[java] add more logging in debug and stats mode

Add more debug output to be able to trace the calls to javac more easily
when --stats or --debug is passed to infer.

Reviewed By: sblackshear

Differential Revision: D4398100

fbshipit-source-id: 3012900
Jules Villard 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent f76a77b6b6
commit db2e5bf4d4

@ -161,14 +161,18 @@ let run_javac build_mode build_cmd =
let verbose_out_file = Filename.temp_file "javac_" ".out" in
Unix.with_file verbose_out_file ~mode:[Unix.O_WRONLY] ~f:(
fun verbose_out_fd ->
L.out "Logging into %s@\n" verbose_out_file;
L.out "Current working directory: '%s'@." (Sys.getcwd ());
L.out "Trying to execute: '%s' '%s'@." prog (String.concat ~sep:"' '" args);
Unix_.fork_redirect_exec_wait ~prog ~args ~stderr:verbose_out_fd ()
with exn ->
L.out "*** Failed!@\nTrying to execute javac instead: '%s' '%s'@\nLogging into %s@."
"javac" (String.concat ~sep:"' '" cli_file_args) verbose_out_file;
Unix_.fork_redirect_exec_wait ~prog:"javac" ~args:cli_file_args ~stderr:verbose_out_fd ()
with _ ->
L.stderr "Failed to execute: %s %s@\nSee contents of %s.@\n"
prog (String.concat ~sep:" " args) verbose_out_file ;
L.stderr "Failed to execute: %s %s@." prog (String.concat ~sep:" " args);
raise exn
@ -204,10 +208,11 @@ let capture build_cmd build_mode =
L.stdout "Capturing using compilation database...@\n";
capture_with_compilation_database !Config.clang_compilation_db_files
| (Java | Javac), _ ->
L.stdout "Capturing in javac mode...@.";
let verbose_out_file = run_javac build_mode build_cmd in
if Config.analyzer <> Config.Compile then
JMain.main (lazy (JClasspath.load_from_verbose_output verbose_out_file)) ;
Unix.unlink verbose_out_file
if not (Config.debug_mode || Config.stats_mode) then Unix.unlink verbose_out_file;
| Xcode, _ when Config.xcpretty ->
L.stdout "Capturing using xcpretty...@\n";
check_xcpretty ();
@ -337,6 +342,23 @@ let fail_on_issue_epilogue () =
if issues <> [] then exit Config.fail_on_issue_exit_code
| None -> ()
let log_build_cmd build_mode build_cmd =
if Config.debug_mode || Config.stats_mode then (
let log_arg arg =
L.out "Arg: %s@\n" arg;
if (build_mode = Java || build_mode = Javac) && (String.is_prefix arg ~prefix:"@") then (
let fname = String.slice arg 1 (String.length arg) in
match In_channel.input_lines (In_channel.create fname) with
| lines ->
L.out "-- Contents of '%s'@\n" fname;
L.out "%s@\n" (String.concat ~sep:"\n" lines);
L.out "-- /Contents of '%s'@\n" fname;
| exception exn ->
L.out " Error reading file '%s':@\n %a@." fname Exn.pp exn
) in
List.iter ~f:log_arg build_cmd
let () =
let build_cmd = IList.rev Config.rest in
let build_mode = match build_cmd with
@ -358,6 +380,7 @@ let () =
but cannot communicate with the parent make command. Since infer won't interfere with them
anyway, pretend that we are not called from another make to prevent make falling back to a
mono-threaded execution. *)
log_build_cmd build_mode build_cmd;
Unix.unsetenv "MAKEFLAGS";
register_perf_stats_report () ;
touch_start_file () ;
