@ -9,8 +9,81 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module L = Logging
type t =
type typ_ = Typ . t
| AccessExpression of AccessExpression . t
let compare_typ_ _ _ = 0
module Access = struct
type ' array_index t =
| FieldAccess of Typ . Fieldname . t
| ArrayAccess of typ_ * ' array_index
| TakeAddress
| Dereference
[ @@ deriving compare ]
let pp pp_array_index fmt = function
| FieldAccess field_name ->
Typ . Fieldname . pp fmt field_name
| ArrayAccess ( _ , index ) ->
F . fprintf fmt " [%a] " pp_array_index index
| TakeAddress ->
F . pp_print_string fmt " & "
| Dereference ->
F . pp_print_string fmt " * "
(* * Module where unsafe construction of [t] is allowed. In the rest of the code, and especially in
clients of the whole [ AccessExpression ] module , we do not want to allow constructing access
expressions directly as they could introduce de - normalized expressions of the form [ AddressOf
( Dereference t ) ] or [ Dereference ( AddressOf t ) ] .
We could make only the types of [ AddressOf ] and [ Dereference ] private but that proved too
cumbersome .. . * )
module T : sig
type access_expression = private
| Base of AccessPath . base
| FieldOffset of access_expression * Typ . Fieldname . t (* * field access *)
| ArrayOffset of access_expression * typ_ * access_expression list (* * array access *)
| AddressOf of access_expression (* * "address of" operator [&] *)
| Dereference of access_expression (* * "dereference" operator [ * ] *)
[ @@ deriving compare ]
type t =
| AccessExpression of access_expression
| UnaryOperator of Unop . t * t * Typ . t option
| BinaryOperator of Binop . t * t * t
| Exception of t
| Closure of Typ . Procname . t * ( AccessPath . base * t ) list
| Constant of Const . t
| Cast of Typ . t * t
| Sizeof of Typ . t * t option
[ @@ deriving compare ]
module UnsafeAccessExpression : sig
val base : AccessPath . base -> access_expression
val field_offset : access_expression -> Typ . Fieldname . t -> access_expression
val array_offset : access_expression -> Typ . t -> access_expression list -> access_expression
val address_of : access_expression -> access_expression
val dereference : access_expression -> access_expression
val replace_base :
remove_deref_after_base : bool -> AccessPath . base -> access_expression -> access_expression
end = struct
type access_expression =
| Base of AccessPath . base
| FieldOffset of access_expression * Typ . Fieldname . t (* * field access *)
| ArrayOffset of access_expression * typ_ * access_expression list (* * array access *)
| AddressOf of access_expression (* * "address of" operator [&] *)
| Dereference of access_expression (* * "dereference" operator [ * ] *)
[ @@ deriving compare ]
type t =
| AccessExpression of access_expression
| UnaryOperator of Unop . t * t * Typ . t option
| UnaryOperator of Unop . t * t * Typ . t option
| BinaryOperator of Binop . t * t * t
| BinaryOperator of Binop . t * t * t
| Exception of t
| Exception of t
@ -18,11 +91,65 @@ type t =
| Constant of Const . t
| Constant of Const . t
| Cast of Typ . t * t
| Cast of Typ . t * t
| Sizeof of Typ . t * t option
| Sizeof of Typ . t * t option
[ @@ deriving compare ]
[ @@ deriving compare ]
module UnsafeAccessExpression = struct
let base base = Base base
let field_offset t field = FieldOffset ( t , field )
let array_offset t typ elements = ArrayOffset ( t , typ , elements )
let address_of = function Dereference t -> t | t -> AddressOf t
let dereference = function AddressOf t -> t | t -> Dereference t
let rec replace_base ~ remove_deref_after_base base_new access_expr =
let replace_base_inner = replace_base ~ remove_deref_after_base base_new in
match access_expr with
| Dereference ( Base _ ) ->
if remove_deref_after_base then Base base_new else Dereference ( Base base_new )
| Base _ ->
Base base_new
| FieldOffset ( ae , fld ) ->
FieldOffset ( replace_base_inner ae , fld )
| ArrayOffset ( ae , typ , aes ) ->
ArrayOffset ( replace_base_inner ae , typ , aes )
| AddressOf ae ->
AddressOf ( replace_base_inner ae )
| Dereference ae ->
Dereference ( replace_base_inner ae )
include T
let may_pp_typ fmt typ =
if Config . debug_level_analysis > = 3 then F . fprintf fmt " :%a " ( Typ . pp Pp . text ) typ
let rec pp_access_expr fmt = function
| Base ( pvar , typ ) ->
Var . pp fmt pvar ; may_pp_typ fmt typ
| FieldOffset ( Dereference ae , fld ) ->
F . fprintf fmt " %a->%a " pp_access_expr ae Typ . Fieldname . pp fld
| FieldOffset ( ae , fld ) ->
F . fprintf fmt " %a.%a " pp_access_expr ae Typ . Fieldname . pp fld
| ArrayOffset ( ae , typ , [] ) ->
F . fprintf fmt " %a[_]%a " pp_access_expr ae may_pp_typ typ
| ArrayOffset ( ae , typ , index_aes ) ->
F . fprintf fmt " %a[%a]%a " pp_access_expr ae
( PrettyPrintable . pp_collection ~ pp_item : pp_access_expr )
index_aes may_pp_typ typ
| AddressOf ae ->
F . fprintf fmt " &(%a) " pp_access_expr ae
| Dereference ae ->
F . fprintf fmt " *(%a) " pp_access_expr ae
let rec pp fmt = function
let rec pp fmt = function
| AccessExpression access_expr ->
| AccessExpression access_expr ->
AccessExpression . pp fmt access_expr
pp_access_expr fmt access_expr
| UnaryOperator ( op , e , _ ) ->
| UnaryOperator ( op , e , _ ) ->
F . fprintf fmt " %s%a " ( Unop . to_string op ) pp e
F . fprintf fmt " %s%a " ( Unop . to_string op ) pp e
| BinaryOperator ( op , e1 , e2 ) ->
| BinaryOperator ( op , e1 , e2 ) ->
@ -49,6 +176,120 @@ let rec pp fmt = function
F . fprintf fmt " sizeof(%a%a) " ( Typ . pp_full Pp . text ) typ pp_length length
F . fprintf fmt " sizeof(%a%a) " ( Typ . pp_full Pp . text ) typ pp_length length
let get_access_exprs exp0 =
let rec get_access_exprs_ exp acc =
match exp with
| AccessExpression ae ->
ae :: acc
| Cast ( _ , e ) | UnaryOperator ( _ , e , _ ) | Exception e | Sizeof ( _ , Some e ) ->
get_access_exprs_ e acc
| BinaryOperator ( _ , e1 , e2 ) ->
get_access_exprs_ e1 acc | > get_access_exprs_ e2
| Closure ( _ , captured ) ->
List . fold captured ~ f : ( fun acc ( _ , e ) -> get_access_exprs_ e acc ) ~ init : acc
| Constant _ | Sizeof _ ->
get_access_exprs_ exp0 []
module AccessExpression = struct
include UnsafeAccessExpression
type nonrec t = access_expression = private
| Base of AccessPath . base
| FieldOffset of access_expression * Typ . Fieldname . t
| ArrayOffset of access_expression * typ_ * access_expression list
| AddressOf of access_expression
| Dereference of access_expression
[ @@ deriving compare ]
let pp = pp_access_expr
let to_accesses ~ f_array_offset ae =
let rec aux accesses = function
| Base base ->
( base , accesses )
| FieldOffset ( ae , fld ) ->
aux ( Access . FieldAccess fld :: accesses ) ae
| ArrayOffset ( ae , typ , indexes ) ->
aux ( Access . ArrayAccess ( typ , f_array_offset indexes ) :: accesses ) ae
| AddressOf ae ->
aux ( Access . TakeAddress :: accesses ) ae
| Dereference ae ->
aux ( Access . Dereference :: accesses ) ae
aux [] ae
(* * convert to an AccessPath.t, ignoring AddressOf and Dereference for now *)
let rec to_access_path t =
let rec to_access_path_ t =
match t with
| Base base ->
( base , [] )
| FieldOffset ( ae , fld ) ->
let base , accesses = to_access_path_ ae in
( base , AccessPath . FieldAccess fld :: accesses )
| ArrayOffset ( ae , typ , index_aes ) ->
let access_paths = to_access_paths index_aes in
let base , accesses = to_access_path_ ae in
( base , AccessPath . ArrayAccess ( typ , access_paths ) :: accesses )
| AddressOf ae | Dereference ae ->
to_access_path_ ae
let base , accesses = to_access_path_ t in
( base , List . rev accesses )
and to_access_paths ts = List . map ~ f : to_access_path ts
let rec get_base = function
| Base base ->
| FieldOffset ( ae , _ ) | ArrayOffset ( ae , _ , _ ) | AddressOf ae | Dereference ae ->
get_base ae
let is_base = function Base _ -> true | _ -> false
let lookup_field_type_annot tenv base_typ field_name =
let lookup = Tenv . lookup tenv in
Typ . Struct . get_field_type_and_annotation ~ lookup field_name base_typ
let rec get_typ t tenv : Typ . t option =
match t with
| Base ( _ , typ ) ->
Some typ
| FieldOffset ( ae , fld ) -> (
let base_typ_opt = get_typ ae tenv in
match base_typ_opt with
| Some base_typ ->
Option . map ( lookup_field_type_annot tenv base_typ fld ) ~ f : fst
| None ->
None )
| ArrayOffset ( _ , typ , _ ) ->
Some typ
| AddressOf ae ->
let base_typ_opt = get_typ ae tenv in
Option . map base_typ_opt ~ f : ( fun base_typ -> Typ . mk ( Tptr ( base_typ , Pk_pointer ) ) )
| Dereference ae -> (
let base_typ_opt = get_typ ae tenv in
match base_typ_opt with Some { Typ . desc = Tptr ( typ , _ ) } -> Some typ | _ -> None )
let equal = [ % compare . equal : t ]
let base_of_id id typ = ( Var . of_id id , typ )
let base_of_pvar pvar typ = ( Var . of_pvar pvar , typ )
let of_pvar pvar typ = address_of ( base ( base_of_pvar pvar typ ) )
let of_id id typ = base ( base_of_id id typ )
let rec get_typ tenv = function
let rec get_typ tenv = function
| AccessExpression access_expr ->
| AccessExpression access_expr ->
AccessExpression . get_typ access_expr tenv
AccessExpression . get_typ access_expr tenv
@ -88,21 +329,99 @@ let rec get_typ tenv = function
Some ( Typ . mk ( Typ . Tint Typ . IUInt ) )
Some ( Typ . mk ( Typ . Tint Typ . IUInt ) )
let get_access_exprs exp0 =
(* Adapted from AccessPath.of_exp. *)
let rec get_access_exprs_ exp acc =
let access_exprs_of_exp ~ include_array_indexes ~ add_deref exp0 typ0
~ ( f_resolve_id : Var . t -> AccessExpression . t option ) =
let rec of_exp_ exp typ ( add_accesses : AccessExpression . t -> AccessExpression . t ) acc :
AccessExpression . t list =
match exp with
match exp with
| AccessExpression ae ->
| Exp . Var id -> (
ae :: acc
match f_resolve_id ( Var . of_id id ) with
| Cast ( _ , e ) | UnaryOperator ( _ , e , _ ) | Exception e | Sizeof ( _ , Some e ) ->
| Some access_expr ->
get_access_exprs_ e acc
let access_expr' =
| BinaryOperator ( _ , e1 , e2 ) ->
if add_deref then AccessExpression . dereference access_expr else access_expr
get_access_exprs_ e1 acc | > get_access_exprs_ e2
| Closure ( _ , captured ) ->
add_accesses access_expr' :: acc
List . fold captured ~ f : ( fun acc ( _ , e ) -> get_access_exprs_ e acc ) ~ init : acc
| None ->
| Constant _ | Sizeof _ ->
let access_expr = AccessExpression . of_id id typ in
let access_expr' =
if add_deref then AccessExpression . dereference access_expr else access_expr
add_accesses access_expr' :: acc )
| Exp . Lvar pvar when Pvar . is_ssa_frontend_tmp pvar -> (
match f_resolve_id ( Var . of_pvar pvar ) with
| Some access_expr ->
(* do not need to add deref here as it was added implicitly in the binding *)
(* but need to remove it if add_deref is false *)
let access_expr' =
if not add_deref then match access_expr with Dereference ae -> ae | _ -> assert false
else access_expr
add_accesses access_expr' :: acc
| None ->
let access_expr = AccessExpression . of_pvar pvar typ in
let access_expr' =
if add_deref then AccessExpression . dereference access_expr else access_expr
add_accesses access_expr' :: acc )
| Exp . Lvar pvar ->
let access_expr = AccessExpression . of_pvar pvar typ in
let access_expr' =
if add_deref then AccessExpression . dereference access_expr else access_expr
add_accesses access_expr' :: acc
| Exp . Lfield ( root_exp , fld , root_exp_typ ) ->
let add_field_access_expr access_expr =
add_accesses ( AccessExpression . field_offset access_expr fld )
of_exp_ root_exp root_exp_typ add_field_access_expr acc
| Exp . Lindex ( root_exp , index_exp ) ->
let index_access_exprs =
if include_array_indexes then of_exp_ index_exp typ Fn . id [] else []
let add_array_access_expr access_expr =
add_accesses ( AccessExpression . array_offset access_expr typ index_access_exprs )
let array_typ = Typ . mk_array typ in
of_exp_ root_exp array_typ add_array_access_expr acc
| Exp . Cast ( cast_typ , cast_exp ) ->
of_exp_ cast_exp cast_typ Fn . id acc
| Exp . UnOp ( _ , unop_exp , _ ) ->
of_exp_ unop_exp typ Fn . id acc
| Exp . Exn exn_exp ->
of_exp_ exn_exp typ Fn . id acc
| Exp . BinOp ( _ , exp1 , exp2 ) ->
of_exp_ exp1 typ Fn . id acc | > of_exp_ exp2 typ Fn . id
| Exp . Const _ | Closure _ | Sizeof _ ->
get_access_exprs_ exp0 []
of_exp_ exp0 typ0 Fn . id []
let access_expr_of_lhs_exp ~ include_array_indexes ~ add_deref lhs_exp typ
~ ( f_resolve_id : Var . t -> AccessExpression . t option ) =
match lhs_exp with
| Exp . Lfield _ when not add_deref -> (
let res =
access_exprs_of_exp ~ include_array_indexes ~ add_deref : true lhs_exp typ ~ f_resolve_id
match res with [ lhs_ae ] -> Some ( AccessExpression . address_of lhs_ae ) | _ -> None )
| Exp . Lindex _ when not add_deref -> (
let res =
let typ' =
match typ . Typ . desc with
| Tptr ( t , _ ) ->
| _ ->
(* T29630813 investigate cases where this is not a pointer *)
access_exprs_of_exp ~ include_array_indexes ~ add_deref : true lhs_exp typ' ~ f_resolve_id
match res with [ lhs_ae ] -> Some ( AccessExpression . address_of lhs_ae ) | _ -> None )
| _ -> (
let res = access_exprs_of_exp ~ include_array_indexes ~ add_deref lhs_exp typ ~ f_resolve_id in
match res with [ lhs_ae ] -> Some lhs_ae | _ -> None )
(* convert an SIL expression into an HIL expression. the [f_resolve_id] function should map an SSA
(* convert an SIL expression into an HIL expression. the [f_resolve_id] function should map an SSA
@ -153,9 +472,7 @@ let of_sil ~include_array_indexes ~f_resolve_id ~add_deref exp typ =
Closure ( closure . name , environment )
Closure ( closure . name , environment )
| Lfield ( root_exp , fld , root_exp_typ ) -> (
| Lfield ( root_exp , fld , root_exp_typ ) -> (
match access_expr_of_lhs_exp ~ include_array_indexes ~ add_deref exp typ ~ f_resolve_id with
AccessExpression . of_lhs_exp ~ include_array_indexes ~ add_deref exp typ ~ f_resolve_id
| Some access_expr ->
| Some access_expr ->
AccessExpression access_expr
AccessExpression access_expr
| None ->
| None ->
@ -173,9 +490,7 @@ let of_sil ~include_array_indexes ~f_resolve_id ~add_deref exp typ =
literal , e . g . using ` const_cast < char * > ` * )
literal , e . g . using ` const_cast < char * > ` * )
of_sil_ ( Exp . Lindex ( Var ( Ident . create_normal ( Ident . string_to_name s ) 0 ) , index_exp ) ) typ
of_sil_ ( Exp . Lindex ( Var ( Ident . create_normal ( Ident . string_to_name s ) 0 ) , index_exp ) ) typ
| Lindex ( root_exp , index_exp ) -> (
| Lindex ( root_exp , index_exp ) -> (
match access_expr_of_lhs_exp ~ include_array_indexes ~ add_deref exp typ ~ f_resolve_id with
AccessExpression . of_lhs_exp ~ include_array_indexes ~ add_deref exp typ ~ f_resolve_id
| Some access_expr ->
| Some access_expr ->
AccessExpression access_expr
AccessExpression access_expr
| None ->
| None ->
@ -186,9 +501,7 @@ let of_sil ~include_array_indexes ~f_resolve_id ~add_deref exp typ =
, index_exp ) )
, index_exp ) )
typ )
typ )
| Lvar _ -> (
| Lvar _ -> (
match access_expr_of_lhs_exp ~ include_array_indexes ~ add_deref exp typ ~ f_resolve_id with
AccessExpression . of_lhs_exp ~ include_array_indexes ~ add_deref exp typ ~ f_resolve_id
| Some access_expr ->
| Some access_expr ->
AccessExpression access_expr
AccessExpression access_expr
| None ->
| None ->