@ -6,10 +6,11 @@
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
module F = Format
open JavaProfilerSamples
open! IStd
module JPS = JavaProfilerSamples
(* a flag used to make the method search signature sensitive *)
let use_method_signature = false
@ -66,9 +67,9 @@ module MethodRangeMap = struct
if use_method_signature then signature
(* When we should not use the signature we use 'void ()' *)
let key = JavaProfilerSamples.create ~classname ~methodname ~signature in
let key = JPS.create_procname ~classname ~methodname ~signature in
RangeMap.add key range acc
| None ->
acc )
@ -139,8 +140,8 @@ module DiffLines = struct
let pp_profiler_sample_set fmt s =
F.fprintf fmt " (size = %i) " (ProfilerSample.cardinal s) ;
ProfilerSample.iter (fun m -> F.fprintf fmt "@\n > %a " Typ.Procname.pp m) s
F.fprintf fmt " (size = %i) " (JPS.ProfilerSample.cardinal s) ;
JPS.ProfilerSample.iter (fun m -> F.fprintf fmt "@\n > %a " Typ.Procname.pp m) s
module TestSample = struct
@ -152,9 +153,7 @@ module TestSample = struct
match test_samples_file' with
| Some test_samples_file ->
L.progress "@\nReading Profiler Samples File '%s'...." test_samples_file ;
let ts =
JavaProfilerSamples.from_json_file test_samples_file ~use_signature:use_method_signature
let ts = JPS.from_json_file test_samples_file ~use_signature:use_method_signature in
labeled_test_samples := ts
| _ ->
L.die UserError "Missing profiler samples argument"
@ -178,17 +177,17 @@ let affected_methods method_range_map file_changed_lines changed_lines =
&& List.exists ~f:(fun l -> in_range l range) changed_lines
then (
L.progress "@\n ->Adding '%a' in affected methods...@\n" Typ.Procname.pp key ;
ProfilerSample.add key acc )
JPS.ProfilerSample.add key acc )
else acc )
method_range_map ProfilerSample.empty
method_range_map JPS.ProfilerSample.empty
let compute_affected_methods_java changed_lines_map method_range_map =
let affected_methods =
String.Map.fold changed_lines_map ~init:ProfilerSample.empty ~f:
String.Map.fold changed_lines_map ~init:JPS.ProfilerSample.empty ~f:
(fun ~key:file_changed_lines ~data acc ->
let am = affected_methods method_range_map file_changed_lines data in
ProfilerSample.union am acc )
JPS.ProfilerSample.union am acc )
L.progress "@\n\n== Resulting Affected Methods ==%a@\n== End Affected Methods ==@\n"
pp_profiler_sample_set affected_methods ;
@ -207,7 +206,7 @@ let compute_affected_methods_clang source_file changed_lines_map method_range_ma
| None ->
L.progress "@\n%s not found in changed-line map. Nothing else to do for it.@\n" fname ;
let relevant_tests = ref []
@ -252,11 +251,11 @@ let _test_to_run_clang source_file cfg changed_lines_file test_samples_file =
(MethodRangeMap.method_range_map ())
let test_to_run =
if ProfilerSample.is_empty affected_methods then []
if JPS.ProfilerSample.is_empty affected_methods then []
List.fold (TestSample.test_sample ()) ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc (label, profiler_samples) ->
let intersection = ProfilerSample.inter affected_methods profiler_samples in
if ProfilerSample.is_empty intersection then acc else label :: acc )
let intersection = JPS.ProfilerSample.inter affected_methods profiler_samples in
if JPS.ProfilerSample.is_empty intersection then acc else label :: acc )
relevant_tests := List.append test_to_run !relevant_tests
@ -270,10 +269,10 @@ let test_to_run_java changed_lines_file test_samples_file code_graph_file =
(MethodRangeMap.method_range_map ())
let test_to_run =
if ProfilerSample.is_empty affected_methods then []
if JPS.ProfilerSample.is_empty affected_methods then []
List.fold (TestSample.test_sample ()) ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc (label, profiler_samples) ->
let intersection = ProfilerSample.inter affected_methods profiler_samples in
if ProfilerSample.is_empty intersection then acc else label :: acc )
let intersection = JPS.ProfilerSample.inter affected_methods profiler_samples in
if JPS.ProfilerSample.is_empty intersection then acc else label :: acc )
relevant_tests := List.append test_to_run !relevant_tests