[sledge] Refactor: Generalize impl of Var over repr and move to separate module

Variables are represented as a subtype of terms. The implementation of
the operations on variables is largely independent of this. This diff
generalizes the implementation over the concrete representation, and
moves it to a separate module.

Reviewed By: ngorogiannis

Differential Revision: D23660290

fbshipit-source-id: 90d8c3ca4
Josh Berdine 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent a7c85e2262
commit e4426acb8a

@ -221,6 +221,29 @@ let invariant e =
| _ -> () | _ -> ()
[@@warning "-9"] [@@warning "-9"]
(** Variables are the terms constructed by [Var] *)
module Var : sig
include Var_intf.VAR with type t = private T.t
val of_ : T.t -> t
val of_term : T.t -> t option
end = struct
let invariant x =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] x [%sexp_of: t] in
match x with Var _ -> invariant x | _ -> assert false
include Var0.Make (struct
include T
let make ~id ~name = Var {id; name} |> check invariant
let id = function Var v -> v.id | x -> violates invariant x
let name = function Var v -> v.name | x -> violates invariant x
let of_ v = v |> check invariant
let of_term = function Var _ as v -> Some v | _ -> None
(** Pretty-print *) (** Pretty-print *)
let rec ppx strength fs term = let rec ppx strength fs term =
@ -230,14 +253,7 @@ let rec ppx strength fs term =
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.pp_close_box fs ()) fs fmt Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.pp_close_box fs ()) fs fmt
in in
match term with match term with
| Var {name; id= -1} -> Trace.pp_styled `Bold "%@%s" fs name | Var _ as v -> Var.ppx strength fs (Var.of_ v)
| Var {name; id= 0} -> Trace.pp_styled `Bold "%%%s" fs name
| Var {name; id} -> (
match strength term with
| None -> pf "%%%s_%d" name id
| Some `Universal -> Trace.pp_styled `Bold "%%%s_%d" fs name id
| Some `Existential -> Trace.pp_styled `Cyan "%%%s_%d" fs name id
| Some `Anonymous -> Trace.pp_styled `Cyan "_" fs )
| Integer {data} -> Trace.pp_styled `Magenta "%a" fs Z.pp data | Integer {data} -> Trace.pp_styled `Magenta "%a" fs Z.pp data
| Rational {data} -> Trace.pp_styled `Magenta "%a" fs Q.pp data | Rational {data} -> Trace.pp_styled `Magenta "%a" fs Q.pp data
| Float {data} -> pf "%s" data | Float {data} -> pf "%s" data
@ -311,14 +327,13 @@ and pp_record strength fs elts =
elts] elts]
let pp = ppx (fun _ -> None) let pp = ppx (fun _ -> None)
let pp_t = pp
let pp_diff fs (x, y) = Format.fprintf fs "-- %a ++ %a" pp x pp y let pp_diff fs (x, y) = Format.fprintf fs "-- %a ++ %a" pp x pp y
(** Construct *) (** Construct *)
(* variables *) (* variables *)
let var x = x let var v = (v : Var.t :> t)
(* constants *) (* constants *)
@ -1017,49 +1032,6 @@ and of_exp e =
update ~rcd:(of_exp rcd) ~idx ~elt:(of_exp elt) update ~rcd:(of_exp rcd) ~idx ~elt:(of_exp elt)
| RecRecord (i, _) -> rec_record i | RecRecord (i, _) -> rec_record i
(** Variables are the terms constructed by [Var] *)
module Var = struct
include T
let pp = pp
type strength = t -> [`Universal | `Existential | `Anonymous] option
let invariant x =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] x [%sexp_of: t] in
match x with Var _ -> invariant x | _ -> assert false
let id = function Var v -> v.id | x -> violates invariant x
let name = function Var v -> v.name | x -> violates invariant x
let of_ = function Var _ as v -> v | _ -> invalid_arg "Var.of_"
let of_term = function
| Var _ as v -> Some (v |> check invariant)
| _ -> None
let program ~name ~global = Var {name; id= (if global then -1 else 0)}
let fresh name ~wrt =
let max = match Set.max_elt wrt with None -> 0 | Some max -> id max in
let x' = Var {name; id= max + 1} in
(x', Set.add wrt x')
let identified ~name ~id = Var {name; id}
module Map = Map
module Set = struct
include Set
let pp vs = Set.pp pp_t vs
let ppx strength vs = Set.pp (ppx strength) vs
let pp_xs fs xs =
if not (is_empty xs) then
Format.fprintf fs "@<2>∃ @[%a@] .@;<1 2>" pp xs
(** Destruct *) (** Destruct *)
let d_int = function Integer {data} -> Some data | _ -> None let d_int = function Integer {data} -> Some data | _ -> None
@ -1143,7 +1115,8 @@ let disjuncts e =
Set.elements (disjuncts_ e) Set.elements (disjuncts_ e)
let rename f e = let rename f e =
map_rec_pre e ~f:(function Var _ as v -> Some (f v) | _ -> None) let f = (f : Var.t -> Var.t :> Var.t -> t) in
map_rec_pre ~f:(fun e -> Option.map ~f (Var.of_term e)) e
(** Traverse *) (** Traverse *)
@ -1228,7 +1201,7 @@ let rec fold_terms e ~init:s ~f =
f s e f s e
let iter_vars e ~f = let iter_vars e ~f =
iter_terms e ~f:(function Var _ as v -> f (v :> Var.t) | _ -> ()) iter_terms ~f:(fun e -> Option.iter ~f (Var.of_term e)) e
let exists_vars e ~f = let exists_vars e ~f =
with_return (fun {return} -> with_return (fun {return} ->
@ -1236,12 +1209,11 @@ let exists_vars e ~f =
false ) false )
let fold_vars e ~init ~f = let fold_vars e ~init ~f =
fold_terms e ~init ~f:(fun s -> function fold_terms ~f:(fun s e -> Option.fold ~f ~init:s (Var.of_term e)) ~init e
| Var _ as v -> f s (v :> Var.t) | _ -> s )
(** Query *) (** Query *)
let fv e = fold_vars e ~f:Set.add ~init:Var.Set.empty let fv e = fold_vars e ~f:Var.Set.add ~init:Var.Set.empty
let is_true = function Integer {data} -> Z.is_true data | _ -> false let is_true = function Integer {data} -> Z.is_true data | _ -> false
let is_false = function Integer {data} -> Z.is_false data | _ -> false let is_false = function Integer {data} -> Z.is_false data | _ -> false

@ -98,43 +98,12 @@ include module type of T with type t = T.t
(** Term.Var is re-exported as Var *) (** Term.Var is re-exported as Var *)
module Var : sig module Var : sig
type term := t include Var_intf.VAR with type t = private T.t
type t = private term [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
type strength = t -> [`Universal | `Existential | `Anonymous] option
module Map : sig val of_ : T.t -> t
include Map.S with type key := t (** [var (of_ e)] = [e] if [e] matches [Var _], otherwise undefined *)
val t_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexp.t -> 'a t
module Set : sig val of_term : T.t -> t option
include NS.Set.S with type elt := t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
val t_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> t
val ppx : strength -> t pp
val pp : t pp
val pp_xs : t pp
val pp : t pp
include Invariant.S with type t := t
val name : t -> string
val id : t -> int
val of_ : term -> t
val of_term : term -> t option
val program : name:string -> global:bool -> t
val fresh : string -> wrt:Set.t -> t * Set.t
val identified : name:string -> id:int -> t
(** Variable with the given [id]. Variables are compared by [id] alone,
[name] is used only for printing. The only way to ensure [identified]
variables do not clash with [fresh] variables is to pass the
[identified] variables to [fresh] in [wrt]:
[Var.fresh name ~wrt:(Var.Set.of_ (Var.identified ~name ~id))]. *)
end end
module Map : sig module Map : sig

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open Var_intf
(** Variables, parameterized over their representation *)
module Make (T : REPR) = struct
include T
type strength = t -> [`Universal | `Existential | `Anonymous] option
let ppx strength ppf v =
let id = id v in
let name = name v in
match id with
| -1 -> Trace.pp_styled `Bold "%@%s" ppf name
| 0 -> Trace.pp_styled `Bold "%%%s" ppf name
| _ -> (
match strength v with
| None -> Format.fprintf ppf "%%%s_%d" name id
| Some `Universal -> Trace.pp_styled `Bold "%%%s_%d" ppf name id
| Some `Existential -> Trace.pp_styled `Cyan "%%%s_%d" ppf name id
| Some `Anonymous -> Trace.pp_styled `Cyan "_" ppf )
let pp = ppx (fun _ -> None)
module Map = struct
include NS.Map.Make (T)
include Provide_of_sexp (T)
module Set = struct
let pp_t = pp
include NS.Set.Make (T)
include Provide_of_sexp (T)
let ppx strength vs = pp (ppx strength) vs
let pp vs = pp pp_t vs
let pp_xs fs xs =
if not (is_empty xs) then
Format.fprintf fs "@<2>∃ @[%a@] .@;<1 2>" pp xs
let fresh name ~wrt =
let max = match Set.max_elt wrt with None -> 0 | Some max -> id max in
let x' = make ~id:(max + 1) ~name in
(x', Set.add wrt x')
let program ~name ~global = make ~id:(if global then -1 else 0) ~name
let identified ~name ~id = make ~id ~name

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open Var_intf
(** Variables, parameterized over their representation *)
module Make (R : REPR) : VAR with type t = R.t

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
module type REPR = sig
type t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
val make : id:int -> name:string -> t
val id : t -> int
val name : t -> string
module type VAR = sig
type t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
type strength = t -> [`Universal | `Existential | `Anonymous] option
val ppx : strength -> t pp
val pp : t pp
module Map : sig
include NS.Map.S with type key := t
val t_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexp.t -> 'a t
module Set : sig
include NS.Set.S with type elt := t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
val t_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> t
val ppx : strength -> t pp
val pp : t pp
val pp_xs : t pp
val id : t -> int
val name : t -> string
val program : name:string -> global:bool -> t
val fresh : string -> wrt:Set.t -> t * Set.t
val identified : name:string -> id:int -> t
(** Variable with the given [id]. Variables are compared by [id] alone,
[name] is used only for printing. The only way to ensure [identified]
variables do not clash with [fresh] variables is to pass the
[identified] variables to [fresh] in [wrt]:
[Var.fresh name ~wrt:(Var.Set.of_ (Var.identified ~name ~id))]. *)