[typ] extract Struct module

Summary: There is no reason for this to be in Typ.

Reviewed By: ezgicicek

Differential Revision: D19161751

fbshipit-source-id: de33f5fa1
Nikos Gorogiannis 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent c1d4e57561
commit cef051dd1a

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ module Raw = struct
let lookup_field_type_annot tenv base_typ field_name =
let lookup = Tenv.lookup tenv in
Typ.Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup field_name base_typ
Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup field_name base_typ
(* Get the type of an access, or None if the type cannot be determined *)

@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ let rec ignore_integer_cast e =
let rec get_java_class_initializer tenv = function
| Lfield (Lvar pvar, fn, typ) when Pvar.is_global pvar -> (
match Typ.Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup:(Tenv.lookup tenv) fn typ with
match Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup:(Tenv.lookup tenv) fn typ with
| Some (field_typ, annot) when Annot.Item.is_final annot ->
let java_class = Typ.JavaClass (Pvar.get_name pvar) in

@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ module AccessExpression = struct
let lookup_field_type_annot tenv base_typ field_name =
let lookup = Tenv.lookup tenv in
Typ.Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup field_name base_typ
Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup field_name base_typ
let rec get_typ t tenv : Typ.t option =

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
(** Type for ObjC accessors *)
type objc_accessor_type = Objc_getter of Typ.Struct.field | Objc_setter of Typ.Struct.field
type objc_accessor_type = Objc_getter of Struct.field | Objc_setter of Struct.field
[@@deriving compare]
let kind_of_objc_accessor_type accessor =

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ open! IStd
(** Attributes of a procedure. *)
type objc_accessor_type = Objc_getter of Typ.Struct.field | Objc_setter of Typ.Struct.field
type objc_accessor_type = Objc_getter of Struct.field | Objc_setter of Struct.field
val kind_of_objc_accessor_type : objc_accessor_type -> string

@ -730,9 +730,9 @@ let pp_variable_list fmt etl =
let pp_objc_accessor fmt accessor =
match accessor with
| Some (ProcAttributes.Objc_getter field) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Getter of %a, " (Typ.Struct.pp_field Pp.text) field
Format.fprintf fmt "Getter of %a, " (Struct.pp_field Pp.text) field
| Some (ProcAttributes.Objc_setter field) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Setter of %a, " (Typ.Struct.pp_field Pp.text) field
Format.fprintf fmt "Setter of %a, " (Struct.pp_field Pp.text) field
| None ->

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
type field = Typ.Fieldname.t * Typ.t * Annot.Item.t [@@deriving compare]
type fields = field list
(** Type for a structured value. *)
type t =
{ fields: fields (** non-static fields *)
; statics: fields (** static fields *)
; supers: Typ.Name.t list (** superclasses *)
; methods: Typ.Procname.t list (** methods defined *)
; exported_objc_methods: Typ.Procname.t list
(** methods in ObjC interface, subset of [methods] *)
; annots: Annot.Item.t (** annotations *)
; dummy: bool (** dummy struct for class including static method *) }
type lookup = Typ.Name.t -> t option
let pp_field pe f (field_name, typ, ann) =
F.fprintf f "@\n\t\t%a %a %a" (Typ.pp_full pe) typ Typ.Fieldname.pp field_name Annot.Item.pp ann
let pp pe name f {fields; supers; methods; exported_objc_methods; annots} =
if Config.debug_mode then
(* change false to true to print the details of struct *)
F.fprintf f
"%a @\n\
\tfields: {%a@\n\
\tsupers: {%a@\n\
\tmethods: {%a@\n\
\texported_obj_methods: {%a@\n\
\tannots: {%a@\n\
Typ.Name.pp name
(Pp.seq (pp_field pe))
(Pp.seq (fun f n -> F.fprintf f "@\n\t\t%a" Typ.Name.pp n))
(Pp.seq (fun f m -> F.fprintf f "@\n\t\t%a" Typ.Procname.pp m))
(Pp.seq (fun f m -> F.fprintf f "@\n\t\t%a" Typ.Procname.pp m))
exported_objc_methods Annot.Item.pp annots
else Typ.Name.pp f name
let internal_mk_struct ?default ?fields ?statics ?methods ?exported_objc_methods ?supers ?annots
?dummy () =
let default_ =
{ fields= []
; statics= []
; methods= []
; exported_objc_methods= []
; supers= []
; annots= Annot.Item.empty
; dummy= false }
let mk_struct_ ?(default = default_) ?(fields = default.fields) ?(statics = default.statics)
?(methods = default.methods) ?(exported_objc_methods = default.exported_objc_methods)
?(supers = default.supers) ?(annots = default.annots) ?(dummy = default.dummy) () =
{fields; statics; methods; exported_objc_methods; supers; annots; dummy}
mk_struct_ ?default ?fields ?statics ?methods ?exported_objc_methods ?supers ?annots ?dummy ()
(** the element typ of the final extensible array in the given typ, if any *)
let rec get_extensible_array_element_typ ~lookup (typ : Typ.t) =
match typ.desc with
| Tarray {elt} ->
Some elt
| Tstruct name -> (
match lookup name with
| Some {fields} -> (
match List.last fields with
| Some (_, fld_typ, _) ->
get_extensible_array_element_typ ~lookup fld_typ
| None ->
None )
| None ->
None )
| _ ->
(** If a struct type with field f, return the type of f. If not, return the default *)
let fld_typ ~lookup ~default fn (typ : Typ.t) =
(* Note: would be nice migrate it to get_field_info
(for that one needs to ensure adding Tptr to pattern match does not break thing) *)
match typ.desc with
| Tstruct name -> (
match lookup name with
| Some {fields} ->
List.find ~f:(fun (f, _, _) -> Typ.Fieldname.equal f fn) fields
|> Option.value_map ~f:snd3 ~default
| None ->
default )
| _ ->
type field_info = {typ: Typ.t; annotations: Annot.Item.t; is_static: bool}
let find_field field_list field_name_to_lookup =
~f:(fun (field_name, typ, annotations) ->
if Typ.Fieldname.equal field_name field_name_to_lookup then Some (typ, annotations) else None
let get_field_info ~lookup field_name_to_lookup (typ : Typ.t) =
let find_field_info field_list ~is_static =
find_field field_list field_name_to_lookup
|> Option.map ~f:(fun (typ, annotations) -> {typ; annotations; is_static})
match typ.desc with
| Tstruct name | Tptr ({desc= Tstruct name}, _) -> (
match lookup name with
| Some {fields= non_statics; statics} ->
(* Search in both lists and return the first found *)
find_field_info statics ~is_static:true
|> IOption.if_none_evalopt ~f:(fun () -> find_field_info non_statics ~is_static:false)
| None ->
None )
| _ ->
let get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup field_name_to_lookup typ =
get_field_info ~lookup field_name_to_lookup typ
|> Option.map ~f:(fun {typ; annotations} -> (typ, annotations))
let is_dummy {dummy} = dummy

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
type field = Typ.Fieldname.t * Typ.t * Annot.Item.t [@@deriving compare]
type fields = field list
(** Type for a structured value. *)
type t = private
{ fields: fields (** non-static fields *)
; statics: fields (** static fields *)
; supers: Typ.Name.t list (** supers *)
; methods: Typ.Procname.t list (** methods defined *)
; exported_objc_methods: Typ.Procname.t list
(** methods in ObjC interface, subset of [methods] *)
; annots: Annot.Item.t (** annotations *)
; dummy: bool (** dummy struct for class including static method *) }
type lookup = Typ.Name.t -> t option
val pp_field : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> field -> unit
val pp : Pp.env -> Typ.Name.t -> F.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Pretty print a struct type. *)
val internal_mk_struct :
-> ?fields:fields
-> ?statics:fields
-> ?methods:Typ.Procname.t list
-> ?exported_objc_methods:Typ.Procname.t list
-> ?supers:Typ.Name.t list
-> ?annots:Annot.Item.t
-> ?dummy:bool
-> unit
-> t
(** Construct a struct_typ, normalizing field types *)
val get_extensible_array_element_typ : lookup:lookup -> Typ.t -> Typ.t option
(** the element typ of the final extensible array in the given typ, if any *)
type field_info = {typ: Typ.t; annotations: Annot.Item.t; is_static: bool}
val get_field_info : lookup:lookup -> Typ.Fieldname.t -> Typ.t -> field_info option
(** Lookup for info associated with the field [fn]. None if [typ] has no field named [fn] *)
val fld_typ : lookup:lookup -> default:Typ.t -> Typ.Fieldname.t -> Typ.t -> Typ.t
(** If a struct type with field f, return the type of f. If not, return the default type if given,
otherwise raise an exception *)
val get_field_type_and_annotation :
lookup:lookup -> Typ.Fieldname.t -> Typ.t -> (Typ.t * Annot.Item.t) option
(** Return the type of the field [fn] and its annotation, None if [typ] has no field named [fn] *)
val is_dummy : t -> bool

@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ module TypenameHash = Caml.Hashtbl.Make (Typ.Name)
module TypenameHashNormalizer = MaximumSharing.ForHashtbl (TypenameHash)
(** Type for type environment. *)
type t = Typ.Struct.t TypenameHash.t
type t = Struct.t TypenameHash.t
let pp fmt (tenv : t) =
(fun name typ ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<6>NAME: %s@]@," (Typ.Name.to_string name) ;
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<6>TYPE: %a@]@," (Typ.Struct.pp Pp.text name) typ )
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<6>TYPE: %a@]@," (Struct.pp Pp.text name) typ )
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ let create () = TypenameHash.create 1000
let mk_struct tenv ?default ?fields ?statics ?methods ?exported_objc_methods ?supers ?annots ?dummy
name =
let struct_typ =
Typ.Struct.internal_mk_struct ?default ?fields ?statics ?methods ?exported_objc_methods ?supers
Struct.internal_mk_struct ?default ?fields ?statics ?methods ?exported_objc_methods ?supers
?annots ?dummy ()
TypenameHash.replace tenv name struct_typ ;
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ let mk_struct tenv ?default ?fields ?statics ?methods ?exported_objc_methods ?su
(** Look up a name in the global type environment. *)
let lookup tenv name : Typ.Struct.t option =
let lookup tenv name : Struct.t option =
try Some (TypenameHash.find tenv name)
with Caml.Not_found -> (
(* ToDo: remove the following additional lookups once C/C++ interop is resolved *)
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ end
let merge ~src ~dst =
(fun pname cfg ->
if (not (Typ.Struct.is_dummy cfg)) || not (TypenameHash.mem dst pname) then
if (not (Struct.is_dummy cfg)) || not (TypenameHash.mem dst pname) then
TypenameHash.replace dst pname cfg )

@ -29,24 +29,24 @@ val load_global : unit -> t option
val store_global : t -> unit
(** save a global type environment (Java) *)
val lookup : t -> Typ.Name.t -> Typ.Struct.t option
val lookup : t -> Typ.Name.t -> Struct.t option
(** Look up a name in the global type environment. *)
val mk_struct :
-> ?default:Typ.Struct.t
-> ?fields:Typ.Struct.fields
-> ?statics:Typ.Struct.fields
-> ?default:Struct.t
-> ?fields:Struct.fields
-> ?statics:Struct.fields
-> ?methods:Typ.Procname.t list
-> ?exported_objc_methods:Typ.Procname.t list
-> ?supers:Typ.Name.t list
-> ?annots:Annot.Item.t
-> ?dummy:bool
-> Typ.Name.t
-> Typ.Struct.t
-> Struct.t
(** Construct a struct_typ, normalizing field types *)
val add_field : t -> Typ.Name.t -> Typ.Struct.field -> unit
val add_field : t -> Typ.Name.t -> Struct.field -> unit
(** Add a field to a given struct in the global type environment. *)
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit [@@warning "-32"]

@ -1477,140 +1477,3 @@ module Fieldname = struct
(last_char >= '0' && last_char <= '9')
&& String.is_suffix field_name ~suffix:(this ^ String.of_char last_char)
module Struct = struct
type field = Fieldname.t * T.t * Annot.Item.t [@@deriving compare]
type fields = field list
(** Type for a structured value. *)
type t =
{ fields: fields (** non-static fields *)
; statics: fields (** static fields *)
; supers: Name.t list (** superclasses *)
; methods: Procname.t list (** methods defined *)
; exported_objc_methods: Procname.t list (** methods in ObjC interface, subset of [methods] *)
; annots: Annot.Item.t (** annotations *)
; dummy: bool (** dummy struct for class including static method *) }
type lookup = Name.t -> t option
let pp_field pe f (field_name, typ, ann) =
F.fprintf f "@\n\t\t%a %a %a" (pp_full pe) typ Fieldname.pp field_name Annot.Item.pp ann
let pp pe name f {fields; supers; methods; exported_objc_methods; annots} =
if Config.debug_mode then
(* change false to true to print the details of struct *)
F.fprintf f
"%a @\n\
\tfields: {%a@\n\
\tsupers: {%a@\n\
\tmethods: {%a@\n\
\texported_obj_methods: {%a@\n\
\tannots: {%a@\n\
Name.pp name
(Pp.seq (pp_field pe))
(Pp.seq (fun f n -> F.fprintf f "@\n\t\t%a" Name.pp n))
(Pp.seq (fun f m -> F.fprintf f "@\n\t\t%a" Procname.pp m))
(Pp.seq (fun f m -> F.fprintf f "@\n\t\t%a" Procname.pp m))
exported_objc_methods Annot.Item.pp annots
else Name.pp f name
let internal_mk_struct ?default ?fields ?statics ?methods ?exported_objc_methods ?supers ?annots
?dummy () =
let default_ =
{ fields= []
; statics= []
; methods= []
; exported_objc_methods= []
; supers= []
; annots= Annot.Item.empty
; dummy= false }
let mk_struct_ ?(default = default_) ?(fields = default.fields) ?(statics = default.statics)
?(methods = default.methods) ?(exported_objc_methods = default.exported_objc_methods)
?(supers = default.supers) ?(annots = default.annots) ?(dummy = default.dummy) () =
{fields; statics; methods; exported_objc_methods; supers; annots; dummy}
mk_struct_ ?default ?fields ?statics ?methods ?exported_objc_methods ?supers ?annots ?dummy ()
(** the element typ of the final extensible array in the given typ, if any *)
let rec get_extensible_array_element_typ ~lookup (typ : T.t) =
match typ.desc with
| Tarray {elt} ->
Some elt
| Tstruct name -> (
match lookup name with
| Some {fields} -> (
match List.last fields with
| Some (_, fld_typ, _) ->
get_extensible_array_element_typ ~lookup fld_typ
| None ->
None )
| None ->
None )
| _ ->
(** If a struct type with field f, return the type of f. If not, return the default *)
let fld_typ ~lookup ~default fn (typ : T.t) =
(* Note: would be nice migrate it to get_field_info
(for that one needs to ensure adding Tptr to pattern match does not break thing) *)
match typ.desc with
| Tstruct name -> (
match lookup name with
| Some {fields} ->
List.find ~f:(fun (f, _, _) -> Fieldname.equal f fn) fields
|> Option.value_map ~f:snd3 ~default
| None ->
default )
| _ ->
type field_info = {typ: typ; annotations: Annot.Item.t; is_static: bool}
let find_field field_list field_name_to_lookup =
~f:(fun (field_name, typ, annotations) ->
if Fieldname.equal field_name field_name_to_lookup then Some (typ, annotations) else None )
let get_field_info ~lookup field_name_to_lookup (typ : T.t) =
let find_field_info field_list ~is_static =
find_field field_list field_name_to_lookup
|> Option.map ~f:(fun (typ, annotations) -> {typ; annotations; is_static})
match typ.desc with
| Tstruct name | Tptr ({desc= Tstruct name}, _) -> (
match lookup name with
| Some {fields= non_statics; statics} ->
(* Search in both lists and return the first found *)
find_field_info statics ~is_static:true
|> IOption.if_none_evalopt ~f:(fun () -> find_field_info non_statics ~is_static:false)
| None ->
None )
| _ ->
let get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup field_name_to_lookup typ =
get_field_info ~lookup field_name_to_lookup typ
|> Option.map ~f:(fun {typ; annotations} -> (typ, annotations))
let is_dummy {dummy} = dummy

@ -672,57 +672,3 @@ module Fieldname : sig
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Pretty print a field name. *)
module Struct : sig
type field = Fieldname.t * typ * Annot.Item.t [@@deriving compare]
type fields = field list
(** Type for a structured value. *)
type t = private
{ fields: fields (** non-static fields *)
; statics: fields (** static fields *)
; supers: Name.t list (** supers *)
; methods: Procname.t list (** methods defined *)
; exported_objc_methods: Procname.t list (** methods in ObjC interface, subset of [methods] *)
; annots: Annot.Item.t (** annotations *)
; dummy: bool (** dummy struct for class including static method *) }
type lookup = Name.t -> t option
val pp_field : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> field -> unit
val pp : Pp.env -> Name.t -> F.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Pretty print a struct type. *)
val internal_mk_struct :
-> ?fields:fields
-> ?statics:fields
-> ?methods:Procname.t list
-> ?exported_objc_methods:Procname.t list
-> ?supers:Name.t list
-> ?annots:Annot.Item.t
-> ?dummy:bool
-> unit
-> t
(** Construct a struct_typ, normalizing field types *)
val get_extensible_array_element_typ : lookup:lookup -> typ -> typ option
(** the element typ of the final extensible array in the given typ, if any *)
type field_info = {typ: typ; annotations: Annot.Item.t; is_static: bool}
val get_field_info : lookup:lookup -> Fieldname.t -> typ -> field_info option
(** Lookup for info associated with the field [fn]. None if [typ] has no field named [fn] *)
val fld_typ : lookup:lookup -> default:typ -> Fieldname.t -> typ -> typ
(** If a struct type with field f, return the type of f.
If not, return the default type if given, otherwise raise an exception *)
val get_field_type_and_annotation :
lookup:lookup -> Fieldname.t -> typ -> (typ * Annot.Item.t) option
(** Return the type of the field [fn] and its annotation, None if [typ] has no field named [fn] *)
val is_dummy : t -> bool

@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ let override_find ?(check_current_type = true) f tenv proc_name =
let is_override = Staged.unstage (is_override_of proc_name) in
let rec find_super_type super_class_name =
Tenv.lookup tenv super_class_name
|> Option.bind ~f:(fun {Typ.Struct.methods; supers} ->
|> Option.bind ~f:(fun {Struct.methods; supers} ->
match List.find ~f:(fun pname -> is_override pname && f pname) methods with
| None ->
List.find_map ~f:find_super_type supers
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ let is_java_enum tenv typename = is_subtype_of_str tenv typename "java.lang.Enum
for supertypes*)
let check_class_attributes check tenv = function
| Typ.Procname.Java java_pname ->
let check_class_annots _ {Typ.Struct.annots} = check annots in
let check_class_annots _ {Struct.annots} = check annots in
supertype_exists tenv check_class_annots (Typ.Procname.Java.get_class_type_name java_pname)
| _ ->

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ val implements_android : string -> Tenv.t -> string -> bool
val implements_xmob_utils : string -> Tenv.t -> string -> bool
(** Check whether class implements a class of xmod.utils *)
val supertype_exists : Tenv.t -> (Typ.Name.t -> Typ.Struct.t -> bool) -> Typ.Name.t -> bool
val supertype_exists : Tenv.t -> (Typ.Name.t -> Struct.t -> bool) -> Typ.Name.t -> bool
(** Holds iff the predicate holds on a supertype of the named type, including the type itself *)
val supertype_find_map_opt : Tenv.t -> (Typ.Name.t -> 'a option) -> Typ.Name.t -> 'a option

@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ let is_suppressed ?(field_name = None) tenv proc_desc kind =
let is_field_suppressed () =
match (field_name, PatternMatch.get_this_type_nonstatic_methods_only proc_attributes) with
| Some field_name, Some t -> (
match Typ.Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup field_name t with
match Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup field_name t with
| Some (_, ia) ->
Annotations.ia_has_annotation_with ia annotation_matches
| None ->

@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ let check_after_array_abstraction tenv prop =
| Predicates.Estruct (fsel, _) ->
~f:(fun (f, se) ->
let typ_f = Typ.Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:(Typ.mk Tvoid) f typ in
let typ_f = Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:(Typ.mk Tvoid) f typ in
check_se root (offs @ [Predicates.Off_fld (f, typ)]) typ_f se )

@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ module Normalize = struct
(* test if the extensible array at the end of [typ] has elements of type [elt] *)
let extensible_array_element_typ_equal elt typ =
Option.value_map ~f:(Typ.equal elt) ~default:false
(Typ.Struct.get_extensible_array_element_typ ~lookup typ)
(Struct.get_extensible_array_element_typ ~lookup typ)
match (e1', e2') with
(* pattern for arrays and extensible structs:

@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ end = struct
| Predicates.Estruct (fsel, _), t ->
let get_field_type f =
Option.bind t ~f:(fun t' ->
Option.map ~f:fst @@ Typ.Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup f t' )
Option.map ~f:fst @@ Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup f t' )
List.iter ~f:(fun (f, se) -> strexp_extract (se, get_field_type f)) fsel
| Predicates.Earray (len, isel, _), t ->
@ -1520,8 +1520,8 @@ let rec sexp_imply tenv source calc_index_frame calc_missing subs se1 se2 typ2 :
let se2' = Predicates.Earray (len, [(Exp.zero, se2)], inst) in
let typ2' = Typ.mk_array typ2 in
(* In the sexp_imply, struct_imply, array_imply, and sexp_imply_nolhs functions, the typ2
argument is only used by eventually passing its value to Typ.Struct.fld, Exp.Lfield,
Typ.Struct.fld, or Typ.array_elem. None of these are sensitive to the length field
argument is only used by eventually passing its value to Struct.fld, Exp.Lfield,
Struct.fld, or Typ.array_elem. None of these are sensitive to the length field
of Tarray, so forgetting the length of typ2' here is not a problem. Not one of those
functions use typ.quals either *)
sexp_imply tenv source true calc_missing subs se1 se2' typ2'
@ -1541,7 +1541,7 @@ and struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs fsel1 fsel2 typ2 :
| (f1, se1) :: fsel1', (f2, se2) :: fsel2' -> (
match Typ.Fieldname.compare f1 f2 with
| 0 ->
let typ' = Typ.Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:(Typ.mk Tvoid) f2 typ2 in
let typ' = Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:(Typ.mk Tvoid) f2 typ2 in
let subs', se_frame, se_missing =
sexp_imply tenv (Exp.Lfield (source, f2, typ2)) false calc_missing subs se1 se2 typ'
@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ and struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs fsel1 fsel2 typ2 :
(subs', (f1, se1) :: fld_frame, fld_missing)
| _ ->
let typ' = Typ.Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:(Typ.mk Tvoid) f2 typ2 in
let typ' = Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:(Typ.mk Tvoid) f2 typ2 in
let subs' =
sexp_imply_nolhs tenv (Exp.Lfield (source, f2, typ2)) calc_missing subs se2 typ'
@ -1571,7 +1571,7 @@ and struct_imply tenv source calc_missing subs fsel1 fsel2 typ2 :
let fld_missing' = (f2, se2) :: fld_missing in
(subs', fld_frame, fld_missing') )
| [], (f2, se2) :: fsel2' ->
let typ' = Typ.Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:(Typ.mk Tvoid) f2 typ2 in
let typ' = Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:(Typ.mk Tvoid) f2 typ2 in
let subs' =
sexp_imply_nolhs tenv (Exp.Lfield (source, f2, typ2)) calc_missing subs se2 typ'

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ let rec create_struct_values pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp
if Typ.Fieldname.equal f f' then (f, res_t', a') else (f', t', a')
let fields' =
List.sort ~compare:Typ.Struct.compare_field (List.map ~f:replace_typ_of_f fields)
List.sort ~compare:Struct.compare_field (List.map ~f:replace_typ_of_f fields)
ignore (Tenv.mk_struct tenv ~default:struct_typ ~fields:fields' name) ;
(atoms', se, t)
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ let rec strexp_extend_values_ pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp
if Typ.Fieldname.equal f f1 then (f1, res_typ', a1) else fta1
let fields' =
List.sort ~compare:Typ.Struct.compare_field (List.map ~f:replace_fta fields)
List.sort ~compare:Struct.compare_field (List.map ~f:replace_fta fields)
ignore (Tenv.mk_struct tenv ~default:struct_typ ~fields:fields' name) ;
(res_atoms', Predicates.Estruct (res_fsel', inst'), typ) :: acc
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ let rec strexp_extend_values_ pname tenv orig_prop footprint_part kind max_stamp
if Typ.Fieldname.equal f' f then (f, res_typ', a') else (f', t', a')
let fields' =
List.sort ~compare:Typ.Struct.compare_field (List.map ~f:replace_fta fields)
List.sort ~compare:Struct.compare_field (List.map ~f:replace_fta fields)
ignore (Tenv.mk_struct tenv ~default:struct_typ ~fields:fields' name) ;
[(atoms', Predicates.Estruct (res_fsel', inst'), typ)] )
@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ let add_guarded_by_constraints tenv prop lexp pdesc =
(* if [fld] is annotated with @GuardedBy("mLock"), return mLock *)
let get_guarded_by_fld_str fld typ =
match Typ.Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup fld typ with
match Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup fld typ with
| Some (_, item_annot) -> (
match extract_guarded_by_str item_annot with
| Some "this" ->
@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ let add_guarded_by_constraints tenv prop lexp pdesc =
let get_fld_strexp_and_typ typ f flds =
let match_one (fld, strexp) =
match Typ.Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup fld typ with
match Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup fld typ with
| Some (fld_typ, _) when f fld fld_typ ->
Some (strexp, fld_typ)
| _ ->
@ -1482,7 +1482,7 @@ let attr_has_annot is_annotation tenv prop exp =
let is_strexp_pt_fld_with_annot tenv obj_str is_annotation typ deref_exp (fld, strexp) =
let lookup = Tenv.lookup tenv in
let fld_has_annot fld =
match Typ.Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup fld typ with
match Struct.get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup fld typ with
| Some (_, annot) ->
is_annotation annot
| _ ->

@ -1088,8 +1088,7 @@ let check_uninitialize_dangling_deref caller_pname tenv callee_pname actual_pre
let missing_sigma_need_adding_to_tenv tenv hpreds =
let field_is_missing struc (field, _) =
(List.exists struc.Typ.Struct.fields ~f:(fun (fname, _, _) -> Typ.Fieldname.equal fname field))
not (List.exists struc.Struct.fields ~f:(fun (fname, _, _) -> Typ.Fieldname.equal fname field))
let missing_hpred_need_adding_to_tenv hpred =
match hpred with

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ let mk pdesc =
match BufferOverrunField.get_type fn with
| None ->
let lookup = Tenv.lookup tenv in
Option.map (typ_of_param_path x) ~f:(Typ.Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:Typ.void fn)
Option.map (typ_of_param_path x) ~f:(Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:Typ.void fn)
| some_typ ->
some_typ )
| SPath.StarField {last_field} ->
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ let mk pdesc =
| SPath.Callsite {ret_typ} ->
Some ret_typ
let is_last_field fn (fields : Typ.Struct.field list) =
let is_last_field fn (fields : Struct.field list) =
Option.value_map (List.last fields) ~default:false ~f:(fun (last_fn, _, _) ->
Typ.Fieldname.equal fn last_fn )
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ let mk pdesc =
| Tstruct typename ->
let opt_struct = Tenv.lookup tenv typename in
Option.value_map opt_struct ~default:false ~f:(fun str ->
is_last_field fn str.Typ.Struct.fields )
is_last_field fn str.Struct.fields )
| _ ->
true )

@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ module Exec = struct
match Tenv.lookup tenv typename with
| Some str ->
let f = init_field path locs (dimension + 1) in
IList.fold_last ~f ~f_last:(f ?dyn_length) ~init:(mem, 1) str.Typ.Struct.fields |> fst
IList.fold_last ~f ~f_last:(f ?dyn_length) ~init:(mem, 1) str.Struct.fields |> fst
| None ->
mem )
| _ ->

@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ let pname_has_return_annot pname ~attrs_of_pname predicate =
let field_has_annot fieldname (struct_typ : Typ.Struct.t) predicate =
let field_has_annot fieldname (struct_typ : Struct.t) predicate =
let fld_has_taint_annot (fname, _, annot) =
Typ.Fieldname.equal fieldname fname && predicate annot
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ let field_has_annot fieldname (struct_typ : Typ.Struct.t) predicate =
|| List.exists ~f:fld_has_taint_annot struct_typ.statics
let struct_typ_has_annot (struct_typ : Typ.Struct.t) predicate = predicate struct_typ.annots
let struct_typ_has_annot (struct_typ : Struct.t) predicate = predicate struct_typ.annots
let ia_is_not_thread_safe ia = ia_ends_with ia not_thread_safe

@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ val pdesc_return_annot_ends_with : Procdesc.t -> string -> bool
val ma_has_annotation_with : Annot.Method.t -> (Annot.t -> bool) -> bool
val field_has_annot : Typ.Fieldname.t -> Typ.Struct.t -> (Annot.Item.t -> bool) -> bool
val field_has_annot : Typ.Fieldname.t -> Struct.t -> (Annot.Item.t -> bool) -> bool
val struct_typ_has_annot : Typ.Struct.t -> (Annot.Item.t -> bool) -> bool
val struct_typ_has_annot : Struct.t -> (Annot.Item.t -> bool) -> bool
(** return true if the given predicate evaluates to true on some annotation of [struct_typ] *)

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ let rec load_class summary tenv loc astate class_name =
(* finally, recursively load all superclasses *)
Tenv.lookup tenv class_name
|> Option.value_map ~default:[] ~f:(fun tstruct -> tstruct.Typ.Struct.supers)
|> Option.value_map ~default:[] ~f:(fun tstruct -> tstruct.Struct.supers)
|> List.fold ~init:astate2 ~f:(load_class summary tenv loc)

@ -11,10 +11,9 @@ open! IStd
type var_info = Clang_ast_t.decl_info * Clang_ast_t.qual_type * Clang_ast_t.var_decl_info * bool
val add_no_duplicates_fields : Typ.Struct.field -> Typ.Struct.field list -> Typ.Struct.field list
val add_no_duplicates_fields : Struct.field -> Struct.field list -> Struct.field list
val append_no_duplicates_fields :
Typ.Struct.field list -> Typ.Struct.field list -> Typ.Struct.field list
val append_no_duplicates_fields : Struct.field list -> Struct.field list -> Struct.field list
val append_no_duplicates_methods : Typ.Procname.t list -> Typ.Procname.t list -> Typ.Procname.t list

@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ let find_override_or_superclass_annotated ~attrs_of_pname is_annot tenv proc_nam
| Some tstruct when Annotations.struct_typ_has_annot tstruct is_annot ->
Some (SuperClass class_name)
| Some (tstruct : Typ.Struct.t) -> (
| Some (tstruct : Struct.t) -> (
List.find_map tstruct.methods ~f:(fun pn ->
if is_override pn && is_annotated pn then Some (Override pn) else None )

@ -862,13 +862,13 @@ let should_report_on_proc tenv procdesc =
Procdesc.get_access procdesc <> PredSymb.Private
| ObjCClassMethod | ObjCInstanceMethod | ObjCInternalMethod ->
Tenv.lookup tenv class_name
|> Option.exists ~f:(fun {Typ.Struct.exported_objc_methods} ->
|> Option.exists ~f:(fun {Struct.exported_objc_methods} ->
List.mem ~equal:Typ.Procname.equal exported_objc_methods proc_name ) )
let matcher = ConcurrencyModels.cpp_lock_types_matcher in
Option.exists (Tenv.lookup tenv class_name) ~f:(fun class_str ->
(* check if the class contains a lock member *)
List.exists class_str.Typ.Struct.fields ~f:(fun (_, ft, _) ->
List.exists class_str.Struct.fields ~f:(fun (_, ft, _) ->
Option.exists (Typ.name ft) ~f:(fun name ->
QualifiedCppName.Match.match_qualifiers matcher (Typ.Name.qual_name name) ) ) )
| _ ->
@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ let should_report_guardedby_violation classname_str ({snapshot; tenv; procname}
(* is the base class a subclass of the one containing the GuardedBy annotation? *)
PatternMatch.is_subtype tenv base_name (Typ.Name.Java.from_string classname_str)
&& Tenv.lookup tenv base_name
|> Option.exists ~f:(fun ({fields; statics} : Typ.Struct.t) ->
|> Option.exists ~f:(fun ({fields; statics} : Struct.t) ->
let f fld = field_is_annotated_guardedby field_name fld in
List.exists fields ~f || List.exists statics ~f )
| _ ->

@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ let rec get_executor_thread_annotation_constraint tenv (receiver : HilExp.Access
| FieldOffset (_, field_name) when Typ.Fieldname.is_java field_name ->
Typ.Fieldname.get_class_name field_name
|> Tenv.lookup tenv
|> Option.map ~f:(fun (tstruct : Typ.Struct.t) -> tstruct.fields @ tstruct.statics)
|> Option.map ~f:(fun (tstruct : Struct.t) -> tstruct.fields @ tstruct.statics)
|> Option.bind ~f:(List.find ~f:(fun (fld, _, _) -> Typ.Fieldname.equal fld field_name))
|> Option.bind ~f:(fun (_, _, annot) ->
if Annotations.(ia_ends_with annot for_ui_thread) then Some ForUIThread
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ let get_run_method_from_runnable tenv runnable =
|> Option.map ~f:(function Typ.{desc= Tptr (typ, _)} -> typ | typ -> typ)
|> Option.bind ~f:Typ.name
|> Option.bind ~f:(Tenv.lookup tenv)
|> Option.map ~f:(fun (tstruct : Typ.Struct.t) -> tstruct.methods)
|> Option.map ~f:(fun (tstruct : Struct.t) -> tstruct.methods)
|> Option.bind ~f:(List.find ~f:is_run_method)

@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ let set_constructor_attributes tenv procname (astate : Domain.t) =
(* retrieve its definition *)
|> Option.bind ~f:(Tenv.lookup tenv)
(* get the list of methods in the class *)
|> Option.value_map ~default:[] ~f:(fun (tstruct : Typ.Struct.t) -> tstruct.methods)
|> Option.value_map ~default:[] ~f:(fun (tstruct : Struct.t) -> tstruct.methods)
(* keep only the constructors *)
|> List.filter ~f:Typ.Procname.(function Java jname -> Java.is_constructor jname | _ -> false)
(* get the summaries of the constructors *)
@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ let should_report pdesc =
let fold_reportable_summaries (tenv, current_summary) clazz ~init ~f =
let methods =
Tenv.lookup tenv clazz
|> Option.value_map ~default:[] ~f:(fun tstruct -> tstruct.Typ.Struct.methods)
|> Option.value_map ~default:[] ~f:(fun tstruct -> tstruct.Struct.methods)
let f acc mthd =
Ondemand.get_proc_desc mthd

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ let retrieve_fieldname fieldname =
let get_field_name program static tenv cn fs =
let {Typ.Struct.fields; statics} = JTransType.get_class_struct_typ program tenv cn in
let {Struct.fields; statics} = JTransType.get_class_struct_typ program tenv cn in
~f:(fun (fieldname, _, _) -> String.equal (retrieve_fieldname fieldname) (JBasics.fs_name fs))

@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ let add_model_fields program classpath_fields cn =
let rec get_method_procname program tenv cn ms method_kind =
let (_ : Typ.Struct.t) = get_class_struct_typ program tenv cn in
let (_ : Struct.t) = get_class_struct_typ program tenv cn in
let return_type_name, method_name, args_type_name = method_signature_names ms in
let class_name = Typ.Name.Java.from_string (JBasics.cn_name cn) in
let proc_name_java =
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ and translate_method_name program tenv m =
and get_all_fields program tenv cn =
let extract_class_fields classname =
let {Typ.Struct.fields; statics} = get_class_struct_typ program tenv classname in
let {Struct.fields; statics} = get_class_struct_typ program tenv classname in
(statics, fields)
let trans_fields classname =

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ val translate_method_name :
JClasspath.program -> Tenv.t -> JCode.jcode Javalib.jmethod -> Typ.Procname.t
(** translate the SIL procedure name of the Java method *)
val get_class_struct_typ : JClasspath.program -> Tenv.t -> JBasics.class_name -> Typ.Struct.t
val get_class_struct_typ : JClasspath.program -> Tenv.t -> JBasics.class_name -> Struct.t
(** [get_class_struct_typ program tenv cn] returns the struct_typ representation of the class *)
val get_class_type_no_pointer : JClasspath.program -> Tenv.t -> JBasics.class_name -> Typ.t

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ let rec get_type_name {Typ.desc} =
(* A heuristic to guess if the field is actually a Java enum value. *)
let is_enum_value tenv ~class_typ (field_info : Typ.Struct.field_info) =
let is_enum_value tenv ~class_typ (field_info : Struct.field_info) =
(* It is tricky to get this information with 100% precision, but this works in most of
practical cases.
In Java, enums are special classes, and enum values are (implicitly generated) static fields in these classes,
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ let get tenv field_name class_typ =
let lookup = Tenv.lookup tenv in
(* We currently don't support field-level strict mode annotation, so fetch it from class *)
let is_strict_mode = is_class_in_strict_mode tenv class_typ in
Typ.Struct.get_field_info ~lookup field_name class_typ
|> Option.map ~f:(fun (Typ.Struct.{typ= field_typ; annotations} as field_info) ->
Struct.get_field_info ~lookup field_name class_typ
|> Option.map ~f:(fun (Struct.{typ= field_typ; annotations} as field_info) ->
let is_enum_value = is_enum_value tenv ~class_typ field_info in
let nullability =
AnnotatedNullability.of_type_and_annotation field_typ annotations ~is_strict_mode
