@ -222,22 +222,21 @@ end)
(** {2 Pretty Printing} *)
(** Begin change color if using diff printing, return updated printenv and change status *)
let color_pre_wrapper pe f x =
let color_wrapper pe ppf x ~f =
if Config.print_using_diff && pe.Pp.kind <> Pp.TEXT then
let color = pe.Pp.cmap_norm (Obj.repr x) in
if color <> pe.Pp.color then (
Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color f color ;
if Pp.equal_color color Pp.Red then
(* All subexpressions red *)
(Pp.{pe with cmap_norm= colormap_red; color= Red}, true)
else (Pp.{pe with color}, true) )
else (pe, false)
else (pe, false)
Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color ppf color ;
let pe' =
if Pp.equal_color color Pp.Red then
(* All subexpressions red *)
Pp.{pe with cmap_norm= colormap_red; color= Red}
else Pp.{pe with color}
f pe' ppf x ; Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color ppf () )
else f pe ppf x
else f pe ppf x
(** Close color annotation if changed *)
let color_post_wrapper changed f = if changed then Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color f ()
(** Print a sequence with difference mode if enabled. *)
let pp_seq_diff pp pe0 f =
@ -247,29 +246,28 @@ let pp_seq_diff pp pe0 f =
| [] ->
| [x] ->
let _, changed = color_pre_wrapper pe0 f x in
pp f x ; color_post_wrapper changed f
color_wrapper pe0 f x ~f:(fun _pe -> pp)
| x :: l ->
let _, changed = color_pre_wrapper pe0 f x in
pp f x ; color_post_wrapper changed f ; F.pp_print_string f ", " ; doit l
color_wrapper pe0 f x ~f:(fun _pe -> pp) ;
F.pp_print_string f ", " ;
doit l
(** Pretty print an expression. *)
let pp_exp_printenv ?(print_types = false) pe0 f e0 =
let pe, changed = color_pre_wrapper pe0 f e0 in
let e =
match pe.Pp.obj_sub with
| Some sub ->
(* apply object substitution to expression *) Obj.obj (sub (Obj.repr e0))
| None ->
if not (Exp.equal e0 e) then
match e with Exp.Lvar pvar -> Pvar.pp_value f pvar | _ -> assert false
else Exp.pp_printenv ~print_types pe f e ;
color_post_wrapper changed f
let pp_exp_printenv ?(print_types = false) =
color_wrapper ~f:(fun pe f e0 ->
let e =
match pe.Pp.obj_sub with
| Some sub ->
(* apply object substitution to expression *) Obj.obj (sub (Obj.repr e0))
| None ->
if not (Exp.equal e0 e) then
match e with Exp.Lvar pvar -> Pvar.pp_value f pvar | _ -> assert false
else Exp.pp_printenv ~print_types pe f e )
(** dump an expression. *)
@ -379,29 +377,28 @@ let if_kind_to_string = function
(** Pretty print an instruction. *)
let pp_instr ~print_types pe0 f instr =
let pp_typ = if print_types then Typ.pp_full else Typ.pp in
let pe, changed = color_pre_wrapper pe0 f instr in
( match instr with
| Load (id, e, t, loc) ->
F.fprintf f "%a=*%a:%a [%a]" Ident.pp id (pp_exp_printenv ~print_types pe) e (pp_typ pe0) t
Location.pp loc
| Store (e1, t, e2, loc) ->
F.fprintf f "*%a:%a=%a [%a]" (pp_exp_printenv ~print_types pe) e1 (pp_typ pe0) t
(pp_exp_printenv ~print_types pe) e2 Location.pp loc
| Prune (cond, loc, true_branch, _) ->
F.fprintf f "PRUNE(%a, %b); [%a]" (pp_exp_printenv ~print_types pe) cond true_branch
Location.pp loc
| Call ((id, _), e, arg_ts, loc, cf) ->
F.fprintf f "%a=" Ident.pp id ;
F.fprintf f "%a(%a)%a [%a]" (pp_exp_printenv ~print_types pe) e
(Pp.comma_seq (pp_exp_typ pe))
arg_ts CallFlags.pp cf Location.pp loc
| Nullify (pvar, loc) ->
F.fprintf f "NULLIFY(%a); [%a]" (Pvar.pp pe) pvar Location.pp loc
| Abstract loc ->
F.fprintf f "APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [%a]" Location.pp loc
| ExitScope (vars, loc) ->
F.fprintf f "EXIT_SCOPE(%a); [%a]" (Pp.seq ~sep:"," Var.pp) vars Location.pp loc ) ;
color_post_wrapper changed f
color_wrapper pe0 f instr ~f:(fun pe f instr ->
match instr with
| Load (id, e, t, loc) ->
F.fprintf f "%a=*%a:%a [%a]" Ident.pp id (pp_exp_printenv ~print_types pe) e (pp_typ pe0)
t Location.pp loc
| Store (e1, t, e2, loc) ->
F.fprintf f "*%a:%a=%a [%a]" (pp_exp_printenv ~print_types pe) e1 (pp_typ pe0) t
(pp_exp_printenv ~print_types pe) e2 Location.pp loc
| Prune (cond, loc, true_branch, _) ->
F.fprintf f "PRUNE(%a, %b); [%a]" (pp_exp_printenv ~print_types pe) cond true_branch
Location.pp loc
| Call ((id, _), e, arg_ts, loc, cf) ->
F.fprintf f "%a=" Ident.pp id ;
F.fprintf f "%a(%a)%a [%a]" (pp_exp_printenv ~print_types pe) e
(Pp.comma_seq (pp_exp_typ pe))
arg_ts CallFlags.pp cf Location.pp loc
| Nullify (pvar, loc) ->
F.fprintf f "NULLIFY(%a); [%a]" (Pvar.pp pe) pvar Location.pp loc
| Abstract loc ->
F.fprintf f "APPLY_ABSTRACTION; [%a]" Location.pp loc
| ExitScope (vars, loc) ->
F.fprintf f "EXIT_SCOPE(%a); [%a]" (Pp.seq ~sep:"," Var.pp) vars Location.pp loc )
let add_with_block_parameters_flag instr =
@ -425,20 +422,19 @@ let is_block_pvar pvar = Typ.has_block_prefix (Mangled.to_string (Pvar.get_name
(** Dump an instruction. *)
let d_instr (i : instr) = L.d_pp_with_pe ~color:Pp.Green (pp_instr ~print_types:true) i
let pp_atom pe0 f a =
let pe, changed = color_pre_wrapper pe0 f a in
( match a with
| Aeq (BinOp (op, e1, e2), Const (Cint i)) when IntLit.isone i ->
(pp_exp_printenv pe) f (Exp.BinOp (op, e1, e2))
| Aeq (e1, e2) ->
F.fprintf f "%a = %a" (pp_exp_printenv pe) e1 (pp_exp_printenv pe) e2
| Aneq (e1, e2) ->
F.fprintf f "%a != %a" (pp_exp_printenv pe) e1 (pp_exp_printenv pe) e2
| Apred (a, es) ->
F.fprintf f "%s(%a)" (PredSymb.to_string pe a) (Pp.comma_seq (pp_exp_printenv pe)) es
| Anpred (a, es) ->
F.fprintf f "!%s(%a)" (PredSymb.to_string pe a) (Pp.comma_seq (pp_exp_printenv pe)) es ) ;
color_post_wrapper changed f
let pp_atom =
color_wrapper ~f:(fun pe f a ->
match a with
| Aeq (BinOp (op, e1, e2), Const (Cint i)) when IntLit.isone i ->
(pp_exp_printenv pe) f (Exp.BinOp (op, e1, e2))
| Aeq (e1, e2) ->
F.fprintf f "%a = %a" (pp_exp_printenv pe) e1 (pp_exp_printenv pe) e2
| Aneq (e1, e2) ->
F.fprintf f "%a != %a" (pp_exp_printenv pe) e1 (pp_exp_printenv pe) e2
| Apred (a, es) ->
F.fprintf f "%s(%a)" (PredSymb.to_string pe a) (Pp.comma_seq (pp_exp_printenv pe)) es
| Anpred (a, es) ->
F.fprintf f "!%s(%a)" (PredSymb.to_string pe a) (Pp.comma_seq (pp_exp_printenv pe)) es )
(** dump an atom *)
@ -786,47 +782,47 @@ let pp_inst_if_trace pe f inst =
(** pretty print a strexp with an optional predicate env *)
let rec pp_sexp_env pe0 envo f se =
let pe, changed = color_pre_wrapper pe0 f se in
( match se with
| Eexp (e, inst) ->
F.fprintf f "%a%a" (pp_exp_printenv pe) e (pp_inst_if_trace pe) inst
| Estruct (fel, inst) ->
let pp_diff f (n, se) = F.fprintf f "%a:%a" Typ.Fieldname.pp n (pp_sexp_env pe envo) se in
F.fprintf f "{%a}%a" (pp_seq_diff pp_diff pe) fel (pp_inst_if_trace pe) inst
| Earray (len, nel, inst) ->
let pp_diff f (i, se) =
F.fprintf f "%a:%a" (pp_exp_printenv pe) i (pp_sexp_env pe envo) se
F.fprintf f "[%a|%a]%a" (pp_exp_printenv pe) len (pp_seq_diff pp_diff pe) nel
(pp_inst_if_trace pe) inst ) ;
color_post_wrapper changed f
color_wrapper pe0 f se ~f:(fun pe f se ->
match se with
| Eexp (e, inst) ->
F.fprintf f "%a%a" (pp_exp_printenv pe) e (pp_inst_if_trace pe) inst
| Estruct (fel, inst) ->
let pp_diff f (n, se) =
F.fprintf f "%a:%a" Typ.Fieldname.pp n (pp_sexp_env pe envo) se
F.fprintf f "{%a}%a" (pp_seq_diff pp_diff pe) fel (pp_inst_if_trace pe) inst
| Earray (len, nel, inst) ->
let pp_diff f (i, se) =
F.fprintf f "%a:%a" (pp_exp_printenv pe) i (pp_sexp_env pe envo) se
F.fprintf f "[%a|%a]%a" (pp_exp_printenv pe) len (pp_seq_diff pp_diff pe) nel
(pp_inst_if_trace pe) inst )
(** Pretty print an hpred with an optional predicate env *)
let rec pp_hpred_env pe0 envo f hpred =
let pe, changed = color_pre_wrapper pe0 f hpred in
( match hpred with
| Hpointsto (e, se, te) ->
let pe' =
match (e, se) with
| Lvar pvar, Eexp (Var _, _) when not (Pvar.is_global pvar) ->
Pp.{pe with obj_sub= None} (* dont use obj sub on the var defining it *)
| _ ->
F.fprintf f "%a|->%a:%a" (pp_exp_printenv pe') e (pp_sexp_env pe' envo) se
(pp_texp_simple pe') te
| Hlseg (k, hpara, e1, e2, elist) ->
F.fprintf f "lseg%a(%a,%a,[%a],%a)" pp_lseg_kind k (pp_exp_printenv pe) e1
(pp_exp_printenv pe) e2
(Pp.comma_seq (pp_exp_printenv pe))
elist (pp_hpara_env pe envo) hpara
| Hdllseg (k, hpara_dll, iF, oB, oF, iB, elist) ->
F.fprintf f "dllseg%a(%a,%a,%a,%a,[%a],%a)" pp_lseg_kind k (pp_exp_printenv pe) iF
(pp_exp_printenv pe) oB (pp_exp_printenv pe) oF (pp_exp_printenv pe) iB
(Pp.comma_seq (pp_exp_printenv pe))
elist (pp_hpara_dll_env pe envo) hpara_dll ) ;
color_post_wrapper changed f
color_wrapper pe0 f hpred ~f:(fun pe f hpred ->
match hpred with
| Hpointsto (e, se, te) ->
let pe' =
match (e, se) with
| Lvar pvar, Eexp (Var _, _) when not (Pvar.is_global pvar) ->
Pp.{pe with obj_sub= None} (* dont use obj sub on the var defining it *)
| _ ->
F.fprintf f "%a|->%a:%a" (pp_exp_printenv pe') e (pp_sexp_env pe' envo) se
(pp_texp_simple pe') te
| Hlseg (k, hpara, e1, e2, elist) ->
F.fprintf f "lseg%a(%a,%a,[%a],%a)" pp_lseg_kind k (pp_exp_printenv pe) e1
(pp_exp_printenv pe) e2
(Pp.comma_seq (pp_exp_printenv pe))
elist (pp_hpara_env pe envo) hpara
| Hdllseg (k, hpara_dll, iF, oB, oF, iB, elist) ->
F.fprintf f "dllseg%a(%a,%a,%a,%a,[%a],%a)" pp_lseg_kind k (pp_exp_printenv pe) iF
(pp_exp_printenv pe) oB (pp_exp_printenv pe) oF (pp_exp_printenv pe) iB
(Pp.comma_seq (pp_exp_printenv pe))
elist (pp_hpara_dll_env pe envo) hpara_dll )
and pp_hpara_env pe envo f hpara =