@ -65,6 +65,14 @@ let is_inst_rearrange node =
let is_isa_field node =
match node with
| Object obj ->
String.equal (Typ.Fieldname.to_string obj.rc_field.rc_field_name) "isa"
| Block _ ->
let _retain_cycle_node_to_string (node: retain_cycle_node) =
Format.sprintf "%s : %s" (Exp.to_string node.rc_node_exp) (Typ.to_string node.rc_node_typ)
@ -115,15 +123,18 @@ let normalize_cycle cycle =
let create_cycle cycle =
match cycle with
| [hd] ->
if is_inst_rearrange hd then (* cycles of length 1 created at rearrange are not real *)
(*isa is an internal field not accessible or writable, so it doesn't make sense in a cycle *)
if List.exists ~f:is_isa_field cycle then None
match cycle with
| [hd] ->
if is_inst_rearrange hd then None
(* cycles of length 1 created at rearrange are not real *)
else Some (normalize_cycle {rc_elements= cycle; rc_head= hd})
| hd :: _ ->
Some (normalize_cycle {rc_elements= cycle; rc_head= hd})
| [] ->
else Some (normalize_cycle {rc_elements= cycle; rc_head= hd})
| hd :: _ ->
Some (normalize_cycle {rc_elements= cycle; rc_head= hd})
| [] ->
let pp_dotty fmt cycle =