@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
open HolKernel boolLib bossLib Parse lcsymtacs ;
open listTheory arithmeticTheory pred_setTheory finite_mapTheory wordsTheory integer_wordTheory ;
open rich_listTheory pathTheory ;
open optionTheory rich_listTheory pathTheory ;
open settingsTheory miscTheory memory_modelTheory ;
open llvmTheory llvm_propTheory llvm_ssaTheory llairTheory llair_propTheory llvm_to_llairTheory ;
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ Proof
>- (
fs [ mem_state_rel_def , fmap_rel_OPTREL_FLOOKUP ] >>
CASE_TAC >> fs [ ] >> first_x_assum ( qspec_then ` g ` mp_tac ) >> rw [ ] >>
rename1 ` option_rel _ _ opt ` >> Cases_on ` opt ` >> fs [ optionTheory. OPTREL_def ] >>
rename1 ` option_rel _ _ opt ` >> Cases_on ` opt ` >> fs [ OPTREL_def ] >>
(* T O D O : f a l s e a t t h e m o m e n t , n e e d t o w o r k o u t t h e l l a i r s t o r y o n g l o b a l s *)
cheat )
(* T O D O : u n i m p l e m e n t e d s t u f f *)
@ -503,7 +503,6 @@ QED
Theorem translate_sub_correct :
∀prog gmap emap s1 s1' nsw nuw ty v1 v1' v2 v2' e2' e1' result.
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s1 s1' ∧
do_sub nuw nsw v1 v2 ty = Some result ∧
eval_exp s1' e1' v1' ∧
v_rel v1. value v1' ∧
@ -629,6 +628,49 @@ Proof
val trunc_thms =
LIST_CONJ ( map ( fn x => SIMP_RULE ( srw_ss ( ) ) [ ] ( INST_TYPE [ ``: 'a `` |-> x ] truncate_2comp_i2w_w2i ) )
[ ``: 1 `` , ``: 8 `` , ``: 32 `` , ``: 64 `` ] ) ;
val i2n_thms =
LIST_CONJ ( map ( fn x => SIMP_RULE ( srw_ss ( ) ) [ ] ( INST_TYPE [ ``: 'a `` |-> x ] ( GSYM w2n_i2n ) ) )
[ ``: 1 `` , ``: 8 `` , ``: 32 `` , ``: 64 `` ] ) ;
Theorem translate_cast_correct :
∀prog gmap emap s1' cop ty v1 v1' e1' result t2.
do_cast cop v1. value ty = Some result ∧
eval_exp s1' e1' v1' ∧
v_rel v1. value v1' ∧
( cop = Inttoptr ⇒ ∃t. ty = PtrT t )
eval_exp s1' ( Convert ( cop = Sext ) ( translate_ty ty ) t2 e1' ) v3' ∧
v_rel result v3'
rw [ ] >> simp [ Once eval_exp_cases , PULL_EXISTS , Once v_rel_cases ] >>
Cases_on ` cop ≠ Sext `
>- (
Cases_on ` cop ` >> fs [ do_cast_def ] >> rw [ ] >>
BasicProvers. EVERY_CASE_TAC >> fs [ ] >>
fs [ OPTION_JOIN_EQ_SOME , w64_cast_some , signed_v_to_int_some ,
unsigned_v_to_num_some , mk_ptr_some ] >>
rw [ sizeof_bits_def , translate_ty_def , translate_size_def ] >>
rfs [ ] >> fs [ v_rel_cases ] >>
rw [ w2w_n2w , trunc_thms , i2n_thms , w2w_def , pointer_size_def ] ) >>
fs [ do_cast_def , OPTION_JOIN_EQ_SOME , PULL_EXISTS , w64_cast_some ,
translate_ty_def , sizeof_bits_def , signed_v_to_int_some ,
translate_size_def ] >>
rfs [ v_rel_cases , w2w_i2w ] >> rw [ trunc_thms ] >>
qmatch_assum_abbrev_tac ` eval_exp _ _ ( FlatV ( IntV i s ) ) ` >>
qexists_tac ` s ` >> qexists_tac ` i ` >> rw [ ] >>
unabbrev_all_tac >> rw [ ] >>
rw [ i2w_w2i_extend , WORD_w2w_OVER_MUL , WORD_ALL_BITS ] >>
Cases_on ` w2w w : word1 ` >> rw [ ] >> fs [ dimword_1 ] >>
Cases_on ` n ` >> rw [ ] >> fs [ ] >>
Cases_on ` n' ` >> rw [ ] >> fs [ ]
Theorem prog_ok_nonterm :
∀prog i ip.
prog_ok prog ∧ get_instr prog ip ( Inl i ) ∧ ¬terminator i ⇒ inc_pc ip ∈ next_ips prog ip
@ -644,6 +686,25 @@ Proof
rw [ EXISTS_OR_THM , inc_pc_def , inc_bip_def ]
Theorem const_idx_uses [ simp ] :
∀cs gmap e.
exp_uses ( foldl ( λe c. Select e ( translate_const gmap c ) ) e cs ) = exp_uses e
Induct_on ` cs ` >> rw [ exp_uses_def ] >>
rw [ translate_const_no_reg , EXTENSION ]
Theorem exp_uses_trans_upd_val [ simp ] :
∀cs gmap e1 e2. exp_uses ( translate_updatevalue gmap e1 e2 cs ) =
( if cs = [ ] then { } else exp_uses e1 ) ∪ exp_uses e2
Induct_on ` cs ` >> rw [ exp_uses_def , translate_updatevalue_def ] >>
rw [ translate_const_no_reg , EXTENSION ] >>
metis_tac [ ]
(* T O D O : i d e n t i f y s o m e l e m m a s t o c u t d o w n o n t h e d u p l i c a t e d p r o o f i n t h e v e r y
* similar cases * )
Theorem translate_instr_to_exp_correct :
∀gmap emap instr r t s1 s1' s2 prog l.
is_ssa prog ∧ prog_ok prog ∧
@ -676,30 +737,29 @@ Proof
disch_then drule >> disch_then drule >>
first_x_assum ( mp_then. mp_then mp_then. Any mp_tac translate_arg_correct ) >>
disch_then drule >> disch_then drule >> rw [ ] >>
drule translate_sub_correct >> disch_then drule >>
disch_then ( qspecl_then [ ` v' ` , ` v'' ` ] mp_tac ) >> simp [ ] >>
drule translate_sub_correct >>
simp [ ] >>
disch_then ( qspecl_then [ ` s1' ` , ` v' ` , ` v'' ` ] mp_tac ) >> simp [ ] >>
disch_then drule >> disch_then drule >> rw [ ] >>
rename1 ` eval_exp _ ( Sub _ _ _ ) res_v ` >>
rename1 ` r ∈ _ ` >>
simp [ inc_pc_def , llvmTheory. inc_pc_def ] >>
` assigns prog s1. ip = { r } `
by rw [ assigns_cases , EXTENSION , IN_DEF , get_instr_cases , instr_assigns_def ] >>
` reachable prog s1. ip ` by fs [ mem_state_rel_def ] >>
` s1. ip with i := inc_bip ( Offset idx ) ∈ next_ips prog s1. ip `
by (
drule prog_ok_nonterm >>
simp [ get_instr_cases , PULL_EXISTS ] >>
ntac 3 ( disch_then drule ) >>
simp [ terminator_def , next_ips_cases , IN_DEF , inc_pc_def ] ) >>
Cases_on ` r ∈ regs_to_keep ` >> rw [ ]
>- (
simp [ step_inst_cases , PULL_EXISTS ] >>
qexists_tac ` res_v ` >> rw [ ]
>- simp [ inc_pc_def , llvmTheory. inc_pc_def ]
>- (
qexists_tac ` res_v ` >> rw [ ] >>
rw [ update_results_def , GSYM FUPDATE_EQ_FUPDATE_LIST ] >>
simp [ llvmTheory. inc_pc_def ] >>
irule mem_state_rel_update_keep >> rw [ ]
>- rw [ assigns_cases , EXTENSION , IN_DEF , get_instr_cases , instr_assigns_def ]
irule mem_state_rel_update_keep >> rw [ ] )
>- (
drule prog_ok_nonterm >>
simp [ get_instr_cases , PULL_EXISTS ] >>
ntac 3 ( disch_then drule ) >>
simp [ terminator_def , next_ips_cases , IN_DEF , inc_pc_def ] )
>- fs [ mem_state_rel_def ] ) )
>- rw [ inc_pc_def , llvmTheory. inc_pc_def ]
>- (
simp [ llvmTheory. inc_pc_def ] >>
irule mem_state_rel_update >> rw [ ]
>- (
fs [ exp_uses_def ]
@ -708,72 +768,142 @@ Proof
rename1 ` flookup _ r_tmp ` >>
qexists_tac ` r_tmp ` >> rw [ ] >>
simp [ Once live_gen_kill ] >> disj2_tac >>
simp [ uses_cases , IN_DEF , get_instr_cases , instr_uses_def , arg_to_regs_def ] )
>- rw [ assigns_cases , EXTENSION , IN_DEF , get_instr_cases , instr_assigns_def ]
>- (
drule prog_ok_nonterm >>
simp [ get_instr_cases , PULL_EXISTS ] >>
ntac 3 ( disch_then drule ) >>
simp [ terminator_def , next_ips_cases , IN_DEF , inc_pc_def ] ) >>
simp [ uses_cases , IN_DEF , get_instr_cases , instr_uses_def , arg_to_regs_def ] ) >>
metis_tac [ ] ) ) >>
>- ( (* E x t r a c t v a l u e *)
rw [ step_instr_cases ] >>
simp [ llvmTheory. inc_pc_def , update_result_def , FLOOKUP_UPDATE ] >>
drule translate_extract_correct >> rpt ( disch_then drule ) >>
drule translate_arg_correct >> disch_then drule >>
rw [ step_instr_cases , get_instr_cases , update_result_def ] >>
qpat_x_assum ` Extractvalue _ _ _ = el _ _ ` ( assume_tac o GSYM ) >>
` arg_to_regs a ⊆ live prog s1. ip `
by (
fs [ get_instr_cases ] >>
qpat_x_assum ` Extractvalue _ _ _ = el _ _ ` ( mp_tac o GSYM ) >>
simp [ Once live_gen_kill , SUBSET_DEF , uses_cases , IN_DEF , get_instr_cases ,
instr_uses_def ] ) >>
drule translate_extract_correct >> rpt ( disch_then drule ) >>
drule translate_arg_correct >> disch_then drule >>
simp [ ] >> strip_tac >>
disch_then drule >> simp [ ] >> rw [ ] >>
rename1 ` eval_exp _ ( foldl _ _ _ ) res_v ` >>
rw [ inc_ bi p_def, inc_pc_def ] >>
rw [ inc_ pc _def, llvmTheory. inc_pc_def ] >>
rename1 ` r ∈ _ ` >>
` assigns prog s1. ip = { r } `
by rw [ assigns_cases , EXTENSION , IN_DEF , get_instr_cases , instr_assigns_def ] >>
` reachable prog s1. ip ` by fs [ mem_state_rel_def ] >>
` s1. ip with i := inc_bip ( Offset idx ) ∈ next_ips prog s1. ip `
by (
drule prog_ok_nonterm >>
simp [ get_instr_cases , PULL_EXISTS ] >>
ntac 3 ( disch_then drule ) >>
simp [ terminator_def , next_ips_cases , IN_DEF , inc_pc_def ] ) >>
Cases_on ` r ∈ regs_to_keep ` >> rw [ ]
>- (
simp [ step_inst_cases , PULL_EXISTS ] >>
qexists_tac ` res_v ` >> rw [ ] >>
rw [ update_results_def ] >>
(* T O D O : u n f i n i s h e d *)
cheat )
>- cheat ) >>
rw [ update_results_def , GSYM FUPDATE_EQ_FUPDATE_LIST ] >>
irule mem_state_rel_update_keep >> rw [ ] )
>- (
irule mem_state_rel_update >> rw [ ]
>- (
Cases_on ` a ` >>
fs [ translate_arg_def ] >>
rename1 ` flookup _ r_tmp ` >>
qexists_tac ` r_tmp ` >> rw [ ] >>
simp [ Once live_gen_kill ] >> disj2_tac >>
simp [ uses_cases , IN_DEF , get_instr_cases , instr_uses_def , arg_to_regs_def ] ) >>
metis_tac [ ] ) ) >>
>- ( (* U p d a t e v a l u e *)
rw [ step_instr_cases ] >>
simp [ llvmTheory. inc_pc_def , update_result_def , FLOOKUP_UPDATE ] >>
drule translate_update_correct >> rpt ( disch_then drule ) >>
first_x_assum ( mp_then. mp_then mp_then. Any mp_tac translate_arg_correct ) >>
disch_then drule >>
first_x_assum ( mp_then. mp_then mp_then. Any mp_tac translate_arg_correct ) >>
disch_then drule >>
rw [ step_instr_cases , get_instr_cases , update_result_def ] >>
qpat_x_assum ` Insertvalue _ _ _ _ = el _ _ ` ( assume_tac o GSYM ) >>
` arg_to_regs a1 ⊆ live prog s1. ip ∧
arg_to_regs a2 ⊆ live prog s1. ip `
by (
fs [ get_instr_cases ] >>
qpat_x_assum ` Insertvalue _ _ _ _ = el _ _ ` ( mp_tac o GSYM ) >>
ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [ live_gen_kill ] >>
simp [ SUBSET_DEF , uses_cases , IN_DEF , get_instr_cases ,
instr_uses_def ] ) >>
drule translate_update_correct >> rpt ( disch_then drule ) >>
first_x_assum ( mp_then. mp_then mp_then. Any mp_tac translate_arg_correct ) >>
disch_then drule >>
first_x_assum ( mp_then. mp_then mp_then. Any mp_tac translate_arg_correct ) >>
disch_then drule >>
simp [ ] >> strip_tac >> strip_tac >>
disch_then ( qspecl_then [ ` v' ` , ` v'' ` ] mp_tac ) >> simp [ ] >>
disch_then drule >> disch_then drule >>
rw [ ] >>
rename1 ` eval_exp _ ( translate_updatevalue _ _ _ _ ) res_v ` >>
rw [ inc_pc_def , inc_ bi p_def] >>
rw [ inc_pc_def , llvmTheory. inc_ pc _def] >>
rename1 ` r ∈ _ ` >>
` assigns prog s1. ip = { r } `
by rw [ assigns_cases , EXTENSION , IN_DEF , get_instr_cases , instr_assigns_def ] >>
` reachable prog s1. ip ` by fs [ mem_state_rel_def ] >>
` s1. ip with i := inc_bip ( Offset idx ) ∈ next_ips prog s1. ip `
by (
drule prog_ok_nonterm >>
simp [ get_instr_cases , PULL_EXISTS ] >>
ntac 3 ( disch_then drule ) >>
simp [ terminator_def , next_ips_cases , IN_DEF , inc_pc_def ] ) >>
Cases_on ` r ∈ regs_to_keep ` >> rw [ ]
>- (
simp [ step_inst_cases , PULL_EXISTS ] >>
qexists_tac ` res_v ` >> rw [ ] >>
rw [ update_results_def ] >>
(* T O D O : u n f i n i s h e d *)
cheat )
>- cheat ) >>
(* O t h e r e x p r e s s i o n s , I c m p , I n t t o p t r , P t r t o i n t , G e p , A l l o c a *)
rw [ update_results_def , GSYM FUPDATE_EQ_FUPDATE_LIST ] >>
irule mem_state_rel_update_keep >> rw [ ] )
>- (
irule mem_state_rel_update >> strip_tac
>- (
Cases_on ` a1 ` >> Cases_on ` a2 ` >>
rw [ translate_arg_def ] >>
rename1 ` flookup _ r_tmp ` >>
qexists_tac ` r_tmp ` >> rw [ ] >>
simp [ Once live_gen_kill ] >> disj2_tac >>
simp [ uses_cases , IN_DEF , get_instr_cases , instr_uses_def , arg_to_regs_def ] ) >>
rw [ ] >> metis_tac [ ] ) ) >>
>- ( (* C a s t *)
rw [ step_instr_cases , get_instr_cases , update_result_def ] >>
qpat_x_assum ` Cast _ _ _ _ = el _ _ ` ( assume_tac o GSYM ) >>
` arg_to_regs a1 ⊆ live prog s1. ip `
by (
simp [ Once live_gen_kill , SUBSET_DEF , uses_cases , IN_DEF , get_instr_cases ,
instr_uses_def ] >>
metis_tac [ ] ) >>
fs [ ] >>
first_x_assum ( mp_then. mp_then mp_then. Any mp_tac translate_arg_correct ) >>
disch_then drule >> disch_then drule >> rw [ ] >>
drule translate_cast_correct >> ntac 2 ( disch_then drule ) >>
simp [ ] >>
disch_then ( qspec_then ` translate_ty t1 ` mp_tac ) >>
(* T O D O : p r o g _ o k s h o u l d e n f o r c e t h a t t h e t y p e i s c o n s i s t e n t *)
>- cheat >>
rw [ ] >>
rename1 ` eval_exp _ ( Convert _ _ _ _ ) res_v ` >>
rw [ inc_pc_def , llvmTheory. inc_pc_def ] >>
rename1 ` r ∈ _ ` >>
` assigns prog s1. ip = { r } `
by rw [ assigns_cases , EXTENSION , IN_DEF , get_instr_cases , instr_assigns_def ] >>
` reachable prog s1. ip ` by fs [ mem_state_rel_def ] >>
` s1. ip with i := inc_bip ( Offset idx ) ∈ next_ips prog s1. ip `
by (
drule prog_ok_nonterm >>
simp [ get_instr_cases , PULL_EXISTS ] >>
ntac 3 ( disch_then drule ) >>
simp [ terminator_def , next_ips_cases , IN_DEF , inc_pc_def ] ) >>
Cases_on ` r ∈ regs_to_keep ` >> rw [ ]
>- (
simp [ step_inst_cases , PULL_EXISTS ] >>
qexists_tac ` res_v ` >> rw [ ] >>
rw [ update_results_def , GSYM FUPDATE_EQ_FUPDATE_LIST ] >>
irule mem_state_rel_update_keep >> rw [ ] )
>- (
irule mem_state_rel_update >> rw [ ]
>- (
fs [ exp_uses_def ] >> Cases_on ` a1 ` >> fs [ translate_arg_def ] >>
rename1 ` flookup _ r_tmp ` >>
qexists_tac ` r_tmp ` >> rw [ ] >>
simp [ Once live_gen_kill ] >> disj2_tac >>
simp [ uses_cases , IN_DEF , get_instr_cases , instr_uses_def , arg_to_regs_def ] ) >>
metis_tac [ ] ) ) >>
(* T O D O : u n i m p l e m e n t e d i n s t r u c t i o n t r a n s l a t i o n s *)
@ -877,7 +1007,7 @@ Proof
>- (
first_x_assum ( qspec_then ` x ` mp_tac ) >> rw [ ] >>
rename1 ` option_rel _ _ opt ` >> Cases_on ` opt ` >>
fs [ optionTheory. OPTREL_def ] >>
fs [ OPTREL_def ] >>
cheat ) >>
cheat ) )