[sledge] Improve sledge report

- Treat missing baseline files as if empty

- Only filter unchanged results if a baseline file is given

- Minor optimization

- Sort multiple statuses

- Fix total computation

- List tests with failing statues first

- Do not use `Format.formatter_of_out_channel` since it sometimes does
  not work for some unknown reason, e.g. when the output should have
  only one line, none are emitted.

Reviewed By: da319

Differential Revision: D24746236

fbshipit-source-id: f4ead1531
Josh Berdine 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 29af15cdd1
commit e057756e04

@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ module Tbl = String.Tbl
let read filename =
let tbl = Tbl.create () in
List.iter (Sexp.load_sexps filename) ~f:(fun sexp ->
let sexps = try Sexp.load_sexps filename with Sys_error _ -> [] in
List.iter sexps ~f:(fun sexp ->
let {Report.name; entry} = Report.t_of_sexp sexp in
match (Tbl.find_opt tbl name, entry) with
| None, ProcessTimes ptimes -> Tbl.replace tbl name ([ptimes], [], [])
@ -88,7 +89,8 @@ let add_status base_status status row =
| _ -> {row with status= status :: row.status}
let add_statuses base_status statuses row =
List.fold ~f:(add_status base_status) statuses row
let row = List.fold ~f:(add_status base_status) statuses row in
{row with status= List.sort ~cmp:Report.compare_status row.status}
let ave_floats flts =
assert (not (Iter.is_empty flts)) ;
@ -270,7 +272,8 @@ let write_html ranges rows chan =
pf "</style></head>\n" ;
pf "<body style=\"background-color:#fdf6e3\">" ;
{|<table style="border-collapse: collapse"><tr>
{|<table style="border-collapse: collapse">
@ -292,8 +295,8 @@ let write_html ranges rows chan =
|} ;
</tr>|} ;
pf "\n" ;
Iter.iter rows ~f:(fun row ->
let {name; times; times_deltas; gcs; gcs_deltas; status; status_deltas}
@ -354,7 +357,7 @@ let write_html ranges rows chan =
List.iter ss ~f:(fun s -> Printf.fprintf ppf "%a" pf_status s) ;
Printf.fprintf ppf "</td>\n"
pf "<tr>" ;
pf "<tr>\n" ;
pf "<td>%s</td>" name ;
( match (times, times_deltas) with
| ( Some {etime; utime; stime}
@ -467,7 +470,7 @@ let add_total rows =
; status_deltas= None }
let total =
Iter.fold rows init ~f:(fun total row ->
Iter.fold rows init ~f:(fun row total ->
let times =
match (total.times, row.times) with
| Some total_times, Some row_times ->
@ -526,11 +529,17 @@ let cmp x y =
| Some _, None -> -1
| None, Some _ -> 1
| None, None -> (
match (List.hd x.status, List.hd y.status) with
| Some (Safe _ | Unsafe _ | Ok), Some (Safe _ | Unsafe _ | Ok) -> (
match (x.times_deltas, y.times_deltas) with
| Some xtd, Some ytd -> Float.(compare (abs ytd.utime) (abs xtd.utime))
| Some xtd, Some ytd ->
Float.(compare (abs ytd.utime) (abs xtd.utime))
| Some _, None -> 1
| None, Some _ -> -1
| None, None -> String.compare x.name y.name )
| _, Some (Safe _ | Unsafe _ | Ok) -> -1
| Some (Safe _ | Unsafe _ | Ok), _ -> 1
| s, t -> Option.compare (Ord.opp Report.compare_status) s t )
let filter rows =
Iter.filter rows ~f:(fun {status} ->
@ -555,10 +564,11 @@ let input_rows ?baseline current =
let generate_html ?baseline current output =
let rows = input_rows ?baseline current in
let rows = Iter.map ~f:average rows in
let ranges = ranges rows in
let rows = filter rows in
let rows = add_total rows in
let rows = Iter.persistent rows in
let ranges = ranges rows in
let rows = Iter.sort ~cmp rows in
let rows = add_total rows in
Out_channel.with_file output ~f:(write_html ranges rows)
let html_cmd =
@ -573,26 +583,29 @@ let html_cmd =
fun () -> generate_html ?baseline current output
let write_status rows chan =
let write_status ?baseline rows chan =
let rows =
Iter.filter rows ~f:(fun row -> Option.is_some row.status_deltas)
if Option.is_none baseline then rows
else Iter.filter rows ~f:(fun row -> Option.is_some row.status_deltas)
let rows =
Iter.sort ~cmp:(fun x y -> String.compare x.name y.name) rows
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_out_channel chan in
let ppf = Format.str_formatter in
Iter.iter rows ~f:(fun {name; status; status_deltas} ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s:\t%a%a@\n" name
(List.pp ", " Report.pp_status)
(Option.pp "\t%a" (List.pp ", " Report.pp_status))
status_deltas )
status_deltas ) ;
Out_channel.output_string chan (Format.flush_str_formatter ())
let generate_status ?baseline current output =
let rows = input_rows ?baseline current in
match output with
| None -> write_status rows Out_channel.stdout
| Some output -> Out_channel.with_file output ~f:(write_status rows)
| None -> write_status ?baseline rows Out_channel.stdout
| Some output ->
Out_channel.with_file output ~f:(write_status ?baseline rows)
let status_cmd =
let open Command.Let_syntax in
