@ -226,11 +226,11 @@ let get_method_body_opt decl =
( Clang_ast_proj . get_decl_kind_string decl )
let call_tableaux cxt an map_active =
if CFrontend_config . tableaux_evaluation then Tableaux . build_valuation an cxt map_active
let call_tableaux linters cxt an map_active =
if CFrontend_config . tableaux_evaluation then Tableaux . build_valuation linters an cxt map_active
let rec do_frontend_checks_stmt ( context : CLintersContext . context )
let rec do_frontend_checks_stmt linters ( context : CLintersContext . context )
( map_act : Tableaux . context_linter_map ) stmt =
let open Clang_ast_t in
let an = Ctl_parser_types . Stmt stmt in
@ -239,16 +239,16 @@ let rec do_frontend_checks_stmt (context : CLintersContext.context)
let do_all_checks_on_stmts context map_active stmt =
( match stmt with
| DeclStmt ( _ , _ , decl_list ) ->
List . iter ~ f : ( do_frontend_checks_decl context map_active ) decl_list
List . iter ~ f : ( do_frontend_checks_decl linters context map_active ) decl_list
| BlockExpr ( _ , _ , _ , decl ) ->
List . iter ~ f : ( do_frontend_checks_decl context map_active ) [ decl ]
List . iter ~ f : ( do_frontend_checks_decl linters context map_active ) [ decl ]
| _ ->
() ) ;
do_frontend_checks_stmt context map_active stmt
do_frontend_checks_stmt linters context map_active stmt
CFrontend_errors . invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node context an ;
CFrontend_errors . invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node linters context an ;
(* The map should be visited when we enter the node before visiting children *)
let map_active = Tableaux . update_linter_context_map an map_act in
let map_active = Tableaux . update_linter_context_map linters an map_act in
let stmt_context_list =
match stmt with
| ObjCAtSynchronizedStmt ( _ , stmt_list ) ->
@ -279,16 +279,16 @@ let rec do_frontend_checks_stmt (context : CLintersContext.context)
PointerToDecl are not visited
during the evaluation of the formula . So we need to visit
them diring the general visit of the tree . * )
do_frontend_checks_via_transition context map_active an CTL . PointerToDecl ;
do_frontend_checks_via_transition linters context map_active an CTL . PointerToDecl ;
List . iter
~ f : ( fun ( cxt , stmts ) ->
List . iter ~ f : ( do_all_checks_on_stmts cxt map_active ) stmts ;
call_tableaux cxt an map_active )
call_tableaux linters cxt an map_active )
(* Visit nodes via a transition *)
and do_frontend_checks_via_transition context map_active an trans =
and do_frontend_checks_via_transition linters context map_active an trans =
let succs = CTL . next_state_via_transition an trans in
List . iter
~ f : ( fun an' ->
@ -298,20 +298,20 @@ and do_frontend_checks_via_transition context map_active an trans =
CTL . Debug . pp_transition ( Some trans ) ; * )
match an' with
| Ctl_parser_types . Decl d ->
do_frontend_checks_decl context map_active d
do_frontend_checks_decl linters context map_active d
| Ctl_parser_types . Stmt st ->
do_frontend_checks_stmt context map_active st )
do_frontend_checks_stmt linters context map_active st )
and do_frontend_checks_decl ( context : CLintersContext . context )
and do_frontend_checks_decl linters ( context : CLintersContext . context )
( map_act : Tableaux . context_linter_map ) decl =
let open Clang_ast_t in
if CAst_utils . is_implicit_decl decl then () (* do not analyze implicit declarations *)
let an = Ctl_parser_types . Decl decl in
(* The map should be visited when we enter the node before visiting children *)
let map_active = Tableaux . update_linter_context_map an map_act in
let map_active = Tableaux . update_linter_context_map linters an map_act in
match decl with
| FunctionDecl _
| CXXMethodDecl _
@ -321,39 +321,39 @@ and do_frontend_checks_decl (context : CLintersContext.context)
| BlockDecl _
| ObjCMethodDecl _ ->
let context' = CLintersContext . update_current_method context decl in
CFrontend_errors . invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node context' an ;
CFrontend_errors . invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node linters context' an ;
(* We need to visit explicitly nodes reachable via Parameters transitions
because they won't be visited during the evaluation of the formula * )
do_frontend_checks_via_transition context' map_active an CTL . Parameters ;
do_frontend_checks_via_transition linters context' map_active an CTL . Parameters ;
( match get_method_body_opt decl with
| Some stmt ->
do_frontend_checks_stmt context' map_active stmt
do_frontend_checks_stmt linters context' map_active stmt
| None ->
() ) ;
call_tableaux context' an map_active
call_tableaux linters context' an map_active
| ObjCImplementationDecl ( _ , _ , decls , _ , _ ) | ObjCInterfaceDecl ( _ , _ , decls , _ , _ ) ->
CFrontend_errors . invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node context an ;
CFrontend_errors . invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node linters context an ;
let context' = { context with current_objc_class = Some decl } in
List . iter ~ f : ( do_frontend_checks_decl context' map_active ) decls ;
call_tableaux context' an map_active
List . iter ~ f : ( do_frontend_checks_decl linters context' map_active ) decls ;
call_tableaux linters context' an map_active
| ObjCCategoryImplDecl ( _ , _ , decls , _ , _ ) | ObjCCategoryDecl ( _ , _ , decls , _ , _ ) ->
CFrontend_errors . invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node context an ;
CFrontend_errors . invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node linters context an ;
let context' = { context with current_objc_category = Some decl } in
List . iter ~ f : ( do_frontend_checks_decl context' map_active ) decls ;
call_tableaux context' an map_active
List . iter ~ f : ( do_frontend_checks_decl linters context' map_active ) decls ;
call_tableaux linters context' an map_active
| ObjCProtocolDecl ( _ , _ , decls , _ , _ ) ->
CFrontend_errors . invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node context an ;
CFrontend_errors . invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node linters context an ;
let context' = { context with current_objc_protocol = Some decl } in
List . iter ~ f : ( do_frontend_checks_decl context' map_active ) decls ;
call_tableaux context' an map_active
List . iter ~ f : ( do_frontend_checks_decl linters context' map_active ) decls ;
call_tableaux linters context' an map_active
| _ ->
CFrontend_errors . invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node context an ;
CFrontend_errors . invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node linters context an ;
( match Clang_ast_proj . get_decl_context_tuple decl with
| Some ( decls , _ ) ->
List . iter ~ f : ( do_frontend_checks_decl context map_active ) decls
List . iter ~ f : ( do_frontend_checks_decl linters context map_active ) decls
| None ->
() ) ;
call_tableaux context an map_active
call_tableaux linters context an map_active
let context_with_ck_set context decl_list =
@ -379,27 +379,27 @@ let do_frontend_checks (trans_unit_ctx : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_conte
( Pp . comma_seq Format . pp_print_string )
linters_files ;
CTL . create_ctl_evaluation_tracker trans_unit_ctx . source_file ;
let parsed_linters =
let parsed_linters = parse_ctl_files linters_files in
let filtered_parsed_linters =
CFrontend_errors . filter_parsed_linters parsed_linters trans_unit_ctx . source_file
CFrontend_errors . parsed_linters := filtered_parsed_linters ;
let source_file = trans_unit_ctx . CFrontend_config . source_file in
L . ( debug Linters Medium )
" Start linting file %a with rules: @ \n %a@ \n " SourceFile . pp source_file
CFrontend_errors . pp_linters filtered_ parsed_linters ;
CFrontend_errors . pp_linters parsed_linters ;
if Config . print_active_checkers then
L . progress " Linting file %a, active linters: @ \n %a@ \n " SourceFile . pp source_file
CFrontend_errors . pp_linters filtered_ parsed_linters ;
CFrontend_errors . pp_linters parsed_linters ;
Tableaux . init_global_nodes_valuation () ;
match ast with
| Clang_ast_t . TranslationUnitDecl ( _ , decl_list , _ , _ ) ->
let context = context_with_ck_set ( CLintersContext . empty trans_unit_ctx ) decl_list in
let allowed_decls = List . filter ~ f : ( Tableaux . is_decl_allowed context ) decl_list in
(* We analyze the top level and then all the allowed declarations *)
let active_map : Tableaux . context_linter_map = Tableaux . init_active_map () in
CFrontend_errors . invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node context ( Ctl_parser_types . Decl ast ) ;
List . iter ~ f : ( do_frontend_checks_decl context active_map ) allowed_decls ;
let active_map : Tableaux . context_linter_map = Tableaux . init_active_map parsed_linters in
CFrontend_errors . invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node parsed_linters context
( Ctl_parser_types . Decl ast ) ;
List . iter ~ f : ( do_frontend_checks_decl parsed_linters context active_map ) allowed_decls ;
IssueLog . store Config . lint_issues_dir_name source_file ;
L . ( debug Linters Medium ) " End linting file %a@ \n " SourceFile . pp source_file ;
CTL . save_dotty_when_in_debug_mode trans_unit_ctx . CFrontend_config . source_file