@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module F = Format
module L = Logging
module L = Logging
(** Level of verbosity of some to_string functions. *)
(** Level of verbosity of some to_string functions. *)
type detail_level = Verbose | Non_verbose | Simple [@@deriving compare, equal]
type detail_level = Verbose | Non_verbose | Simple
let is_verbose v = match v with Verbose -> true | _ -> false
let is_verbose v = match v with Verbose -> true | _ -> false
@ -40,28 +40,13 @@ module Java = struct
{class_name; return_type; method_name; parameters; kind}
{class_name; return_type; method_name; parameters; kind}
let pp_type_verbosity verbosity fmt java_type =
let pp_return_type ~verbose fmt j =
JavaSplitName.pp_type_verbosity ~verbose:(is_verbose verbosity) fmt java_type
Option.iter j.return_type ~f:(JavaSplitName.pp_type_verbosity ~verbose fmt)
(** Given a list of types, it creates a unique string of types separated by commas *)
let constructor_method_name = "<init>"
let rec pp_param_list verbosity fmt inputList =
match inputList with
| [] ->
| [head] ->
pp_type_verbosity verbosity fmt head
| head :: rest ->
pp_type_verbosity verbosity fmt head ;
F.pp_print_string fmt "," ;
pp_param_list verbosity fmt rest
(** It is the same as java_type_to_string_verbosity, but Java return types are optional because of
constructors without type *)
let pp_return_type verbosity fmt j =
match j.return_type with None -> () | Some typ -> pp_type_verbosity verbosity fmt typ
let class_initializer_method_name = "<clinit>"
let get_class_name j = Typ.Name.name j.class_name
let get_class_name j = Typ.Name.name j.class_name
@ -91,36 +76,39 @@ module Java = struct
(** Prints a string of a java procname with the given level of verbosity *)
(** Prints a string of a java procname with the given level of verbosity *)
let pp ?(withclass = false) verbosity fmt j =
let pp ?(withclass = false) verbosity fmt j =
let pp_class_name verbosity fmt j =
let verbose = is_verbose verbosity in
JavaClassName.pp_with_verbosity ~verbose:(is_verbose verbosity) fmt
let pp_class_name_dot fmt j =
(get_java_class_name_exn j)
JavaClassName.pp_with_verbosity ~verbose fmt (get_java_class_name_exn j) ;
F.pp_print_char fmt '.'
match verbosity with
let pp_package_method_and_params fmt j =
| Verbose | Non_verbose ->
let pp_param_list fmt params =
(* if verbose, then package.class.method(params): rtype,
Pp.seq ~sep:"," (JavaSplitName.pp_type_verbosity ~verbose) fmt params
else rtype package.class.method(params)
verbose is used for example to create unique filenames, non_verbose to create reports *)
let separator =
match (j.return_type, verbosity) with None, _ -> "" | Some _, Verbose -> ":" | _ -> " "
if not (equal_detail_level verbosity Verbose) then
F.fprintf fmt "%a%s(%a)" pp_class_name_dot j j.method_name pp_param_list j.parameters
F.fprintf fmt "%a%s" (pp_return_type verbosity) j separator ;
F.fprintf fmt "%a.%s(%a)" (pp_class_name verbosity) j j.method_name
(pp_param_list verbosity) j.parameters ;
if equal_detail_level verbosity Verbose then
F.fprintf fmt "%s%a" separator (pp_return_type verbosity) j
| Simple ->
(* methodname(...) or without ... if there are no parameters *)
let pp_class_prefix ~withclass verbosity fmt j =
if withclass then F.fprintf fmt "%a." (pp_class_name verbosity) j
match verbosity with
| Verbose ->
(* [package.class.method(params): rtype], used for example to create unique filenames *)
let separator = if Option.is_none j.return_type then "" else ":" in
pp_package_method_and_params fmt j ;
F.fprintf fmt "%s%a" separator (pp_return_type ~verbose) j
| Non_verbose ->
(* [rtype package.class.method(params)], for creating reports *)
let separator = if Option.is_none j.return_type then "" else " " in
F.fprintf fmt "%a%s" (pp_return_type ~verbose) j separator ;
pp_package_method_and_params fmt j
| Simple ->
(* [methodname(...)] or without ... if there are no parameters *)
let params = match j.parameters with [] -> "" | _ -> "..." in
let params = match j.parameters with [] -> "" | _ -> "..." in
let pp_method_name ~withclass verbosity fmt j =
let pp_method_name fmt j =
if String.equal j.method_name "<init>" then
if String.equal j.method_name constructor_method_name then
F.pp_print_string fmt (get_simple_class_name j)
F.pp_print_string fmt (get_simple_class_name j)
else F.fprintf fmt "%a%s" (pp_class_prefix ~withclass verbosity) j j.method_name
else (
if withclass then pp_class_name_dot fmt j ;
F.pp_print_string fmt j.method_name )
F.fprintf fmt "%a(%s)" (pp_method_name ~withclass verbosity) j params
F.fprintf fmt "%a(%s)" pp_method_name j params
let get_return_typ pname_java =
let get_return_typ pname_java =
@ -149,15 +137,11 @@ module Java = struct
| typ_str ->
| typ_str ->
Typ.(mk_ptr (mk_struct (Typ.Name.Java.from_string typ_str)))
Typ.(mk_ptr (mk_struct (Typ.Name.Java.from_string typ_str)))
java_from_string (F.asprintf "%a" (pp_return_type Verbose) pname_java)
java_from_string (F.asprintf "%a" (pp_return_type ~verbose:true) pname_java)
let is_close {method_name} = String.equal method_name "close"
let is_close {method_name} = String.equal method_name "close"
let constructor_method_name = "<init>"
let class_initializer_method_name = "<clinit>"
let is_class_initializer {method_name} = String.equal method_name class_initializer_method_name
let is_class_initializer {method_name} = String.equal method_name class_initializer_method_name
let get_class_initializer class_name =
let get_class_initializer class_name =