oracle . com / javase / specs / jls / se7 / html / jls - 17 . html # jls - 17 . 7 ) , so there
@ -392,13 +394,11 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
add_access loc ~ is_write_access : true astate . locks astate . threads astate . ownership proc_data
rhs_accesses ( HilExp . AccessExpression lhs_access_expr )
let ownership =
OwnershipDomain . propagate_assignment lhs_access_path rhs_exp astate . ownership
rhs_accesses ( HilExp . AccessExpression lhs_access_exp )
let ownership = OwnershipDomain . propagate_assignment lhs_access_exp rhs_exp astate . ownership in
let attribute_map =
AttributeMapDomain . propagate_assignment lhs_access_ path rhs_exp astate . attribute_map
AttributeMapDomain . propagate_assignment lhs_access_ ex p rhs_exp astate . attribute_map
{ astate with accesses ; ownership ; attribute_map }
@ -416,8 +416,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
evaluating it * )
and eval_bexp var = function
| HilExp . AccessExpression access_expr ->
if AccessPath . equal ( HilExp . AccessExpression . to_access_path access_expr ) var then Some true
else None
if AccessExpression . equal access_expr var then Some true else None
| HilExp . Constant c ->
Some ( not ( Const . iszero_int_float c ) )
| HilExp . UnaryOperator ( Unop . LNot , e , _ ) ->
@ -458,10 +457,9 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let astate' =
match HilExp . get_access_exprs assume_exp with
| [ access_expr ] ->
let access_path = HilExp . AccessExpression . to_access_path access_expr in
eval_bexp access_path assume_exp
eval_bexp access_expr assume_exp
| > Option . fold ~ init : astate ~ f : ( fun init bool_value ->
let choices = AttributeMapDomain . get_choices access_ path astate . attribute_map in
let choices = AttributeMapDomain . get_choices access_ expr astate . attribute_map in
(* prune ( prune_exp ) can only evaluate to true if the choice is [bool_value].
add the constraint that the choice must be [ bool_value ] to the state * )
List . fold ~ f : ( add_choice bool_value ) ~ init choices )
@ -525,7 +523,7 @@ let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.exe_env; summary} =
let add_owned_local acc ( var_data : ProcAttributes . var_data ) =
let pvar = Pvar . mk var_data . name proc_name in
let base = AccessPath . base_of_pvar pvar var_data . typ in
OwnershipDomain . add ( base , [] ) OwnershipAbstractValue . owned acc
OwnershipDomain . add ( AccessExpression . base base ) OwnershipAbstractValue . owned acc
(* Add ownership to local variables. In cpp, stack-allocated local
variables cannot be raced on as every thread has its own stack .
@ -543,13 +541,13 @@ let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.exe_env; summary} =
OwnershipAbstractValue . owned
else OwnershipAbstractValue . make_owned_if formal_index
OwnershipDomain . add ( formal , [] ) ownership_value acc
OwnershipDomain . add ( AccessExpression . base formal ) ownership_value acc
if is_initializer tenv proc_name then
let add_owned_formal acc formal_index =
match FormalMap . get_formal_base formal_index formal_map with
| Some base ->
OwnershipDomain . add ( base , [] ) OwnershipAbstractValue . owned acc
OwnershipDomain . add ( AccessExpression . base base ) OwnershipAbstractValue . owned acc
| None ->
@ -579,12 +577,13 @@ let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.exe_env; summary} =
match Analyzer . compute_post proc_data ~ initial with
| Some { threads ; locks ; accesses ; ownership ; attribute_map } ->
let return_var_ap =
AccessPath . of_pvar ( Pvar . get_ret_pvar proc_name ) ( Procdesc . get_ret_type proc_desc )
let return_var_exp =
AccessExpression . base
( Var . of_pvar ( Pvar . get_ret_pvar proc_name ) , Procdesc . get_ret_type proc_desc )
let return_ownership = OwnershipDomain . get_owned return_var_ a p ownership in
let return_ownership = OwnershipDomain . get_owned return_var_ ex p ownership in
let return_attributes =
try AttributeMapDomain . find return_var_ a p attribute_map
try AttributeMapDomain . find return_var_ ex p attribute_map
with Caml . Not_found -> AttributeSetDomain . empty
let post = { threads ; locks ; accesses ; return_ownership ; return_attributes } in
@ -675,27 +674,27 @@ let get_reporting_explanation report_kind tenv pname thread =
else get_reporting_explanation_cpp
let pp_container_access fmt ( access_ path , access_pname ) =
let pp_container_access fmt ( access_ ex p, access_pname ) =
F . fprintf fmt " container %a via call to %s "
( MF . wrap_monospaced AccessPath . pp )
( AccessExpression . to_ access_path access_exp )
( MF . monospaced_to_string ( Typ . Procname . get_method access_pname ) )
let pp_access fmt ( t : RacerDDomain . TraceElem . t ) =
match t . elem with
| Read { path } | Write { path } ->
( MF . wrap_monospaced AccessPath . pp ) fmt path
| ContainerRead { path ; pname } | ContainerWrite { path ; pname } ->
pp_container_access fmt ( path , pname )
| Read { ex p} | Write { ex p} ->
( MF . wrap_monospaced AccessPath . pp ) fmt ( AccessExpression . to_access_ path exp )
| ContainerRead { ex p; pname } | ContainerWrite { ex p; pname } ->
pp_container_access fmt ( ex p, pname )
| InterfaceCall _ as access ->
RacerDDomain . Access . pp fmt access
let make_trace ~ report_kind original_ path =
let make_trace ~ report_kind original_ ex p =
let open RacerDDomain in
let loc_trace_of_path path = TraceElem . make_loc_trace path in
let original_trace = loc_trace_of_path original_ path in
let original_trace = loc_trace_of_path original_ ex p in
let get_end_loc trace = Option . map ( List . last trace ) ~ f : ( function { Errlog . lt_loc } -> lt_loc ) in
let original_end = get_end_loc original_trace in
let make_with_conflicts conflict_sink original_trace ~ label1 ~ label2 =
@ -820,17 +819,18 @@ let empty_reported =
{ reported_sites ; reported_reads ; reported_writes ; reported_unannotated_calls }
(* decide if we should throw away a path before doing safety analysis
(* decide if we should throw away a n access before doing safety analysis
for now , just check for whether the access is within a switch - map
that is auto - generated by Java . * )
let should_filter_access path _opt =
let should_filter_access ex p_opt =
let check_access = function
| AccessPath . ArrayAccess _ ->
| AccessPath . FieldAccess fld ->
| HilExp . Access . FieldAccess fld ->
String . is_substring ~ substring : " $SwitchMap " ( Typ . Fieldname . to_string fld )
| _ ->
Option . exists path_opt ~ f : ( fun ( _ , path ) -> List . exists path ~ f : check_access )
Option . exists exp_opt ~ f : ( fun exp ->
AccessExpression . to_accesses exp | > snd | > List . exists ~ f : check_access )
(* *
@ -868,10 +868,10 @@ end = struct
let of_access ( access : RacerDDomain . Access . t ) =
match access with
| Read { path } | Write { path } ->
Location path
| ContainerRead { path } | ContainerWrite { path } ->
Container path
| Read { ex p} | Write { ex p} ->
Location ( AccessExpression . to_access_ path exp )
| ContainerRead { ex p} | ContainerWrite { ex p} ->
Container ( AccessExpression . to_access_ path exp )
| InterfaceCall pn ->
Call pn
@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ end = struct
let add ( rep : reported_access ) map =
let access = rep . snapshot . access . elem in
if RacerDDomain . Access . get_access_ path access | > should_filter_access then map
if RacerDDomain . Access . get_access_ ex p access | > should_filter_access then map
let k = Key . of_access access in
M . update k ( function None -> Some [ rep ] | Some reps -> Some ( rep :: reps ) ) map
@ -944,8 +944,13 @@ let should_report_guardedby_violation classname_str ({snapshot; tenv; procdesc}
&& Procdesc . get_proc_name procdesc | > Typ . Procname . is_java
(* restrict check to access paths of length one *)
match RacerDDomain . Access . get_access_path snapshot . access . elem with
| Some ( ( _ , base_type ) , [ AccessPath . FieldAccess field_name ] ) -> (
RacerDDomain . Access . get_access_exp snapshot . access . elem
| > Option . map ~ f : AccessExpression . to_accesses
| > Option . map ~ f : ( fun ( base , accesses ) ->
( base , List . filter accesses ~ f : HilExp . Access . is_field_or_array_access ) )
| Some ( AccessExpression . Base ( _ , base_type ) , [ HilExp . Access . FieldAccess field_name ] ) -> (
match base_type . desc with
| Tstruct base_name | Tptr ( { desc = Tstruct base_name } , _ ) ->
(* is the base class a subclass of the one containing the GuardedBy annotation? *)