[sledge] Change: Move printing of Sh context and pure part to Context

Summary: Also, when printing in raw mode, do not print the context.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D22571145

fbshipit-source-id: b3596d9cc
Josh Berdine 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 8ced659303
commit df276d7be6

@ -1220,7 +1220,6 @@ module Context = struct
Ses.Term.is_false (Ses.Equality.normalize x (f_to_ses b))
let normalize x e = ses_map (Ses.Equality.normalize x) e
let normalizef x e = f_ses_map (Ses.Equality.normalize x) e
let difference x e f = Term.d_int (normalize x (Term.sub e f))
let fold_terms ~init x ~f =
@ -1230,8 +1229,6 @@ module Context = struct
let class_of x e = List.map ~f:of_ses (Ses.Equality.class_of x (to_ses e))
type classes = exp list Term.Map.t
let classes_of_ses clss =
Ses.Term.Map.fold clss ~init:Term.Map.empty
~f:(fun ~key:rep ~data:cls clss ->
@ -1261,6 +1258,23 @@ module Context = struct
let pp_classes fs r = ppx_classes (fun _ -> None) fs (classes r)
let ppx_diff var_strength fs parent_ctx fml ctx =
let clss = diff_classes ctx parent_ctx in
let first = Term.Map.is_empty clss in
if not first then Format.fprintf fs " " ;
ppx_classes var_strength fs clss ;
let fml =
let normalizef x e = f_ses_map (Ses.Equality.normalize x) e in
let fml' = normalizef ctx fml in
if Formula.is_true fml' then [] else [fml']
~pre:(if first then "@[ " else "@ @[@<2>∧ ")
"@ @<2>∧ "
(Formula.ppx var_strength)
fs fml ~suf:"@]" ;
first && List.is_empty fml
(* Substs *)
module Subst = struct
@ -1294,7 +1308,6 @@ module Context = struct
type call =
| Normalize of t * exp
| Normalizef of t * fml
| And_formula of Var.Set.t * fml * t
| And_ of Var.Set.t * t * t
| OrN of Var.Set.t * t list
@ -1306,7 +1319,6 @@ module Context = struct
let replay c =
match call_of_sexp (Sexp.of_string c) with
| Normalize (r, e) -> normalize r e |> ignore
| Normalizef (r, e) -> normalizef r e |> ignore
| And_formula (us, e, r) -> and_formula us e r |> ignore
| And_ (us, r, s) -> and_ us r s |> ignore
| OrN (us, rs) -> orN us rs |> ignore
@ -1349,11 +1361,6 @@ module Context = struct
let normalize r e =
wrap normalize_tmr (fun () -> normalize r e) (fun () -> Normalize (r, e))
let normalizef r e =
wrap normalize_tmr
(fun () -> normalizef r e)
(fun () -> Normalizef (r, e))
let and_formula us e r =
wrap and_formula_tmr
(fun () -> and_formula us e r)

@ -180,19 +180,12 @@ end
(** Inference System *)
module Context : sig
type t [@@deriving sexp]
type classes = Term.t list Term.Map.t
val classes : t -> classes
(** [classes r] maps each equivalence class representative to the other
terms [r] proves equal to it. *)
val diff_classes : t -> t -> classes
(** [diff_classes r s] is the equality classes of [r] omitting equalities
in [s]. *)
val pp : t pp
val pp_classes : t pp
val ppx_classes : Var.strength -> classes pp
val ppx_diff :
Var.strength -> Format.formatter -> t -> Formula.t -> t -> bool
include Invariant.S with type t := t
@ -237,8 +230,6 @@ module Context : sig
relation, where [e'] and its subterms are expressed in terms of the
relation's canonical representatives of each equivalence class. *)
val normalizef : t -> Formula.t -> Formula.t
val difference : t -> Term.t -> Term.t -> Z.t option
(** The difference as an offset. [difference r a b = Some k] if [r]
implies [a = b+k], or [None] if [a] and [b] are not equal up to an

@ -217,20 +217,13 @@ let rec pp_ ?var_strength vs parent_xs parent_ctx fs
if not (Var.Set.is_empty xs_d_vs) then Format.fprintf fs "@ " ) ;
if not (Var.Set.is_empty xs_d_vs) then
Format.fprintf fs "@<2>∃ @[%a@] .@ " (Var.Set.ppx x) xs_d_vs ;
let clss = Context.diff_classes ctx parent_ctx in
let first = Term.Map.is_empty clss in
if not first then Format.fprintf fs " " ;
Context.ppx_classes x fs clss ;
let pure =
if Option.is_none var_strength then [pure]
let pure' = Context.normalizef ctx pure in
if Formula.is_true pure' then [] else [pure']
let first =
if Option.is_some var_strength then
Context.ppx_diff x fs parent_ctx pure ctx
else (
Format.fprintf fs "@[ %a@]" Formula.pp pure ;
false )
~pre:(if first then "@[ " else "@ @[@<2>∧ ")
"@ @<2>∧ " (Formula.ppx x) fs pure ~suf:"@]" ;
let first = first && List.is_empty pure in
if List.is_empty heap then
Format.fprintf fs
( if first then if List.is_empty djns then " emp" else ""
@ -265,8 +258,13 @@ let pp_diff_eq ?(us = Var.Set.empty) ?(xs = Var.Set.empty) ctx fs q =
pp_ ~var_strength:(var_strength ~xs q) us xs ctx fs q
let pp fs q = pp_diff_eq Context.true_ fs q
let pp_djn fs d = pp_djn Var.Set.empty Var.Set.empty Context.true_ fs d
let pp_raw fs q = pp_ Var.Set.empty Var.Set.empty Context.true_ fs q
let pp_djn fs d =
pp_djn ?var_strength:None Var.Set.empty Var.Set.empty Context.true_ fs d
let pp_raw fs q =
pp_ ?var_strength:None Var.Set.empty Var.Set.empty Context.true_ fs q
let fv_seg seg = fold_vars_seg seg ~f:Var.Set.add ~init:Var.Set.empty
let fv ?ignore_ctx q =

@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ let%test_module _ =
( ( ( 1 = _ = %y_7 emp) ( 2 = _ emp) ))
( ( %x_6, %x_7 . 2 = %x_7 (%x_7 = 2) emp)
( %x_6 . 1 = %x_6 = %y_7 ((%x_6 = 1) (%y_7 = 1)) emp)
( 0 = %x_6 (%x_6 = 0) emp)
( ( %x_6, %x_7 . (%x_7 = 2) emp)
( %x_6 . ((%x_6 = 1) (%y_7 = 1)) emp)
( (%x_6 = 0) emp)
) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
@ -109,12 +109,9 @@ let%test_module _ =
( ( ( 1 = _ = %y_7 emp) ( 2 = _ emp) ))
( ( %x_6, %x_8, %x_9 . 2 = %x_9 (%x_9 = 2) emp)
( %x_6, %x_8 .
1 = %y_7 = %x_8
((%x_8 = 1) (%y_7 = 1))
( %x_6 . 0 = %x_6 (%x_6 = 0) emp)
( ( %x_6, %x_8, %x_9 . (%x_9 = 2) emp)
( %x_6, %x_8 . ((%x_8 = 1) (%y_7 = 1)) emp)
( %x_6 . (%x_6 = 0) emp)
) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
@ -149,7 +146,7 @@ let%test_module _ =
%x_6 . %x_6 = %x_6^ (-1 + %y_7) = %y_7^ emp
(-1 + %y_7) = %y_7^ (%y_7^ = (-1 + %y_7)) emp
(%y_7^ = (-1 + %y_7)) emp
(-1 + %y_7) = %y_7^ emp |}]
@ -172,14 +169,10 @@ let%test_module _ =
%a_1, %c_3, %d_4, %e_5 .
(8,%a_1^8,%d_4) = %e_5
((16,%e_5 = (8,%a_1^8,%d_4)) tt)
((16,%e_5 = (8,%a_1^8,%d_4)) tt)
* ( ( (%x_6 0) emp)
( %b_2 .
(4,%c_3^4,%b_2) = %a_1
(8,%a_1 = (4,%c_3^4,%b_2))
( %b_2 . (8,%a_1 = (4,%c_3^4,%b_2)) emp)
tt emp * ( ( tt emp) ( (%x_6 0) emp) )
