[help] in infer --help, show in which manual each option can be found

This gives additional information to users. For instance:

           Activates: the separation logic based bi-abduction analysis using
           the checkers framework (Conversely: --no-biabduction)
           This option is relevant to infer-analyze(1).

Reviewed By: sblackshear

Differential Revision: D5583197

fbshipit-source-id: 2960b90
Jules Villard 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent cb4cf39d49
commit ebbc202342

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ let pp_prolog fmt clusters =
|> String.concat ~sep:" " |> escape
F.fprintf fmt "INFERANALYZE = '%s' --no-report --results-dir '%s' %s@\n@\n"
(Config.bin_dir ^/ CommandDoc.exe_name_of_command CLOpt.Analyze)
(Config.bin_dir ^/ CLOpt.exe_name_of_command CLOpt.Analyze)
(escape Config.results_dir) compilation_dbs_cmd ;
F.fprintf fmt "CLUSTERS=" ;
List.iteri ~f:(fun i _ -> F.fprintf fmt "%a " Cluster.pp_cluster_name (i + 1)) clusters ;

@ -13,39 +13,16 @@ type data = {name: string; command_doc: CLOpt.command_doc}
let inferconfig_env_var = "INFERCONFIG"
let infer_exe_name = "infer"
(** Name of the infer configuration file *)
let inferconfig_file = ".inferconfig"
let command_to_name =
let open CLOpt in
[ (Analyze, "analyze")
; (Capture, "capture")
; (Compile, "compile")
; (Diff, "diff")
; (Explore, "explore")
; (Report, "report")
; (ReportDiff, "reportdiff")
; (Run, "run") ]
let name_of_command = List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:CLOpt.equal_command command_to_name
let exe_name_of_command_name name = Printf.sprintf "%s-%s" infer_exe_name name
let exe_name_of_command cmd = name_of_command cmd |> exe_name_of_command_name
let command_of_exe_name exe_name =
List.find_map command_to_name ~f:(fun (cmd, name) ->
if String.equal exe_name (exe_name_of_command_name name) then Some cmd else None )
let mk_command_doc ~see_also:see_also_commands ?environment:environment_opt ?files:files_opt
~synopsis =
let section = 1 in
let see_also =
let exe_names =
List.map see_also_commands ~f:(fun cmd ->
let exe = exe_name_of_command cmd in
let exe = CLOpt.exe_name_of_command cmd in
Printf.sprintf "$(b,%s)(%d)" (Cmdliner.Manpage.escape exe) section )
[`P (String.concat ~sep:", " exe_names)]
@ -160,14 +137,13 @@ $(b,infer) $(i,[options])|}
[ `P
"Infer is a static analyzer. Given a collection of source files written in Java or in languages of the C family, and a command to build them, infer produces a list of potential issues."
; `P
"Infer consists of a collection of tools referenced in the $(i,SEE ALSO) section of this manual. See their respective manuals for more information about each."
"Infer consists of a collection of tools referenced in the $(i,SEE ALSO) section of this manual. See their respective manuals for more information."
; `P
"If a compilation command is specified via the $(b,--) option or one of the $(b,--clang-compilation-database[-escaped]) options, $(b,infer) behaves as $(b,infer-run)(1). Otherwise, $(b,infer) behaves as $(b,infer-analyze)(1)."
"When run without a subcommand, and if a compilation command is specified via the $(b,--) option or one of the $(b,--clang-compilation-database[-escaped]) options, then $(b,infer) behaves as $(b,infer-run)(1). Otherwise, $(b,infer) behaves as $(b,infer-analyze)(1)."
[ `P
"Every infer command accepts the arguments from all the other infer commands. The same option may affect and thus be list in the manual of several commands."
[ `P "Every infer command accepts the arguments from all the other infer commands."
; `P
"Options are read from the $(b,%s) file, then from the $(b,%s) environment variable, then from the command line. Options in $(b,%s) take precedence over options in $(b,%s), and options passed on the command line take precedence over options in $(b,%s). See the $(i,%s) and $(i,%s) sections of this manual for more information."
@ -270,8 +246,8 @@ $(b,infer) $(b,analyze) $(i,[options])|} ]
let command_to_data =
let mk cmd mk_doc =
let name = name_of_command cmd in
let command_doc = mk_doc (exe_name_of_command cmd) in
let name = CLOpt.name_of_command cmd in
let command_doc = mk_doc (CLOpt.exe_name_of_command cmd) in
(cmd, {name; command_doc})
let open CLOpt in

@ -12,18 +12,10 @@ module CLOpt = CommandLineOption
type data = {name: string; command_doc: CLOpt.command_doc}
val infer_exe_name : string
val inferconfig_env_var : string
val inferconfig_file : string
val name_of_command : CLOpt.command -> string
val exe_name_of_command : CLOpt.command -> string
val command_of_exe_name : string -> CLOpt.command option
val infer : CLOpt.command_doc
val data_of_command : CLOpt.command -> data

@ -98,7 +98,30 @@ type command =
let equal_command = [%compare.equal : command]
let all_commands = [Analyze; Capture; Clang; Compile; Diff; Explore; Report; ReportDiff; Run]
let infer_exe_name = "infer"
let command_to_name =
[ (Analyze, "analyze")
; (Capture, "capture")
; (Clang, "clang")
; (Compile, "compile")
; (Diff, "diff")
; (Explore, "explore")
; (Report, "report")
; (ReportDiff, "reportdiff")
; (Run, "run") ]
let all_commands = List.map ~f:fst command_to_name
let name_of_command = List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:equal_command command_to_name
let exe_name_of_command_name name = Printf.sprintf "%s-%s" infer_exe_name name
let exe_name_of_command cmd = name_of_command cmd |> exe_name_of_command_name
let command_of_exe_name exe_name =
List.find_map command_to_name ~f:(fun (cmd, name) ->
if String.equal exe_name (exe_name_of_command_name name) then Some cmd else None )
type command_doc =
{ title: Cmdliner.Manpage.title
@ -207,7 +230,38 @@ let add parse_mode sections desc =
List.iter sections ~f:add_to_section ;
if List.is_empty sections then hidden_descs_list := desc :: !hidden_descs_list
else visible_descs_list := desc :: !visible_descs_list ;
let desc_infer =
if String.equal "" desc.doc then desc
let oxford_comma l =
let rec aux acc l =
match (l, acc) with
| [], _
-> assert false
| [x], []
-> x
| [x; y], []
-> Printf.sprintf "%s and %s" x y
| [x; y], acc
-> Printf.sprintf "%s, %s, and %s" (String.concat ~sep:", " (List.rev acc)) x y
| x :: tl, acc
-> aux (x :: acc) tl
aux [] l
(* in the help of `infer` itself, show in which specific commands the option is used *)
let commands =
List.map ~f:fst sections |> List.sort ~cmp:compare_command
|> List.remove_consecutive_duplicates ~equal:equal_command
|> List.map ~f:(fun cmd ->
let exe = exe_name_of_command cmd in
Printf.sprintf "$(b,%s)(1)" (Cmdliner.Manpage.escape exe) )
|> oxford_comma
{desc with doc= Printf.sprintf "%s\nSee also %s." desc.doc commands}
visible_descs_list := desc_infer :: !visible_descs_list ;
let deprecate_desc parse_mode ~long ~short ~deprecated desc =

@ -44,6 +44,14 @@ val equal_command : command -> command -> bool
val all_commands : command list
val infer_exe_name : string
val name_of_command : command -> string
val exe_name_of_command : command -> string
val command_of_exe_name : string -> command option
val is_originator : bool
val init_work_dir : string

@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ let initial_command =
(* Sys.executable_name tries to do clever things which we must avoid, use argv[0] instead *)
let exe_basename = Filename.basename Sys.argv.(0) in
let is_clang = List.mem ~equal:String.equal clang_exe_aliases in
match CommandDoc.command_of_exe_name exe_basename with
match CLOpt.command_of_exe_name exe_basename with
| Some _ as command
-> command
| None when is_clang exe_basename
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ let exe_usage =
| Some CLOpt.Clang
-> None (* users cannot see this *)
| Some command
-> Some (CommandDoc.name_of_command command)
-> Some (CLOpt.name_of_command command)
| None
-> None

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ let infer_profile =
infer_profile_name (Config.bin_dir ^/ CommandDoc.infer_exe_name)) )
infer_profile_name (Config.bin_dir ^/ CLOpt.infer_exe_name)) )
let pom_worklist = ref [CLOpt.init_work_dir]
