[debt] kill --procs-csv

It's a lot of code to maintain for something that no one ever uses

Reviewed By: ngorogiannis

Differential Revision: D20282794

fbshipit-source-id: 28422c415
Jules Villard 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 562a43621c
commit e38f51f969

@ -1635,12 +1635,6 @@ INTERNAL OPTIONS
Activates: process the ast to emit some info about the file (Not Activates: process the ast to emit some info about the file (Not
available for Java) (Conversely: --no-process-clang-ast) available for Java) (Conversely: --no-process-clang-ast)
--procs-csv file
Write statistics for each procedure in CSV format to a file
Cancel the effect of --procs-csv.
--profiler-samples path --profiler-samples path
File containing the profiler samples when Infer is run Test File containing the profiler samples when Infer is run Test
Determinator mode with --test-determinator. Determinator mode with --test-determinator.
@ -1777,12 +1771,6 @@ INTERNAL OPTIONS
Activates: Run whole-program starvation analysis (Conversely: Activates: Run whole-program starvation analysis (Conversely:
--no-starvation-whole-program) --no-starvation-whole-program)
--stats-report file
Write a report of the analysis results to a file
Cancel the effect of --stats-report.
--no-subtype-multirange --no-subtype-multirange
Deactivates: Use the multirange subtyping domain (Conversely: Deactivates: Use the multirange subtyping domain (Conversely:
--subtype-multirange) --subtype-multirange)

@ -164,16 +164,6 @@ let fold (f : err_key -> err_data -> 'a -> 'a) t acc =
t acc t acc
(** Return the number of elements in the error log which satisfy [filter] *)
let size filter (err_log : t) =
let count = ref 0 in
(fun key err_datas ->
if filter key.severity then count := !count + ErrDataSet.cardinal err_datas )
err_log ;
(** Print errors from error log *) (** Print errors from error log *)
let pp_errors fmt (errlog : t) = let pp_errors fmt (errlog : t) =
let f key _ = let f key _ =

@ -102,9 +102,6 @@ val pp_warnings : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp_html : SourceFile.t -> DB.Results_dir.path -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit val pp_html : SourceFile.t -> DB.Results_dir.path -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Print an error log in html format *) (** Print an error log in html format *)
val size : (Exceptions.severity -> bool) -> t -> int
(** Return the number of elements in the error log which satisfy the filter. *)
val update : t -> t -> unit val update : t -> t -> unit
(** Update an old error log with a new one *) (** Update an old error log with a new one *)

@ -167,45 +167,3 @@ h1 { font-size:14pt }
end end
(* =============== END of module Html =============== *) (* =============== END of module Html =============== *)
(* =============== START of module Xml =============== *)
(** Create and print xml trees *)
module Xml = struct
let tag_err = "err"
let tag_file = "file"
let tag_in_calls = "in_calls"
let tag_line = "line"
let tag_loc = "loc"
let tag_name = "name"
let tag_name_id = "name_id"
let tag_out_calls = "out_calls"
let tag_proof_coverage = "proof_coverage"
let tag_proof_trace = "proof_trace"
let tag_rank = "rank"
let tag_signature = "signature"
let tag_specs = "specs"
let tag_symop = "symop"
let tag_time = "time"
let tag_to = "to"
let tag_top = "top"
let tag_weight = "weight"
(* =============== END of module Xml =============== *)

@ -68,41 +68,3 @@ module Html : sig
(** Print an html link given node id and session *) (** Print an html link given node id and session *)
end end
(** Create and print xml trees *)
module Xml : sig
val tag_err : string
val tag_file : string
val tag_in_calls : string
val tag_line : string
val tag_loc : string
val tag_name : string
val tag_name_id : string
val tag_out_calls : string
val tag_proof_coverage : string
val tag_proof_trace : string
val tag_rank : string
val tag_signature : string
val tag_specs : string
val tag_symop : string
val tag_time : string
val tag_to : string
val tag_top : string
val tag_weight : string

@ -60,82 +60,6 @@ let loc_trace_to_jsonbug_record trace_list ekind =
record_list record_list
type summary_val =
{ vname: string
; vname_id: string
; vspecs: int
; vto: string
; vsymop: int
; verr: int
; vfile: string
; vline: int
; vsignature: string
; vproof_trace: string }
(** compute values from summary data to export to csv format *)
let summary_values summary =
let stats = summary.Summary.stats in
let attributes = Summary.get_attributes summary in
let err_log = Summary.get_err_log summary in
let proc_name = Summary.get_proc_name summary in
let vsignature = Summary.get_signature summary in
let specs = Tabulation.get_specs_from_payload summary in
let lines_visited =
let visited = ref BiabductionSummary.Visitedset.empty in
let do_spec spec =
visited := BiabductionSummary.Visitedset.union spec.BiabductionSummary.visited !visited
List.iter ~f:do_spec specs ;
let visited_lines = ref Int.Set.empty in
(fun (_, ls) -> List.iter ~f:(fun l -> visited_lines := Int.Set.add !visited_lines l) ls)
!visited ;
Int.Set.elements !visited_lines
let vproof_trace =
let pp_line fmt l = F.pp_print_int fmt l in
let pp fmt = Pp.seq pp_line fmt lines_visited in
F.asprintf "%t" pp
{ vname= Procname.to_string proc_name
; vname_id= Procname.to_filename proc_name
; vspecs= List.length specs
; vto= Summary.Stats.failure_kind_to_string stats
; vsymop= Summary.Stats.symops stats
; verr= Errlog.size (Exceptions.equal_severity Exceptions.Error) err_log
; vfile= SourceFile.to_string attributes.ProcAttributes.loc.Location.file
; vline= attributes.ProcAttributes.loc.Location.line
; vsignature
; vproof_trace }
module ProcsCsv = struct
(** Print the header of the procedures csv file, with column names *)
let pp_header fmt () =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s@\n"
Io_infer.Xml.tag_name Io_infer.Xml.tag_name_id Io_infer.Xml.tag_specs Io_infer.Xml.tag_time
Io_infer.Xml.tag_to Io_infer.Xml.tag_symop Io_infer.Xml.tag_err Io_infer.Xml.tag_file
Io_infer.Xml.tag_line Io_infer.Xml.tag_loc Io_infer.Xml.tag_top Io_infer.Xml.tag_signature
Io_infer.Xml.tag_weight Io_infer.Xml.tag_proof_coverage Io_infer.Xml.tag_rank
Io_infer.Xml.tag_in_calls Io_infer.Xml.tag_out_calls Io_infer.Xml.tag_proof_trace
(** Write proc summary stats in csv format *)
let pp_summary fmt summary =
let pp x = F.fprintf fmt x in
let sv = summary_values summary in
pp "\"%s\"," (Escape.escape_csv sv.vname) ;
pp "\"%s\"," (Escape.escape_csv sv.vname_id) ;
pp "%d," sv.vspecs ;
pp "%s," sv.vto ;
pp "%d," sv.vsymop ;
pp "%d," sv.verr ;
pp "%s," sv.vfile ;
pp "%d," sv.vline ;
pp "\"%s\"," (Escape.escape_csv sv.vsignature) ;
pp "%s@\n" sv.vproof_trace
let should_report (issue_kind : Exceptions.severity) issue_type error_desc eclass = let should_report (issue_kind : Exceptions.severity) issue_type error_desc eclass =
if (not Config.filtering) || Exceptions.equal_err_class eclass Exceptions.Linters then true if (not Config.filtering) || Exceptions.equal_err_class eclass Exceptions.Linters then true
else else
@ -479,114 +403,6 @@ module Stats = struct
; nverified= 0 ; nverified= 0
; nwarnings= 0 ; nwarnings= 0
; saved_errors= [] } ; saved_errors= [] }
let process_loc loc stats =
try Hashtbl.find stats.files loc.Location.file
with Caml.Not_found -> Hashtbl.add stats.files loc.Location.file ()
let loc_trace_to_string_list linereader indent_num ltr =
let res = ref [] in
let indent_string n =
let s = ref "" in
for _ = 1 to n do
s := " " ^ !s
done ;
let num = ref 0 in
let loc_to_string lt =
incr num ;
let loc = lt.Errlog.lt_loc in
let level = lt.Errlog.lt_level in
let description = lt.Errlog.lt_description in
let code = match Printer.LineReader.from_loc linereader loc with Some s -> s | None -> "" in
let line =
let pp fmt =
if not (String.is_empty description) then
F.fprintf fmt "%s%4s // %s@\n" (indent_string (level + indent_num)) " " description ;
F.fprintf fmt "%s%04d: %s" (indent_string (level + indent_num)) loc.Location.line code
F.asprintf "%t" pp
res := line :: "" :: !res
List.iter ~f:loc_to_string ltr ; List.rev !res
let process_err_log error_filter linereader err_log stats =
let found_errors = ref false in
let process_row (key : Errlog.err_key) (err_data : Errlog.err_data) =
let type_str = key.err_name.IssueType.unique_id in
if error_filter key.err_name then
match key.severity with
| Exceptions.Error ->
found_errors := true ;
stats.nerrors <- stats.nerrors + 1 ;
let error_strs =
let pp1 fmt = F.fprintf fmt "%d: %s" stats.nerrors type_str in
let pp2 fmt =
F.fprintf fmt " %a:%d" SourceFile.pp err_data.loc.Location.file
let pp3 fmt = F.fprintf fmt " (%a)" Localise.pp_error_desc key.err_desc in
[F.asprintf "%t" pp1; F.asprintf "%t" pp2; F.asprintf "%t" pp3]
let trace = loc_trace_to_string_list linereader 1 err_data.loc_trace in
stats.saved_errors <- List.rev_append (error_strs @ trace @ [""]) stats.saved_errors
| Exceptions.Warning ->
stats.nwarnings <- stats.nwarnings + 1
| Exceptions.Info ->
stats.ninfos <- stats.ninfos + 1
| Exceptions.Advice ->
stats.nadvice <- stats.nadvice + 1
| Exceptions.Like ->
stats.nlikes <- stats.nlikes + 1
Errlog.iter process_row err_log ; !found_errors
let process_summary error_filter summary linereader stats =
let specs = Tabulation.get_specs_from_payload summary in
let found_errors =
process_err_log error_filter linereader (Summary.get_err_log summary) stats
let is_defective = found_errors in
let is_verified = (not (List.is_empty specs)) && not is_defective in
let is_checked = not (is_defective || is_verified) in
let is_timeout =
match Summary.(Stats.failure_kind summary.stats) with
| None | Some (FKcrash _) ->
| _ ->
stats.nprocs <- stats.nprocs + 1 ;
stats.nspecs <- stats.nspecs + List.length specs ;
if is_verified then stats.nverified <- stats.nverified + 1 ;
if is_checked then stats.nchecked <- stats.nchecked + 1 ;
if is_timeout then stats.ntimeouts <- stats.ntimeouts + 1 ;
if is_defective then stats.ndefective <- stats.ndefective + 1 ;
process_loc (Summary.get_loc summary) stats
let num_files stats = Hashtbl.length stats.files
let pp fmt stats =
F.fprintf fmt "Files: %d@\n" (num_files stats) ;
F.fprintf fmt "Specs: %d@\n" stats.nspecs ;
F.fprintf fmt "Timeouts: %d@\n" stats.ntimeouts ;
F.fprintf fmt "Procedures: %d@\n" stats.nprocs ;
F.fprintf fmt " Verified: %d@\n" stats.nverified ;
F.fprintf fmt " Checked: %d@\n" stats.nchecked ;
F.fprintf fmt " Defective: %d@\n" stats.ndefective ;
F.fprintf fmt "Errors: %d@\n" stats.nerrors ;
F.fprintf fmt "Warnings: %d@\n" stats.nwarnings ;
F.fprintf fmt "Infos: %d@\n" stats.ninfos ;
F.fprintf fmt "@\n -------------------@\n" ;
F.fprintf fmt "@\nDetailed Errors@\n@\n" ;
List.iter ~f:(fun s -> F.fprintf fmt "%s@\n" s) (List.rev stats.saved_errors)
end end
module StatsLogs = struct module StatsLogs = struct
@ -614,15 +430,6 @@ module StatsLogs = struct
EventLogger.log stats EventLogger.log stats
end end
module Report = struct
let pp_header fmt () =
F.fprintf fmt "Infer Analysis Results -- generated %a@\n@\n" Pp.current_time () ;
F.fprintf fmt "Summary Report@\n@\n"
let pp_stats fmt stats = Stats.pp fmt stats
(** Categorize the preconditions of specs and print stats *) (** Categorize the preconditions of specs and print stats *)
module PreconditionStats = struct module PreconditionStats = struct
let nr_nopres = ref 0 let nr_nopres = ref 0
@ -828,28 +635,24 @@ let error_filter filters proc_name file error_name =
&& filters.Inferconfig.proc_filter proc_name && filters.Inferconfig.proc_filter proc_name
type report_kind = Costs | Issues | Procs | Stats | Summary [@@deriving compare] type report_kind = Costs | Issues | Stats | Summary [@@deriving compare]
let _string_of_report_kind = function let _string_of_report_kind = function
| Costs -> | Costs ->
"Costs" "Costs"
| Issues -> | Issues ->
"Issues" "Issues"
| Procs ->
| Stats -> | Stats ->
"Stats" "Stats"
| Summary -> | Summary ->
"Summary" "Summary"
type bug_format_kind = Json | Csv | Logs | Tests | Text [@@deriving compare] type bug_format_kind = Json | Logs | Tests | Text [@@deriving compare]
let _string_of_bug_format_kind = function let _string_of_bug_format_kind = function
| Json -> | Json ->
"Json" "Json"
| Csv ->
| Logs -> | Logs ->
"Logs" "Logs"
| Tests -> | Tests ->
@ -873,8 +676,6 @@ let pp_issue_in_format (format_kind, (outfile_opt : Utils.outfile option)) error
let outf = get_outfile outfile_opt in let outf = get_outfile outfile_opt in
IssuesJson.pp outf.fmt IssuesJson.pp outf.fmt
{error_filter; proc_name; proc_loc_opt= Some proc_location; err_key; err_data} {error_filter; proc_name; proc_loc_opt= Some proc_location; err_key; err_data}
| Csv ->
L.(die InternalError) "Printing issues in a CSV format is not implemented"
| Tests -> | Tests ->
L.(die InternalError) "Printing issues as tests is not implemented" L.(die InternalError) "Printing issues as tests is not implemented"
| Logs -> | Logs ->
@ -889,8 +690,6 @@ let pp_issues_in_format (format_kind, (outfile_opt : Utils.outfile option)) =
| Json -> | Json ->
let outf = get_outfile outfile_opt in let outf = get_outfile outfile_opt in
IssuesJson.pp_issues_of_error_log outf.fmt IssuesJson.pp_issues_of_error_log outf.fmt
| Csv ->
L.(die InternalError) "Printing issues in a CSV format is not implemented"
| Tests -> | Tests ->
L.(die InternalError) "Printing issues as tests is not implemented" L.(die InternalError) "Printing issues as tests is not implemented"
| Logs -> | Logs ->
@ -900,19 +699,8 @@ let pp_issues_in_format (format_kind, (outfile_opt : Utils.outfile option)) =
IssuesTxt.pp_issues_of_error_log outf.fmt IssuesTxt.pp_issues_of_error_log outf.fmt
let pp_procs_in_format (format_kind, (outfile_opt : Utils.outfile option)) =
match format_kind with
| Csv ->
let outf = get_outfile outfile_opt in
ProcsCsv.pp_summary outf.fmt
| Json | Tests | Text | Logs ->
L.(die InternalError) "Printing procs in json/tests/text/logs is not implemented"
let pp_stats_in_format (format_kind, _) = let pp_stats_in_format (format_kind, _) =
match format_kind with match format_kind with
| Csv ->
| Logs -> | Logs ->
StatsLogs.process StatsLogs.process
| Json | Tests | Text -> | Json | Tests | Text ->
@ -935,14 +723,6 @@ let collect_issues summary issues_acc =
err_log issues_acc err_log issues_acc
let pp_procs summary procs_format_list =
let pp_procs_in_format format =
let pp_procs = pp_procs_in_format format in
pp_procs summary
List.iter ~f:pp_procs_in_format procs_format_list
let pp_stats error_filter linereader summary stats stats_format_list = let pp_stats error_filter linereader summary stats stats_format_list =
let pp_stats_in_format format = let pp_stats_in_format format =
let pp_stats = pp_stats_in_format format in let pp_stats = pp_stats_in_format format in
@ -961,8 +741,8 @@ let pp_costs_in_format (format_kind, (outfile_opt : Utils.outfile option)) =
| Json -> | Json ->
let outf = get_outfile outfile_opt in let outf = get_outfile outfile_opt in
JsonCostsPrinter.pp outf.fmt JsonCostsPrinter.pp outf.fmt
| Csv | Tests | Text | Logs -> | Tests | Text | Logs ->
L.(die InternalError) "Printing costs in csv/tests/text/logs is not implemented" L.(die InternalError) "Printing costs in tests/text/logs is not implemented"
let pp_costs summary costs_format_list = let pp_costs summary costs_format_list =
@ -981,8 +761,6 @@ let pp_summary_by_report_kind formats_by_report_kind summary error_filter linere
match (report_kind, format_list) with match (report_kind, format_list) with
| Costs, _ -> | Costs, _ ->
pp_costs summary format_list pp_costs summary format_list
| Procs, _ :: _ ->
pp_procs summary format_list
| Stats, _ :: _ -> | Stats, _ :: _ ->
pp_stats (error_filter file) linereader summary stats format_list pp_stats (error_filter file) linereader summary stats format_list
| Summary, _ when InferCommand.equal Config.command Report && not Config.quiet -> | Summary, _ when InferCommand.equal Config.command Report && not Config.quiet ->
@ -1008,8 +786,6 @@ let pp_json_report_by_report_kind formats_by_report_kind fname =
pp_text_of_report outf.fmt report pp_text_of_report outf.fmt report
| Json -> | Json ->
L.(die InternalError) "Printing issues from json does not support json output" L.(die InternalError) "Printing issues from json does not support json output"
| Csv ->
L.(die InternalError) "Printing issues from json does not support csv output"
| Logs -> | Logs ->
L.(die InternalError) "Printing issues from json does not support logs output" L.(die InternalError) "Printing issues from json does not support logs output"
in in
@ -1078,39 +854,24 @@ let init_issues_format_list report_json =
json_format @ tests_format @ txt_format json_format @ tests_format @ txt_format
let init_procs_format_list () = Option.value_map ~f:(mk_format Csv) ~default:[] Config.procs_csv
let init_stats_format_list () = let init_stats_format_list () =
let csv_format = Option.value_map ~f:(mk_format Csv) ~default:[] Config.stats_report in
let logs_format = if Config.log_events then [(Logs, None)] else [] in let logs_format = if Config.log_events then [(Logs, None)] else [] in
csv_format @ logs_format logs_format
let init_files format_list_by_kind = let init_files format_list_by_kind =
let init_files_of_report_kind (report_kind, format_list) = let init_files_of_report_kind (report_kind, format_list) =
let init_files_of_format (format_kind, (outfile_opt : Utils.outfile option)) = let init_files_of_format (format_kind, (outfile_opt : Utils.outfile option)) =
match (format_kind, report_kind) with match (format_kind, report_kind) with
| Csv, Issues -> | Logs, (Issues | Summary) ->
L.(die InternalError) "Printing issues in a CSV format is not implemented"
| Logs, (Issues | Procs | Summary) ->
L.(die InternalError) "Logging these reports is not implemented" L.(die InternalError) "Logging these reports is not implemented"
| Csv, Procs ->
let outfile = get_outfile outfile_opt in
ProcsCsv.pp_header outfile.fmt ()
| Csv, Stats ->
let outfile = get_outfile outfile_opt in
Report.pp_header outfile.fmt ()
| Json, Costs -> | Json, Costs ->
let outfile = get_outfile outfile_opt in let outfile = get_outfile outfile_opt in
JsonCostsPrinter.pp_open outfile.fmt () JsonCostsPrinter.pp_open outfile.fmt ()
| Json, Issues -> | Json, Issues ->
let outfile = get_outfile outfile_opt in let outfile = get_outfile outfile_opt in
IssuesJson.pp_open outfile.fmt () IssuesJson.pp_open outfile.fmt ()
| Csv, (Costs | Summary) | Logs, (Costs | Stats) | Json, (Stats | Summary) | Tests, _ | Text, _ ->
| Logs, (Costs | Stats)
| Json, (Procs | Stats | Summary)
| Tests, _
| Text, _ ->
() ()
in in
List.iter ~f:init_files_of_format format_list List.iter ~f:init_files_of_format format_list
@ -1118,26 +879,19 @@ let init_files format_list_by_kind =
List.iter ~f:init_files_of_report_kind format_list_by_kind List.iter ~f:init_files_of_report_kind format_list_by_kind
let finalize_and_close_files format_list_by_kind (stats : Stats.t) = let finalize_and_close_files format_list_by_kind =
let close_files_of_report_kind (report_kind, format_list) = let close_files_of_report_kind (report_kind, format_list) =
let close_files_of_format (format_kind, (outfile_opt : Utils.outfile option)) = let close_files_of_format (format_kind, (outfile_opt : Utils.outfile option)) =
( match (format_kind, report_kind) with ( match (format_kind, report_kind) with
| Logs, (Issues | Procs | Summary) -> | Logs, (Issues | Summary) ->
L.(die InternalError) "Logging these reports is not implemented" L.(die InternalError) "Logging these reports is not implemented"
| Csv, Stats ->
let outfile = get_outfile outfile_opt in
F.fprintf outfile.fmt "%a@?" Report.pp_stats stats
| Json, Costs -> | Json, Costs ->
let outfile = get_outfile outfile_opt in let outfile = get_outfile outfile_opt in
JsonCostsPrinter.pp_close outfile.fmt () JsonCostsPrinter.pp_close outfile.fmt ()
| Json, Issues -> | Json, Issues ->
let outfile = get_outfile outfile_opt in let outfile = get_outfile outfile_opt in
IssuesJson.pp_close outfile.fmt () IssuesJson.pp_close outfile.fmt ()
| Csv, (Costs | Issues | Procs | Summary) | Logs, (Costs | Stats) | Json, (Stats | Summary) | Tests, _ | Text, _ ->
| Logs, (Costs | Stats)
| Json, (Procs | Stats | Summary)
| Tests, _
| Text, _ ->
() ) ; () ) ;
match outfile_opt with Some outfile -> Utils.close_outf outfile | None -> () match outfile_opt with Some outfile -> Utils.close_outf outfile | None -> ()
in in
@ -1171,7 +925,7 @@ let pp_summary_and_issues formats_by_report_kind issue_formats =
~f:(fun dir_name -> ~f:(fun dir_name ->
IssueLog.load dir_name IssueLog.load dir_name
|> IssueLog.iter ~f:(pp_lint_issues filters formats_by_report_kind linereader) ) ; |> IssueLog.iter ~f:(pp_lint_issues filters formats_by_report_kind linereader) ) ;
finalize_and_close_files formats_by_report_kind stats finalize_and_close_files formats_by_report_kind
let register_perf_stats_report () = let register_perf_stats_report () =
@ -1191,10 +945,7 @@ let main ~report_json =
[] []
in in
costs_report_format_kind costs_report_format_kind
@ [ (Issues, issue_formats) @ [(Issues, issue_formats); (Stats, init_stats_format_list ()); (Summary, [])]
; (Procs, init_procs_format_list ())
; (Stats, init_stats_format_list ())
; (Summary, []) ]
in in
register_perf_stats_report () ; register_perf_stats_report () ;
init_files formats_by_report_kind ; init_files formats_by_report_kind ;

@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ module Stats = struct
F.pp_print_string fmt "NONE" F.pp_print_string fmt "NONE"
let failure_kind_to_string {failure_kind} = F.asprintf "%a" pp_failure_kind_opt failure_kind
let pp fmt {failure_kind; symops} = let pp fmt {failure_kind; symops} =
F.fprintf fmt "FAILURE:%a SYMOPS:%d@\n" pp_failure_kind_opt failure_kind symops F.fprintf fmt "FAILURE:%a SYMOPS:%d@\n" pp_failure_kind_opt failure_kind symops
end end
@ -106,8 +104,6 @@ let pp_signature fmt summary =
(get_proc_name summary) (Pp.seq ~sep:", " pp_formal) (get_formals summary) (get_proc_name summary) (Pp.seq ~sep:", " pp_formal) (get_formals summary)
let get_signature summary = F.asprintf "%a" pp_signature summary
let pp_no_stats_specs fmt summary = let pp_no_stats_specs fmt summary =
F.fprintf fmt "%a@\n" pp_signature summary ; F.fprintf fmt "%a@\n" pp_signature summary ;
F.fprintf fmt "%a@\n" Status.pp summary.status F.fprintf fmt "%a@\n" Status.pp summary.status

@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ module Stats : sig
val failure_kind : t -> SymOp.failure_kind option val failure_kind : t -> SymOp.failure_kind option
val failure_kind_to_string : t -> string
val symops : t -> int val symops : t -> int
end end
@ -70,9 +68,6 @@ val get_err_log : t -> Errlog.t
val get_loc : t -> Location.t val get_loc : t -> Location.t
val get_signature : t -> string
(** Return the signature of a procedure declaration as a string *)
val get_status : t -> Status.t val get_status : t -> Status.t
(** Return the status (active v.s. inactive) of a procedure summary *) (** Return the status (active v.s. inactive) of a procedure summary *)

@ -1938,11 +1938,6 @@ and process_clang_ast =
"process the ast to emit some info about the file (Not available for Java)" "process the ast to emit some info about the file (Not available for Java)"
and procs_csv =
CLOpt.mk_path_opt ~deprecated:["procs"] ~long:"procs-csv" ~meta:"file"
"Write statistics for each procedure in CSV format to a file"
and progress_bar = and progress_bar =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["pb"] ~deprecated_no:["no_progress_bar"; "npb"] ~short:'p' CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["pb"] ~deprecated_no:["no_progress_bar"; "npb"] ~short:'p'
~long:"progress-bar" ~default:true ~long:"progress-bar" ~default:true
@ -2313,11 +2308,6 @@ and sqlite_write_daemon =
~long:"sqlite-write-daemon" ~long:"sqlite-write-daemon"
and stats_report =
CLOpt.mk_path_opt ~long:"stats-report" ~meta:"file"
"Write a report of the analysis results to a file"
and subtype_multirange = and subtype_multirange =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["subtype_multirange"] ~long:"subtype-multirange" ~default:true CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["subtype_multirange"] ~long:"subtype-multirange" ~default:true
"Use the multirange subtyping domain" "Use the multirange subtyping domain"
@ -3097,8 +3087,6 @@ and progress_bar =
else `Quiet else `Quiet
and procs_csv = !procs_csv
and project_root = !project_root and project_root = !project_root
and pulse = !pulse and pulse = !pulse
@ -3231,8 +3219,6 @@ and starvation_strict_mode = !starvation_strict_mode
and starvation_whole_program = !starvation_whole_program and starvation_whole_program = !starvation_whole_program
and stats_report = !stats_report
and subtype_multirange = !subtype_multirange and subtype_multirange = !subtype_multirange
and summary_stats = !summary_stats and summary_stats = !summary_stats

@ -545,8 +545,6 @@ val process_clang_ast : bool
val clang_frontend_action_string : string val clang_frontend_action_string : string
val procs_csv : string option
val profiler_samples : string option val profiler_samples : string option
val progress_bar : [`MultiLine | `Plain | `Quiet] val progress_bar : [`MultiLine | `Plain | `Quiet]
@ -673,8 +671,6 @@ val starvation_strict_mode : bool
val starvation_whole_program : bool val starvation_whole_program : bool
val stats_report : string option
val subtype_multirange : bool val subtype_multirange : bool
val summary_stats : bool val summary_stats : bool

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ let clean_results_dir () =
ResultsDatabase.database_filename ^ "-shm" ResultsDatabase.database_filename ^ "-shm"
; ResultsDatabase.database_filename ^ "-wal" ] ; ResultsDatabase.database_filename ^ "-wal" ]
in in
let suffixes_to_delete = [".txt"; ".csv"; ".json"] in let suffixes_to_delete = [".txt"; ".json"] in
fun name -> fun name ->
(* Keep the JSON report and the JSON costs report *) (* Keep the JSON report and the JSON costs report *)
(not (not

@ -6,9 +6,6 @@
*) *)
open! IStd open! IStd
(** Escape a string for use in a CSV or XML file: replace reserved characters with escape sequences *)
module F = Format module F = Format
(** apply a map function for escape sequences *) (** apply a map function for escape sequences *)
@ -26,18 +23,6 @@ let escape_map map_fun s =
s s
let escape_csv s =
let map = function
| '"' ->
Some "\"\""
| c when Char.to_int c > 127 ->
Some "?" (* non-ascii character: escape *)
| _ ->
escape_map map s
let escape_xml s = let escape_xml s =
let map = function let map = function
| '"' -> | '"' ->

@ -7,14 +7,11 @@
open! IStd open! IStd
(** Escape a string for use in a CSV or XML file: replace reserved characters with escape sequences *) (** Escape a string, eg replace reserved characters with escape sequences *)
val escape_dotty : string -> string val escape_dotty : string -> string
(** escape a string to be used in a dotty file *) (** escape a string to be used in a dotty file *)
val escape_csv : string -> string
(** escape a string to be used in a csv file *)
val escape_path : string -> string val escape_path : string -> string
(** escape a path replacing the directory separator with an underscore *) (** escape a path replacing the directory separator with an underscore *)

@ -151,13 +151,6 @@ let comma_seq_diff pp pe0 f =
doit doit
(** Print the current time and date in a format similar to the "date" command *)
let current_time f () =
let tm = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()) in
F.fprintf f "%02d/%02d/%4d %02d:%02d" tm.Unix.tm_mday tm.Unix.tm_mon (tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900)
tm.Unix.tm_hour tm.Unix.tm_min
let option pp fmt = function let option pp fmt = function
| None -> | None ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "[None]" F.pp_print_string fmt "[None]"

@ -97,9 +97,6 @@ val of_string : f:('a -> string) -> F.formatter -> 'a -> unit
val string_of_pp : (F.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> string val string_of_pp : (F.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> string
(** If all you have is pp_foo, but you need to_string. *) (** If all you have is pp_foo, but you need to_string. *)
val current_time : F.formatter -> unit -> unit
(** Print the current time and date in a format similar to the "date" command *)
val pair : val pair :
fst:(F.formatter -> 'a -> unit) fst:(F.formatter -> 'a -> unit)
-> snd:(F.formatter -> 'b -> unit) -> snd:(F.formatter -> 'b -> unit)

@ -62,9 +62,7 @@ to find possibly more errors or to check that all the errors have been fixed.
The errors will be displayed in the standard output and also in a file The errors will be displayed in the standard output and also in a file
`infer-out/bugs.txt`. We filter the bugs and show the ones that are most likely `infer-out/bugs.txt`. We filter the bugs and show the ones that are most likely
to be real. In the results directory (`infer-out/`), however, we also save a to be real.
file `report.csv` that contains all the errors, warnings and infos reported by
Infer in csv format.
## Global (default) and differential workflows ## Global (default) and differential workflows
