@ -12,13 +12,42 @@ open !Utils
module F = Format
module F = Format
(* string set domain we use to ensure we're getting the expected traces *)
(* string set domain we use to ensure we're getting the expected traces *)
module MockTraceDomain =
module MockTraceDomain = struct
include AbstractDomain.FiniteSet
include String
include String
let pp_element fmt s = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" s
let pp_element fmt s = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" s
let top_str = "T"
let top = singleton top_str
(* stop others from creating top by accident, adding to top, or removing it *)
let add e s =
assert (e <> top_str);
if s == top
then top
else add e s
let singleton e =
assert (e <> top_str);
singleton e
(* total hack of a widening just to test that widening of traces is working *)
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ =
let trace_diff = diff next prev in
if not (is_empty trace_diff)
then top
else join prev next
(* similarly, hack printing so top looks different *)
let pp fmt s =
if s == top
then F.fprintf fmt "T"
else pp fmt s
module Domain = AccessTree.Make (MockTraceDomain)
module Domain = AccessTree.Make (MockTraceDomain)
let assert_trees_equal tree1 tree2 =
let assert_trees_equal tree1 tree2 =
@ -300,4 +329,57 @@ let tests =
assert_trees_equal (Domain.join x_star_tree xFG_tree) x_star_tree_xFG_trace in
assert_trees_equal (Domain.join x_star_tree xFG_tree) x_star_tree_xFG_trace in
"join">::join_test_ in
"join">::join_test_ in
"access_tree_suite">:::[get_trace_test; add_trace_test; lteq_test; join_test]
let widen_test =
let widen_test_ _ =
let make_x_base_tree trace =
Domain.BaseMap.singleton x_base (Domain.make_normal_leaf trace) in
let widen prev next =
Domain.widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:0 in
(* a bit light on the tests here, since widen is implemented as a simple wrapper of join *)
(* widening traces works:
x |-> ("x", empty) \/ x |-> ("y", empty) =
x |-> (T, empty)
let x_tree_x_trace = make_x_base_tree x_trace in
let x_tree_y_trace = make_x_base_tree y_trace in
let x_tree_top_trace = make_x_base_tree MockTraceDomain.top in
assert_trees_equal (widen x_tree_x_trace x_tree_y_trace) x_tree_top_trace;
(* adding stars to a base works:
x |-> ({}, empty) \/ y |-> ({}, empty) =
(x |-> ({}, empty), y |-> ({}, Star) )
let x_y_star_base_tree =
(Domain.make_starred_leaf MockTraceDomain.initial)
x_base_tree in
assert_trees_equal (widen x_base_tree y_base_tree) x_y_star_base_tree;
(* adding stars to a subtree works:
x |-> ("y", empty) \/
x |-> ("x" , f |-> ("f", g |-> ("g", empty))) =
x |-> (T , f |-> ("f", g |-> ("g", Star)))
let xFG_star_tree =
let g_subtree = Domain.make_starred_leaf xFG_trace in
Domain.AccessMap.singleton g g_subtree
|> Domain.make_node xF_trace
|> Domain.AccessMap.singleton f
|> Domain.make_node MockTraceDomain.top
|> Domain.BaseMap.singleton x_base in
assert_trees_equal (widen x_tree_y_trace xFG_tree) xFG_star_tree;
(* widening is not commutative, and is it not join:
x |-> ("x" , f |-> ("f", g |-> ("g", empty))) \/
x |-> ("y", empty) =
x |-> (T , f |-> ("f", g |-> ("g", empty)))
let xFG_tree_widened_trace =
let _, xFG_node = x_subtree in
Domain.BaseMap.singleton x_base (MockTraceDomain.top, xFG_node) in
assert_trees_equal (widen xFG_tree x_tree_y_trace) xFG_tree_widened_trace in
"widen">::widen_test_ in
"access_tree_suite">:::[get_trace_test; add_trace_test; lteq_test; join_test; widen_test]