[cost] Refactor dispatch mechanism to be uniform across cost kinds

Summary: Dispatch & function call mechanism was so jumbled up together. Let's refactor it to be cleaner.

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D24049889

fbshipit-source-id: 42a218016
Ezgi Çiçek 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 0b7e2fb7c7
commit eb0fe0f995

@ -40,18 +40,6 @@ module InstrBasicCostWithReason = struct
For example for basic operation we set it to 1 and for function call we take it from the spec of the function.
let allocation_functions =
[ BuiltinDecl.__new
; BuiltinDecl.__new_array
; BuiltinDecl.__objc_alloc_no_fail
; BuiltinDecl.malloc
; BuiltinDecl.malloc_no_fail ]
let is_allocation_function callee_pname =
List.exists allocation_functions ~f:(fun f -> Procname.equal callee_pname f)
(** The methods whose name start with one of the prefixes return an object that is owned by the
caller. Therefore ARC will not add any objects they return into an autorelease pool. *)
let return_object_owned_by_caller =
@ -67,9 +55,55 @@ module InstrBasicCostWithReason = struct
~f:(fun {ProcAttributes.is_objc_arc_on} -> is_objc_arc_on)
let dispatch_operation tenv callee_pname callee_cost_opt fun_arg_list model_env ret inferbo_mem =
match CostModels.Call.dispatch tenv callee_pname fun_arg_list with
| Some model ->
BasicCostWithReason.of_basic_cost (model (Lazy.force model_env) ~ret inferbo_mem)
| None -> (
match callee_cost_opt with
| Some callee_cost ->
let () =
Logging.(debug Analysis Quiet)
"@.Instantiated cost : %a \n" BasicCostWithReason.pp_hum callee_cost
| _ ->
ScubaLogging.cost_log_message ~label:"unmodeled_function_operation_cost"
~message:(F.asprintf "Unmodeled Function[Operation Cost] : %a" Procname.pp callee_pname) ;
BasicCostWithReason.one () )
let dispatch_autoreleasepool tenv callee_pname callee_cost_opt fun_arg_list
({get_summary} as extras) model_env ((_, ret_typ) as ret) cfg loc inferbo_mem :
BasicCostWithReason.t =
match CostAutoreleaseModels.Call.dispatch tenv callee_pname fun_arg_list with
| Some model ->
let autoreleasepool_size = model get_summary (Lazy.force model_env) ~ret inferbo_mem in
BasicCostWithReason.of_basic_cost autoreleasepool_size
| None ->
let fun_cost =
is_objc_call_from_no_arc_to_arc extras cfg callee_pname
&& Typ.is_pointer_to_objc_non_tagged_class ret_typ
&& not (return_object_owned_by_caller callee_pname)
let autoreleasepool_trace =
Bounds.BoundTrace.of_arc_from_non_arc (Procname.to_string callee_pname) loc
BasicCostWithReason.one ~autoreleasepool_trace ()
else BasicCostWithReason.zero
Option.value_map ~default:fun_cost ~f:(BasicCostWithReason.plus fun_cost) callee_cost_opt
let dispatch_allocation tenv callee_pname callee_cost_opt : BasicCostWithReason.t =
CostAllocationModels.ProcName.dispatch tenv callee_pname
|> Option.value ~default:(Option.value callee_cost_opt ~default:BasicCostWithReason.zero)
let get_instr_cost_record tenv extras cfg instr_node instr =
match instr with
| Sil.Call (((_, ret_typ) as ret), Exp.Const (Const.Cfun callee_pname), params, location, _)
| Sil.Call (ret, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun callee_pname), params, location, _)
when Config.inclusive_cost -> (
let { inferbo_invariant_map
; integer_type_widths
@ -91,57 +125,31 @@ module InstrBasicCostWithReason = struct
BufferOverrunUtils.ModelEnv.mk_model_env callee_pname ~node_hash location tenv
integer_type_widths inferbo_get_summary )
let cost =
match inferbo_mem_opt with
| None ->
| Some inferbo_mem -> (
match CostModels.Call.dispatch tenv callee_pname fun_arg_list with
| Some model ->
CostDomain.of_operation_cost (model (Lazy.force model_env) ~ret inferbo_mem)
| None -> (
match (get_summary callee_pname, get_formals callee_pname) with
| Some {CostDomain.post= callee_cost_record}, Some callee_formals -> (
let instantiated_cost =
CostDomain.map callee_cost_record ~f:(fun callee_cost ->
instantiate_cost integer_type_widths ~inferbo_caller_mem:inferbo_mem
~callee_pname ~callee_formals ~params ~callee_cost ~loc:location )
match CostDomain.get_operation_cost callee_cost_record with
| {cost; top_pname_opt= None} when BasicCost.is_top cost ->
CostDomain.add_top_pname_opt CostKind.OperationCost instantiated_cost
(Some callee_pname)
| _ ->
instantiated_cost )
| _, _ ->
ScubaLogging.cost_log_message ~label:"unmodeled_function_cost_analysis"
(F.asprintf "Unmodeled Function[Cost Analysis] : %a" Procname.pp callee_pname) ;
CostDomain.unit_cost_atomic_operation ) )
let cost =
if is_allocation_function callee_pname then
CostDomain.plus CostDomain.unit_cost_allocation cost
else cost
let get_callee_cost_opt kind inferbo_mem =
match (get_summary callee_pname, get_formals callee_pname) with
| Some {CostDomain.post= callee_cost_record}, Some callee_formals ->
CostDomain.find_opt kind callee_cost_record
|> Option.map ~f:(fun callee_cost ->
instantiate_cost integer_type_widths ~inferbo_caller_mem:inferbo_mem
~callee_pname ~callee_formals ~params ~callee_cost ~loc:location )
| _ ->
(inferbo_mem_opt, CostAutoreleaseModels.Call.dispatch tenv callee_pname fun_arg_list)
| Some inferbo_mem, Some model ->
let autoreleasepool_size = model get_summary (Lazy.force model_env) ~ret inferbo_mem in
CostDomain.plus_autoreleasepool_size autoreleasepool_size cost
| _, _ ->
is_objc_call_from_no_arc_to_arc extras cfg callee_pname
&& Typ.is_pointer_to_objc_non_tagged_class ret_typ
&& not (return_object_owned_by_caller callee_pname)
let autoreleasepool_trace =
Bounds.BoundTrace.of_arc_from_non_arc (Procname.to_string callee_pname) location
CostDomain.plus cost
(CostDomain.unit_cost_autoreleasepool_size ~autoreleasepool_trace)
else cost )
match inferbo_mem_opt with
| None ->
| Some inferbo_mem ->
CostDomain.construct ~f:(fun kind ->
let callee_cost_opt = get_callee_cost_opt kind inferbo_mem in
match kind with
| OperationCost ->
dispatch_operation tenv callee_pname callee_cost_opt fun_arg_list model_env ret
| AllocationCost ->
dispatch_allocation tenv callee_pname callee_cost_opt
| AutoreleasepoolSize ->
dispatch_autoreleasepool tenv callee_pname callee_cost_opt fun_arg_list extras
model_env ret cfg location inferbo_mem ) )
| Sil.Call (_, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun _), _, _, _) ->
| Sil.Load {id= lhs_id} when Ident.is_none lhs_id ->
@ -175,7 +183,7 @@ module InstrBasicCostWithReason = struct
let cost = get_instr_cost_record tenv extras cfg instr_node instr in
let operation_cost = CostDomain.get_operation_cost cost in
let log_msg top_or_bottom =
Logging.d_printfln_escaped "Statement cost became %s at %a (%a)." top_or_bottom
Logging.d_printfln_escaped "Statement's operation cost became %s at %a (%a)." top_or_bottom
InstrCFG.Node.pp_id (InstrCFG.Node.id instr_node)
(Sil.pp_instr ~print_types:false Pp.text)

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module BasicCostWithReason = CostDomain.BasicCostWithReason
module ProcName = struct
let dispatch : (Tenv.t, BasicCostWithReason.t, unit) ProcnameDispatcher.ProcName.dispatcher =
let open ProcnameDispatcher.ProcName in
let match_builtin builtin _ s = String.equal s (Procname.get_method builtin) in
[ +match_builtin BuiltinDecl.__new <>--> BasicCostWithReason.one ()
; +match_builtin BuiltinDecl.__new_array <>--> BasicCostWithReason.one ()
; +match_builtin BuiltinDecl.__objc_alloc_no_fail <>--> BasicCostWithReason.one ()
; +match_builtin BuiltinDecl.malloc <>--> BasicCostWithReason.one ()
; +match_builtin BuiltinDecl.malloc_no_fail <>--> BasicCostWithReason.one () ]

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module ProcName : sig
val dispatch :
(Tenv.t, CostDomain.BasicCostWithReason.t, unit) ProcnameDispatcher.ProcName.dispatcher

@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ module BasicCostWithReason = struct
let is_top {cost} = BasicCost.is_top cost
let is_zero {cost} = BasicCost.is_zero cost
let is_unreachable {cost} = BasicCost.is_unreachable cost
let zero = {cost= BasicCost.zero; top_pname_opt= None}
@ -29,8 +31,11 @@ module BasicCostWithReason = struct
{cost= BasicCost.one ?autoreleasepool_trace (); top_pname_opt= None}
let subst callee_pname location record eval_sym =
{record with cost= BasicCost.subst callee_pname location record.cost eval_sym}
let of_basic_cost cost = {cost; top_pname_opt= None}
let subst callee_pname location {cost; top_pname_opt} eval_sym =
let cost = BasicCost.subst callee_pname location cost eval_sym in
if BasicCost.is_top cost then {cost; top_pname_opt= Some callee_pname} else {cost; top_pname_opt}
(* When we fold the nodes while traversing the cfg,
@ -63,13 +68,15 @@ module VariantCostMap = struct
let get kind record = find_opt kind record |> Option.value ~default:BasicCostWithReason.zero
let increase_by kind cost_to_add record =
update kind
| None ->
Some cost_to_add
| Some existing ->
Some (BasicCostWithReason.plus cost_to_add existing) )
if BasicCostWithReason.is_zero cost_to_add then record
update kind
| None ->
Some cost_to_add
| Some existing ->
Some (BasicCostWithReason.plus cost_to_add existing) )
let increment ?autoreleasepool_trace kind record =
@ -84,12 +91,6 @@ let pp_summary fmt {post} = F.fprintf fmt "@\n Post: %a @\n" VariantCostMap.pp p
let get_cost_kind kind cost_record = VariantCostMap.get kind cost_record
let add_top_pname_opt kind cost_record top_pname_opt =
VariantCostMap.update kind
(function Some cost_with_reason -> Some {cost_with_reason with top_pname_opt} | _ -> None)
let get_operation_cost cost_record = get_cost_kind CostKind.OperationCost cost_record
let set_autoreleasepool_size_zero cost_record =
@ -98,8 +99,17 @@ let set_autoreleasepool_size_zero cost_record =
let map ~f cost_record = VariantCostMap.map f cost_record
let find_opt = VariantCostMap.find_opt
let zero_record = VariantCostMap.empty
let construct ~f =
let open CostKind in
List.fold_left ~init:zero_record
~f:(fun acc kind -> VariantCostMap.increase_by kind (f kind) acc)
[OperationCost; AllocationCost; AutoreleasepoolSize]
(** If nb_exec is unreachable, we map to unreachable, not 0 *)
let mult_by cost_record ~nb_exec = map cost_record ~f:(BasicCostWithReason.mult_unreachable nb_exec)
@ -120,25 +130,4 @@ let plus cost_record1 cost_record2 =
cost_record1 cost_record2
let plus_autoreleasepool_size autoreleasepool_size cost =
VariantCostMap.update AutoreleasepoolSize
| None ->
Some {BasicCostWithReason.cost= autoreleasepool_size; top_pname_opt= None}
| Some prev ->
Some {prev with cost= BasicCost.plus prev.cost autoreleasepool_size} )
let unit_cost_atomic_operation = VariantCostMap.increment CostKind.OperationCost zero_record
let unit_cost_allocation = VariantCostMap.increment CostKind.AllocationCost zero_record
let unit_cost_autoreleasepool_size ~autoreleasepool_trace =
VariantCostMap.increment ~autoreleasepool_trace CostKind.AutoreleasepoolSize zero_record
let of_operation_cost operation_cost =
VariantCostMap.increase_by CostKind.OperationCost
{cost= operation_cost; top_pname_opt= None}

@ -31,10 +31,18 @@ module BasicCostWithReason : sig
type t = {cost: BasicCost.t; top_pname_opt: Procname.t option}
val one : ?autoreleasepool_trace:Bounds.BoundTrace.t -> unit -> t
val zero : t
val is_top : t -> bool
val of_basic_cost : BasicCost.t -> t
val is_unreachable : t -> bool
val plus : t -> t -> t
val subst : Procname.t -> Location.t -> t -> Bounds.Bound.eval_sym -> t
val degree : t -> Polynomials.Degree.t option
@ -58,13 +66,13 @@ val pp_summary : F.formatter -> summary -> unit
val get_cost_kind : CostKind.t -> t -> BasicCostWithReason.t
val add_top_pname_opt : CostKind.t -> t -> Procname.t option -> t
val get_operation_cost : t -> BasicCostWithReason.t
val set_autoreleasepool_size_zero : t -> t
val map : f:(BasicCostWithReason.t -> BasicCostWithReason.t) -> t -> t
val find_opt : CostKind.t -> t -> BasicCostWithReason.t option
val construct : f:(CostKind.t -> BasicCostWithReason.t) -> t
val zero_record : t
(** Map representing cost record \{OperationCost:0; AllocationCost:0; AutoreleasepoolSize:0\} *)
@ -75,18 +83,5 @@ val mult_by : t -> nb_exec:BasicCost.t -> t
val plus : t -> t -> t
(** Union of two maps where common costs are added together *)
val plus_autoreleasepool_size : BasicCost.t -> t -> t
(** Add an autoreleasepool size to the cost map *)
val unit_cost_atomic_operation : t
(** Map representing cost record \{OperationCost:1; AllocationCost:0; AutoreleasepoolSize:0\} *)
val unit_cost_allocation : t
(** Map representing cost record \{OperationCost:0; AllocationCost:1; AutoreleasepoolSize:0\} *)
val unit_cost_autoreleasepool_size : autoreleasepool_trace:Bounds.BoundTrace.t -> t
(** Map representing cost record \{OperationCost:0; AllocationCost:0; AutoreleasepoolSize:1\} *)
val of_operation_cost : BasicCost.t -> t
(** Map representing cost record \{OperationCost:operation_cost; AllocationCost:0;
AutoreleasepoolSize:0\} *)

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ codetoanalyze/objc/performance/NSArray.m, nsarray_access_linear, 3 + 7 ⋅ array
codetoanalyze/objc/performance/NSArray.m, nsarray_add_object_constant, 8, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/performance/NSArray.m, nsarray_add_objects_from_array_linear, 9 + 3 ⋅ append_array->elements.length.ub + append_array->elements.length.ub + 3 ⋅ (append_array->elements.length.ub + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{append_array->elements.length.ub + 1},Loop,{append_array->elements.length.ub},Modeled call to NSArray.arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:,{append_array->elements.length.ub},Loop]
codetoanalyze/objc/performance/NSArray.m, nsarray_array_with_objects_constant, 27, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/performance/NSArray.m, nsarray_binary_search_log_FN, 9, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/performance/NSArray.m, nsarray_binary_search_log_FN, 10, OnUIThread:false, []
codetoanalyze/objc/performance/NSArray.m, nsarray_contains_object_linear, 3 + array->elements.length.ub, OnUIThread:false, [{array->elements.length.ub},Modeled call to NSArray.containsObject:]
codetoanalyze/objc/performance/NSArray.m, nsarray_count_bounded_linear, 3 + 3 ⋅ array->elements.length.ub + 3 ⋅ (array->elements.length.ub + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{array->elements.length.ub + 1},Loop,{array->elements.length.ub},Loop]
codetoanalyze/objc/performance/NSArray.m, nsarray_empty_array_constant, 8, OnUIThread:false, []
