[starvation] make thread domain more precise

Add precision to analysis by elaborating the thread-status domain. This is done by having unknown (bottom), UI, BG or Any (both/top) elements in the lattice.  This way, when we branch on thread-identity (if I am on UI thread do this, otherwise do that), we know that in one branch we are on UI thread and on the  other we are *not* on the UI thread (BG thread), where previously the other branch would just go to top.

With this knowledge we can throw away pairs that come from callees which run on a thread that is impossible, given the current caller thread identity.  This can happen when annotations are used incorrectly, and since this is the purview of annot-reachability, we just drop those pairs entirely.

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D18202175

fbshipit-source-id: be604054e
Nikos Gorogiannis 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent a4f0d6dbb7
commit dda0470b05

@ -384,19 +384,20 @@ let find_override_or_superclass_annotated ~attrs_of_pname is_annot tenv proc_nam
else Typ.Procname.get_class_type_name proc_name |> Option.bind ~f:find_override_or_superclass_aux
let annotated_as ~attrs_of_pname predicate tenv pname =
find_override_or_superclass_annotated ~attrs_of_pname predicate tenv pname |> Option.is_some
let annotated_as_worker_thread ~attrs_of_pname tenv pname =
find_override_or_superclass_annotated ~attrs_of_pname Annotations.ia_is_worker_thread tenv pname
annotated_as ~attrs_of_pname Annotations.ia_is_worker_thread tenv pname
let annotated_as_uithread_equivalent ~attrs_of_pname tenv pname =
find_override_or_superclass_annotated ~attrs_of_pname Annotations.ia_is_uithread_equivalent tenv
annotated_as ~attrs_of_pname Annotations.ia_is_uithread_equivalent tenv pname
let runs_on_ui_thread ~attrs_of_pname tenv pname =
annotated_as_worker_thread ~attrs_of_pname tenv pname |> Option.is_none
&& ( is_modeled_ui_method tenv pname
|| annotated_as_uithread_equivalent ~attrs_of_pname tenv pname |> Option.is_some )
is_modeled_ui_method tenv pname || annotated_as_uithread_equivalent ~attrs_of_pname tenv pname
let cpp_lock_types_matcher = Clang.lock_types_matcher

@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ val find_override_or_superclass_annotated :
-> annotation_trail option
(** check if a method's transitive annotations satisfy the given predicate *)
val annotated_as_worker_thread :
attrs_of_pname:(Typ.Procname.t -> ProcAttributes.t option) -> Tenv.t -> Typ.Procname.t -> bool
val runs_on_ui_thread :
attrs_of_pname:(Typ.Procname.t -> ProcAttributes.t option) -> Tenv.t -> Typ.Procname.t -> bool
(** is method not transitively annotated @WorkerThread and is modeled or annotated @UIThread or equivalent? *)

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let do_assume assume_exp (astate : Domain.t) =
let open Domain in
let add_choice (acc : Domain.t) bool_value =
let thread = if bool_value then ThreadDomain.UIThread else ThreadDomain.AnyThread in
let thread = if bool_value then ThreadDomain.UIThread else ThreadDomain.BGThread in
{acc with thread}
match HilExp.get_access_exprs assume_exp with
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let open Domain in
match ConcurrencyModels.get_thread_assert_effect callee with
| BackgroundThread ->
{astate with thread= ThreadDomain.AnyThread}
{astate with thread= ThreadDomain.BGThread}
| MainThread ->
{astate with thread= ThreadDomain.UIThread}
| MainThreadIfTrue ->
@ -158,9 +158,8 @@ let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.exe_env; summary} =
let formals = FormalMap.make proc_desc in
let proc_data = ProcData.make summary tenv formals in
let loc = Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc in
let initial =
if not (Procdesc.is_java_synchronized proc_desc) then Domain.bottom
let set_lock_state_for_synchronized_proc astate =
if Procdesc.is_java_synchronized proc_desc then
let lock =
match procname with
| Typ.Procname.Java java_pname when Typ.Procname.Java.is_static java_pname ->
@ -170,18 +169,27 @@ let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.exe_env; summary} =
| _ ->
FormalMap.get_formal_base 0 formals |> Option.map ~f:(fun base -> (base, []))
Domain.acquire tenv Domain.bottom ~procname ~loc (Option.to_list lock)
Domain.acquire tenv astate ~procname ~loc (Option.to_list lock)
else astate
let initial =
if ConcurrencyModels.runs_on_ui_thread ~attrs_of_pname tenv procname then
Domain.set_on_ui_thread initial
else initial
let set_thread_status_by_annotation (astate : Domain.t) =
let thread =
if ConcurrencyModels.annotated_as_worker_thread ~attrs_of_pname tenv procname then
else if ConcurrencyModels.runs_on_ui_thread ~attrs_of_pname tenv procname then
else astate.thread
{astate with thread}
let filter_blocks =
if StarvationModels.is_annotated_nonblocking ~attrs_of_pname tenv procname then
else Fn.id
let initial =
Domain.bottom |> set_lock_state_for_synchronized_proc |> set_thread_status_by_annotation
Analyzer.compute_post proc_data ~initial
|> Option.map ~f:filter_blocks
|> Option.map ~f:Domain.summary_of_astate

@ -12,22 +12,38 @@ module MF = MarkupFormatter
let pname_pp = MF.wrap_monospaced Typ.Procname.pp
module ThreadDomain = struct
type t = UIThread | AnyThread [@@deriving compare]
type t = UnknownThread | UIThread | BGThread | AnyThread [@@deriving compare, equal]
let top = AnyThread
let bottom = UnknownThread
let is_top = function AnyThread -> true | UIThread -> false
let is_bottom = function UnknownThread -> true | _ -> false
let join st1 st2 =
match (st1, st2) with AnyThread, _ | _, AnyThread -> AnyThread | _, _ -> UIThread
let join lhs rhs =
match (lhs, rhs) with
| UnknownThread, other | other, UnknownThread ->
| UIThread, UIThread | BGThread, BGThread ->
| _, _ ->
let leq ~lhs ~rhs = match (lhs, rhs) with AnyThread, UIThread -> false | _, _ -> true
(* type is just an int, so use [join] to define [leq] *)
let leq ~lhs ~rhs = equal (join lhs rhs) rhs
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = join prev next
let pp fmt st =
(match st with UIThread -> "UIThread" | AnyThread -> "AnyThread") |> F.pp_print_string fmt
( match st with
| UnknownThread ->
| UIThread ->
| BGThread ->
| AnyThread ->
"AnyThread" )
|> F.pp_print_string fmt
(** Can two thread statuses occur in parallel? Only [UIThread, UIThread] is forbidden.
@ -39,9 +55,30 @@ module ThreadDomain = struct
let is_uithread = function UIThread -> true | _ -> false
(* If we know that either the caller or the callee is on UIThread, keep it that way. *)
let integrate_summary ~caller ~callee =
match (caller, callee) with UIThread, _ | _, UIThread -> UIThread | _, _ -> AnyThread
(* If we know that either the caller is a UI/BG thread or both, keep it that way.
Otherwise, we have no info on caller, so use callee's info. *)
let integrate_summary ~caller ~callee = if is_bottom caller then callee else caller
(** given the current thread state [caller_thread] and the thread state under which a critical pair
occurred, [pair_thread], decide whether to throw away the pair (returning [None]) because it
cannot occur within a call from the current state, or adapt its thread state appropriately. *)
let apply_to_pair caller_thread pair_thread =
match (caller_thread, pair_thread) with
| UnknownThread, _ ->
(* callee pair knows more than us *)
Some pair_thread
| AnyThread, UnknownThread ->
(* callee pair knows nothing and caller has abstracted away info *)
Some AnyThread
| AnyThread, _ ->
(* callee pair is UI / BG / Any and caller has abstracted away info so use callee's knowledge *)
Some pair_thread
| UIThread, BGThread | BGThread, UIThread ->
(* annotations or assertions are incorrectly used in code, just drop the callee pair *)
| _, _ ->
(* caller is UI or BG and callee does not disagree, so use that *)
Some caller_thread
module Lock = struct
@ -285,14 +322,15 @@ module CriticalPair = struct
let with_callsite t existing_acquisitions call_site thread =
let integrate_summary_opt existing_acquisitions call_site (caller_thread : ThreadDomain.t)
(callee_pair : t) =
ThreadDomain.apply_to_pair caller_thread callee_pair.elem.thread
|> Option.map ~f:(fun thread ->
let f (elem : CriticalPairElement.t) =
{ elem with
acquisitions= Acquisitions.union existing_acquisitions elem.acquisitions
; thread= ThreadDomain.integrate_summary ~caller:thread ~callee:elem.thread }
let acquisitions = Acquisitions.union existing_acquisitions elem.acquisitions in
({elem with acquisitions; thread} : elem_t)
let new_t = map ~f t in
with_callsite new_t call_site
with_callsite (map ~f callee_pair) call_site )
let get_earliest_lock_or_call_loc ~procname ({elem= {acquisitions}} as t) =
@ -394,10 +432,8 @@ module CriticalPairs = struct
(fun ({elem= {event}} as critical_pair : CriticalPair.t) acc ->
if should_skip (Some tenv) event lock_state then acc
let new_pair =
CriticalPair.with_callsite critical_pair existing_acquisitions call_site thread
add new_pair acc )
CriticalPair.integrate_summary_opt existing_acquisitions call_site thread critical_pair
|> Option.fold ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc new_pair -> add new_pair acc) )
astate empty
@ -448,14 +484,14 @@ let bottom =
; lock_state= LockState.top
; critical_pairs= CriticalPairs.empty
; branch_guards= BranchGuardDomain.empty
; thread= ThreadDomain.top }
; thread= ThreadDomain.bottom }
let is_bottom {guard_map; lock_state; critical_pairs; branch_guards; thread} =
GuardToLockMap.is_empty guard_map && LockState.is_top lock_state
&& CriticalPairs.is_empty critical_pairs
&& BranchGuardDomain.is_top branch_guards
&& ThreadDomain.is_top thread
&& ThreadDomain.is_bottom thread
let pp fmt {guard_map; lock_state; critical_pairs; branch_guards; thread} =
@ -524,8 +560,6 @@ let release ({lock_state} as astate) locks =
lock_state= List.fold locks ~init:lock_state ~f:(fun acc l -> LockState.release l acc) }
let set_on_ui_thread astate = {astate with thread= ThreadDomain.UIThread}
let add_guard ~acquire_now ~procname ~loc tenv astate guard lock =
let astate = {astate with guard_map= GuardToLockMap.add_guard ~guard ~lock astate.guard_map} in
if acquire_now then acquire tenv astate ~procname ~loc [lock] else astate

@ -9,19 +9,18 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
(** Domain for thread-type. The main goals are
- Track code paths that are explicitly on UI thread (via annotations, or assertions).
- Maintain UI-thread-ness through the call stack (if a callee is on UI thread then the
trace any call site must be on the UI thread too).
- If we are not on the UI thread we assume we are on a background thread.
- Track code paths that are explicitly on UI/BG thread (via annotations, or assertions).
- Maintain UI/BG-thread-ness through the call stack (if a caller is of unknown status and
callee is on UI/BG thread then caller must be on the UI/BG thread too).
- Traces with "UI-thread" status cannot interleave but all other combinations can.
- We do not track other annotations (eg WorkerThread or AnyThread) as they can be
erroneously applied -- other checkers should catch those errors (annotation reachability).
- Top is AnyThread, and is used as the initial state for analysis.
- Top is AnyThread, which means that there are executions on both UI and BG threads on
this method.
- Bottom is UnknownThread, and used as initial state.
module ThreadDomain : sig
type t = UIThread | AnyThread
type t = UnknownThread | UIThread | BGThread | AnyThread
include AbstractDomain.WithTop with type t := t
include AbstractDomain.WithBottom with type t := t
(** Abstraction of a path that represents a lock, special-casing comparison
@ -132,9 +131,6 @@ val blocking_call : callee:Typ.Procname.t -> StarvationModels.severity -> loc:Lo
val strict_mode_call : callee:Typ.Procname.t -> loc:Location.t -> t -> t
val set_on_ui_thread : t -> t
(** signal that the procedure is running on UI thread *)
val add_guard :
-> procname:Typ.Procname.t

@ -23,8 +23,10 @@ class Workers {
// WorkerThread does not propagate up the call stack
// We don't report here, however, since this is an annotation/assertion error,
// not starvation/deadlock.
void uiThreadBad() throws RemoteException {
void FN_uiThreadBad() throws RemoteException {

@ -83,4 +83,3 @@ codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ThreadSensitivity.java, ThreadSensitivity.confused
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ThreadSensitivity.java, ThreadSensitivity.confusedAssertBad(boolean,boolean):void, 83, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void ThreadSensitivity.confusedAssertBad(boolean,boolean)`, locks `this.monitorH` in `class ThreadSensitivity`, locks `this.monitorG` in `class ThreadSensitivity`,[Trace 2] `void ThreadSensitivity.confusedAssertBad(boolean,boolean)`, locks `this.monitorG` in `class ThreadSensitivity`, locks `this.monitorH` in `class ThreadSensitivity`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ThreadSleep.java, ThreadSleep.indirectSleepOnUIThreadBad():void, 24, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void ThreadSleep.indirectSleepOnUIThreadBad()`, locks `this.lock` in `class ThreadSleep`,[Trace 2] `void ThreadSleep.lockAndSleepOnNonUIThread()`, locks `this.lock` in `class ThreadSleep`,Method call: `void ThreadSleep.sleepOnAnyThreadOk()`,calls `void Thread.sleep(long)`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ThreadSleep.java, ThreadSleep.sleepOnUIThreadBad():void, 17, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void ThreadSleep.sleepOnUIThreadBad()`,calls `void Thread.sleep(long)`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/Workers.java, Workers.uiThreadBad():void, 28, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void Workers.uiThreadBad()`,Method call: `void Workers.workerOk()`,Method call: `void Workers.doTransact()`,calls `boolean Binder.transact(int,Parcel,Parcel,int)`]
