@ -15,11 +15,12 @@ module F = Format
file). Defines useful wrappers that allows us to do tricks like turn a forward cfg into a
file). Defines useful wrappers that allows us to do tricks like turn a forward cfg into a
backward one, or view a cfg as having a single instruction per node. *)
backward one, or view a cfg as having a single instruction per node. *)
type index = Node_index | Instr_index of int
module type Node = sig
module type Node = sig
type t
type t
type id
type id
val instrs : t -> Sil.instr list
val kind : t -> Cfg.Node.nodekind
val kind : t -> Cfg.Node.nodekind
val id : t -> id
val id : t -> id
val id_compare : id -> id -> int
val id_compare : id -> id -> int
@ -30,38 +31,34 @@ module DefaultNode = struct
type t = Cfg.Node.t
type t = Cfg.Node.t
type id = Cfg.Node.id
type id = Cfg.Node.id
let instrs = Cfg.Node.get_instrs
let kind = Cfg.Node.get_kind
let kind = Cfg.Node.get_kind
let id = Cfg.Node.get_id
let id = Cfg.Node.get_id
let id_compare = Cfg.Node.id_compare
let id_compare = Cfg.Node.id_compare
let pp_id = Cfg.Node.pp_id
let pp_id = Cfg.Node.pp_id
type instr_index = int
module InstrNode = struct
type instr_node = { node: DefaultNode.t; instr_index: instr_index; num_instrs: int; }
type t = Cfg.Node.t
type id = Cfg.Node.id * index
module OneInstrNode = struct
type t = instr_node
type id = DefaultNode.id * instr_index
let instrs t =
let kind = Cfg.Node.get_kind
match DefaultNode.instrs t.node with
| [] -> []
| instrs -> [IList.nth instrs t.instr_index]
let kind t =
let id t = Cfg.Node.get_id t, Node_index
DefaultNode.kind t.node
let id t =
let index_compare index1 index2 = match index1, index2 with
DefaultNode.id t.node, t.instr_index
| Node_index, Node_index -> 0
| Instr_index i1, Instr_index i2 -> int_compare i1 i2
| Node_index, Instr_index _ -> 1
| Instr_index _, Node_index -> -1
let id_compare (t_id1, i_index1) (t_id2, i_index2) =
let id_compare (id1, index1) (id2, index2) =
let n = DefaultNode.id_compare t_id1 t_id2 in
let n = Cfg.Node.id_compare id1 id2 in
if n <> 0 then n
if n <> 0 then n
else int_compare i_index1 i_index2
else index_compare index1 index2
let pp_id fmt (id, index) =
let pp_id fmt (id, index) = match index with
F.fprintf fmt "(%a: %d)" DefaultNode.pp_id id index
| Node_index -> Cfg.Node.pp_id fmt id
| Instr_index i -> F.fprintf fmt "(%a: %d)" Cfg.Node.pp_id id i
module type S = sig
module type S = sig
@ -69,6 +66,13 @@ module type S = sig
type node
type node
include (Node with type t := node)
include (Node with type t := node)
(** get the instructions from a node *)
val instrs : node -> Sil.instr list
(** explode a block into its instructions and an optional id for the instruction. the purpose of
this is to specify a policy for fine-grained storage of invariants by the abstract
interpreter. the interpreter will forget invariants at program points where the id is None,
and remember them otherwise *)
val instr_ids : node -> (Sil.instr * id option) list
val succs : t -> node -> node list
val succs : t -> node -> node list
(** all predecessors (normal and exceptional) *)
(** all predecessors (normal and exceptional) *)
val preds : t -> node -> node list
val preds : t -> node -> node list
@ -93,6 +97,8 @@ module Normal = struct
type node = DefaultNode.t
type node = DefaultNode.t
include (DefaultNode : module type of DefaultNode with type t := node)
include (DefaultNode : module type of DefaultNode with type t := node)
let instrs = Cfg.Node.get_instrs
let instr_ids n = IList.map (fun i -> i, None) (instrs n)
let normal_succs _ n = Cfg.Node.get_succs n
let normal_succs _ n = Cfg.Node.get_succs n
let normal_preds _ n = Cfg.Node.get_preds n
let normal_preds _ n = Cfg.Node.get_preds n
(* prune away exceptional control flow *)
(* prune away exceptional control flow *)
@ -132,6 +138,10 @@ module Exceptional = struct
IList.fold_left add_exn_preds Cfg.IdMap.empty (Cfg.Procdesc.get_nodes pdesc) in
IList.fold_left add_exn_preds Cfg.IdMap.empty (Cfg.Procdesc.get_nodes pdesc) in
pdesc, exceptional_preds
pdesc, exceptional_preds
let instrs = Cfg.Node.get_instrs
let instr_ids n = IList.map (fun i -> i, None) (instrs n)
let nodes (t, _) = Cfg.Procdesc.get_nodes t
let nodes (t, _) = Cfg.Procdesc.get_nodes t
let normal_succs _ n = Cfg.Node.get_succs n
let normal_succs _ n = Cfg.Node.get_succs n
@ -175,6 +185,7 @@ end
module Backward (Base : S) = struct
module Backward (Base : S) = struct
include Base
include Base
let instrs n = IList.rev (Base.instrs n)
let instrs n = IList.rev (Base.instrs n)
let instr_ids n = IList.rev (Base.instr_ids n)
let succs = Base.preds
let succs = Base.preds
let preds = Base.succs
let preds = Base.succs
@ -186,74 +197,19 @@ module Backward (Base : S) = struct
let exceptional_preds = Base.exceptional_succs
let exceptional_preds = Base.exceptional_succs
(** Wrapper that views the CFG as if it has at most one instruction per node *)
module OneInstrPerNode (Base : S with type node = Cfg.Node.t
module OneInstrPerNode (Base : S with type node = DefaultNode.t) = struct
and type id = Cfg.Node.id) = struct
type t = Base.t
include (Base : module type of Base with type id := Cfg.Node.id and type t = Base.t)
type node = OneInstrNode.t
type id = Base.id * index
include (OneInstrNode : module type of OneInstrNode with type t := node)
include (InstrNode : module type of InstrNode with type t := node and type id := id)
let create_node cfg_node =
(* keep the invariants before/after each instruction *)
let num_instrs = IList.length (Base.instrs cfg_node) in
let instr_ids t =
{ node = cfg_node; instr_index = 0; num_instrs; }
(fun i instr ->
let create_pred_node cfg_node =
let id = Cfg.Node.get_id t, Instr_index i in
let num_instrs = IList.length (Base.instrs cfg_node) in
instr, Some id)
{ node = cfg_node; instr_index = num_instrs - 1; num_instrs; }
(instrs t)
let get_succs n f_get_succs =
if n.instr_index >= n.num_instrs - 1 then
IList.map create_node (f_get_succs n.node)
let instr_index = n.instr_index + 1 in
[{ n with instr_index; }]
let succs t n =
get_succs n (Base.succs t)
let normal_succs t n =
get_succs n (Base.normal_succs t)
let exceptional_succs t n =
(* nodes are structured in such a way that exceptions should not occur in the middle. so if the
next instruction is in the same node as the current instruction, there are no exceptional
succs. *)
if n.instr_index < n.num_instrs - 1
then []
else get_succs n (Base.exceptional_succs t)
let get_preds n f_get_preds =
if n.instr_index <= 0 then
IList.map create_pred_node (f_get_preds n.node)
let instr_index = n.instr_index - 1 in
[{ n with instr_index; }]
let preds t n =
get_preds n (Base.preds t)
let normal_preds t n =
get_preds n (Base.normal_preds t)
let exceptional_preds t n =
(* nodes are structured in such a way that exceptions should not occur in the middle. so if the
last instruction is in the same node as the current instruction, there are no exceptional
preds. *)
if n.instr_index > 0
then []
else get_preds n (Base.exceptional_preds t)
let start_node t =
create_node (Base.start_node t)
let exit_node t =
create_node (Base.exit_node t)
let proc_desc = Base.proc_desc
let nodes t =
IList.map create_node (Base.nodes t)
let from_pdesc = Base.from_pdesc
module NodeIdMap (CFG : S) = Map.Make(struct
module NodeIdMap (CFG : S) = Map.Make(struct