[pulsebo] use inferbo more in summaries

- Do most of the work of `solve_arithmetic_constraints` inside `subst_attribute` instead, since we need to re-use the latter function for post-conditions where the first function is not appropriate.
- When substituting arithmetic constraints, we refine arithmetic information (both concrete intervals and inferbo), which can lead to inconsistent states. Instead of recording the new arithmetic facts by returning a new current state, just act as a map on attributes. This is to enable doing the point above.
- All this lead to a somewhat messy refactoring...
- Rename `CannotApplyPre` to `Contradiction` since it's used for post-conditions as well now

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D18889120

fbshipit-source-id: d81647143
Jules Villard 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 1bde1ef0f0
commit e06a43a677

@ -233,6 +233,14 @@ module Memory = struct
|> BaseMemory.add_attribute addr (WrittenTo (Trace.Immediate {location; history})) )
let abduce_and_add_attributes value attrs astate =
Attributes.fold attrs ~init:astate ~f:(fun astate attr ->
let astate =
if Attribute.is_suitable_for_pre attr then abduce_attribute value attr astate else astate
add_attribute value attr astate )
module Edges = BaseMemory.Edges
@ -346,7 +354,7 @@ module PrePost = struct
module AddressSet = AbstractValue.Set
module AddressMap = AbstractValue.Map
type cannot_apply_pre =
type contradiction =
| Aliasing of
{addr_caller: AbstractValue.t; addr_callee: AbstractValue.t; addr_callee': AbstractValue.t}
(** raised when the precondition and the current state disagree on the aliasing, i.e. some
@ -365,7 +373,7 @@ module PrePost = struct
(** raised when the pre asserts arithmetic facts that are demonstrably false in the caller
state *)
let pp_cannot_apply_pre fmt = function
let pp_contradiction fmt = function
| Aliasing {addr_caller; addr_callee; addr_callee'} ->
F.fprintf fmt "address %a in caller already bound to %a, not %a" AbstractValue.pp
addr_caller AbstractValue.pp addr_callee' AbstractValue.pp addr_callee
@ -380,7 +388,7 @@ module PrePost = struct
AbstractValue.pp addr_callee Itv.ItvPure.pp arith_callee AbstractValue.pp addr_caller
exception CannotApplyPre of cannot_apply_pre
exception Contradiction of contradiction
(** stuff we carry around when computing the result of applying one pre/post pair *)
type call_state =
@ -430,7 +438,7 @@ module PrePost = struct
let addr_caller = fst addr_hist_caller in
( match AddressMap.find_opt addr_caller call_state.rev_subst with
| Some addr_callee' when not (AbstractValue.equal addr_callee addr_callee') ->
raise (CannotApplyPre (Aliasing {addr_caller; addr_callee; addr_callee'}))
raise (Contradiction (Aliasing {addr_caller; addr_callee; addr_callee'}))
| _ ->
() ) ;
if AddressSet.mem addr_callee call_state.visited then (`AlreadyVisited, call_state)
@ -540,8 +548,7 @@ module PrePost = struct
~addr_pre ~addr_hist_caller call_state )
let subst_attributes ~addr_callee ~addr_caller attrs_callee {astate; subst} =
let eval_sym_of_subst subst s bound_end =
let eval_sym_of_subst astate subst s bound_end =
let v = Symb.Symbol.get_pulse_value_exn s in
match PulseAbstractValue.Map.find_opt v !subst with
| Some (v', _) ->
@ -550,78 +557,84 @@ module PrePost = struct
let v' = PulseAbstractValue.mk_fresh () in
subst := PulseAbstractValue.Map.add v (v', []) !subst ;
Bounds.Bound.of_pulse_value v'
let subst_attribute subst attr =
let subst_attribute subst_ref astate ~addr_caller attr ~addr_callee =
match (attr : Attribute.t) with
| Arithmetic (arith_callee, hist) -> (
let arith_caller_opt = Memory.get_arithmetic addr_caller astate |> Option.map ~f:fst in
Arithmetic.abduce_binop_is_true ~negated:false Eq arith_caller_opt (Some arith_callee)
| Unsatisfiable ->
{ addr_caller
; addr_callee
; arith_caller= arith_caller_opt
; arith_callee= Some arith_callee }))
| Satisfiable (Some abduce_caller, _abduce_callee) ->
Attribute.Arithmetic (abduce_caller, hist)
| Satisfiable (None, _) ->
attr )
| BoItv itv -> (
let subst = ref subst in
Itv.ItvPure.subst itv (fun symb bound ->
AbstractDomain.Types.NonBottom (eval_sym_of_subst subst symb bound) )
AbstractDomain.Types.NonBottom (eval_sym_of_subst astate subst_ref symb bound) )
| NonBottom itv' ->
(!subst, Attribute.BoItv itv')
Attribute.BoItv itv'
| Bottom ->
raise (CannotApplyPre (ArithmeticBo {addr_callee; addr_caller; arith_callee= itv})) )
raise (Contradiction (ArithmeticBo {addr_callee; addr_caller; arith_callee= itv})) )
| AddressOfCppTemporary _
| AddressOfStackVariable _
| Arithmetic _
| Closure _
| Invalid _
| MustBeValid _
| StdVectorReserve
| WrittenTo _ ->
(* non-relational attributes *)
(subst, attr)
Attributes.fold_map attrs_callee ~init:subst ~f:subst_attribute
let solve_arithmetic_constraints callee_proc_name call_location ~addr_pre ~attrs_pre
~addr_hist_caller call_state =
match Attributes.get_arithmetic attrs_pre with
| None ->
| Some (arith_callee, arith_callee_hist) -> (
let addr_caller, hist_caller = addr_hist_caller in
let astate = call_state.astate in
let arith_caller_opt = Memory.get_arithmetic addr_caller astate |> Option.map ~f:fst in
(* TODO: we don't use [abduced_callee] but we could probably use it to refine the attributes
for that address in the post since abstract values are immutable *)
Arithmetic.abduce_binop_is_true ~negated:false Eq arith_caller_opt (Some arith_callee)
| Unsatisfiable ->
{ addr_caller
; addr_callee= addr_pre
; arith_caller= arith_caller_opt
; arith_callee= Some arith_callee }))
| Satisfiable (abduce_caller, _abduce_callee) ->
let new_astate =
Option.fold abduce_caller ~init:astate ~f:(fun astate abduce_caller ->
let attribute =
let add_call_to_attributes proc_name call_location ~addr_callee ~addr_caller caller_history attrs
call_state =
let add_call_to_attribute attr =
match (attr : Attribute.t) with
| Invalid (invalidation, trace) ->
(invalidation, add_call_to_trace proc_name call_location caller_history trace)
| Arithmetic (arith, trace) ->
( abduce_caller
, add_call_to_trace callee_proc_name call_location hist_caller
arith_callee_hist )
(arith, add_call_to_trace proc_name call_location caller_history trace)
| AddressOfCppTemporary _
| AddressOfStackVariable _
| BoItv _
| Closure _
| MustBeValid _
| StdVectorReserve
| WrittenTo _ ->
Memory.abduce_attribute addr_caller attribute astate
|> Memory.add_attribute addr_caller attribute )
let subst_ref = ref call_state.subst in
let attrs =
Attributes.map attrs ~f:(fun attr ->
let attr = subst_attribute subst_ref call_state.astate ~addr_callee ~addr_caller attr in
add_call_to_attribute attr )
{call_state with astate= new_astate} )
(!subst_ref, attrs)
let apply_arithmetic_constraints callee_proc_name call_location pre_post call_state =
let one_address_sat addr_pre callee_attrs addr_hist_caller call_state =
let subst, attrs_pre =
subst_attributes ~addr_callee:addr_pre ~addr_caller:(fst addr_hist_caller) callee_attrs
let one_address_sat addr_callee callee_attrs (addr_caller, caller_history) call_state =
let subst, attrs_caller =
add_call_to_attributes callee_proc_name call_location ~addr_callee ~addr_caller
caller_history callee_attrs call_state
solve_arithmetic_constraints callee_proc_name call_location ~addr_pre ~attrs_pre
~addr_hist_caller {call_state with subst}
let astate = Memory.abduce_and_add_attributes addr_caller attrs_caller call_state.astate in
if phys_equal subst call_state.subst && phys_equal astate call_state.astate then call_state
else {call_state with subst; astate}
(* check all callee addresses that make sense for the caller, i.e. the domain of [call_state.subst] *)
@ -690,44 +703,25 @@ module PrePost = struct
old_post_edges edges_pre )
let add_call_to_attributes proc_name call_location ~addr_callee ~addr_caller caller_history attrs
call_state =
let add_call_to_attribute attr =
match (attr : Attribute.t) with
| Invalid (invalidation, trace) ->
(invalidation, add_call_to_trace proc_name call_location caller_history trace)
| Arithmetic (arith, trace) ->
(arith, add_call_to_trace proc_name call_location caller_history trace)
| AddressOfCppTemporary (_, _)
| AddressOfStackVariable (_, _, _)
| BoItv _
| Closure _
| MustBeValid _
| StdVectorReserve
| WrittenTo _ ->
let call_state, attrs = subst_attributes ~addr_callee ~addr_caller attrs call_state in
(call_state, Attributes.map attrs ~f:(fun attr -> add_call_to_attribute attr))
let record_post_cell callee_proc_name call_loc ~addr_callee ~cell_pre_opt
~cell_post:(edges_post, attrs_post) ~addr_hist_caller:(addr_caller, hist_caller) call_state =
let post_edges_minus_pre =
delete_edges_in_callee_pre_from_caller ~addr_callee ~cell_pre_opt ~addr_caller call_state
let heap = (call_state.astate.post :> base_domain).heap in
let subst, heap =
let call_state =
let subst, attrs_post_caller =
add_call_to_attributes ~addr_callee ~addr_caller callee_proc_name call_loc hist_caller
attrs_post call_state
(subst, BaseMemory.set_attrs addr_caller attrs_post_caller heap)
let astate =
Memory.abduce_and_add_attributes addr_caller attrs_post_caller call_state.astate
{call_state with subst; astate}
let heap = (call_state.astate.post :> base_domain).heap in
let subst, translated_post_edges =
BaseMemory.Edges.fold_map ~init:subst edges_post ~f:(fun subst (addr_callee, trace_post) ->
BaseMemory.Edges.fold_map ~init:call_state.subst edges_post
~f:(fun subst (addr_callee, trace_post) ->
let subst, (addr_curr, hist_curr) =
subst_find_or_new subst addr_callee ~default_hist_caller:hist_caller
@ -879,27 +873,23 @@ module PrePost = struct
let record_post_remaining_attributes callee_proc_name call_loc pre_post call_state =
let heap0 = (call_state.astate.post :> base_domain).heap in
let subst, heap =
(fun addr_callee attrs (subst, heap) ->
(fun addr_callee attrs call_state ->
if AddressSet.mem addr_callee call_state.visited then
(* already recorded the attributes when we were walking the edges map *)
(subst, heap)
match AddressMap.find_opt addr_callee call_state.subst with
| None ->
(* callee address has no meaning for the caller *) (subst, heap)
(* callee address has no meaning for the caller *) call_state
| Some (addr_caller, history) ->
let subst, attrs' =
add_call_to_attributes callee_proc_name call_loc ~addr_callee ~addr_caller history
attrs {call_state with subst}
attrs call_state
(subst, BaseMemory.set_attrs addr_caller attrs' heap) )
(pre_post.post :> BaseDomain.t).heap (call_state.subst, heap0)
let post = Domain.make (call_state.astate.post :> BaseDomain.t).stack heap in
{call_state with subst; astate= {call_state.astate with post}}
let astate = Memory.abduce_and_add_attributes addr_caller attrs' call_state.astate in
{call_state with subst; astate} )
(pre_post.post :> BaseDomain.t).heap call_state
let apply_post callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~formals ~actuals call_state =
@ -967,10 +957,10 @@ module PrePost = struct
materialize_pre callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~formals ~actuals empty_call_state
| exception CannotApplyPre reason ->
| exception Contradiction reason ->
(* can't make sense of the pre-condition in the current context: give up on that particular
pre/post pair *)
L.d_printfln "Cannot apply precondition: %a" pp_cannot_apply_pre reason ;
L.d_printfln "Cannot apply precondition: %a" pp_contradiction reason ;
Ok None
| None ->
(* couldn't apply the pre for some technical reason (as in: not by the fault of the
@ -979,15 +969,24 @@ module PrePost = struct
| Some (Error _ as error) ->
(* error: the function call requires to read some state known to be invalid *)
| Some (Ok call_state) ->
| Some (Ok call_state) -> (
L.d_printfln "Pre applied successfully. call_state=%a" pp_call_state call_state ;
let open Result.Monad_infix in
check_all_valid callee_proc_name call_location pre_post call_state
>>= fun astate ->
>>| fun astate ->
(* reset [visited] *)
let call_state = {call_state with astate; visited= AddressSet.empty} in
(* apply the postcondition *)
Ok (Some (apply_post callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~formals ~actuals call_state))
apply_post callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~formals ~actuals call_state
| Ok post ->
Ok (Some post)
| exception Contradiction reason ->
L.d_printfln "Cannot apply post-condition: %a" pp_contradiction reason ;
Ok None
| Error _ as error ->
error )
let extract_pre {pre} = (pre :> BaseDomain.t)

@ -158,3 +158,14 @@ module Attributes = struct
include Attribute
let is_suitable_for_pre = function
| Arithmetic _ | BoItv _ | MustBeValid _ ->
| AddressOfCppTemporary _
| AddressOfStackVariable _
| Closure _
| Invalid _
| StdVectorReserve
| WrittenTo _ ->

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ type t =
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
val is_suitable_for_pre : t -> bool
module Attributes : sig
include PrettyPrintable.PPUniqRankSet with type elt = t

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/std_atomics.cpp, atomic_test::load_store_possible_npe_ba
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/std_atomics.cpp, atomic_test::pre_increment_decrement_test_bad, 6, NULLPTR_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,assigned,is the null pointer,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,assigned,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/temporaries.cpp, temporaries::call_mk_UniquePtr_A_deref_bad, 4, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,variable `C++ temporary` declared here,passed as argument to `temporaries::mk_UniquePtr_A`,passed as argument to `temporaries::UniquePtr<temporaries::A>::UniquePtr`,parameter `y` of temporaries::UniquePtr<temporaries::A>::UniquePtr,assigned,return from call to `temporaries::UniquePtr<temporaries::A>::UniquePtr`,return from call to `temporaries::mk_UniquePtr_A`,when calling `temporaries::UniquePtr<temporaries::A>::~UniquePtr` here,parameter `this` of temporaries::UniquePtr<temporaries::A>::~UniquePtr,when calling `temporaries::UniquePtr<temporaries::A>::__infer_inner_destructor_~UniquePtr` here,parameter `this` of temporaries::UniquePtr<temporaries::A>::__infer_inner_destructor_~UniquePtr,was invalidated by `delete`,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,variable `C++ temporary` declared here,passed as argument to `temporaries::mk_UniquePtr_A`,passed as argument to `temporaries::UniquePtr<temporaries::A>::UniquePtr`,parameter `y` of temporaries::UniquePtr<temporaries::A>::UniquePtr,assigned,return from call to `temporaries::UniquePtr<temporaries::A>::UniquePtr`,return from call to `temporaries::mk_UniquePtr_A`,passed as argument to `temporaries::UniquePtr<temporaries::A>::get`,return from call to `temporaries::UniquePtr<temporaries::A>::get`,assigned,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/trace.cpp, trace_free_bad, 4, USE_AFTER_FREE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,parameter `x` of trace_free_bad,passed as argument to `make_alias`,parameter `src` of make_alias,assigned,return from call to `make_alias`,when calling `do_free` here,parameter `x` of do_free,assigned,was invalidated by call to `free()`,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,parameter `x` of trace_free_bad,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/unknown_functions.cpp, call_init_with_pointer_value_bad, 3, NULLPTR_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,assigned,is the null pointer,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,assigned,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/use_after_delete.cpp, delete_in_branch_bad, 5, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,assigned,was invalidated by `delete`,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,assigned,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/use_after_delete.cpp, delete_in_loop_bad, 3, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,assigned,was invalidated by `delete`,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,assigned,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/use_after_delete.cpp, deref_deleted_bad, 3, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,assigned,was invalidated by `delete`,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,assigned,when calling `Simple::Simple` here,parameter `__param_0` of Simple::Simple,invalid access occurs here]

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ void unknown_with_pointer_formal(X* x);
void wrap_unknown_no_init(X* x) { unknown_with_pointer_formal(x); }
void call_init_with_pointer_value_bad_FN() {
void call_init_with_pointer_value_bad() {
X* p = nullptr;
