@ -496,27 +496,6 @@ let () =
CLOpt.mk_subcommand cmd ~name ?deprecated_long ~on_unknown_arg (Some command_doc) )
CLOpt.mk_subcommand cmd ~name ?deprecated_long ~on_unknown_arg (Some command_doc) )
let abs_struct =
CLOpt.mk_int ~deprecated:["absstruct"] ~long:"abs-struct" ~default:1 ~meta:"int"
{|Specify abstraction level for fields of structs:
- 0 = no
- 1 = forget some fields during matching (and so lseg abstraction)
and abs_val =
CLOpt.mk_int ~deprecated:["absval"] ~long:"abs-val" ~default:2 ~meta:"int"
{|Specify abstraction level for expressions:
- 0 = no abstraction
- 1 = evaluate all expressions abstractly
- 2 = 1 + abstract constant integer values during join
and allow_leak =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["leak"] ~long:"allow-leak" "Forget leaked memory during abstraction"
and analyzer =
and analyzer =
CLOpt.mk_symbol ~deprecated:["analyzer"; "-analyzer"; "a"] ~long:"" ~default:Checkers
CLOpt.mk_symbol ~deprecated:["analyzer"; "-analyzer"; "a"] ~long:"" ~default:Checkers
~eq:equal_analyzer ~symbols:string_to_analyzer
~eq:equal_analyzer ~symbols:string_to_analyzer
@ -638,8 +617,30 @@ and append_buck_flavors =
$(b,--buck-compilation-database) option."
$(b,--buck-compilation-database) option."
and array_level =
let biabduction_abs_struct =
CLOpt.mk_int ~deprecated:["arraylevel"] ~long:"array-level" ~default:0 ~meta:"int"
CLOpt.mk_int ~deprecated:["-abs-struct"] ~long:"biabduction-abs-struct" ~default:1 ~meta:"int"
{|Specify abstraction level for fields of structs:
- 0 = no
- 1 = forget some fields during matching (and so lseg abstraction)
and biabduction_abs_val =
CLOpt.mk_int ~deprecated:["-abs-val"] ~long:"biabduction-abs-val" ~default:2 ~meta:"int"
{|Specify abstraction level for expressions:
- 0 = no abstraction
- 1 = evaluate all expressions abstractly
- 2 = 1 + abstract constant integer values during join
and biabduction_allow_leak =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["-allow-leak"] ~long:"biabduction-allow-leak"
"Forget leaked memory during abstraction"
and biabduction_array_level =
CLOpt.mk_int ~deprecated:["-array-level"] ~long:"biabduction-array-level" ~default:0 ~meta:"int"
{|Level of treating the array indexing and pointer arithmetic:
{|Level of treating the array indexing and pointer arithmetic:
- 0 = treats both features soundly
- 0 = treats both features soundly
- 1 = assumes that the size of every array is infinite
- 1 = assumes that the size of every array is infinite
@ -647,10 +648,93 @@ and array_level =
and biabduction_iterations =
CLOpt.mk_int ~deprecated:["-iterations"] ~long:"biabduction-iterations" ~default:1 ~meta:"int"
"Specify the maximum number of operations for each function, expressed as a multiple of \
symbolic operations and a multiple of seconds of elapsed time"
and biabduction_join_cond =
CLOpt.mk_int ~deprecated:["-join-cond"] ~long:"biabduction-join-cond" ~default:1 ~meta:"int"
{|Set the strength of the final information-loss check used by the join:
- 0 = use the most aggressive join for preconditions
- 1 = use the least aggressive join for preconditions
and biabduction_memleak_buckets =
CLOpt.mk_symbol_seq ~deprecated:["-ml-buckets"] ~long:"biabduction-memleak-buckets"
~default:[`MLeak_cf] ~symbols:ml_bucket_symbols ~eq:PolyVariantEqual.( = )
"Specify the memory leak buckets to be checked in C++."
and biabduction_models_mode =
and biabduction_models_mode =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"biabduction-models-mode" "Analysis of the biabduction models"
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"biabduction-models-mode" "Analysis of the biabduction models"
and biabduction_monitor_prop_size =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["-monitor-prop-size"] ~long:"biabduction-monitor-prop-size"
"Monitor size of props, and print every time the current max is exceeded"
and biabduction_nelseg =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["-nelseg"] ~long:"biabduction-nelseg" "Use only nonempty lsegs"
and biabduction_only_footprint =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["-only-footprint"] ~long:"biabduction-only-footprint"
"Skip the re-execution phase"
and biabduction_seconds_per_iteration =
CLOpt.mk_float_opt ~deprecated:["-seconds-per-iteration"]
~long:"biabduction-seconds-per-iteration" ~meta:"float"
"Set the number of seconds per iteration (see $(b,--biabduction-iterations))"
and biabduction_symops_per_iteration =
CLOpt.mk_int_opt ~deprecated:["-symops-per-iteration"] ~long:"biabduction-symops-per-iteration"
"Set the number of symbolic operations per iteration (see $(b,--biabduction-iterations))"
and biabduction_trace_join =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["-trace-join"] ~long:"biabduction-trace-join"
"Detailed tracing information during prop join operations"
and biabduction_trace_rearrange =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["-trace-rearrange"] ~long:"biabduction-trace-rearrange"
"Detailed tracing information during prop re-arrangement operations"
and biabduction_type_size =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["-type-size"] ~long:"biabduction-type-size"
"Consider the size of types during analysis, e.g. cannot use an int pointer to write to a char"
and biabduction_unsafe_malloc =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["-unsafe-malloc"] ~long:"biabduction-unsafe-malloc"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_clang)]
"Assume that malloc(3) never returns null."
(** visit mode for the worklist:
- 0 depth - fist visit
- 1 bias towards exit node
- 2 least visited first *)
and biabduction_worklist_mode =
let var = ref 0 in
CLOpt.mk_set var 2 ~deprecated:["-coverage"] ~long:"biabduction-coverage"
"analysis mode to maximize coverage (can take longer)" ;
CLOpt.mk_set var 1 ~deprecated:["-exit-node-bias"] ~long:"biabduction-exit-node-bias"
"nodes nearest the exit node are analyzed first" ;
CLOpt.mk_set var 2 ~deprecated:["-visits-bias"] ~long:"biabduction-visits-bias"
"nodes visited fewer times are analyzed first" ;
and bo_field_depth_limit =
and bo_field_depth_limit =
CLOpt.mk_int_opt ~long:"bo-field-depth-limit"
CLOpt.mk_int_opt ~long:"bo-field-depth-limit"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_buffer_overrun)]
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_buffer_overrun)]
@ -992,14 +1076,6 @@ and cost_tests_only_autoreleasepool =
"[EXPERIMENTAL] Report only autoreleasepool size results in cost tests"
"[EXPERIMENTAL] Report only autoreleasepool size results in cost tests"
and siof_check_iostreams =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"siof-check-iostreams"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_siof)]
"Do not assume that iostreams (cout, cerr, ...) are always initialized. The default is to \
assume they are always initialized to avoid false positives. However, if your program \
compiles against a recent libstdc++ then it is safe to turn this option on."
and cxx_scope_guards =
and cxx_scope_guards =
CLOpt.mk_json ~long:"cxx-scope-guards"
CLOpt.mk_json ~long:"cxx-scope-guards"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_clang)]
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_clang)]
@ -1019,7 +1095,8 @@ and custom_symbols =
"Specify named lists of symbols available to rules"
"Specify named lists of symbols available to rules"
and ( bo_debug
and ( biabduction_write_dotty
, bo_debug
, deduplicate
, deduplicate
, developer_mode
, developer_mode
, debug
, debug
@ -1040,8 +1117,7 @@ and ( bo_debug
, print_types
, print_types
, reports_include_ml_loc
, reports_include_ml_loc
, trace_error
, trace_error
, write_html
, write_html ) =
, write_dotty ) =
let all_generic_manuals =
let all_generic_manuals =
List.filter_map InferCommand.all_commands ~f:(fun (command : InferCommand.t) ->
List.filter_map InferCommand.all_commands ~f:(fun (command : InferCommand.t) ->
match command with
match command with
@ -1050,7 +1126,12 @@ and ( bo_debug
| (Analyze | AnalyzeJson | Capture | Compile | Report | ReportDiff | Run) as command ->
| (Analyze | AnalyzeJson | Capture | Compile | Report | ReportDiff | Run) as command ->
Some (command, manual_generic) )
Some (command, manual_generic) )
let bo_debug =
let biabduction_write_dotty =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"biabduction-write-dotty"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_generic)]
(Printf.sprintf "Produce dotty files for specs and retain cycles reports in %s."
(ResultsDirEntryName.get_path ~results_dir:"infer-out" Debug))
and bo_debug =
CLOpt.mk_int ~default:0 ~long:"bo-debug"
CLOpt.mk_int ~default:0 ~long:"bo-debug"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_buffer_overrun)]
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_buffer_overrun)]
"Debug level for buffer-overrun checker (0-4)"
"Debug level for buffer-overrun checker (0-4)"
@ -1099,9 +1180,16 @@ and ( bo_debug
and trace_error =
and trace_error =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"trace-error" "Detailed tracing information during error explanation"
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"trace-error" "Detailed tracing information during error explanation"
and write_html =
and write_html =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"write-html" "Produce html debug output in the results directory"
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"write-html"
and write_dotty =
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_generic)]
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"write-dotty" "Produce dotty files for specs in the results directory"
"Produce html debug output for the analyses in %s. This shows the abstract state of all \
analyses at each program point in the source code. Each captured source file has its own \
html page. This HTML file contains the source file, and at each line of\n\
the file there are links to the nodes of the control flow graph of Infer's translation \
of that line of code into its intermediate representation (SIL). This way it's possible \
to see what the translation is, and the details of the symbolic execution on each node."
(ResultsDirEntryName.get_path ~results_dir:"infer-out" Debug))
let set_debug_level level =
let set_debug_level level =
bo_debug := level ;
bo_debug := level ;
@ -1115,18 +1203,12 @@ and ( bo_debug
"Debug mode (also sets $(b,--debug-level 2), $(b,--developer-mode), $(b,--print-buckets), \
"Debug mode (also sets $(b,--debug-level 2), $(b,--developer-mode), $(b,--print-buckets), \
$(b,--print-types), $(b,--reports-include-ml-loc), $(b,--no-only-cheap-debug), \
$(b,--print-types), $(b,--reports-include-ml-loc), $(b,--no-only-cheap-debug), \
$(b,--trace-error), $(b,--write-dotty), $(b,--write-html))"
$(b,--trace-error), $(b,--write-html))"
~f:(fun debug ->
~f:(fun debug ->
if debug then set_debug_level 2 else set_debug_level 0 ;
if debug then set_debug_level 2 else set_debug_level 0 ;
CommandLineOption.keep_args_file := debug ;
CommandLineOption.keep_args_file := debug ;
debug )
debug )
[ developer_mode
[developer_mode; print_buckets; print_types; reports_include_ml_loc; trace_error; write_html]
; print_buckets
; print_types
; reports_include_ml_loc
; trace_error
; write_html
; write_dotty ]
and (_ : int option ref) =
and (_ : int option ref) =
CLOpt.mk_int_opt ~long:"debug-level" ~in_help:all_generic_manuals ~meta:"level"
CLOpt.mk_int_opt ~long:"debug-level" ~in_help:all_generic_manuals ~meta:"level"
@ -1175,7 +1257,8 @@ and ( bo_debug
debug )
debug )
[debug; developer_mode] [default_linters; keep_going]
[debug; developer_mode] [default_linters; keep_going]
( bo_debug
( biabduction_write_dotty
, bo_debug
, deduplicate
, deduplicate
, developer_mode
, developer_mode
, debug
, debug
@ -1196,8 +1279,7 @@ and ( bo_debug
, print_types
, print_types
, reports_include_ml_loc
, reports_include_ml_loc
, trace_error
, trace_error
, write_html
, write_html )
, write_dotty )
and dependencies =
and dependencies =
@ -1300,6 +1382,13 @@ and eradicate_return_over_annotated =
and eradicate_verbose = CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"eradicate-verbose" "Print initial and final typestates"
and eradicate_verbose = CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"eradicate-verbose" "Print initial and final typestates"
and export_changed_functions =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["test-determinator-clang"] ~long:"export-changed-functions"
"Make infer output changed functions, similar to test-determinator. It is used together with \
the $(b,--modified-lines)."
and external_java_packages =
and external_java_packages =
CLOpt.mk_string_list ~long:"external-java-packages"
CLOpt.mk_string_list ~long:"external-java-packages"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_java)]
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_java)]
@ -1328,7 +1417,8 @@ and file_renamings =
and filter_paths =
and filter_paths =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"filter-paths" ~default:true "Filters specified in .inferconfig"
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"filter-paths" ~default:true
"Apply filters specified in $(b,--report_*) options. Disable for debugging."
and force_delete_results_dir =
and force_delete_results_dir =
@ -1438,7 +1528,7 @@ and help_issue_type =
and html =
and html =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"html"
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"html"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Explore, manual_explore_bugs)]
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Explore, manual_explore_bugs)]
"Generate html report."
"Generate an html report of issues found."
and hoisting_report_only_expensive =
and hoisting_report_only_expensive =
@ -1454,6 +1544,14 @@ and icfg_dotty_outfile =
options that would generate icfg file otherwise"
options that would generate icfg file otherwise"
and impurity_report_immutable_modifications =
~long:"impurity-report-immutable-modifications" ~default:false
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_generic)]
"Report modifications to immutable fields in the Impurity checker"
and inclusive_cost =
and inclusive_cost =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"inclusive-cost" ~default:true "Computes the inclusive cost"
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"inclusive-cost" ~default:true "Computes the inclusive cost"
@ -1474,12 +1572,6 @@ and issues_tests =
~meta:"file" "Write a list of issues in a format suitable for tests to $(i,file)"
~meta:"file" "Write a list of issues in a format suitable for tests to $(i,file)"
and iterations =
CLOpt.mk_int ~deprecated:["iterations"] ~long:"iterations" ~default:1 ~meta:"int"
"Specify the maximum number of operations for each function, expressed as a multiple of \
symbolic operations and a multiple of seconds of elapsed time"
and java_debug_source_file_info =
and java_debug_source_file_info =
CLOpt.mk_path_opt ~long:"java-debug-source-file-info" ~meta:"path"
CLOpt.mk_path_opt ~long:"java-debug-source-file-info" ~meta:"path"
"For debugging only: Call the Java declarations source file parser on the given file and do \
"For debugging only: Call the Java declarations source file parser on the given file and do \
@ -1512,14 +1604,6 @@ and jobs =
~meta:"int" "Run the specified number of analysis jobs simultaneously"
~meta:"int" "Run the specified number of analysis jobs simultaneously"
and join_cond =
CLOpt.mk_int ~deprecated:["join_cond"] ~long:"join-cond" ~default:1 ~meta:"int"
{|Set the strength of the final information-loss check used by the join:
- 0 = use the most aggressive join for preconditions
- 1 = use the least aggressive join for preconditions
and liveness_dangerous_classes =
and liveness_dangerous_classes =
CLOpt.mk_json ~long:"liveness-dangerous-classes"
CLOpt.mk_json ~long:"liveness-dangerous-classes"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_clang)]
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_clang)]
@ -1655,31 +1739,14 @@ and method_decls_info =
method name, etc.) when Infer is run Test Determinator mode with $(b,--test-determinator)."
method name, etc.) when Infer is run Test Determinator mode with $(b,--test-determinator)."
and ml_buckets =
CLOpt.mk_symbol_seq ~deprecated:["ml_buckets"; "-ml_buckets"] ~long:"ml-buckets"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_clang)]
{|Specify the memory leak buckets to be checked in C++:
- $(b,cpp) from C++ code
~symbols:ml_bucket_symbols ~eq:PolyVariantEqual.( = )
and modified_lines =
and modified_lines =
CLOpt.mk_path_opt ~long:"modified-lines"
CLOpt.mk_path_opt ~long:"modified-lines"
"Specifies the file containing the modified lines when Infer is run Test Determinator mode \
"Specifies the file containing the modified lines when Infer is run Test Determinator mode \
with $(b,--test-determinator)."
with $(b,--test-determinator)."
and monitor_prop_size =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["monitor_prop_size"] ~long:"monitor-prop-size"
"Monitor size of props, and print every time the current max is exceeded"
and nelseg = CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["nelseg"] ~long:"nelseg" "Use only nonempty lsegs"
and nullable_annotation =
and nullable_annotation =
CLOpt.mk_string_opt ~long:"nullable-annotation-name" "Specify custom nullable annotation name"
CLOpt.mk_string_opt ~long:"nullable-annotation-name" "Specify a custom nullable annotation name."
and nullsafe_annotation_graph =
and nullsafe_annotation_graph =
@ -1725,22 +1792,12 @@ and nullsafe_strict_containers =
"Warn when containers are used with nullable keys or values"
"Warn when containers are used with nullable keys or values"
and only_footprint =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["only_footprint"] ~long:"only-footprint" "Skip the re-execution phase"
and oom_threshold =
and oom_threshold =
CLOpt.mk_int_opt ~long:"oom-threshold"
CLOpt.mk_int_opt ~long:"oom-threshold"
"Available memory threshold (in MB) below which multi-worker scheduling throttles back work. \
"Available memory threshold (in MB) below which multi-worker scheduling throttles back work. \
Only for use on Linux."
Only for use on Linux."
and passthroughs =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"passthroughs" ~default:false
"In error traces, show intermediate steps that propagate data. When false, error traces are \
shorter and show only direct flow via souces/sinks"
and patterns_modeled_expensive =
and patterns_modeled_expensive =
let long = "modeled-expensive" in
let long = "modeled-expensive" in
( long
( long
@ -1869,7 +1926,8 @@ and procedures_summary_json =
and process_clang_ast =
and process_clang_ast =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"process-clang-ast" ~default:false
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"process-clang-ast" ~default:false
"process the ast to emit some info about the file (Not available for Java)"
"process the ast to emit some info about the file with $(b,--test-determinator) or \
$(b,--export-changed-functions) (Not available for Java)"
and progress_bar =
and progress_bar =
@ -2018,6 +2076,12 @@ and quandary_sanitizers =
"Specify custom sanitizers for Quandary"
"Specify custom sanitizers for Quandary"
and quandary_show_passthroughs =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["-passthroughs"] ~long:"quandary-show-passthroughs" ~default:false
"In error traces, show intermediate steps that propagate data. When false, error traces are \
shorter and show only direct flow via souces/sinks"
and quandary_sources =
and quandary_sources =
CLOpt.mk_json ~long:"quandary-sources"
CLOpt.mk_json ~long:"quandary-sources"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_quandary)]
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_quandary)]
@ -2042,7 +2106,7 @@ and racerd_guardedby =
"Check @GuardedBy annotations with RacerD"
"Check @GuardedBy annotations with RacerD"
and[@warning "-32"] racerd_unknown_returns_owned =
and _racerd_unknown_returns_owned =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["racerd-unknown-returns-owned"] ~long:"racerd-unknown-returns-owned"
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["racerd-unknown-returns-owned"] ~long:"racerd-unknown-returns-owned"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_racerd)]
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_racerd)]
@ -2133,12 +2197,6 @@ and report_formatter =
~eq:PolyVariantEqual.( = ) "Which formatter to use when emitting the report"
~eq:PolyVariantEqual.( = ) "Which formatter to use when emitting the report"
and report_immutable_modifications =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"report-immutable-modifications" ~default:false
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Report, manual_generic); (Run, manual_generic)]
"Report modifications to immutable fields"
and report_previous =
and report_previous =
CLOpt.mk_path_opt ~long:"report-previous"
CLOpt.mk_path_opt ~long:"report-previous"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(ReportDiff, manual_generic)]
~in_help:InferCommand.[(ReportDiff, manual_generic)]
@ -2167,9 +2225,16 @@ and results_dir =
~meta:"dir" "Write results and internal files in the specified directory"
~meta:"dir" "Write results and internal files in the specified directory"
and seconds_per_iteration =
and scheduler =
CLOpt.mk_float_opt ~deprecated:["seconds_per_iteration"] ~long:"seconds-per-iteration"
CLOpt.mk_symbol ~long:"scheduler" ~default:File ~eq:equal_scheduler
~meta:"float" "Set the number of seconds per iteration (see $(b,--iterations))"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_generic)]
~symbols:[("file", File); ("restart", Restart); ("callgraph", SyntacticCallGraph)]
"Specify the scheduler used for the analysis phase:\n\
- file: schedule one job per file\n\
- callgraph: schedule one job per procedure, following the syntactic call graph. Usually \
faster than \"file\".\n\
- restart: same as callgraph but uses locking to try and avoid duplicate work between \
different analysis processes and thus performs better in some circumstances"
and select =
and select =
@ -2199,6 +2264,14 @@ and scuba_tags =
and siof_check_iostreams =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"siof-check-iostreams"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_siof)]
"Do not assume that iostreams (cout, cerr, ...) are always initialized. The default is to \
assume they are always initialized to avoid false positives. However, if your program \
compiles against a recent libstdc++ then it is safe to turn this option on."
and siof_safe_methods =
and siof_safe_methods =
CLOpt.mk_string_list ~long:"siof-safe-methods"
CLOpt.mk_string_list ~long:"siof-safe-methods"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_siof)]
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_siof)]
@ -2352,7 +2425,7 @@ and (_ : bool ref) =
and subtype_multirange =
and subtype_multirange =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["subtype_multirange"] ~long:"subtype-multirange" ~default:true
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["subtype_multirange"] ~long:"subtype-multirange" ~default:true
"Use the multirange subtyping domain"
"Use the multirange subtyping domain. Used in the Java frontend and in biabduction."
and summaries_caches_max_size =
and summaries_caches_max_size =
@ -2360,36 +2433,12 @@ and summaries_caches_max_size =
"The maximum amount of elements the summaries LRU caches can hold"
"The maximum amount of elements the summaries LRU caches can hold"
and symops_per_iteration =
CLOpt.mk_int_opt ~deprecated:["symops_per_iteration"] ~long:"symops-per-iteration" ~meta:"int"
"Set the number of symbolic operations per iteration (see $(b,--iterations))"
and test_determinator =
and test_determinator =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"test-determinator" ~default:false
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"test-determinator" ~default:false
"Run infer in Test Determinator mode. It is used together with the $(b,--modified-lines) and \
"Run infer in Test Determinator mode. It is used together with the $(b,--modified-lines) and \
$(b,--profiler-samples) flags, which specify the relevant arguments."
$(b,--profiler-samples) flags, which specify the relevant arguments."
and export_changed_functions =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["test-determinator-clang"] ~long:"export-changed-functions"
"Make infer output changed functions, similar to test-determinator. It is used together with \
the $(b,--modified-lines)."
and scheduler =
CLOpt.mk_symbol ~long:"scheduler" ~default:File ~eq:equal_scheduler
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_generic)]
~symbols:[("file", File); ("restart", Restart); ("callgraph", SyntacticCallGraph)]
"Specify the scheduler used for the analysis phase:\n\
- file: schedule one job per file\n\
- callgraph: schedule one job per procedure, following the syntactic call graph. Usually \
faster than \"file\".\n\
- restart: same as callgraph but uses locking to try and avoid duplicate work between \
different analysis processes and thus performs better in some circumstances"
and test_filtering =
and test_filtering =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["test_filtering"] ~long:"test-filtering"
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["test_filtering"] ~long:"test-filtering"
"List all the files Infer can report on (should be called from the root of the project)"
"List all the files Infer can report on (should be called from the root of the project)"
@ -2446,16 +2495,8 @@ and trace_events =
(ResultsDirEntryName.get_path ~results_dir:"infer-out" PerfEvents))
(ResultsDirEntryName.get_path ~results_dir:"infer-out" PerfEvents))
and trace_join =
and trace_ondemand =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["trace_join"] ~long:"trace-join"
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"trace-ondemand" "Emit debug information for the ondemand analysis scheduler."
"Detailed tracing information during prop join operations"
and trace_ondemand = CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"trace-ondemand" ""
and trace_rearrange =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["trace_rearrange"] ~long:"trace-rearrange"
"Detailed tracing information during prop re-arrangement operations"
and trace_topl =
and trace_topl =
@ -2476,21 +2517,10 @@ and tv_limit_filtered =
"The maximum number of traces for issues filtered out by --report-filter to submit to Traceview"
"The maximum number of traces for issues filtered out by --report-filter to submit to Traceview"
and type_size =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["type_size"] ~long:"type-size"
"Consider the size of types during analysis, e.g. cannot use an int pointer to write to a char"
and uninit_interproc =
and uninit_interproc =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"uninit-interproc" "Run uninit check in the experimental interprocedural mode"
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"uninit-interproc" "Run uninit check in the experimental interprocedural mode"
and unsafe_malloc =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"unsafe-malloc"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_clang)]
"Assume that malloc(3) never returns null."
and incremental_analysis =
and incremental_analysis =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"incremental-analysis" ~default:false
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"incremental-analysis" ~default:false
"[EXPERIMENTAL] Use incremental analysis for changed files. Not compatible with \
"[EXPERIMENTAL] Use incremental analysis for changed files. Not compatible with \
@ -2509,21 +2539,6 @@ and version =
(** visit mode for the worklist:
- 0 depth - fist visit
- 1 bias towards exit node
- 2 least visited first *)
and worklist_mode =
let var = ref 0 in
CLOpt.mk_set var 2 ~long:"coverage" "analysis mode to maximize coverage (can take longer)" ;
CLOpt.mk_set var 1 ~long:"exit-node-bias" ~deprecated:["exit_node_bias"]
"nodes nearest the exit node are analyzed first" ;
CLOpt.mk_set var 2 ~long:"visits-bias" ~deprecated:["visits_bias"]
"nodes visited fewer times are analyzed first" ;
and workspace =
and workspace =
CLOpt.mk_path_opt ~long:"workspace"
CLOpt.mk_path_opt ~long:"workspace"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Capture, manual_generic)]
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Capture, manual_generic)]
@ -2725,15 +2740,17 @@ let post_parsing_initialization command_opt =
Gc.set {ctrl with minor_heap_size; allocation_policy; space_overhead}
Gc.set {ctrl with minor_heap_size; allocation_policy; space_overhead}
set_gc_params () ;
set_gc_params () ;
let symops_timeout, seconds_timeout =
let biabd_symops_timeout, biabd_seconds_timeout =
let default_symops_timeout = 1100 in
let default_symops_timeout = 1100 in
let default_seconds_timeout = 10.0 in
let default_seconds_timeout = 10.0 in
if !biabduction_models_mode then (* disable timeouts when analyzing models *)
if !biabduction_models_mode then (* disable timeouts when analyzing models *)
(None, None)
(None, None)
else (Some default_symops_timeout, Some default_seconds_timeout)
else (Some default_symops_timeout, Some default_seconds_timeout)
if is_none !symops_per_iteration then symops_per_iteration := symops_timeout ;
if is_none !biabduction_symops_per_iteration then
if is_none !seconds_per_iteration then seconds_per_iteration := seconds_timeout ;
biabduction_symops_per_iteration := biabd_symops_timeout ;
if is_none !biabduction_seconds_per_iteration then
biabduction_seconds_per_iteration := biabd_seconds_timeout ;
clang_compilation_dbs :=
clang_compilation_dbs :=
RevList.rev_map ~f:(fun x -> `Raw x) !compilation_database
RevList.rev_map ~f:(fun x -> `Raw x) !compilation_database
|> RevList.rev_map_append ~f:(fun x -> `Escaped x) !compilation_database_escaped ;
|> RevList.rev_map_append ~f:(fun x -> `Escaped x) !compilation_database_escaped ;
@ -2777,11 +2794,43 @@ let process_linters_doc_url args =
let rest = !rest
let rest = !rest
and abs_struct = !abs_struct
and biabduction_abs_struct = !biabduction_abs_struct
and biabduction_abs_val = !biabduction_abs_val
and biabduction_allow_leak = !biabduction_allow_leak
and biabduction_array_level = !biabduction_array_level
and biabduction_models_mode = !biabduction_models_mode
and biabduction_iterations = !biabduction_iterations
and biabduction_join_cond = !biabduction_join_cond
and biabduction_memleak_buckets = !biabduction_memleak_buckets
and biabduction_monitor_prop_size = !biabduction_monitor_prop_size
and biabduction_nelseg = !biabduction_nelseg
and biabduction_only_footprint = !biabduction_only_footprint
and biabduction_seconds_per_iteration = !biabduction_seconds_per_iteration
and biabduction_symops_per_iteration = !biabduction_symops_per_iteration
and biabduction_trace_join = !biabduction_trace_join
and biabduction_trace_rearrange = !biabduction_trace_rearrange
and biabduction_type_size = !biabduction_type_size
and abs_val = !abs_val
and biabduction_unsafe_malloc = !biabduction_unsafe_malloc
and allow_leak = !allow_leak
and biabduction_worklist_mode = !biabduction_worklist_mode
and biabduction_write_dotty = !biabduction_write_dotty
and annotation_reachability_cxx = !annotation_reachability_cxx
and annotation_reachability_cxx = !annotation_reachability_cxx
@ -2791,10 +2840,6 @@ and annotation_reachability_custom_pairs = !annotation_reachability_custom_pairs
and append_buck_flavors = RevList.to_list !append_buck_flavors
and append_buck_flavors = RevList.to_list !append_buck_flavors
and array_level = !array_level
and biabduction_models_mode = !biabduction_models_mode
and bootclasspath = !bootclasspath
and bootclasspath = !bootclasspath
and bo_debug = !bo_debug
and bo_debug = !bo_debug
@ -3040,14 +3085,16 @@ and global_tenv = !global_tenv
and icfg_dotty_outfile = !icfg_dotty_outfile
and icfg_dotty_outfile = !icfg_dotty_outfile
and impurity_report_immutable_modifications = !impurity_report_immutable_modifications
and inclusive_cost = !inclusive_cost
and inclusive_cost = !inclusive_cost
and incremental_analysis = !incremental_analysis
and issues_tests = !issues_tests
and issues_tests = !issues_tests
and issues_tests_fields = !issues_tests_fields
and issues_tests_fields = !issues_tests_fields
and iterations = !iterations
and java_debug_source_file_info = !java_debug_source_file_info
and java_debug_source_file_info = !java_debug_source_file_info
and java_jar_compiler = !java_jar_compiler
and java_jar_compiler = !java_jar_compiler
@ -3062,8 +3109,6 @@ and job_id = !job_id
and jobs = Option.fold !max_jobs ~init:!jobs ~f:min
and jobs = Option.fold !max_jobs ~init:!jobs ~f:min
and join_cond = !join_cond
and linter = !linter
and linter = !linter
and linters_def_file = RevList.to_list !linters_def_file
and linters_def_file = RevList.to_list !linters_def_file
@ -3098,14 +3143,8 @@ and merge = !merge
and method_decls_info = !method_decls_info
and method_decls_info = !method_decls_info
and ml_buckets = !ml_buckets
and modified_lines = !modified_lines
and modified_lines = !modified_lines
and monitor_prop_size = !monitor_prop_size
and nelseg = !nelseg
and nullable_annotation = !nullable_annotation
and nullable_annotation = !nullable_annotation
and nullsafe_annotation_graph = !nullsafe_annotation_graph
and nullsafe_annotation_graph = !nullsafe_annotation_graph
@ -3132,10 +3171,6 @@ and oom_threshold = !oom_threshold
and only_cheap_debug = !only_cheap_debug
and only_cheap_debug = !only_cheap_debug
and only_footprint = !only_footprint
and passthroughs = !passthroughs
and patterns_modeled_expensive = match patterns_modeled_expensive with k, r -> (k, !r)
and patterns_modeled_expensive = match patterns_modeled_expensive with k, r -> (k, !r)
and patterns_never_returning_null = match patterns_never_returning_null with k, r -> (k, !r)
and patterns_never_returning_null = match patterns_never_returning_null with k, r -> (k, !r)
@ -3150,6 +3185,8 @@ and print_active_checkers = !print_active_checkers
and print_builtins = !print_builtins
and print_builtins = !print_builtins
and print_jbir = !print_jbir
and print_logs = !print_logs
and print_logs = !print_logs
and print_types = !print_types
and print_types = !print_types
@ -3255,6 +3292,8 @@ and quandary_endpoints = !quandary_endpoints
and quandary_sanitizers = !quandary_sanitizers
and quandary_sanitizers = !quandary_sanitizers
and quandary_show_passthroughs = !quandary_show_passthroughs
and quandary_sources = !quandary_sources
and quandary_sources = !quandary_sources
and quandary_sinks = !quandary_sinks
and quandary_sinks = !quandary_sinks
@ -3283,8 +3322,6 @@ and report_force_relative_path = !report_force_relative_path
and report_formatter = !report_formatter
and report_formatter = !report_formatter
and report_immutable_modifications = !report_immutable_modifications
and report_path_regex_blacklist = RevList.to_list !report_path_regex_blacklist
and report_path_regex_blacklist = RevList.to_list !report_path_regex_blacklist
and report_path_regex_whitelist = RevList.to_list !report_path_regex_whitelist
and report_path_regex_whitelist = RevList.to_list !report_path_regex_whitelist
@ -3305,8 +3342,6 @@ and scuba_normals = !scuba_normals
and scuba_tags = String.Map.map !scuba_tags ~f:(fun v -> String.split v ~on:',')
and scuba_tags = String.Map.map !scuba_tags ~f:(fun v -> String.split v ~on:',')
and seconds_per_iteration = !seconds_per_iteration
and select =
and select =
match !select with
match !select with
| None ->
| None ->
@ -3321,8 +3356,6 @@ and select =
and show_buckets = !print_buckets
and show_buckets = !print_buckets
and print_jbir = !print_jbir
and siof_check_iostreams = !siof_check_iostreams
and siof_check_iostreams = !siof_check_iostreams
and siof_safe_methods = RevList.to_list !siof_safe_methods
and siof_safe_methods = RevList.to_list !siof_safe_methods
@ -3388,8 +3421,6 @@ and custom_symbols =
(Yojson.Basic.to_string !custom_symbols)
(Yojson.Basic.to_string !custom_symbols)
and symops_per_iteration = !symops_per_iteration
and keep_going = !keep_going
and keep_going = !keep_going
and tenv_json = !tenv_json
and tenv_json = !tenv_json
@ -3418,10 +3449,6 @@ and trace_events = !trace_events
and trace_ondemand = !trace_ondemand
and trace_ondemand = !trace_ondemand
and trace_join = !trace_join
and trace_rearrange = !trace_rearrange
and trace_topl = !trace_topl
and trace_topl = !trace_topl
and tv_commit = !tv_commit
and tv_commit = !tv_commit
@ -3430,20 +3457,10 @@ and tv_limit = !tv_limit
and tv_limit_filtered = !tv_limit_filtered
and tv_limit_filtered = !tv_limit_filtered
and type_size = !type_size
and uninit_interproc = !uninit_interproc
and uninit_interproc = !uninit_interproc
and unsafe_malloc = !unsafe_malloc
and incremental_analysis = !incremental_analysis
and worklist_mode = !worklist_mode
and workspace = !workspace
and workspace = !workspace
and write_dotty = !write_dotty
and write_html = !write_html
and write_html = !write_html
and write_html_whitelist_regex = RevList.to_list !write_html_whitelist_regex
and write_html_whitelist_regex = RevList.to_list !write_html_whitelist_regex