Add `-lib` flag to InferPrint to read specs files from multiple places

While `-results_dir` is still the main place to look for specs files and to write reports,
it's necessary to load specs from multiple folders because some build tools that run Infer with a target-level granularity may need to move specs files around in order to get complete reports, whereas with this change they just need to keep track of the `specs` folders generated for each target, and pass them through `-lib dir1 -lib dir2 ... -lib dirN`
martinoluca 10 years ago
parent 743c73012d
commit cfd8a55f3b

@ -133,6 +133,14 @@ inferJ_group.add_argument('-nt', '--notest', action='store_true',
help='Prints output of symbolic execution')
help='add dir to the list of directories to be '
'searched for spec files. Repeat the argument '
'in case multiple folders are needed')
def detect_javac(args):
for index, arg in enumerate(args):
if arg == 'javac':
@ -382,6 +390,17 @@ class Infer:
self.stats = {'int': {}, 'float': {}}
self.timing = {}
if self.args.specs_dirs:
# Each dir passed in input is prepended by '-lib'.
# Convert each path to absolute because when running from
# cluster Makefiles (multicore mode) InferAnalyze creates the wrong
# absolute path from within the multicore folder
self.args.specs_dirs = [item
for argument in
(['-lib', os.path.abspath(path)] for path in
for item in argument]
def clean_exit(self):
if os.path.isdir(self.args.infer_out):
@ -472,6 +491,9 @@ class Infer:
# '-notest',
if self.args.specs_dirs:
infer_options += self.args.specs_dirs
exit_status = os.EX_OK
if self.args.buck:
@ -595,6 +617,10 @@ class Infer:
'-procs', procs_report,
'-analyzer', self.args.analyzer
if self.args.specs_dirs:
infer_print_options += self.args.specs_dirs
exit_status = subprocess.check_call(
infer_print_cmd + infer_print_options

@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ let arg_desc =
"-procs", Arg.String (fun s -> procs_csv := create_outfile s), Some "procs.csv", "create file procs.csv containing statistics for each procedure in CSV format";
"-procs_xml", Arg.String (fun s -> procs_xml := create_outfile s), Some "procs.xml", "create file procs.xml containing statistics for each procedure in XML format";
"-results_dir", Arg.String (fun s -> results_dir_cmdline := true; Config.results_dir := s), Some "dir", "read all the .specs files in the results dir";
"-lib", Arg.String (fun s -> Config.specs_library := filename_to_absolute s :: !Config.specs_library), Some "dir", "add dir to the list of directories to be searched for spec files";
"-q", Arg.Set quiet, None, "quiet: do not print specs on standard output";
"-save_results", Arg.String (fun s -> save_analysis_results := Some s), Some "file.iar", "save analysis results to Infer Analysis Results file file.iar";
"-unit_test", Arg.Set unit_test, None, "print unit test code";
@ -139,18 +140,20 @@ let print_usage_exit err_s =
Arg2.usage arg_desc usage;
(** return the list of the .specs files in the results dir, if it's defined *)
let results_dir_specsfiles () = match !results_dir_cmdline with
| false -> []
| true ->
let specs_dir = DB.Results_dir.specs_dir () in
let specs_files_in_dir dir =
let is_specs_file fname = not (Sys.is_directory fname) && Filename.check_suffix fname ".specs" in
let all_filenames = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir dir) in
let all_filepaths = list_map (fun fname -> Filename.concat dir fname) all_filenames in
list_filter is_specs_file all_filepaths in
specs_files_in_dir (DB.filename_to_string specs_dir)
(** return the list of the .specs files in the results dir and libs, if they're defined *)
let load_specfiles () =
let specs_files_in_dir dir =
let is_specs_file fname = not (Sys.is_directory fname) && Filename.check_suffix fname ".specs" in
let all_filenames = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir dir) in
let all_filepaths = list_map (fun fname -> Filename.concat dir fname) all_filenames in
list_filter is_specs_file all_filepaths in
let specs_dirs =
if !results_dir_cmdline then
let result_specs_dir = DB.filename_to_string (DB.Results_dir.specs_dir ()) in
result_specs_dir :: !Config.specs_library
!Config.specs_library in
list_flatten (list_map specs_files_in_dir specs_dirs)
(** Create and initialize latex file *)
let begin_latex_file fmt =
@ -872,7 +875,7 @@ module AnalysisResults = struct
let all_files = Array.to_list arr in
list_filter (fun fname -> (Filename.check_suffix fname ".specs")) all_files
else !args) (results_dir_specsfiles ())
else !args) (load_specfiles ())
(** apply [f] to [arg] with the gc compaction disabled during the execution *)
let apply_without_gc f arg =
