@ -14,13 +14,25 @@ open! Utils
module L = Logging
module L = Logging
type pointer (* = Clang_ast_t.pointer *) = int [@@deriving compare]
type _super = string option
let compare__super _ _ = 0
type _protos = string list
let compare__protos _ _ = 0
type curr_class =
type curr_class =
| ContextCls of string * string option * string list
| ContextCls of string * _super * _protos
(*class name and name of (optional) super class , and a list of protocols *)
(*class name and name of (optional) super class , and a list of protocols *)
| ContextCategory of string * string (* category name and corresponding class *)
| ContextCategory of string * string (* category name and corresponding class *)
| ContextProtocol of string (* category name and corresponding class *)
| ContextProtocol of string (* category name and corresponding class *)
| ContextClsDeclPtr of Clang_ast_t.pointer
| ContextClsDeclPtr of pointer
| ContextNoCls
| ContextNoCls
[@@deriving compare]
let equal_curr_class curr_class1 curr_class2 =
compare_curr_class curr_class1 curr_class2 == 0
type str_node_map = (string, Procdesc.Node.t) Hashtbl.t
type str_node_map = (string, Procdesc.Node.t) Hashtbl.t
@ -97,29 +109,6 @@ let curr_class_to_string curr_class =
| ContextClsDeclPtr ptr -> ("decl_ptr: " ^ string_of_int ptr)
| ContextClsDeclPtr ptr -> ("decl_ptr: " ^ string_of_int ptr)
| ContextNoCls -> "no class"
| ContextNoCls -> "no class"
let curr_class_compare curr_class1 curr_class2 =
match curr_class1, curr_class2 with
| ContextCls (name1, _, _), ContextCls (name2, _, _) ->
String.compare name1 name2
| ContextCls (_, _, _), _ -> -1
| _, ContextCls (_, _, _) -> 1
| ContextCategory (name1, cls1), ContextCategory (name2, cls2) ->
pair_compare String.compare String.compare (name1, cls1) (name2, cls2)
| ContextCategory (_, _), _ -> -1
| _, ContextCategory (_, _) -> 1
| ContextProtocol name1, ContextProtocol name2 ->
String.compare name1 name2
| ContextProtocol _, _ -> -1
| _, ContextProtocol _ -> 1
| ContextClsDeclPtr ptr1, ContextClsDeclPtr ptr2 ->
ptr1 - ptr2
| ContextClsDeclPtr _, _ -> -1
| _, ContextClsDeclPtr _ -> 1
| ContextNoCls, ContextNoCls -> 0
let curr_class_equal curr_class1 curr_class2 =
curr_class_compare curr_class1 curr_class2 == 0
let create_curr_class tenv class_name ck =
let create_curr_class tenv class_name ck =
let class_tn_name = Typename.TN_csu (Csu.Class ck, (Mangled.from_string class_name)) in
let class_tn_name = Typename.TN_csu (Csu.Class ck, (Mangled.from_string class_name)) in
match Tenv.lookup tenv class_tn_name with
match Tenv.lookup tenv class_tn_name with