@ -200,7 +200,10 @@ let and_callee subst phi ~callee:phi_callee =
| subst , citvs' ->
let subst , formula' = and_formula_callee subst phi . formula phi_callee . formula in
L . d_printfln " conjoined formula post call: %a@ \n " Formula . pp formula' ;
( subst , { satisfiable = true ; bo_itvs = bo_itvs' ; citvs = citvs' ; formula = formula' } ) )
let formula' = Formula . normalize formula' in
let satisfiable = not ( Formula . is_literal_false formula' ) in
if not satisfiable then L . d_printfln " contradiction found by formulas " ;
( subst , { satisfiable ; bo_itvs = bo_itvs' ; citvs = citvs' ; formula = formula' } ) )
(* * {2 Operations} *)
@ -331,14 +334,6 @@ let prune_binop ~negated bop lhs_op rhs_op ({satisfiable; bo_itvs= _; citvs; for
let value_lhs_opt , arith_lhs_opt , bo_itv_lhs , t_lhs = eval_operand phi lhs_op in
let value_rhs_opt , arith_rhs_opt , bo_itv_rhs , t_rhs = eval_operand phi rhs_op in
let phi =
let f_positive = Formula . of_term_binop bop t_lhs t_rhs in
let formula =
let f = if negated then Formula . nnot f_positive else f_positive in
Formula . aand f formula
{ phi with formula }
match CItv . abduce_binop_is_true ~ negated bop arith_lhs_opt arith_rhs_opt with
| Unsatisfiable ->
L . d_printfln " contradiction detected by concrete intervals " ;
@ -368,9 +363,21 @@ let prune_binop ~negated bop lhs_op rhs_op ({satisfiable; bo_itvs= _; citvs; for
bind_satisfiable phi ~ f : ( fun phi ->
prune_bo_with_bop ~ negated value_lhs_opt bo_itv_lhs bop bo_itv_rhs phi )
let phi =
Option . value_map ( Binop . symmetric bop ) ~ default : phi ~ f : ( fun bop' ->
bind_satisfiable phi ~ f : ( fun phi ->
prune_bo_with_bop ~ negated value_rhs_opt bo_itv_rhs bop' bo_itv_lhs phi ) )
if not phi . satisfiable then phi
let f_positive = Formula . of_term_binop bop t_lhs t_rhs in
let formula =
let f = if negated then Formula . nnot f_positive else f_positive in
Formula . aand f formula | > Formula . normalize
let satisfiable = not ( Formula . is_literal_false formula ) in
if not satisfiable then L . d_printfln " contradiction detected by formulas " ;
{ phi with satisfiable ; formula }
(* * {2 Queries} *)