[sledge] Change: Move Exp to Term conversion to Exp.term

Summary: instead of doing it eagerly in Exp constructors

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D21720973

fbshipit-source-id: 8e54e5a66
Josh Berdine 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 4c6ad4a2e2
commit dbe914e6c7

@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ and xlate_opcode stk : x -> Llvm.llvalue -> Llvm.Opcode.t -> Exp.t =
Typ.array ~elt ~len ~bits ~byts
let idx i =
match (xlate_rand i).desc with
match xlate_rand i with
| Integer {data} -> Z.to_int data
| _ -> todo "vector operations: %a" pp_llvalue llv ()

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ let init globals =
| {Global.reg; init= Some (arr, siz)} ->
let loc = Term.var (Reg.var reg) in
let len = Term.integer (Z.of_int siz) in
let arr = arr.term in
let arr = Exp.term arr in
Sh.star q (Sh.seg {loc; bas= loc; len; siz= len; arr})
| _ -> q )

@ -61,9 +61,7 @@ module T = struct
| Record
[@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp]
type t = {desc: desc; term: Term.t}
and desc =
type t =
| Reg of {name: string; global: bool; typ: Typ.t}
| Nondet of {msg: string; typ: Typ.t}
| Label of {parent: string; name: string}
@ -81,7 +79,57 @@ include T
module Set = struct include Set.Make (T) include Provide_of_sexp (T) end
module Map = Map.Make (T)
let term e = e.term
let unsigned typ = Term.unsigned (Typ.bit_size_of typ)
let rec term = function
| Reg {name; global; typ= _} ->
Term.var (Var.program ?global:(Option.some_if global ()) name)
| Nondet {msg; typ= _} -> Term.nondet msg
| Label {parent; name} -> Term.label ~parent ~name
| Integer {data; typ= _} -> Term.integer data
| Float {data; typ= _} -> Term.float data
| Ap1 (Signed {bits}, _, x) -> Term.signed bits (term x)
| Ap1 (Unsigned {bits}, _, x) -> Term.unsigned bits (term x)
| Ap1 (Convert {src}, dst, exp) -> Term.convert src ~to_:dst (term exp)
| Ap2 (Eq, _, x, y) -> Term.eq (term x) (term y)
| Ap2 (Dq, _, x, y) -> Term.dq (term x) (term y)
| Ap2 (Gt, _, x, y) -> Term.lt (term y) (term x)
| Ap2 (Ge, _, x, y) -> Term.le (term y) (term x)
| Ap2 (Lt, _, x, y) -> Term.lt (term x) (term y)
| Ap2 (Le, _, x, y) -> Term.le (term x) (term y)
| Ap2 (Ugt, typ, x, y) ->
Term.lt (unsigned typ (term y)) (unsigned typ (term x))
| Ap2 (Uge, typ, x, y) ->
Term.le (unsigned typ (term y)) (unsigned typ (term x))
| Ap2 (Ult, typ, x, y) ->
Term.lt (unsigned typ (term x)) (unsigned typ (term y))
| Ap2 (Ule, typ, x, y) ->
Term.le (unsigned typ (term x)) (unsigned typ (term y))
| Ap2 (Ord, _, x, y) -> Term.ord (term x) (term y)
| Ap2 (Uno, _, x, y) -> Term.uno (term x) (term y)
| Ap2 (Add, _, x, y) -> Term.add (term x) (term y)
| Ap2 (Sub, _, x, y) -> Term.sub (term x) (term y)
| Ap2 (Mul, _, x, y) -> Term.mul (term x) (term y)
| Ap2 (Div, _, x, y) -> Term.div (term x) (term y)
| Ap2 (Rem, _, x, y) -> Term.rem (term x) (term y)
| Ap2 (Udiv, typ, x, y) ->
Term.div (unsigned typ (term x)) (unsigned typ (term y))
| Ap2 (Urem, typ, x, y) ->
Term.rem (unsigned typ (term x)) (unsigned typ (term y))
| Ap2 (And, _, x, y) -> Term.and_ (term x) (term y)
| Ap2 (Or, _, x, y) -> Term.or_ (term x) (term y)
| Ap2 (Xor, _, x, y) -> Term.xor (term x) (term y)
| Ap2 (Shl, _, x, y) -> Term.shl (term x) (term y)
| Ap2 (Lshr, _, x, y) -> Term.lshr (term x) (term y)
| Ap2 (Ashr, _, x, y) -> Term.ashr (term x) (term y)
| Ap3 (Conditional, _, cnd, thn, els) ->
Term.conditional ~cnd:(term cnd) ~thn:(term thn) ~els:(term els)
| Ap1 (Splat, _, byt) -> Term.splat (term byt)
| ApN (Record, _, elts) -> Term.record (IArray.map ~f:term elts)
| Ap1 (Select idx, _, rcd) -> Term.select ~rcd:(term rcd) ~idx
| Ap2 (Update idx, _, rcd, elt) ->
Term.update ~rcd:(term rcd) ~idx ~elt:(term elt)
| RecRecord (i, _) -> Term.rec_record i
let pp_op2 fs op =
let pf fmt = Format.fprintf fs fmt in
@ -118,9 +166,9 @@ let rec pp fs exp =
Format.pp_open_box fs 2 ;
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.pp_close_box fs ()) fs fmt
match exp.desc with
match exp with
| Reg {name} -> (
match Var.of_term exp.term with
match Var.of_term (term exp) with
| Some v when Var.is_global v -> pf "%@%s" name
| _ -> pf "%%%s" name )
| Nondet {msg} -> pf "nondet \"%s\"" msg
@ -138,11 +186,9 @@ let rec pp fs exp =
| Ap1 (Select idx, _, rcd) -> pf "%a[%i]" pp rcd idx
| Ap2 (Update idx, _, rcd, elt) ->
pf "[%a@ @[| %i → %a@]]" pp rcd idx pp elt
| Ap2 (Xor, Integer {bits= 1}, {desc= Integer {data}}, x)
when Z.is_true data ->
| Ap2 (Xor, Integer {bits= 1}, Integer {data}, x) when Z.is_true data ->
pf "¬%a" pp x
| Ap2 (Xor, Integer {bits= 1}, x, {desc= Integer {data}})
when Z.is_true data ->
| Ap2 (Xor, Integer {bits= 1}, x, Integer {data}) when Z.is_true data ->
pf "¬%a" pp x
| Ap2 (op, _, x, y) -> pf "(%a@ %a %a)" pp x pp_op2 op pp y
| Ap3 (Conditional, _, cnd, thn, els) ->
@ -157,7 +203,7 @@ and pp_record fs elts =
(fun fs elts ->
String.init (IArray.length elts) ~f:(fun i ->
match (IArray.get elts i).desc with
match IArray.get elts i with
| Integer {data} -> Char.of_int_exn (Z.to_int data)
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "not a string") )
@ -173,7 +219,7 @@ let valid_idx idx elts = 0 <= idx && idx < IArray.length elts
let rec invariant exp =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] exp [%sexp_of: t] in
match exp.desc with
match exp with
| Reg {typ} | Nondet {typ} -> assert (Typ.is_sized typ)
| Integer {data; typ} -> (
match typ with
@ -251,7 +297,7 @@ let rec invariant exp =
(** Type query *)
and typ_of exp =
match exp.desc with
match exp with
| Reg {typ} | Nondet {typ} | Integer {typ} | Float {typ} -> typ
| Label _ -> Typ.ptr
| Ap1 ((Signed _ | Unsigned _ | Convert _ | Splat), dst, _) -> dst
@ -287,7 +333,9 @@ module Reg = struct
let pp = pp
let var r =
match Var.of_term r.term with Some v -> v | _ -> violates invariant r
match Var.of_term (term r) with
| Some v -> v
| _ -> violates invariant r
module Set = struct
include Set
@ -302,8 +350,7 @@ module Reg = struct
let demangle = ref (fun _ -> None)
let pp_demangled fs e =
match e.desc with
let pp_demangled fs = function
| Reg {name} -> (
match !demangle name with
| Some demangled when not (String.equal name demangled) ->
@ -314,20 +361,17 @@ module Reg = struct
let invariant x =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] x [%sexp_of: t] in
match x.desc with Reg _ -> invariant x | _ -> assert false
match x with Reg _ -> invariant x | _ -> assert false
let name r =
match r.desc with Reg x -> x.name | _ -> violates invariant r
let name = function Reg x -> x.name | r -> violates invariant r
let typ r = match r with Reg x -> x.typ | _ -> violates invariant r
let typ r = match r.desc with Reg x -> x.typ | _ -> violates invariant r
let of_exp e =
match e.desc with Reg _ -> Some (e |> check invariant) | _ -> None
let of_exp = function
| Reg _ as e -> Some (e |> check invariant)
| _ -> None
let program ?global typ name =
{ desc= Reg {name; global= Option.is_some global; typ}
; term= Term.var (Var.program ?global name) }
|> check invariant
Reg {name; global= Option.is_some global; typ} |> check invariant
(** Construct *)
@ -338,126 +382,96 @@ let reg x = x
(* constants *)
let nondet typ msg =
{desc= Nondet {msg; typ}; term= Term.nondet msg} |> check invariant
let label ~parent ~name =
{desc= Label {parent; name}; term= Term.label ~parent ~name}
|> check invariant
let integer typ data =
{desc= Integer {data; typ}; term= Term.integer data} |> check invariant
let nondet typ msg = Nondet {msg; typ} |> check invariant
let label ~parent ~name = Label {parent; name} |> check invariant
let integer typ data = Integer {data; typ} |> check invariant
let null = integer Typ.ptr Z.zero
let bool b = integer Typ.bool (Z.of_bool b)
let true_ = bool true
let false_ = bool false
let float typ data =
{desc= Float {data; typ}; term= Term.float data} |> check invariant
let float typ data = Float {data; typ} |> check invariant
(* type conversions *)
let signed bits x ~to_:typ =
{desc= Ap1 (Signed {bits}, typ, x); term= Term.signed bits x.term}
|> check invariant
let signed bits x ~to_:typ = Ap1 (Signed {bits}, typ, x) |> check invariant
let unsigned bits x ~to_:typ =
{desc= Ap1 (Unsigned {bits}, typ, x); term= Term.unsigned bits x.term}
|> check invariant
Ap1 (Unsigned {bits}, typ, x) |> check invariant
let convert src ~to_:dst exp =
{ desc= Ap1 (Convert {src}, dst, exp)
; term= Term.convert src ~to_:dst exp.term }
|> check invariant
Ap1 (Convert {src}, dst, exp) |> check invariant
(* comparisons *)
let binary op mk ?typ x y =
let binary op ?typ x y =
let typ = match typ with Some typ -> typ | None -> typ_of x in
{desc= Ap2 (op, typ, x, y); term= mk x.term y.term} |> check invariant
Ap2 (op, typ, x, y) |> check invariant
let ubinary op mk ?typ x y =
let ubinary op ?typ x y =
let typ = match typ with Some typ -> typ | None -> typ_of x in
let umk x y =
let unsigned = Term.unsigned (Typ.bit_size_of typ) in
mk (unsigned x) (unsigned y)
binary op umk ~typ x y
let eq = binary Eq Term.eq
let dq = binary Dq Term.dq
let gt = binary Gt (fun x y -> Term.lt y x)
let ge = binary Ge (fun x y -> Term.le y x)
let lt = binary Lt Term.lt
let le = binary Le Term.le
let ugt = ubinary Ugt (fun x y -> Term.lt y x)
let uge = ubinary Uge (fun x y -> Term.le y x)
let ult = ubinary Ult Term.lt
let ule = ubinary Ule Term.le
let ord = binary Ord Term.ord
let uno = binary Uno Term.uno
binary op ~typ x y
let eq = binary Eq
let dq = binary Dq
let gt = binary Gt
let ge = binary Ge
let lt = binary Lt
let le = binary Le
let ugt = ubinary Ugt
let uge = ubinary Uge
let ult = ubinary Ult
let ule = ubinary Ule
let ord = binary Ord
let uno = binary Uno
(* arithmetic *)
let add = binary Add Term.add
let sub = binary Sub Term.sub
let mul = binary Mul Term.mul
let div = binary Div Term.div
let rem = binary Rem Term.rem
let udiv = ubinary Udiv Term.div
let urem = ubinary Urem Term.rem
let add = binary Add
let sub = binary Sub
let mul = binary Mul
let div = binary Div
let rem = binary Rem
let udiv = ubinary Udiv
let urem = ubinary Urem
(* boolean / bitwise *)
let and_ = binary And Term.and_
let or_ = binary Or Term.or_
let and_ = binary And
let or_ = binary Or
(* bitwise *)
let xor = binary Xor Term.xor
let shl = binary Shl Term.shl
let lshr = binary Lshr Term.lshr
let ashr = binary Ashr Term.ashr
let xor = binary Xor
let shl = binary Shl
let lshr = binary Lshr
let ashr = binary Ashr
(* if-then-else *)
let conditional ?typ ~cnd ~thn ~els =
let typ = match typ with Some typ -> typ | None -> typ_of thn in
{ desc= Ap3 (Conditional, typ, cnd, thn, els)
; term= Term.conditional ~cnd:cnd.term ~thn:thn.term ~els:els.term }
|> check invariant
Ap3 (Conditional, typ, cnd, thn, els) |> check invariant
(* memory *)
let splat typ byt =
{desc= Ap1 (Splat, typ, byt); term= Term.splat byt.term}
|> check invariant
let splat typ byt = Ap1 (Splat, typ, byt) |> check invariant
(* records (struct / array values) *)
let record typ elts =
{ desc= ApN (Record, typ, elts)
; term= Term.record (IArray.map ~f:(fun elt -> elt.term) elts) }
|> check invariant
let select typ rcd idx =
{desc= Ap1 (Select idx, typ, rcd); term= Term.select ~rcd:rcd.term ~idx}
|> check invariant
let record typ elts = ApN (Record, typ, elts) |> check invariant
let select typ rcd idx = Ap1 (Select idx, typ, rcd) |> check invariant
let update typ ~rcd idx ~elt =
{ desc= Ap2 (Update idx, typ, rcd, elt)
; term= Term.update ~rcd:rcd.term ~idx ~elt:elt.term }
|> check invariant
Ap2 (Update idx, typ, rcd, elt) |> check invariant
let rec_record i typ = {desc= RecRecord (i, typ); term= Term.rec_record i}
let rec_record i typ = RecRecord (i, typ)
(** Traverse *)
let fold_exps e ~init ~f =
let rec fold_exps_ e z =
let z =
match e.desc with
match e with
| Ap1 (_, _, x) -> fold_exps_ x z
| Ap2 (_, _, x, y) -> fold_exps_ y (fold_exps_ x z)
| Ap3 (_, _, w, x, y) -> fold_exps_ w (fold_exps_ y (fold_exps_ x z))
@ -471,16 +485,16 @@ let fold_exps e ~init ~f =
let fold_regs e ~init ~f =
fold_exps e ~init ~f:(fun z x ->
match x.desc with Reg _ -> f z (x :> Reg.t) | _ -> z )
match x with Reg _ -> f z (x :> Reg.t) | _ -> z )
(** Query *)
let is_true e =
match e.desc with
match e with
| Integer {data; typ= Integer {bits= 1; _}} -> Z.is_true data
| _ -> false
let is_false e =
match e.desc with
match e with
| Integer {data; typ= Integer {bits= 1; _}} -> Z.is_false data
| _ -> false

@ -71,9 +71,7 @@ type op3 = Conditional (** If-then-else *)
type opN = Record (** Record (array / struct) constant *)
[@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp]
type t = private {desc: desc; term: Term.t}
and desc = private
type t = private
| Reg of {name: string; global: bool; typ: Typ.t} (** Virtual register *)
| Nondet of {msg: string; typ: Typ.t}
(** Anonymous register with arbitrary value, representing

@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ let%test_module _ =
open Exp
let pp e = Format.printf "@\n{desc= %a; term= %a}@." pp e Term.pp e.term
let pp e =
Format.printf "@\n{desc= %a; term= %a}@." pp e Term.pp (Exp.term e)
let ( ! ) i = integer Typ.siz (Z.of_int i)
let%expect_test _ =

@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ let%test_module _ =
let%test "unsigned boolean overflow" =
(Exp.integer Typ.bool Z.minus_one)
(Exp.signed 1 (Exp.integer Typ.siz Z.one) ~to_:Typ.bool))
(Exp.signed 1 (Exp.integer Typ.siz Z.one) ~to_:Typ.bool)))
let%expect_test _ =
pp (!42 + !13) ;
