@ -25,10 +25,6 @@ module type CTrans = sig
val instructions_trans : CContext . t -> Clang_ast_t . stmt list -> CModule_type . instr_type list ->
Cfg . Node . t -> Cfg . Node . t list
(* * It receives the context and a statement and a warning string and returns the translated sil expression *)
(* * that represents the translation of the stmts into sil. *)
val expression_trans : CContext . t -> Clang_ast_t . stmt -> string -> Sil . exp
module CTrans_funct ( M : CModule_type . CMethod_declaration ) : CTrans =
@ -125,7 +121,7 @@ struct
if pred_exit = [] then
[ Sil . Nullify ( block_var , loc , true ) ]
else ( IList . iter ( fun n -> let loc = Cfg . Node . get_loc n in
Cfg . Node . append_instrs_temps n [ Sil . Nullify ( block_var , loc , true ) ] [] ) pred_exit ;
Cfg . Node . append_instrs_temps n [ Sil . Nullify ( block_var , loc , true ) ] [] ) pred_exit ;
[] ) in
let set_instr = Sil . Set ( Sil . Lvar block_var , block_type , Sil . Var id_block , loc ) in
let ids , captured_instrs = IList . split ( IList . map ( fun ( vname , typ , _ ) ->
@ -302,24 +298,6 @@ struct
let root_node' = GotoLabel . find_goto_label trans_state . context label_name sil_loc in
{ empty_res_trans with root_nodes = [ root_node' ] ; leaf_nodes = trans_state . succ_nodes }
let enum_constant_trans trans_state decl_ref =
let open CContext in
let context = trans_state . context in
let name_info , _ , type_ptr = get_info_from_decl_ref decl_ref in
let name = name_info . Clang_ast_t . ni_name in
let typ = CTypes_decl . type_ptr_to_sil_type context . tenv type_ptr in
let const_exp = match CTypes . search_enum_type_by_name context . tenv name with
| Some v ->
let ce = Sil . Const v in
Printing . log_out " ....Found enum constant '%s', " name ;
Printing . log_out " replacing with integer '%s' \n " ( Sil . exp_to_string ce ) ; ce
| None ->
Printing . log_out
" WARNING: Found enum constant '%s', but its value was not found in the tenv. \n "
name ;
( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint Sil . Int . zero ) ) in
{ root_nodes = [] ; leaf_nodes = [] ; ids = [] ; instrs = [] ; exps = [ ( const_exp , typ ) ] }
let function_deref_trans trans_state decl_ref =
let open CContext in
let context = trans_state . context in
@ -413,7 +391,34 @@ struct
(* TODO for static methods we shouldn't return ( obj_sil, class_typ ) *)
{ pre_trans_result with exps = [ method_exp ; ( obj_sil , class_typ ) ] }
let decl_ref_trans trans_state pre_trans_result stmt_info expr_info decl_ref =
let cxxThisExpr_trans trans_state stmt_info expr_info =
let context = trans_state . context in
let pln = trans_state . parent_line_number in
let sil_loc = CLocation . get_sil_location stmt_info pln context in
let tp = expr_info . Clang_ast_t . ei_type_ptr in
let procname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name context . CContext . procdesc in
let name = CFrontend_config . this in
let pvar = Sil . mk_pvar ( Mangled . from_string name ) procname in
let exp = Sil . Lvar pvar in
let typ = CTypes_decl . type_ptr_to_sil_type context . CContext . tenv tp in
let exps = [ ( exp , typ ) ] in
(* there is no cast operation in AST, but backend needs it *)
dereference_value_from_result sil_loc { empty_res_trans with exps = exps }
let rec labelStmt_trans trans_state stmt_info stmt_list label_name =
(* go ahead with the translation *)
let res_trans = match stmt_list with
| [ stmt ] ->
instruction trans_state stmt
| _ -> assert false (* expected a stmt or at most a compoundstmt *) in
(* create the label root node into the hashtbl *)
let sil_loc =
CLocation . get_sil_location stmt_info trans_state . parent_line_number trans_state . context in
let root_node' = GotoLabel . find_goto_label trans_state . context label_name sil_loc in
Cfg . Node . set_succs_exn root_node' res_trans . root_nodes [] ;
{ empty_res_trans with root_nodes = [ root_node' ] ; leaf_nodes = trans_state . succ_nodes }
and decl_ref_trans trans_state pre_trans_result stmt_info expr_info decl_ref =
let open CContext in
Printing . log_out " priority node free = '%s' \n @. "
( string_of_bool ( PriorityNode . is_priority_free trans_state ) ) ;
@ -432,7 +437,7 @@ struct
decl_ref . Clang_ast_t . dr_decl_pointer in
print_error decl_kind ; assert false
let declRefExpr_trans trans_state stmt_info expr_info decl_ref_expr_info e =
and declRefExpr_trans trans_state stmt_info expr_info decl_ref_expr_info e =
let open CContext in
Printing . log_out " priority node free = '%s' \n @. "
( string_of_bool ( PriorityNode . is_priority_free trans_state ) ) ;
@ -441,31 +446,42 @@ struct
| None -> assert false in
decl_ref_trans trans_state empty_res_trans stmt_info expr_info decl_ref
let cxxThisExpr_trans trans_state stmt_info expr_info =
let context = trans_state . context in
let pln = trans_state . parent_line_number in
let sil_loc = CLocation . get_sil_location stmt_info pln context in
let tp = expr_info . Clang_ast_t . ei_type_ptr in
let procname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name context . CContext . procdesc in
let name = CFrontend_config . this in
let pvar = Sil . mk_pvar ( Mangled . from_string name ) procname in
let exp = Sil . Lvar pvar in
let typ = CTypes_decl . type_ptr_to_sil_type context . CContext . tenv tp in
let exps = [ ( exp , typ ) ] in
(* there is no cast operation in AST, but backend needs it *)
dereference_value_from_result sil_loc { empty_res_trans with exps = exps }
(* evaluates an enum constant *)
and enum_const_eval context enum_constant_pointer prev_enum_constant_opt zero =
match Ast_utils . get_decl enum_constant_pointer with
| Some Clang_ast_t . EnumConstantDecl ( _ , _ , _ , enum_constant_decl_info ) ->
( match enum_constant_decl_info . Clang_ast_t . ecdi_init_expr with
| Some stmt ->
expression_trans context stmt
" WARNING: Expression in Enumeration constant not found \n "
| None ->
match prev_enum_constant_opt with
| Some prev_constant_pointer ->
let previous_exp = get_enum_constant_expr context prev_constant_pointer in
CArithmetic_trans . sil_const_plus_one previous_exp
| None -> zero )
| _ -> zero
(* get the sil value of the enum constant from the map or by evaluating it *)
and get_enum_constant_expr context enum_constant_pointer =
let zero = Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint Sil . Int . zero ) in
let ( prev_enum_constant_opt , sil_exp_opt ) =
Ast_utils . get_enum_constant_exp enum_constant_pointer in
match sil_exp_opt with
| Some exp -> exp
| None ->
let exp = enum_const_eval context enum_constant_pointer prev_enum_constant_opt zero in
Ast_utils . update_enum_map enum_constant_pointer exp ;
with Not_found -> zero
let rec labelStmt_trans trans_state stmt_info stmt_list label_name =
(* go ahead with the translation *)
let res_trans = match stmt_list with
| [ stmt ] ->
instruction trans_state stmt
| _ -> assert false (* expected a stmt or at most a compoundstmt *) in
(* create the label root node into the hashtbl *)
let sil_loc = CLocation . get_sil_location stmt_info trans_state . parent_line_number trans_state . context in
let root_node' = GotoLabel . find_goto_label trans_state . context label_name sil_loc in
Cfg . Node . set_succs_exn root_node' res_trans . root_nodes [] ;
{ empty_res_trans with root_nodes = [ root_node' ] ; leaf_nodes = trans_state . succ_nodes }
and enum_constant_trans trans_state decl_ref =
let context = trans_state . context in
let _ , _ , type_ptr = get_info_from_decl_ref decl_ref in
let typ = CTypes_decl . type_ptr_to_sil_type context . CContext . tenv type_ptr in
let const_exp = get_enum_constant_expr context decl_ref . Clang_ast_t . dr_decl_pointer in
{ empty_res_trans with exps = [ ( const_exp , typ ) ] }
and arraySubscriptExpr_trans trans_state stmt_info expr_info stmt_list =
let typ = CTypes_decl . get_type_from_expr_info expr_info trans_state . context . CContext . tenv in
@ -553,9 +569,9 @@ struct
let instrs_after_assign , assign_ids , exp_to_parent =
if ( is_binary_assign_op binary_operator_info )
(* assignment operator result is lvalue in CPP, rvalue in C, hence the difference *)
&& ( not ( General_utils . is_cpp_translation ! CFrontend_config . language ) )
&& ( ( not creating_node ) | | ( is_return_temp trans_state . continuation ) ) then (
(* assignment operator result is lvalue in CPP, rvalue in C, hence the difference *)
&& ( not ( General_utils . is_cpp_translation ! CFrontend_config . language ) )
&& ( ( not creating_node ) | | ( is_return_temp trans_state . continuation ) ) then (
(* We are in this case when an assignment is inside *)
(* another operator that creates a node. Eg. another *)
(* assignment. *)
@ -613,7 +629,7 @@ struct
Printing . log_out " |nodes_e2|=%s . \n "
( string_of_int ( IList . length res_trans_e2 . root_nodes ) ) ;
IList . iter ( fun id -> Printing . log_out " ... '%s' \n "
( Ident . to_string id ) ) ids_to_ancestor ;
( Ident . to_string id ) ) ids_to_ancestor ;
{ root_nodes = root_nodes_to_ancestor ;
leaf_nodes = leaf_nodes_to_ancestor ;
ids = ids_to_ancestor ;
@ -2157,7 +2173,7 @@ struct
and instructions trans_state stmt_list =
exec_trans_instrs trans_state ( get_clang_stmt_trans stmt_list )
let expression_trans context stmt warning =
and expression_trans context stmt warning =
let trans_state = { context = context ; succ_nodes = [] ; continuation = None ; parent_line_number = - 1 ; priority = Free } in
let res_trans_stmt = instruction trans_state stmt in
fst ( CTrans_utils . extract_exp_from_list res_trans_stmt . exps warning )