@ -436,23 +436,3 @@ let add_models_types tenv =
if not (Tenv.mem t typename) then
Tenv.add tenv typename struct_typ in
Tenv.iter (add_type tenv) !JClasspath.models_tenv
(* TODO #6604630: remove *)
let never_returning_null =
(* class, method name, [arg type], ret_type of methods to model as never returning null *)
let fragment_type = "android.support.v4.app.Fragment" in
let never_null_method_sigs =
(fragment_type, "getContext", [], "android.content.Context", Procname.Non_Static);
(fragment_type, "getActivity", [], "android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity", Procname.Non_Static)
] in
let make_procname = function
| (class_name, method_name, arg_types, ret_type, kind) ->
let return_cn = JBasics.make_cn ret_type in
let cn = JBasics.make_cn class_name
and ms =
method_name arg_types (Some (JBasics.TObject (JBasics.TClass return_cn))) in
get_method_procname cn ms kind in
IList.map make_procname never_null_method_sigs