[sledge] Initial Shostak-style treatment of UIF+LIA

This patch adds an embarrassingly inefficient implementation of a
decision procedure for equality in the theories of uninterpreted
functions and linear arithmetic. A Shostak-style approach, where a
single congruence closure structure is shared by all theories, is
used. This is mostly based on the corrected variant of Shostak's
algorithm from:

Harald Rueβ and Natarajan Shankar. 2001. Deconstructing Shostak. In
Proceedings of the 16th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer
Science (LICS '01).

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D14251655

fbshipit-source-id: 8a080145f
Josh Berdine 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent e56646674f
commit cd63204dba

@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ let count_and_remove m x =
if Q.equal !found Q.zero then None else Some (!found, m) if Q.equal !found Q.zero then None else Some (!found, m)
let min_elt = Map.min_elt let min_elt = Map.min_elt
let min_elt_exn = Map.min_elt_exn
let fold m ~f ~init = Map.fold m ~f:(fun ~key ~data s -> f key data s) ~init let fold m ~f ~init = Map.fold m ~f:(fun ~key ~data s -> f key data s) ~init
let map m ~f = let map m ~f =

@ -103,5 +103,8 @@ val iter : ('a, _) t -> f:('a -> Q.t -> unit) -> unit
val min_elt : ('a, _) t -> ('a * Q.t) option val min_elt : ('a, _) t -> ('a * Q.t) option
(** Minimum element. *) (** Minimum element. *)
val min_elt_exn : ('a, _) t -> 'a * Q.t
(** Minimum element. *)
val to_list : ('a, _) t -> ('a * Q.t) list val to_list : ('a, _) t -> ('a * Q.t) list
(** Convert to a list of elements in ascending order. *) (** Convert to a list of elements in ascending order. *)

@ -362,6 +362,8 @@ let typ_of = function
Some Typ.bool Some Typ.bool
| _ -> None | _ -> None
let typ = typ_of
let type_check typ e = let type_check typ e =
assert (Option.for_all ~f:(Typ.castable typ) (typ_of e)) assert (Option.for_all ~f:(Typ.castable typ) (typ_of e))
@ -1287,3 +1289,34 @@ let rec is_constant = function
| Add {args} | Mul {args} -> | Add {args} | Mul {args} ->
Qset.for_all ~f:(fun arg _ -> is_constant arg) args Qset.for_all ~f:(fun arg _ -> is_constant arg) args
| _ -> true | _ -> true
let classify = function
| Add _ | Mul _ -> `Interpreted
| App _ -> `Uninterpreted
| _ -> `Atomic
let solve e f =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" pp e pp f]
( match (typ e, typ f) with
| Some typ, _ | _, Some typ -> (
match sub typ e f with
| Add {args} ->
let c, q = Qset.min_elt_exn args in
let n = Sum.to_exp typ (Qset.remove args c) in
let d = rational (Q.neg q) typ in
let r = div n d in
Some (c, r)
| e_f ->
let z = integer Z.zero typ in
if is_constant e_f && not (equal e_f z) then None else Some (e_f, z)
| _ ->
let ord = compare e f in
if is_constant e && is_constant f && ord <> 0 then None
else if ord < 0 then Some (f, e)
else Some (e, f) )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} ->
| Some (e, f) -> pf "%a @<2>↦ %a" pp e pp f | None -> pf "false"]

@ -221,3 +221,6 @@ val is_true : t -> bool
val is_false : t -> bool val is_false : t -> bool
val is_simple : t -> bool val is_simple : t -> bool
val is_constant : t -> bool val is_constant : t -> bool
val typ : t -> Typ.t option
val classify : t -> [> `Atomic | `Interpreted | `Uninterpreted]
val solve : t -> t -> (t * t) option

@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Equality over uninterpreted functions and linear rational arithmetic *)
type 'a exp_map = 'a Map.M(Exp).t [@@deriving compare, sexp]
let empty_map = Map.empty (module Exp)
type subst = Exp.t exp_map [@@deriving compare, sexp]
(** see also [invariant] *)
type t =
{ sat: bool (** [false] only if constraints are inconsistent *)
; rep: subst
(** functional set of oriented equations: map [a] to [a'],
indicating that [a = a'] holds, and that [a'] is the
'rep(resentative)' of [a] *) }
[@@deriving compare, sexp]
(** Pretty-printing *)
let pp fs {sat; rep} =
let pp_alist pp_k pp_v fs alist =
let pp_assoc fs (k, v) =
Format.fprintf fs "[@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" pp_k k pp_v (k, v)
Format.fprintf fs "[@[<hv>%a@]]" (List.pp ";@ " pp_assoc) alist
let pp_exp_v fs (k, v) = if not (Exp.equal k v) then Exp.pp fs v in
Format.fprintf fs "@[{@[<hv>sat= %b;@ rep= %a@]}@]" sat
(pp_alist Exp.pp pp_exp_v)
(Map.to_alist rep)
let pp_classes fs r =
let cls =
Map.fold r.rep ~init:empty_map ~f:(fun ~key ~data cls ->
if Exp.equal key data then cls
else Map.add_multi cls ~key:data ~data:key )
List.pp "@ @<2>∧ "
(fun fs (key, data) ->
Format.fprintf fs "@[%a@ = %a@]" Exp.pp key (List.pp "@ = " Exp.pp)
(List.sort ~compare:Exp.compare data) )
fs (Map.to_alist cls)
let pp_diff fs (r, s) =
let pp_sdiff_map pp_elt_diff equal nam fs x y =
let sd = Sequence.to_list (Map.symmetric_diff ~data_equal:equal x y) in
if not (List.is_empty sd) then
Format.fprintf fs "%s= [@[<hv>%a@]];@ " nam
(List.pp ";@ " pp_elt_diff)
let pp_sdiff_elt pp_key pp_val pp_sdiff_val fs = function
| k, `Left v ->
Format.fprintf fs "-- [@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" pp_key k pp_val v
| k, `Right v ->
Format.fprintf fs "++ [@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" pp_key k pp_val v
| k, `Unequal vv ->
Format.fprintf fs "[@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" pp_key k pp_sdiff_val vv
let pp_sdiff_exp_map =
let pp_sdiff_exp fs (u, v) =
Format.fprintf fs "-- %a ++ %a" Exp.pp u Exp.pp v
pp_sdiff_map (pp_sdiff_elt Exp.pp Exp.pp pp_sdiff_exp) Exp.equal
let pp_sat fs =
if not (Bool.equal r.sat s.sat) then
Format.fprintf fs "sat= @[-- %b@ ++ %b@];@ " r.sat s.sat
let pp_rep fs = pp_sdiff_exp_map "rep" fs r.rep s.rep in
Format.fprintf fs "@[{@[<hv>%t%t@]}@]" pp_sat pp_rep
(** Invariant *)
(** test membership in carrier *)
let in_car r e = Map.mem r.rep e
let invariant r =
Invariant.invariant [%here] r [%sexp_of: t]
@@ fun () ->
Map.iteri r.rep ~f:(fun ~key:a ~data:_ ->
(* no interpreted exps in carrier *)
assert (Poly.(Exp.classify a <> `Interpreted)) ;
(* carrier is closed under sub-expressions *)
Exp.iter a ~f:(fun b ->
assert (
in_car r b
|| Trace.fail "@[subexp %a of %a not in carrier of@ %a@]" Exp.pp
b Exp.pp a pp r ) ) )
(** Core operations *)
let true_ = {sat= true; rep= empty_map} |> check invariant
(** apply a subst to an exp *)
let apply s a = try Map.find_exn s a with Caml.Not_found -> a
(** apply a subst to maximal non-interpreted subexps *)
let rec norm s a =
match Exp.classify a with
| `Interpreted -> Exp.map ~f:(norm s) a
| _ -> apply s a
(** exps are congruent if equal after normalizing subexps *)
let congruent r a b =
Exp.equal (Exp.map ~f:(norm r.rep) a) (Exp.map ~f:(norm r.rep) b)
(** [lookup r a] is [b'] if [a ~ b = b'] for some equation [b = b'] in rep *)
let lookup r a =
@@ fun {return} ->
(* congruent specialized to assume [a] canonized and [b] non-interpreted *)
let semi_congruent r a b = Exp.equal a (Exp.map ~f:(apply r.rep) b) in
Map.iteri r.rep ~f:(fun ~key ~data ->
if semi_congruent r a key then return data ) ;
(** rewrite an exp into canonical form using rep and, for uninterpreted
exps, congruence composed with rep *)
let rec canon r a =
match Exp.classify a with
| `Interpreted -> Exp.map ~f:(canon r) a
| `Uninterpreted -> lookup r (Exp.map ~f:(canon r) a)
| `Atomic -> apply r.rep a
(** add an exp to the carrier *)
let rec extend a r =
match Exp.classify a with
| `Interpreted -> Exp.fold ~f:extend a ~init:r
| _ ->
Map.find_or_add r.rep a
~if_found:(fun _ -> r)
~if_added:(fun rep -> Exp.fold ~f:extend a ~init:{r with rep})
let extend a r = extend a r |> check invariant
let compose r a a' =
let s = Map.singleton (module Exp) a a' in
let rep = Map.map ~f:(norm s) r.rep in
let rep =
Map.update rep a ~f:(function
| None -> a'
| Some b when Exp.equal a' b -> b
| _ -> fail "domains intersect: %a" Exp.pp a () )
{r with rep} |> check invariant
let merge a b r =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a@ %a" Exp.pp a Exp.pp b pp r]
( match Exp.solve a b with
| Some (c, c') -> compose r c c'
| None -> {r with sat= false} )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} r' ->
pf "%a" pp_diff (r, r') ;
invariant r']
(** find an unproved equation between congruent exps *)
let find_missing r =
@@ fun {return} ->
Map.iteri r.rep ~f:(fun ~key:a ~data:a' ->
Map.iteri r.rep ~f:(fun ~key:b ~data:b' ->
Exp.compare a b < 0
&& (not (Exp.equal a' b'))
&& congruent r a b
then return (Some (a', b')) ) ) ;
let rec close r =
if not r.sat then r
match find_missing r with
| Some (a', b') -> close (merge a' b' r)
| None -> r
let and_eq a b r =
if not r.sat then r
let a' = canon r a in
let b' = canon r b in
let r = extend a' r in
let r = extend b' r in
if Exp.equal a' b' then r else close (merge a' b' r)
(** Exposed interface *)
let is_true {sat; rep} =
sat && Map.for_alli rep ~f:(fun ~key:a ~data:a' -> Exp.equal a a')
let is_false {sat} = not sat
let entails_eq r d e = Exp.equal (canon r d) (canon r e)
let entails r s =
Map.for_alli s.rep ~f:(fun ~key:e ~data:e' -> entails_eq r e e')
let normalize = canon
let difference r a b =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a@ %a" Exp.pp a Exp.pp b pp r]
let a = canon r a in
let b = canon r b in
( if Exp.equal a b then Some Z.zero
match (Exp.typ a, Exp.typ b) with
| Some typ, _ | _, Some typ -> (
match normalize r (Exp.sub typ a b) with
| Integer {data} -> Some data
| _ -> None )
| _ -> None )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} ->
function Some d -> pf "%a" Z.pp_print d | None -> ()]
let and_ r s =
if not r.sat then r
else if not s.sat then s
let s, r =
if Map.length s.rep <= Map.length r.rep then (s, r) else (r, s)
Map.fold s.rep ~init:r ~f:(fun ~key:e ~data:e' r -> and_eq e e' r)
let or_ r s =
if not s.sat then r
else if not r.sat then s
let merge_mems rs r s =
Map.fold s.rep ~init:rs ~f:(fun ~key:e ~data:e' rs ->
if entails_eq r e e' then and_eq e e' rs else rs )
let rs = true_ in
let rs = merge_mems rs r s in
let rs = merge_mems rs s r in
(* assumes that f is injective and for any set of exps E, f[E] is disjoint
from E *)
let map_exps ({sat= _; rep} as r) ~f =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp r]
let map ~equal_key ~equal_data ~f_key ~f_data m =
Map.fold m ~init:m ~f:(fun ~key ~data m ->
let key' = f_key key in
let data' = f_data data in
if equal_key key' key then
if equal_data data' data then m else Map.set m ~key ~data:data'
else Map.remove m key |> Map.add_exn ~key:key' ~data:data' )
let rep' =
map rep ~equal_key:Exp.equal ~equal_data:Exp.equal ~f_key:f ~f_data:f
(if rep' == rep then r else {r with rep= rep'})
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} r -> pf "%a" pp r ; invariant r]
let rename r sub = map_exps r ~f:(fun e -> Exp.rename e sub)
let fold_exps r ~init ~f =
Map.fold r.rep ~f:(fun ~key ~data z -> f (f z data) key) ~init
let fold_vars r ~init ~f =
fold_exps r ~init ~f:(fun init -> Exp.fold_vars ~f ~init)
let fv e = fold_vars e ~f:Set.add ~init:Var.Set.empty

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Constraints representing equivalence relations over uninterpreted
functions and linear rational arithmetic *)
type t [@@deriving compare, sexp]
val pp : t pp
val pp_classes : t pp
include Invariant.S with type t := t
val true_ : t
(** The diagonal relation, which only equates each exp with itself. *)
val and_eq : Exp.t -> Exp.t -> t -> t
(** Conjoin an equation to a relation. *)
val and_ : t -> t -> t
(** Conjunction. *)
val or_ : t -> t -> t
(** Disjunction. *)
val rename : t -> Var.Subst.t -> t
(** Apply a renaming substitution to the relation. *)
val fv : t -> Var.Set.t
(** The variables occurring in the exps of the relation. *)
val is_true : t -> bool
(** Test if the relation is diagonal. *)
val is_false : t -> bool
(** Test if the relation is empty / inconsistent. *)
val entails_eq : t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> bool
(** Test if an equation is entailed by a relation. *)
val entails : t -> t -> bool
(** Test if one relation entails another. *)
val normalize : t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t
(** Normalize an exp [e] to [e'] such that [e = e'] is implied by the
relation, where [e'] and its sub-exps are expressed in terms of the
relation's canonical representatives of each equivalence-modulo-offset
class. *)
val difference : t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> Z.t option
(** The difference as an offset. [difference r a b = Some k] if [r] implies
[a = b+k], or [None] if [a] and [b] are not equal up to an integer
offset. *)
val fold_exps : t -> init:'a -> f:('a -> Exp.t -> 'a) -> 'a

@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
let%test_module _ =
( module struct
open Equality
(* let () = Trace.init ~margin:160 ~config:all () *)
let () = Trace.init ~margin:68 ~config:none ()
let printf pp = Format.printf "@\n%a@." pp
let pp = printf pp
let pp_classes = printf pp_classes
let of_eqs = List.fold ~init:true_ ~f:(fun r (a, b) -> and_eq a b r)
let i8 = Typ.integer ~bits:8
let i64 = Typ.integer ~bits:64
let ( ! ) i = Exp.integer (Z.of_int i) Typ.siz
let ( + ) = Exp.add Typ.siz
let ( - ) = Exp.sub Typ.siz
let ( * ) = Exp.mul Typ.siz
let f = Exp.convert ~dst:i64 ~src:i8
let g = Exp.rem
let wrt = Var.Set.empty
let t_, wrt = Var.fresh "t" ~wrt
let u_, wrt = Var.fresh "u" ~wrt
let v_, wrt = Var.fresh "v" ~wrt
let w_, wrt = Var.fresh "w" ~wrt
let x_, wrt = Var.fresh "x" ~wrt
let y_, wrt = Var.fresh "y" ~wrt
let z_, _ = Var.fresh "z" ~wrt
let t = Exp.var t_
let u = Exp.var u_
let v = Exp.var v_
let w = Exp.var w_
let x = Exp.var x_
let y = Exp.var y_
let z = Exp.var z_
let f1 = of_eqs [(!0, !1)]
let%test _ = is_false f1
let%expect_test _ =
pp f1 ; [%expect {| {sat= false; rep= [[0 ]; [1 ]]} |}]
let%test _ = is_false (and_eq !1 !1 f1)
let f2 = of_eqs [(x, x + !1)]
let%test _ = is_false f2
let%expect_test _ =
pp f2 ; [%expect {| {sat= false; rep= [[%x_5 ]; [1 ]]} |}]
let f3 = of_eqs [(x + !0, x + !1)]
let%test _ = is_false f3
let%expect_test _ =
pp f3 ; [%expect {| {sat= false; rep= [[%x_5 ]; [1 ]]} |}]
let f4 = of_eqs [(x, y); (x + !0, y + !1)]
let%test _ = is_false f4
let%expect_test _ =
pp f4 ;
{| {sat= false; rep= [[%x_5 ]; [%y_6 %x_5]; [1 ]]} |}]
let t1 = of_eqs [(!1, !1)]
let%test _ = is_true t1
let t2 = of_eqs [(x, x)]
let%test _ = is_true t2
let%test _ = is_false (and_ f3 t2)
let%test _ = is_false (and_ t2 f3)
let r0 = true_
let%expect_test _ = pp r0 ; [%expect {| {sat= true; rep= []} |}]
let%expect_test _ = pp_classes r0 ; [%expect {| |}]
let%test _ = difference r0 (f x) (f x) |> Poly.equal (Some (Z.of_int 0))
let%test _ = difference r0 !4 !3 |> Poly.equal (Some (Z.of_int 1))
let r1 = of_eqs [(x, y)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r1 ;
pp r1 ;
%x_5 = %y_6
{sat= true; rep= [[%x_5 ]; [%y_6 %x_5]]} |}]
let%test _ = entails_eq r1 x y
let r2 = of_eqs [(x, y); (f x, y); (f y, z)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r2 ;
pp r2 ;
%x_5 = ((i64)(i8) %x_5) = %y_6 = %z_7
{sat= true;
rep= [[((i64)(i8) %x_5) %x_5];
[%x_5 ];
[%y_6 %x_5];
[%z_7 %x_5];
[(i64)(i8) ]]} |}]
let%test _ = entails_eq r2 x z
let%test _ = entails_eq (or_ r1 r2) x y
let%test _ = not (entails_eq (or_ r1 r2) x z)
let%test _ = entails_eq (or_ f1 r2) x z
let%test _ = entails_eq (or_ r2 f3) x z
let%test _ = entails_eq r2 (f y) y
let%test _ = entails_eq r2 (f x) (f z)
let%test _ = entails_eq r2 (g x y) (g z y)
let%test _ =
(rename r2 Var.Subst.(extend empty ~replace:x_ ~with_:w_))
w z
let%test _ =
r2 == rename r2 Var.Subst.(extend empty ~replace:w_ ~with_:x_)
let%test _ =
(rename r2
|> extend ~replace:x_ ~with_:v_
|> extend ~replace:y_ ~with_:w_))
v w
let%test _ = difference (or_ r1 r2) x z |> Poly.equal None
let r3 = of_eqs [(g y z, w); (v, w); (g y w, t); (x, v); (x, u); (u, z)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r3 ;
pp r3 ;
(%y_6 rem (%y_6 rem %z_7)) = (%y_6 rem %z_7) = %t_1 = %u_2 = %v_3
= %w_4 = %x_5 = %z_7
{sat= true;
rep= [[(%y_6 rem (%y_6 rem %z_7)) ];
[(%y_6 rem %z_7) (%y_6 rem (%y_6 rem %z_7))];
[(rem %y_6) ];
[%t_1 (%y_6 rem (%y_6 rem %z_7))];
[%u_2 (%y_6 rem (%y_6 rem %z_7))];
[%v_3 (%y_6 rem (%y_6 rem %z_7))];
[%w_4 (%y_6 rem (%y_6 rem %z_7))];
[%x_5 (%y_6 rem (%y_6 rem %z_7))];
[%y_6 ];
[%z_7 (%y_6 rem (%y_6 rem %z_7))];
[rem ]]} |}]
let%test _ = entails_eq r3 t z
let%test _ = entails_eq r3 x z
let%test _ = entails_eq (and_ r2 r3) x z
let r4 = of_eqs [(w + !2, x - !3); (x - !5, y + !7); (y, z - !4)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r4 ;
pp r4 ;
(%z_7 + -4) = %y_6 (%z_7 + 3) = %w_4
(%z_7 + 8) = %x_5
{sat= true;
rep= [[%w_4 (%z_7 + 3)];
[%x_5 (%z_7 + 8)];
[%y_6 (%z_7 + -4)];
[%z_7 ];
[1 ]]} |}]
let%test _ = entails_eq r4 x (w + !5)
let%test _ = difference r4 x w |> Poly.equal (Some (Z.of_int 5))
let r5 = of_eqs [(x, y); (g w x, y); (g w y, f z)]
let%test _ =
Set.equal (fv r5) (Set.of_list (module Var) [w_; x_; y_; z_])
let r6 = of_eqs [(x, !1); (!1, y)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r6 ;
pp r6 ;
1 = %x_5 = %y_6
{sat= true; rep= [[%x_5 1]; [%y_6 1]; [1 ]]} |}]
let%test _ = entails_eq r6 x y
let r7 = of_eqs [(v, x); (w, z); (y, z)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r7 ;
pp r7 ;
pp (and_eq x z r7) ;
pp_classes (and_eq x z r7) ;
%v_3 = %x_5
%w_4 = %y_6 = %z_7
{sat= true;
rep= [[%v_3 ];
[%w_4 ];
[%x_5 %v_3];
[%y_6 %w_4];
[%z_7 %w_4]]}
{sat= true;
rep= [[%v_3 ];
[%w_4 %v_3];
[%x_5 %v_3];
[%y_6 %v_3];
[%z_7 %v_3]]}
%v_3 = %w_4 = %x_5 = %y_6 = %z_7 |}]
let r7' = and_eq x z r7
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r7' ;
pp r7' ;
%v_3 = %w_4 = %x_5 = %y_6 = %z_7
{sat= true;
rep= [[%v_3 ];
[%w_4 %v_3];
[%x_5 %v_3];
[%y_6 %v_3];
[%z_7 %v_3]]} |}]
let%test _ = normalize r7' w |> Exp.equal v
let%test _ =
entails_eq (of_eqs [(g w x, g y z); (x, z)]) (g w x) (g w z)
let%test _ =
entails_eq (of_eqs [(g w x, g y w); (x, z)]) (g w x) (g w z)
let r8 = of_eqs [(x + !42, (!3 * y) + (!13 * z)); (!13 * z, x)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r8 ;
pp r8 ;
(13 × %z_7) = %x_5
14 = %y_6
{sat= true;
rep= [[%x_5 (13 × %z_7)]; [%y_6 14]; [%z_7 ]; [1 ]]} |}]
let%test _ = entails_eq r8 y !14
let r9 = of_eqs [(x, z - !16)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r9 ;
pp r9 ;
(%z_7 + -16) = %x_5
{sat= true; rep= [[%x_5 (%z_7 + -16)]; [%z_7 ]; [1 ]]} |}]
let%test _ = difference r9 z (x + !8) |> Poly.equal (Some (Z.of_int 8))
let r10 = of_eqs [(!16, z - x)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r10 ;
pp r10 ;
Format.printf "@.%a@." Exp.pp (z - (x + !8)) ;
Format.printf "@.%a@." Exp.pp (normalize r10 (z - (x + !8))) ;
Format.printf "@.%a@." Exp.pp (x + !8 - z) ;
Format.printf "@.%a@." Exp.pp (normalize r10 (x + !8 - z)) ;
(%z_7 + -16) = %x_5
{sat= true; rep= [[%x_5 (%z_7 + -16)]; [%z_7 ]; [16 ]]}
(-1 × %x_5 + %z_7 + -8)
(%x_5 + -1 × %z_7 + 8)
-8 |}]
let%test _ = difference r10 z (x + !8) |> Poly.equal (Some (Z.of_int 8))
let%test _ =
difference r10 (x + !8) z |> Poly.equal (Some (Z.of_int (-8)))
let r11 = of_eqs [(!16, z - x); (x + !8 - z, z - !16 + !8 - z)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r11 ; [%expect {|
(%z_7 + -16) = %x_5 |}]
let r12 = of_eqs [(!16, z - x); (x + !8 - z, z + !16 + !8 - z)]
let%expect_test _ = pp_classes r12 ; [%expect {| (%z_7 + -16) = %x_5 |}]
end )

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ type seg = {loc: Exp.t; bas: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; siz: Exp.t; arr: Exp.t}
type starjunction = type starjunction =
{ us: Var.Set.t { us: Var.Set.t
; xs: Var.Set.t ; xs: Var.Set.t
; cong: Congruence.t ; cong: Equality.t
; pure: Exp.t list ; pure: Exp.t list
; heap: seg list ; heap: seg list
; djns: disjunction list } ; djns: disjunction list }
@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ let rec pp_ vs fs {us; xs; cong; pure; heap; djns} =
if not (Set.is_empty xs) then if not (Set.is_empty xs) then
Format.fprintf fs "@<2>∃ @[%a@] .@ ∃ @[%a@] .@ " Var.Set.pp Format.fprintf fs "@<2>∃ @[%a@] .@ ∃ @[%a@] .@ " Var.Set.pp
(Set.inter xs vs) Var.Set.pp (Set.diff xs vs) ; (Set.inter xs vs) Var.Set.pp (Set.diff xs vs) ;
let first = Map.is_empty (Congruence.classes cong) in let first = Equality.is_true cong in
if not first then Format.fprintf fs " " ; if not first then Format.fprintf fs " " ;
Congruence.pp_classes fs cong ; Equality.pp_classes fs cong ;
let pure_exps = let pure_exps =
List.filter_map pure ~f:(fun e -> List.filter_map pure ~f:(fun e ->
let e' = Congruence.normalize cong e in let e' = Equality.normalize cong e in
if Exp.is_true e' then None else Some e' ) if Exp.is_true e' then None else Some e' )
in in
List.pp List.pp
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ let rec pp_ vs fs {us; xs; cong; pure; heap; djns} =
~pre:(if first then " " else "@ @<2>∧ ") ~pre:(if first then " " else "@ @<2>∧ ")
"@ * " pp_seg fs "@ * " pp_seg fs
(List.sort (List.sort
(List.map ~f:(map_seg ~f:(Congruence.normalize cong)) heap) (List.map ~f:(map_seg ~f:(Equality.normalize cong)) heap)
~compare:(fun s1 s2 -> ~compare:(fun s1 s2 ->
let b_o = function let b_o = function
| Exp.App {op= App {op= Add _; arg}; arg= Integer {data; _}} -> | Exp.App {op= App {op= Add _; arg}; arg= Integer {data; _}} ->
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ let fold_vars_seg seg ~init ~f =
let fv_seg seg = fold_vars_seg seg ~f:Set.add ~init:Var.Set.empty let fv_seg seg = fold_vars_seg seg ~f:Set.add ~init:Var.Set.empty
let fold_exps fold_exps {us= _; xs= _; cong; pure; heap; djns} ~init ~f = let fold_exps fold_exps {us= _; xs= _; cong; pure; heap; djns} ~init ~f =
Congruence.fold_exps ~init cong ~f Equality.fold_exps ~init cong ~f
|> fun init -> |> fun init ->
List.fold ~init pure ~f:(fun init -> Exp.fold_exps ~f ~init) List.fold ~init pure ~f:(fun init -> Exp.fold_exps ~f ~init)
|> fun init -> |> fun init ->
@ -137,13 +137,13 @@ let rec invariant q =
Set.is_subset (fv q) ~of_:us Set.is_subset (fv q) ~of_:us
|| Trace.fail "unbound but free: %a" Var.Set.pp (Set.diff (fv q) us) || Trace.fail "unbound but free: %a" Var.Set.pp (Set.diff (fv q) us)
) ; ) ;
Congruence.invariant cong ; Equality.invariant cong ;
( match djns with ( match djns with
| [[]] -> | [[]] ->
assert (Congruence.is_true cong) ; assert (Equality.is_true cong) ;
assert (List.is_empty pure) ; assert (List.is_empty pure) ;
assert (List.is_empty heap) assert (List.is_empty heap)
| _ -> assert (not (Congruence.is_false cong)) ) ; | _ -> assert (not (Equality.is_false cong)) ) ;
List.iter pure ~f:invariant_pure ; List.iter pure ~f:invariant_pure ;
List.iter heap ~f:invariant_seg ; List.iter heap ~f:invariant_seg ;
List.iter djns ~f:(fun djn -> List.iter djns ~f:(fun djn ->
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ let rename_seg sub ({loc; bas; len; siz; arr} as h) =
(** primitive application of a substitution, ignores us and xs, may violate (** primitive application of a substitution, ignores us and xs, may violate
invariant *) invariant *)
let rec apply_subst sub ({us= _; xs= _; cong; pure; heap; djns} as q) = let rec apply_subst sub ({us= _; xs= _; cong; pure; heap; djns} as q) =
let cong = Congruence.rename cong sub in let cong = Equality.rename cong sub in
let pure = let pure =
List.map_preserving_phys_equal pure ~f:(fun b -> Exp.rename b sub) List.map_preserving_phys_equal pure ~f:(fun b -> Exp.rename b sub)
in in
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ let exists xs q =
let emp = let emp =
{ us= Var.Set.empty { us= Var.Set.empty
; xs= Var.Set.empty ; xs= Var.Set.empty
; cong= Congruence.true_ ; cong= Equality.true_
; pure= [] ; pure= []
; heap= [] ; heap= []
; djns= [] } ; djns= [] }
@ -260,11 +260,11 @@ let emp =
let false_ us = {emp with us; djns= [[]]} |> check invariant let false_ us = {emp with us; djns= [[]]} |> check invariant
let and_cong cong q = let and_cong cong q =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" Congruence.pp cong pp q] [%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" Equality.pp cong pp q]
; ;
let q = extend_us (Congruence.fv cong) q in let q = extend_us (Equality.fv cong) q in
let cong = Congruence.and_ q.cong cong in let cong = Equality.and_ q.cong cong in
(if Congruence.is_false cong then false_ q.us else {q with cong}) (if Equality.is_false cong then false_ q.us else {q with cong})
|> |>
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} q -> pf "%a" pp q ; invariant q] [%Trace.retn fun {pf} q -> pf "%a" pp q ; invariant q]
@ -275,11 +275,11 @@ let star q1 q2 =
| {djns= [[]]; _}, _ | _, {djns= [[]]; _} -> | {djns= [[]]; _}, _ | _, {djns= [[]]; _} ->
false_ (Set.union q1.us q2.us) false_ (Set.union q1.us q2.us)
| {us= _; xs= _; cong; pure= []; heap= []; djns= []}, _ | {us= _; xs= _; cong; pure= []; heap= []; djns= []}, _
when Congruence.is_true cong -> when Equality.is_true cong ->
let us = Set.union q1.us q2.us in let us = Set.union q1.us q2.us in
if us == q2.us then q2 else {q2 with us} if us == q2.us then q2 else {q2 with us}
| _, {us= _; xs= _; cong; pure= []; heap= []; djns= []} | _, {us= _; xs= _; cong; pure= []; heap= []; djns= []}
when Congruence.is_true cong -> when Equality.is_true cong ->
let us = Set.union q1.us q2.us in let us = Set.union q1.us q2.us in
if us == q1.us then q1 else {q1 with us} if us == q1.us then q1 else {q1 with us}
| _ -> | _ ->
@ -289,8 +289,8 @@ let star q1 q2 =
let {us= us1; xs= xs1; cong= c1; pure= p1; heap= h1; djns= d1} = q1 in let {us= us1; xs= xs1; cong= c1; pure= p1; heap= h1; djns= d1} = q1 in
let {us= us2; xs= xs2; cong= c2; pure= p2; heap= h2; djns= d2} = q2 in let {us= us2; xs= xs2; cong= c2; pure= p2; heap= h2; djns= d2} = q2 in
assert (Set.equal us (Set.union us1 us2)) ; assert (Set.equal us (Set.union us1 us2)) ;
let cong = Congruence.and_ c1 c2 in let cong = Equality.and_ c1 c2 in
if Congruence.is_false cong then false_ us if Equality.is_false cong then false_ us
else else
{ us { us
; xs= Set.union xs1 xs2 ; xs= Set.union xs1 xs2
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ let or_ q1 q2 =
| _ -> | _ ->
{ us= Set.union q1.us q2.us { us= Set.union q1.us q2.us
; xs= Var.Set.empty ; xs= Var.Set.empty
; cong= Congruence.true_ ; cong= Equality.true_
; pure= [] ; pure= []
; heap= [] ; heap= []
; djns= [[q1; q2]] } ) ; djns= [[q1; q2]] } )
@ -345,8 +345,8 @@ let rec pure (e : Exp.t) =
(star (pure cnd) (pure thn)) (star (pure cnd) (pure thn))
(star (pure (Exp.not_ Typ.bool cnd)) (pure els)) (star (pure (Exp.not_ Typ.bool cnd)) (pure els))
| App {op= App {op= Eq; arg= e1}; arg= e2} -> | App {op= App {op= Eq; arg= e1}; arg= e2} ->
let cong = Congruence.(and_eq true_ e1 e2) in let cong = Equality.(and_eq e1 e2 true_) in
if Congruence.is_false cong then false_ us if Equality.is_false cong then false_ us
else {emp with us; cong; pure= [e]} else {emp with us; cong; pure= [e]}
| _ -> {emp with us; pure= [e]} ) | _ -> {emp with us; pure= [e]} )
|> |>
@ -371,8 +371,7 @@ let is_emp = function
let is_false = function let is_false = function
| {djns= [[]]; _} -> true | {djns= [[]]; _} -> true
| {cong; pure; _} -> | {cong; pure; _} ->
List.exists pure ~f:(fun b -> List.exists pure ~f:(fun b -> Exp.is_false (Equality.normalize cong b))
Exp.is_false (Congruence.normalize cong b) )
let rec pure_approx ({us; xs; cong; pure; heap= _; djns} as q) = let rec pure_approx ({us; xs; cong; pure; heap= _; djns} as q) =
let heap = emp.heap in let heap = emp.heap in

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ type seg = {loc: Exp.t; bas: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; siz: Exp.t; arr: Exp.t}
type starjunction = private type starjunction = private
{ us: Var.Set.t (** vocabulary / variable context of formula *) { us: Var.Set.t (** vocabulary / variable context of formula *)
; xs: Var.Set.t (** existentially-bound variables *) ; xs: Var.Set.t (** existentially-bound variables *)
; cong: Congruence.t (** congruence induced by rest of formula *) ; cong: Equality.t (** congruence induced by rest of formula *)
; pure: Exp.t list (** conjunction of pure boolean constraints *) ; pure: Exp.t list (** conjunction of pure boolean constraints *)
; heap: seg list (** star-conjunction of segment atomic formulas *) ; heap: seg list (** star-conjunction of segment atomic formulas *)
; djns: disjunction list (** star-conjunction of disjunctions *) } ; djns: disjunction list (** star-conjunction of disjunctions *) }
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ val pure : Exp.t -> t
val and_ : Exp.t -> t -> t val and_ : Exp.t -> t -> t
(** Conjoin a boolean constraint to a formula. *) (** Conjoin a boolean constraint to a formula. *)
val and_cong : Congruence.t -> t -> t val and_cong : Equality.t -> t -> t
(** Conjoin constraints of a congruence to a formula, extending to a common (** Conjoin constraints of a congruence to a formula, extending to a common
vocabulary, and avoiding capturing existentials. *) vocabulary, and avoiding capturing existentials. *)

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ let single_existential_occurrence xs exp =
with Multiple_existential_occurrences -> Many with Multiple_existential_occurrences -> Many
let excise_exp ({us; min; xs} as goal) pure exp = let excise_exp ({us; min; xs} as goal) pure exp =
let exp' = Congruence.normalize min.cong exp in let exp' = Equality.normalize min.cong exp in
if Exp.is_true exp' then Some ({goal with pgs= true}, pure) if Exp.is_true exp' then Some ({goal with pgs= true}, pure)
else else
match single_existential_occurrence xs exp' with match single_existential_occurrence xs exp' with
@ -496,19 +496,19 @@ let excise_seg ({sub} as goal) msg ssg =
[%Trace.info "@[<2>excise_seg@ %a@ |- %a@]" Sh.pp_seg msg Sh.pp_seg ssg] ; [%Trace.info "@[<2>excise_seg@ %a@ |- %a@]" Sh.pp_seg msg Sh.pp_seg ssg] ;
let {Sh.loc= k; siz= o} = msg in let {Sh.loc= k; siz= o} = msg in
let {Sh.loc= l; siz= n} = ssg in let {Sh.loc= l; siz= n} = ssg in
Congruence.difference sub.cong k l Equality.difference sub.cong k l
>>= fun k_l -> >>= fun k_l ->
match[@warning "-p"] Z.sign k_l with match[@warning "-p"] Z.sign k_l with
(* k-l < 0 so k < l *) (* k-l < 0 so k < l *)
| -1 -> ( | -1 -> (
let ko = Exp.add Typ.ptr k o in let ko = Exp.add Typ.ptr k o in
let ln = Exp.add Typ.ptr l n in let ln = Exp.add Typ.ptr l n in
Congruence.difference sub.cong ko ln Equality.difference sub.cong ko ln
>>= fun ko_ln -> >>= fun ko_ln ->
match[@warning "-p"] Z.sign ko_ln with match[@warning "-p"] Z.sign ko_ln with
(* k+o-(l+n) < 0 so k+o < l+n *) (* k+o-(l+n) < 0 so k+o < l+n *)
| -1 -> ( | -1 -> (
Congruence.difference sub.cong l ko Equality.difference sub.cong l ko
>>= fun l_ko -> >>= fun l_ko ->
match[@warning "-p"] Z.sign l_ko with match[@warning "-p"] Z.sign l_ko with
(* l-(k+o) < 0 [k; o) (* l-(k+o) < 0 [k; o)
@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ let excise_seg ({sub} as goal) msg ssg =
| 1 -> Some (excise_seg_sub_infix goal msg ssg (Z.neg k_l) ko_ln) ) | 1 -> Some (excise_seg_sub_infix goal msg ssg (Z.neg k_l) ko_ln) )
(* k-l = 0 so k = l *) (* k-l = 0 so k = l *)
| 0 -> ( | 0 -> (
match Congruence.difference sub.cong o n with match Equality.difference sub.cong o n with
| None -> Some {goal with sub= Sh.and_ (Exp.eq o n) goal.sub} | None -> Some {goal with sub= Sh.and_ (Exp.eq o n) goal.sub}
| Some o_n -> ( | Some o_n -> (
match[@warning "-p"] Z.sign o_n with match[@warning "-p"] Z.sign o_n with
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ let excise_seg ({sub} as goal) msg ssg =
| 1 -> ( | 1 -> (
let ko = Exp.add Typ.ptr k o in let ko = Exp.add Typ.ptr k o in
let ln = Exp.add Typ.ptr l n in let ln = Exp.add Typ.ptr l n in
Congruence.difference sub.cong ko ln Equality.difference sub.cong ko ln
>>= fun ko_ln -> >>= fun ko_ln ->
match[@warning "-p"] Z.sign ko_ln with match[@warning "-p"] Z.sign ko_ln with
(* k+o-(l+n) < 0 [k; o) (* k+o-(l+n) < 0 [k; o)
@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ let excise_seg ({sub} as goal) msg ssg =
| 0 -> Some (excise_seg_min_suffix goal msg ssg k_l) | 0 -> Some (excise_seg_min_suffix goal msg ssg k_l)
(* k+o-(l+n) > 0 so k+o > l+n *) (* k+o-(l+n) > 0 so k+o > l+n *)
| 1 -> ( | 1 -> (
Congruence.difference sub.cong k ln Equality.difference sub.cong k ln
>>= fun k_ln -> >>= fun k_ln ->
match[@warning "-p"] Z.sign k_ln with match[@warning "-p"] Z.sign k_ln with
(* k-(l+n) < 0 [k; o) (* k-(l+n) < 0 [k; o)
