@ -8,6 +8,28 @@
open ! IStd
module F = Format
module UserFriendlyNullable = struct
type t = ExplainablyNullable of explainably_nullable_kind | UntrustedNonnull of untrusted_kind
and explainably_nullable_kind = Nullable | Null
and untrusted_kind = ThirdPartyNonnull | UncheckedNonnull | LocallyCheckedNonnull
let from_nullability = function
| Nullability . Nullable ->
Some ( ExplainablyNullable Nullable )
| Nullability . Null ->
Some ( ExplainablyNullable Null )
| Nullability . UncheckedNonnull ->
Some ( UntrustedNonnull UncheckedNonnull )
| Nullability . LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
Some ( UntrustedNonnull LocallyCheckedNonnull )
| Nullability . ThirdPartyNonnull ->
Some ( UntrustedNonnull ThirdPartyNonnull )
| Nullability . StrictNonnull ->
let is_object_nullability_self_explanatory ~ object_expression ( object_origin : TypeOrigin . t ) =
(* Fundamentally, object can be of two kinds:
1 . Indirect : local variable that was instantiated before .
@ -83,28 +105,40 @@ let get_field_class_name field_name =
| > Option . value_map ~ f : ( fun ( classname , _ ) -> classname ) ~ default : " the field class "
let mk_coming_from_unchecked_or_locally_checked_case_only nullsafe_mode nullability =
match ( nullsafe_mode , nullability ) with
| NullsafeMode . Strict , Nullability . UncheckedNonnull ->
let mk_coming_from_unchecked_or_locally_checked_case_only nullsafe_mode untrusted_kind =
match ( nullsafe_mode , untrusted_kind ) with
| NullsafeMode . Strict , UserFriendlyNullable . UncheckedNonnull ->
" non-strict classes "
| NullsafeMode . Strict , Nullability . LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
| NullsafeMode . Strict , UserFriendlyNullable . LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
" nullsafe-local classes "
| NullsafeMode . Local _ , Nullability . UncheckedNonnull ->
| NullsafeMode . Local _ , _ ->
" non-nullsafe classes "
| _ ->
Logging . die Logging . InternalError
" Should be called only for locally checked or unchecked nonnull cases "
| NullsafeMode . Default , _ ->
Logging . die InternalError
" mk_coming_from_unchecked_or_locally_checked_case_only:: not applicable to default mode "
| _ , UserFriendlyNullable . ThirdPartyNonnull ->
Logging . die InternalError
" mk_coming_from_unchecked_or_locally_checked_case_only:: not applicable to \
ThirdPartyNonnull case "
let mk_recommendation nullsafe_mode nullability what =
match ( nullsafe_mode , nullability ) with
| NullsafeMode . Strict , Nullability . UncheckedNonnull
| NullsafeMode . Strict , Nullability . LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
Some ( F . sprintf " make %s nullsafe strict " what )
| NullsafeMode . Local _ , Nullability . UncheckedNonnull ->
Some ( F . sprintf " make %s nullsafe " what )
| _ ->
let mk_strictification_advice_unchecked_or_locally_checked_case_only nullsafe_mode untrusted_kind
~ what_to_strictify =
match untrusted_kind with
| UserFriendlyNullable . UncheckedNonnull | UserFriendlyNullable . LocallyCheckedNonnull -> (
match nullsafe_mode with
| NullsafeMode . Strict ->
F . sprintf " make %s nullsafe strict " what_to_strictify
| NullsafeMode . Local _ ->
F . sprintf " make %s nullsafe " what_to_strictify
| NullsafeMode . Default ->
Logging . die InternalError
" mk_recommendation_unchecked_or_locally_checked_case_only:: should not be called for \
default mode " )
| UserFriendlyNullable . ThirdPartyNonnull ->
Logging . die InternalError
" mk_recommendation_unchecked_or_locally_checked_case_only:: not applicable to \
ThirdPartyNonnull case "
let mk_recommendation_for_third_party_field nullsafe_mode field =
@ -114,12 +148,12 @@ let mk_recommendation_for_third_party_field nullsafe_mode field =
| NullsafeMode . Local _ ->
F . sprintf " access %s via a nullsafe getter " field
| NullsafeMode . Default ->
Logging . die Logging . InternalError
" Should not happen: we should tolerate third party in default mode "
Logging . die InternalError
" mk_recommendation_for_third_party_field:: Should not happen: we should tolerate third \
party in default mode "
let get_info object_origin nullsafe_mode bad_nullability =
let open IOption . Let_syntax in
let get_info object_origin nullsafe_mode untrusted_kind =
match object_origin with
| TypeOrigin . MethodCall { pname ; call_loc } ->
let offending_object =
@ -128,14 +162,9 @@ let get_info object_origin nullsafe_mode bad_nullability =
let object_loc = call_loc in
let what_is_used = " Result of this call " in
let + coming_from_explanation , recommendation , issue_type =
match bad_nullability with
| Nullability . Null | Nullability . Nullable ->
(* This method makes sense only for non-nullable violations *)
| Nullability . StrictNonnull ->
Logging . die InternalError " There should not be type violations involving StrictNonnull "
| Nullability . ThirdPartyNonnull ->
let coming_from_explanation , recommendation , issue_type =
match untrusted_kind with
| UserFriendlyNullable . ThirdPartyNonnull ->
let suggested_third_party_sig_file =
ThirdPartyAnnotationInfo . lookup_related_sig_file_for_proc
( ThirdPartyAnnotationGlobalRepo . get_repo () )
@ -149,19 +178,19 @@ let get_info object_origin nullsafe_mode bad_nullability =
(* this can happen when third party is registered in a deprecated way ( not in third party repository ) *)
~ default : " the third party signature storage "
( " not vetted third party methods "
, F . sprintf " add the correct signature to %s " where_to_add_signature
, IssueType . eradicate_unvetted_third_party_in_nullsafe )
| Nullability. UncheckedNonnull | Nullability . LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
| UserFriendlyNullable. UncheckedNonnull | UserFriendlyNullable . LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
let from =
mk_coming_from_unchecked_or_locally_checked_case_only nullsafe_mode bad_nullability
mk_coming_from_unchecked_or_locally_checked_case_only nullsafe_mode untrusted_kind
let + recommendation =
let recommendation =
let what_to_strictify =
Option . value ( get_method_class_name pname ) ~ default : offending_object
mk_recommendation nullsafe_mode bad_nullability what_to_strictify
mk_strictification_advice_unchecked_or_locally_checked_case_only nullsafe_mode
untrusted_kind ~ what_to_strictify
let issue_type = IssueType . eradicate_unchecked_usage_in_nullsafe in
( from , recommendation , issue_type )
@ -183,24 +212,19 @@ let get_info object_origin nullsafe_mode bad_nullability =
(* TODO: currently we do not support third-party annotations for fields. Because of this,
render error like it is a non - stict class . * )
let what_is_used = " This field " in
let + coming_from_explanation , recommendation , issue_type =
match bad_nullability with
| Nullability . Null | Nullability . Nullable ->
(* This method makes sense only for non-nullable violations *)
| Nullability . StrictNonnull ->
Logging . die InternalError " There should not be type violations involving StrictNonnull "
| Nullability . ThirdPartyNonnull ->
let coming_from_explanation , recommendation , issue_type =
match untrusted_kind with
| UserFriendlyNullable . ThirdPartyNonnull ->
( " third-party classes "
, mk_recommendation_for_third_party_field nullsafe_mode unqualified_name
, IssueType . eradicate_unvetted_third_party_in_nullsafe )
| Nullability. UncheckedNonnull | Nullability . LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
| UserFriendlyNullable . UncheckedNonnull | UserFriendlyNullable . LocallyCheckedNonnull ->
let from =
mk_coming_from_unchecked_or_locally_checked_case_only nullsafe_mode bad_nullability
mk_coming_from_unchecked_or_locally_checked_case_only nullsafe_mode untrusted_kind
let + recommendation =
mk_recommendation nullsafe_mode bad_nullability ( get_field_class_name field_name )
let recommendation =
mk_strictification_advice_unchecked_or_locally_checked_case_only nullsafe_mode
untrusted_kind ~ what_to_strictify : ( get_field_class_name field_name )
( from , recommendation , IssueType . eradicate_unchecked_usage_in_nullsafe )
@ -210,19 +234,22 @@ let get_info object_origin nullsafe_mode bad_nullability =
; what_is_used
; recommendation
; issue_type }
| _ ->
| other ->
Logging . die InternalError
" get_info:: untrusted_kind is possible only for MethodCall and Field origins, got %s \
instead "
( TypeOrigin . to_string other )
let mk_special_nullsafe_issue ~ nullsafe_mode ~ bad_nullability ~ bad_usage_location object_origin =
let open IOption . Let_syntax in
let + { offending_object
let mk_ nullsafe_issue_for_untrusted_values ~ nullsafe_mode ~ untrusted_kind ~ bad_usage_location
object_origin =
let { offending_object
; object_loc
; coming_from_explanation
; what_is_used
; recommendation
; issue_type } =
get_info object_origin nullsafe_mode bad_nullability
get_info object_origin nullsafe_mode untrusted_kind
let description =
F . asprintf