[infer][backend] minor refactoring of the code to report leaks

This is small code cleanup of the code to report leaks. No functional changes, just removing code that is longer used and reorganising the control flow.
jrm 10 years ago
parent 60000be43b
commit d7db177b84

@ -1121,7 +1121,6 @@ let reachable_when_in_several_hpreds sigma : Ident.t -> bool =
list_iter add_hpred sigma;
let full_reachability_algorithm = true
(* Check whether the hidden counter field of a struct representing an *)
(* objective-c object is positive, and whether the leak is part of the *)
@ -1230,11 +1229,8 @@ let check_junk ?original_prop pname tenv prop =
let remove_junk_once fp_part fav_root sigma =
let id_considered_reachable = (* reachability function *)
if full_reachability_algorithm then
let reach_set = sigma_reachable fav_root sigma in
fun id -> Ident.IdentSet.mem id reach_set
reachable_when_in_several_hpreds sigma in
fun id -> Ident.IdentSet.mem id reach_set in
let should_remove_hpred entries =
let predicate = function
| Sil.Var id ->
@ -1259,16 +1255,14 @@ let check_junk ?original_prop pname tenv prop =
Sil.strexp_fav_add fav se;
Sil.fav_mem fav id
| _ -> false in
list_exists predicate entries in
hpred_is_loop || list_exists predicate entries in
let rec remove_junk_recursive sigma_done sigma_todo =
match sigma_todo with
| [] -> list_rev sigma_done
| hpred :: sigma_todo' ->
let entries = hpred_entries hpred in
if should_remove_hpred entries
then begin
if should_remove_hpred entries then
let part = if fp_part then "footprint" else "normal" in
L.d_strln (".... Prop with garbage in " ^ part ^ " part ....");
L.d_increase_indent 1;
@ -1277,7 +1271,8 @@ let check_junk ?original_prop pname tenv prop =
L.d_strln "PREDICATE:";
Prop.d_sigma [hpred];
L.d_ln ();
let alloc_attribute = (* find the alloc attribute of one of the roots of hpred, if it exists *)
let alloc_attribute =
(* find the alloc attribute of one of the roots of hpred, if it exists *)
let res = ref None in
let do_entry e =
match Prop.get_resource_undef_attribute prop e with
@ -1328,8 +1323,6 @@ let check_junk ?original_prop pname tenv prop =
let cycle = get_var_retain_cycle (remove_opt original_prop) in
false, exn_retain_cycle cycle
| _ -> !Sil.curr_language = Sil.Java, exn_leak) in
let ignore_leak = !Config.allowleak || ignore_resource || is_undefined in
let report_and_continue = !Config.footprint in (* in footprint mode, report leak and continue *)
let already_reported () =
let attr_opt_equal ao1 ao2 = match ao1, ao2 with
| None, None -> true
@ -1338,21 +1331,20 @@ let check_junk ?original_prop pname tenv prop =
| None, Some _ -> false in
(alloc_attribute = None && !leaks_reported <> []) || (* None attribute only reported if it's the first one *)
list_mem attr_opt_equal alloc_attribute !leaks_reported in
let ignore_leak =
!Config.allowleak || ignore_resource || is_undefined || already_reported () in
(* in footprint mode, report leak and continue *)
let report_and_continue = !Config.footprint in
let report_leak () =
if report_and_continue then
if not report_and_continue then raise exn
if not (already_reported ()) (* report each leak only once *)
then begin
Reporting.log_error pname exn;
Exceptions.print_exception_html "Error: " exn;
leaks_reported := alloc_attribute :: !leaks_reported;
end in
if not ignore_leak then report_leak ();
remove_junk_recursive sigma_done sigma_todo'
else raise exn in
if ignore_leak then remove_junk_recursive sigma_done sigma_todo'
else report_leak ()
remove_junk_recursive (hpred :: sigma_done) sigma_todo' in
remove_junk_recursive [] sigma in
