Migrate BAD_POINTER_COMPARISON check from backend to linters infra

Reviewed By: dulmarod

Differential Revision: D3614726

fbshipit-source-id: bdc7651
Martino Luca 9 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot 2
parent adb0ef8a78
commit da2717ff2a

@ -440,11 +440,6 @@ let explain_allocation_mismatch ra_alloc ra_dealloc =
(get_primitive_called true ra_alloc) (get_primitive_called false ra_dealloc)
(** Produce a description of a pointer dangerously coerced to a boolean in a comparison *)
let explain_bad_pointer_comparison exp node loc =
let dexp_opt = exp_rv_dexp node exp in
Localise.desc_bad_pointer_comparison dexp_opt loc
(** check whether the type of leaked [hpred] appears as a predicate
in an inductive predicate in [prop] *)
let leak_from_list_abstraction hpred prop =

@ -44,9 +44,6 @@ val exp_rv_dexp : Cfg.Node.t -> Sil.exp -> DecompiledExp.t option
val explain_context_leak : Procname.t -> Typ.t -> Ident.fieldname ->
(Ident.fieldname option * Typ.t) list -> Localise.error_desc
(** Produce a description of a pointer dangerously coerced to a boolean in a comparison *)
val explain_bad_pointer_comparison : Sil.exp -> Cfg.Node.t -> Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
(** Produce a description of a mismatch between an allocation function and a deallocation function *)
val explain_allocation_mismatch : Sil.res_action -> Sil.res_action -> Localise.error_desc

@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ exception Array_out_of_bounds_l2 of Localise.error_desc * L.ml_loc
exception Array_out_of_bounds_l3 of Localise.error_desc * L.ml_loc
exception Array_of_pointsto of L.ml_loc
exception Bad_footprint of L.ml_loc
exception Bad_pointer_comparison of Localise.error_desc * L.ml_loc
exception Class_cast_exception of Localise.error_desc * L.ml_loc
exception Codequery of Localise.error_desc
exception Comparing_floats_for_equality of Localise.error_desc * L.ml_loc
@ -121,9 +120,6 @@ let recognize_exception exn =
let ml_loc = (f, l, c, c) in
(Localise.from_string "Assert_failure",
Localise.no_desc, Some ml_loc, Exn_developer, High, None, Nocat)
| Bad_pointer_comparison (desc, ml_loc) ->
desc, Some ml_loc, Exn_user, High, Some Kerror, Prover)
| Bad_footprint ml_loc ->
(Localise.from_string "Bad_footprint",
Localise.no_desc, Some ml_loc, Exn_developer, Low, None, Nocat)
@ -351,4 +347,3 @@ let pp_err (_, node_key) loc ekind ex_name desc ml_loc_opt fmt () =
let handle_exception exn =
let _, _, _, visibility, _, _, _ = recognize_exception exn in
visibility == Exn_user || visibility == Exn_developer

@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ exception Array_out_of_bounds_l1 of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ml_loc
exception Array_out_of_bounds_l2 of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ml_loc
exception Array_out_of_bounds_l3 of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ml_loc
exception Bad_footprint of Logging.ml_loc
exception Bad_pointer_comparison of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ml_loc
exception Class_cast_exception of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ml_loc
exception Codequery of Localise.error_desc
exception Comparing_floats_for_equality of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ml_loc

@ -475,18 +475,6 @@ let desc_fragment_retains_view fragment_typ fieldname fld_typ pname : error_desc
let desc_custom_error loc : error_desc =
{ no_desc with descriptions = ["detected"; at_line (Tags.create ()) loc] }
let desc_bad_pointer_comparison dexp_opt loc : error_desc =
let dexp_str = match dexp_opt with
| Some dexp -> (DecompiledExp.to_string dexp) ^ " "
| None -> "" in
let line_info = at_line (Tags.create ()) loc in
let check_msg =
"Implicitly checking whether NSNumber pointer " ^ dexp_str ^ "is nil " ^ line_info ^ "." in
let concern_msg = "Did you mean to compare against the unboxed value instead?" in
let fix_msg_rec1 = "Please either explicitly compare " ^ dexp_str ^ "to nil" in
let fix_msg_rec2 = "or use one of the NSNumber accessors before the comparison." in
{ no_desc with descriptions = [check_msg; concern_msg; fix_msg_rec1; fix_msg_rec2] }
(** type of access *)
type access =
| Last_assigned of int * bool (* line, null_case_flag *)

@ -230,7 +230,6 @@ val desc_fragment_retains_view :
(* Create human-readable error description for assertion failures *)
val desc_custom_error : Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_bad_pointer_comparison : DecompiledExp.t option -> Location.t -> error_desc
(** kind of precondition not met *)
type pnm_kind =
| Pnm_bounds

@ -1058,11 +1058,6 @@ let rec sym_exec tenv current_pdesc _instr (prop_: Prop.normal Prop.t) path
true (* skip subpart of a condition obtained from compilation of && and || *)
| _ -> false in
true_branch && not skip_loop in
(* in comparisons, nil is translated as (void * ) 0 rather than 0 *)
let is_comparison_to_nil = function
| Sil.Cast ((Typ.Tptr (Typ.Tvoid, _)), exp) ->
!Config.curr_language = Config.Clang && Sil.exp_is_zero exp
| _ -> false in
match Prop.exp_normalize_prop Prop.prop_emp cond with
| Sil.Const (Const.Cint i) when report_condition_always_true_false i ->
let node = State.get_node () in
@ -1071,26 +1066,6 @@ let rec sym_exec tenv current_pdesc _instr (prop_: Prop.normal Prop.t) path
Exceptions.Condition_always_true_false (desc, not (IntLit.iszero i), __POS__) in
let pre_opt = State.get_normalized_pre (Abs.abstract_no_symop current_pname) in
Reporting.log_warning current_pname ~pre: pre_opt exn
| Sil.BinOp ((Binop.Eq | Binop.Ne), lhs, rhs)
when true_branch && !Config.footprint && not (is_comparison_to_nil rhs) ->
(* iOS: check that NSNumber *'s are not used in conditionals without comparing to nil *)
let lhs_normal = Prop.exp_normalize_prop prop__ lhs in
let is_nsnumber = function
| Typ.Tvar (Typename.TN_csu (Csu.Class _, name)) ->
Mangled.to_string name = "NSNumber"
| _ -> false in
let lhs_is_ns_ptr () =
| Sil.Hpointsto (_, Sil.Eexp (exp, _), Sil.Sizeof (Typ.Tptr (typ, _), _, _)) ->
Sil.exp_equal exp lhs_normal && is_nsnumber typ
| _ -> false)
(Prop.get_sigma prop__) in
if not (Sil.exp_is_zero lhs_normal) && lhs_is_ns_ptr () then
let node = State.get_node () in
let desc = Errdesc.explain_bad_pointer_comparison lhs node loc in
let exn = Exceptions.Bad_pointer_comparison (desc, __POS__) in
Reporting.log_warning current_pname exn
| _ -> () in
if not Config.report_runtime_exceptions then
check_already_dereferenced current_pname cond prop__;

@ -270,6 +270,44 @@ let captured_cxx_ref_in_objc_block_warning stmt_info captured_vars =
else None
(* BAD_POINTER_COMPARISON: Fires whenever a NSNumber is dangerously coerced to
a boolean in a comparison *)
let bad_pointer_comparison_warning stmt_info stmts =
let rec condition stmts =
let condition_aux stmt =
match stmt with
| Clang_ast_t.CallExpr _
| Clang_ast_t.CXXMemberCallExpr _
| Clang_ast_t.CXXOperatorCallExpr _
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCMessageExpr _ -> false
| Clang_ast_t.BinaryOperator (_, _, _, boi)
when (boi.boi_kind = `NE) || (boi.boi_kind = `EQ) -> false
| Clang_ast_t.UnaryOperator (_, stmts, _, uoi) when uoi.uoi_kind = `LNot ->
condition stmts
| stmt ->
match Clang_ast_proj.get_expr_tuple stmt with
| Some (_, stmts, expr_info) ->
let typ = CFrontend_utils.Ast_utils.get_desugared_type expr_info.ei_type_ptr in
if CFrontend_utils.Ast_utils.is_ptr_to_objc_class typ "NSNumber" then
condition stmts
| _ -> false in
IList.exists condition_aux stmts in
if condition stmts then
Some { CIssue.
issue = CIssue.Bad_pointer_comparison;
description = "Implicitly checking whether NSNumber pointer is nil";
suggestion =
Some ("Did you mean to compare against the unboxed value instead? " ^
"Please either explicitly compare the NSNumber instance to nil, " ^
"or use one of the NSNumber accessors before the comparison.");
loc = location_from_sinfo stmt_info
(* exist m1: m1.body|- EF call_method(addObserver:) => exists m2 : m2.body |- EF call_method(removeObserver:) *)
let checker_NSNotificationCenter decl_info decls =
let exists_method_calling_addObserver =

@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ val direct_atomic_property_access_warning : Clang_ast_t.decl -> Clang_ast_t.stmt
val captured_cxx_ref_in_objc_block_warning : Clang_ast_t.stmt_info ->
Clang_ast_t.block_captured_variable list -> CIssue.issue_desc option
val bad_pointer_comparison_warning :
Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> Clang_ast_t.stmt list -> CIssue.issue_desc option
(* REGISTERED_OBSERVER_BEING_DEALLOCATED: an object is registered in a notification center
but not removed before deallocation *)
val checker_NSNotificationCenter : Clang_ast_t.decl_info -> Clang_ast_t.decl list ->

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
let rec do_frontend_checks_stmt cfg cg method_decl stmt =
CFrontend_errors.run_frontend_checkers_on_stmt cfg cg method_decl stmt;
let _, stmts = Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_tuple stmt in
let stmts = CFrontend_utils.Ast_utils.get_stmts_from_stmt stmt in
IList.iter (do_frontend_checks_stmt cfg cg method_decl) stmts
let rec do_frontend_checks_decl cfg cg decl =

@ -47,6 +47,36 @@ let global_var_checker_list = [CFrontend_checkers.global_var_init_with_calls_war
let checker_for_global_var dec checker =
checker dec
(* List of checkers on conditional operator *)
let conditional_op_checker_list = [CFrontend_checkers.bad_pointer_comparison_warning]
(* Invocation of checker belonging to conditional_op_checker_list *)
let checker_for_conditional_op stmt_info first_stmt checker =
checker stmt_info first_stmt
(* List of checkers on if-statement *)
let if_stmt_checker_list = [CFrontend_checkers.bad_pointer_comparison_warning]
(* Invocation of checker belonging to if_stmt_checker_list *)
let checker_for_if_stmt stmt_info cond checker =
checker stmt_info cond
(* List of checkers on for statement *)
let for_stmt_checker_list = [CFrontend_checkers.bad_pointer_comparison_warning]
(* Invocation of checker belonging to for_stmt_checker_list *)
let checker_for_for_stmt stmt_info cond checker =
checker stmt_info cond
(* List of checkers on while statement *)
let while_stmt_checker_list = [CFrontend_checkers.bad_pointer_comparison_warning]
(* Invocation of checker belonging to while_stmt_checker_list *)
let checker_for_while_stmt stmt_info cond checker =
checker stmt_info cond
let errLogMap = ref Procname.Map.empty
let get_err_log cfg cg method_decl_opt loc =
@ -103,6 +133,18 @@ let run_frontend_checkers_on_stmt cfg cg method_decl instr =
let call_captured_vars_checker = checkers_for_capture_vars stmt_info captured_block_vars in
let decl_opt = Some method_decl in
invoke_set_of_checkers call_captured_vars_checker cfg cg decl_opt captured_vars_checker_list
| IfStmt (stmt_info, _ :: cond :: _) ->
let call_checker = checker_for_if_stmt stmt_info [cond] in
invoke_set_of_checkers call_checker cfg cg None if_stmt_checker_list
| ConditionalOperator (stmt_info, first_stmt :: _, _) ->
let call_checker = checker_for_conditional_op stmt_info [first_stmt] in
invoke_set_of_checkers call_checker cfg cg None conditional_op_checker_list
| ForStmt (stmt_info, [_; _; cond; _; _]) ->
let call_checker = checker_for_for_stmt stmt_info [cond] in
invoke_set_of_checkers call_checker cfg cg None for_stmt_checker_list
| WhileStmt (stmt_info, [_; cond; _]) ->
let call_checker = checker_for_while_stmt stmt_info [cond] in
invoke_set_of_checkers call_checker cfg cg None while_stmt_checker_list
| _ -> ()
let run_frontend_checkers_on_decl cfg cg dec =

@ -424,6 +424,18 @@ struct
| Config.OBJCPP -> true
| _ -> false
let is_ptr_to_objc_class typ class_name =
match typ with
| Some Clang_ast_t.ObjCObjectPointerType (_, typ_ptr) ->
(match get_desugared_type typ_ptr with
| Some ObjCInterfaceType (_, ptr) ->
(match get_decl ptr with
| Some ObjCInterfaceDecl (_, ndi, _, _, _) ->
String.compare ndi.ni_name class_name = 0
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let rec getter_attribute_opt attributes =
match attributes with

@ -149,6 +149,8 @@ sig
(* true if CFrontend_config.language is set ot ObjC *)
val is_objcpp : unit -> bool
val is_ptr_to_objc_class : Clang_ast_t.c_type option -> string -> bool
module General_utils :

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
type issue =
| Assign_pointer_warning
| Bad_pointer_comparison
| Cxx_reference_captured_in_objc_block
| Direct_atomic_property_access
| Global_variable_initialized_with_function_or_method_call
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ type issue =
let to_string issue =
match issue with
| Assign_pointer_warning -> "ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING"
| Bad_pointer_comparison -> "BAD_POINTER_COMPARISON"
| Cxx_reference_captured_in_objc_block ->
| Direct_atomic_property_access -> "DIRECT_ATOMIC_PROPERTY_ACCESS"
@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ let to_string issue =
let severity_of_issue issue =
match issue with
| Assign_pointer_warning
| Bad_pointer_comparison
| Cxx_reference_captured_in_objc_block
| Direct_atomic_property_access
| Global_variable_initialized_with_function_or_method_call

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
type issue =
| Assign_pointer_warning
| Bad_pointer_comparison
| Cxx_reference_captured_in_objc_block
| Direct_atomic_property_access
| Global_variable_initialized_with_function_or_method_call

@ -19,22 +19,52 @@ void bad2(NSNumber* isNum) {
void ok1(NSNumber* isNum) {
void bad3(NSNumber* number1, NSNumber* number2) {
if (number1 == nil || number2) {
@interface TestClass : NSObject
@property(atomic) int value;
- (BOOL)doStuff:(NSNumber*)number;
@implementation TestClass
- (BOOL)doStuff:(NSNumber*)number {
return YES;
void bad4(NSNumber* number, TestClass* t) { t.value = number ? 1 : 0; }
void ok1(NSNumber* number, TestClass* t) { t.value = number == nil ? 1 : 0; }
void ok2(NSNumber* number, TestClass* t) {
if ([t doStuff:number]) {
void ok3(NSNumber* isNum) {
if (isNum != nil) {
void ok2(NSNumber* isNum) {
void ok4(NSNumber* isNum) {
if (nil != isNum) {
void ok3(NSNumber* isNum) {
void ok5(NSNumber* isNum) {
if (nil == isNum) {
void ok4(NSNumber* isNum) {
void ok6(NSNumber* isNum) {
if (isNum == nil) {

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
package endtoend.objc.infer;
package endtoend.objc.linters;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static utils.matchers.ResultContainsExactly.containsExactly;
import static utils.matchers.ResultContainsLineNumbers.containsLines;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import utils.InferRunner;
public class NSNumber2Test {
public static final String NSNUMBER_FILE =
private static ImmutableList<String> inferCmd;
@ -48,20 +48,10 @@ public class NSNumber2Test {
public void badNSNumberPointerComparisonShouldBeFound()
throws InterruptedException, IOException, InferException {
InferResults inferResults = InferRunner.runInferObjC(inferCmd);
String[] methods = {
"Results should contain " + BAD_POINTER_COMPARISON,
containsLines(new int[] {17, 26, 33}));

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
package endtoend.objc.infer;
package endtoend.objc.linters;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static utils.matchers.ResultContainsExactly.containsExactly;
import static utils.matchers.ResultContainsLineNumbers.containsLines;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import utils.InferRunner;
public class NSNumberTest {
public static final String NSNUMBER_FILE =
private static ImmutableList<String> inferCmd;
@ -48,18 +48,10 @@ public class NSNumberTest {
public void badNSNumberPointerComparisonShouldBeFound()
throws InterruptedException, IOException, InferException {
InferResults inferResults = InferRunner.runInferObjC(inferCmd);
String[] methods = {
"Results should contain " + BAD_POINTER_COMPARISON,
containsLines(new int[]{13, 18, 23, 43})

@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ public class InferResults {
errorType.equals("PARAMETER_NOT_NULL_CHECKED") ||
errorType.equals("IVAR_NOT_NULL_CHECKED") ||
errorType.equals("BAD_POINTER_COMPARISON") ||
errorType.startsWith("ERADICATE")) {
Integer errorLine = Integer.parseInt(items[5].trim());
String procedure = items[6];
