@ -320,116 +320,6 @@ let invariant e =
| _ -> ()
| _ -> ()
[@@warning "-9"]
[@@warning "-9"]
(** Variables are the terms constructed by [Var] *)
module Var = struct
include T
let pp = pp
type strength = t -> [`Universal | `Existential | `Anonymous] option
module Map = Map
module Set = struct
include Set
let pp vs = Set.pp pp_t vs
let ppx strength vs = Set.pp (ppx strength) vs
let pp_xs fs xs =
if not (is_empty xs) then
Format.fprintf fs "@<2>∃ @[%a@] .@;<1 2>" pp xs
let invariant x =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] x [%sexp_of: t] in
match x with Var _ -> invariant x | _ -> assert false
let id = function Var v -> v.id | x -> violates invariant x
let name = function Var v -> v.name | x -> violates invariant x
let is_global = function Var v -> v.id = -1 | x -> violates invariant x
let of_ = function Var _ as v -> v | _ -> invalid_arg "Var.of_"
let of_term = function
| Var _ as v -> Some (v |> check invariant)
| _ -> None
let program ?global name =
Var {name; id= (if Option.is_some global then -1 else 0)}
let fresh name ~wrt =
let max = match Set.max_elt wrt with None -> 0 | Some max -> id max in
let x' = Var {name; id= max + 1} in
(x', Set.add wrt x')
let identified ~name ~id = Var {name; id}
(** Variable renaming substitutions *)
module Subst = struct
type t = T.t Map.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
let t_of_sexp = Map.t_of_sexp T.t_of_sexp
let invariant s =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] s [%sexp_of: t] in
let domain, range =
Map.fold s ~init:(Set.empty, Set.empty)
~f:(fun ~key ~data (domain, range) ->
assert (not (Set.mem range data)) ;
(Set.add domain key, Set.add range data) )
assert (Set.disjoint domain range)
let pp = Map.pp pp_t pp_t
let empty = Map.empty
let is_empty = Map.is_empty
let freshen vs ~wrt =
let xs = Set.inter wrt vs in
( if Set.is_empty xs then empty
let wrt = Set.union wrt vs in
Set.fold xs ~init:(empty, wrt) ~f:(fun (sub, wrt) x ->
let x', wrt = fresh (name x) ~wrt in
let sub = Map.add_exn sub ~key:x ~data:x' in
(sub, wrt) )
|> fst )
|> check invariant
let fold sub ~init ~f =
Map.fold sub ~init ~f:(fun ~key ~data s -> f key data s)
let invert sub =
Map.fold sub ~init:empty ~f:(fun ~key ~data sub' ->
Map.add_exn sub' ~key:data ~data:key )
|> check invariant
let restrict sub vs =
Map.filter_keys ~f:(Set.mem vs) sub |> check invariant
let domain sub =
Map.fold sub ~init:Set.empty ~f:(fun ~key ~data:_ domain ->
Set.add domain key )
let range sub =
Map.fold sub ~init:Set.empty ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data range ->
Set.add range data )
let apply sub v = Map.find sub v |> Option.value ~default:v
let apply_set sub vs =
Map.fold sub ~init:vs ~f:(fun ~key ~data vs ->
let vs' = Set.remove vs key in
if vs' == vs then vs
else (
assert (not (Set.equal vs' vs)) ;
Set.add vs' data ) )
|> check (fun vs' ->
assert (Set.disjoint (domain sub) vs') ;
assert (Set.is_subset (range sub) ~of_:vs') )
(** Construct *)
(** Construct *)
(* variables *)
(* variables *)
@ -1089,6 +979,169 @@ let eq_concat (siz, arr) ms =
eq (memory ~siz ~arr)
eq (memory ~siz ~arr)
(concat (Array.map ~f:(fun (siz, arr) -> memory ~siz ~arr) ms))
(concat (Array.map ~f:(fun (siz, arr) -> memory ~siz ~arr) ms))
let rec binary mk x y = mk (of_exp x) (of_exp y)
and ubinary mk typ x y =
let unsigned typ = unsigned (Typ.bit_size_of typ) in
mk (unsigned typ (of_exp x)) (unsigned typ (of_exp y))
and of_exp e =
match (e : Exp.t) with
| Reg {name; global; typ= _} -> Var {name; id= (if global then -1 else 0)}
| Nondet {msg; typ= _} -> nondet msg
| Label {parent; name} -> label ~parent ~name
| Integer {data; typ= _} -> integer data
| Float {data; typ= _} -> float data
| Ap1 (Signed {bits}, _, x) -> signed bits (of_exp x)
| Ap1 (Unsigned {bits}, _, x) -> unsigned bits (of_exp x)
| Ap1 (Convert {src}, dst, exp) -> convert src ~to_:dst (of_exp exp)
| Ap2 (Eq, _, x, y) -> binary eq x y
| Ap2 (Dq, _, x, y) -> binary dq x y
| Ap2 (Gt, _, x, y) -> binary lt y x
| Ap2 (Ge, _, x, y) -> binary le y x
| Ap2 (Lt, _, x, y) -> binary lt x y
| Ap2 (Le, _, x, y) -> binary le x y
| Ap2 (Ugt, typ, x, y) -> ubinary lt typ y x
| Ap2 (Uge, typ, x, y) -> ubinary le typ y x
| Ap2 (Ult, typ, x, y) -> ubinary lt typ x y
| Ap2 (Ule, typ, x, y) -> ubinary le typ x y
| Ap2 (Ord, _, x, y) -> binary ord x y
| Ap2 (Uno, _, x, y) -> binary uno x y
| Ap2 (Add, _, x, y) -> binary add x y
| Ap2 (Sub, _, x, y) -> binary sub x y
| Ap2 (Mul, _, x, y) -> binary mul x y
| Ap2 (Div, _, x, y) -> binary div x y
| Ap2 (Rem, _, x, y) -> binary rem x y
| Ap2 (Udiv, typ, x, y) -> ubinary div typ x y
| Ap2 (Urem, typ, x, y) -> ubinary rem typ x y
| Ap2 (And, _, x, y) -> binary and_ x y
| Ap2 (Or, _, x, y) -> binary or_ x y
| Ap2 (Xor, _, x, y) -> binary xor x y
| Ap2 (Shl, _, x, y) -> binary shl x y
| Ap2 (Lshr, _, x, y) -> binary lshr x y
| Ap2 (Ashr, _, x, y) -> binary ashr x y
| Ap3 (Conditional, _, cnd, thn, els) ->
conditional ~cnd:(of_exp cnd) ~thn:(of_exp thn) ~els:(of_exp els)
| Ap1 (Splat, _, byt) -> splat (of_exp byt)
| ApN (Record, _, elts) -> record (IArray.map ~f:of_exp elts)
| Ap1 (Select idx, _, rcd) -> select ~rcd:(of_exp rcd) ~idx
| Ap2 (Update idx, _, rcd, elt) ->
update ~rcd:(of_exp rcd) ~idx ~elt:(of_exp elt)
| RecRecord (i, _) -> rec_record i
(** Variables are the terms constructed by [Var] *)
module Var = struct
include T
let pp = pp
type strength = t -> [`Universal | `Existential | `Anonymous] option
let invariant x =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] x [%sexp_of: t] in
match x with Var _ -> invariant x | _ -> assert false
let id = function Var v -> v.id | x -> violates invariant x
let name = function Var v -> v.name | x -> violates invariant x
let of_ = function Var _ as v -> v | _ -> invalid_arg "Var.of_"
let of_term = function
| Var _ as v -> Some (v |> check invariant)
| _ -> None
let of_reg r =
match of_term (of_exp (r : Reg.t :> Exp.t)) with
| Some v -> v
| _ -> violates Reg.invariant r
let fresh name ~wrt =
let max = match Set.max_elt wrt with None -> 0 | Some max -> id max in
let x' = Var {name; id= max + 1} in
(x', Set.add wrt x')
let identified ~name ~id = Var {name; id}
module Map = Map
module Set = struct
include Set
let pp vs = Set.pp pp_t vs
let ppx strength vs = Set.pp (ppx strength) vs
let pp_xs fs xs =
if not (is_empty xs) then
Format.fprintf fs "@<2>∃ @[%a@] .@;<1 2>" pp xs
let of_regs = Reg.Set.fold ~init:empty ~f:(fun s r -> add s (of_reg r))
(** Variable renaming substitutions *)
module Subst = struct
type t = T.t Map.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
let t_of_sexp = Map.t_of_sexp T.t_of_sexp
let invariant s =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] s [%sexp_of: t] in
let domain, range =
Map.fold s ~init:(Set.empty, Set.empty)
~f:(fun ~key ~data (domain, range) ->
assert (not (Set.mem range data)) ;
(Set.add domain key, Set.add range data) )
assert (Set.disjoint domain range)
let pp = Map.pp pp_t pp_t
let empty = Map.empty
let is_empty = Map.is_empty
let freshen vs ~wrt =
let xs = Set.inter wrt vs in
( if Set.is_empty xs then empty
let wrt = Set.union wrt vs in
Set.fold xs ~init:(empty, wrt) ~f:(fun (sub, wrt) x ->
let x', wrt = fresh (name x) ~wrt in
let sub = Map.add_exn sub ~key:x ~data:x' in
(sub, wrt) )
|> fst )
|> check invariant
let fold sub ~init ~f =
Map.fold sub ~init ~f:(fun ~key ~data s -> f key data s)
let invert sub =
Map.fold sub ~init:empty ~f:(fun ~key ~data sub' ->
Map.add_exn sub' ~key:data ~data:key )
|> check invariant
let restrict sub vs =
Map.filter_keys ~f:(Set.mem vs) sub |> check invariant
let domain sub =
Map.fold sub ~init:Set.empty ~f:(fun ~key ~data:_ domain ->
Set.add domain key )
let range sub =
Map.fold sub ~init:Set.empty ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data range ->
Set.add range data )
let apply sub v = Map.find sub v |> Option.value ~default:v
let apply_set sub vs =
Map.fold sub ~init:vs ~f:(fun ~key ~data vs ->
let vs' = Set.remove vs key in
if vs' == vs then vs
else (
assert (not (Set.equal vs' vs)) ;
Set.add vs' data ) )
|> check (fun vs' ->
assert (Set.disjoint (domain sub) vs') ;
assert (Set.is_subset (range sub) ~of_:vs') )
(** Transform *)
(** Transform *)
let map e ~f =
let map e ~f =