@ -817,13 +817,7 @@ struct
(* claim priority if no ancestors has claimed priority before *)
let context_callee = { context with CContext . is_callee_expression = true } in
let trans_state_callee = { trans_state_pri with context = context_callee ; succ_nodes = [] } in
let is_call_to_block = objc_exp_of_type_block fun_exp_stmt in
let res_trans_callee = instruction trans_state_callee fun_exp_stmt in
(* As we may have nodes coming from different parameters we need to *)
(* call instruction for each parameter and collect the results *)
(* afterwards. The 'instructions' function does not do that *)
let trans_state_param =
{ trans_state_pri with succ_nodes = [] ; var_exp_typ = None } in
let ( sil_fe , _ ) = extract_exp_from_list res_trans_callee . exps
" WARNING: The translation of fun_exp did not return an expression. \
Returning - 1 . NEED TO BE FIXED " in
@ -832,23 +826,27 @@ struct
| Sil . Const ( Const . Cfun pn ) ->
Some pn
| _ -> None (* function pointer *) in
(* we cannot translate the arguments of __builtin_object_size because preprocessing copies
them verbatim from a call to a different function , and they might be side - effecting * )
let should_translate_args =
match callee_pname_opt with
| Some pn ->
(* we cannot translate the arguments of this builtin because preprocessing copies them *)
(* verbatim from a call to a different function, and they might be side-effecting *)
( Procname . to_string pn ) < > CFrontend_config . builtin_object_size
| _ -> true in
not ( Option . map_default CTrans_models . is_builtin_object_size false callee_pname_opt ) in
let params_stmt = if should_translate_args then params_stmt
else [] in
(* As we may have nodes coming from different parameters we need to *)
(* call instruction for each parameter and collect the results *)
(* afterwards. The 'instructions' function does not do that *)
let trans_state_param =
{ trans_state_pri with succ_nodes = [] ; var_exp_typ = None } in
let result_trans_subexprs =
let instruction' = exec_with_self_exception ( exec_with_glvalue_as_reference instruction ) in
let res_trans_p = IList . map ( instruction' trans_state_param ) params_stmt in
res_trans_callee :: res_trans_p in
let sil_fe , is_cf_retain_release = CTrans_models . builtin_predefined_model fun_exp_stmt sil_fe in
if CTrans_models . is_assert_log sil_fe then
CTrans_utils . trans_assertion sil_loc context trans_state . succ_nodes
match Option . map_default ( CTrans_utils . builtin_trans trans_state_pri sil_loc si function_type
result_trans_subexprs ) None callee_pname_opt with
| Some builtin -> builtin
| None ->
let callee_pname_opt' , is_cf_retain_release =
CTrans_models . builtin_predefined_model fun_exp_stmt callee_pname_opt in
let act_params =
let params = IList . tl ( collect_exprs result_trans_subexprs ) in
if IList . length params = IList . length params_stmt then
@ -860,37 +858,31 @@ struct
let act_params = if is_cf_retain_release then
( Sil . Const ( Const . Cint IntLit . one ) , Typ . Tint Typ . IBool ) :: act_params
else act_params in
CTrans_utils . builtin_trans trans_state_pri sil_loc si function_type callee_pname_opt with
| Some builtin -> builtin
| None ->
(* Translate call to __builtin_expect as the first argument *)
(* for simpler symbolic execution *)
match callee_pname_opt , result_trans_subexprs with
| Some pname , [ _ ; fst_arg_res ; _ ]
when Procname . to_string pname = CFrontend_config . builtin_expect ->
| _ ->
let sil_fe' = match callee_pname_opt' with
| Some pn -> Sil . Const ( Const . Cfun pn )
| _ -> sil_fe in
let res_trans_call =
match cast_trans context act_params sil_loc callee_pname_opt function_type with
let cast_trans_fun = cast_trans context act_params sil_loc function_type in
match Option . map_default cast_trans_fun None callee_pname_opt' with
| Some ( instr , cast_exp ) ->
{ empty_res_trans with
instrs = [ instr ] ;
exps = [ ( cast_exp , function_type ) ] ; }
| None ->
| _ ->
let is_call_to_block = objc_exp_of_type_block fun_exp_stmt in
let call_flags =
{ CallFlags . default with CallFlags . cf_is_objc_block = is_call_to_block ; } in
create_call_instr trans_state function_type sil_fe act_params sil_loc
create_call_instr trans_state function_type sil_fe ' act_params sil_loc
call_flags ~ is_objc_method : false in
let nname = " Call " ^ ( Sil . exp_to_string sil_fe ) in
let nname = " Call " ^ ( Sil . exp_to_string sil_fe ' ) in
let all_res_trans = result_trans_subexprs @ [ res_trans_call ] in
let res_trans_to_parent = PriorityNode . compute_results_to_parent trans_state_pri
sil_loc nname si all_res_trans in
( match callee_pname_opt with
| Some callee_pname ->
let add_cg_edge callee_pname =
if not ( Builtin . is_registered callee_pname ) then
Cg . add_edge context . CContext . cg procname callee_pname
| None -> () ) ;
Option . may add_cg_edge callee_pname_opt' ;
{ res_trans_to_parent with exps = res_trans_call . exps }
and cxx_method_construct_call_trans trans_state_pri result_trans_callee params_stmt
@ -902,32 +894,30 @@ struct
(* first for method address, second for 'this' expression *)
assert ( ( IList . length result_trans_callee . exps ) = 2 ) ;
let ( sil_method , _ ) = IList . hd result_trans_callee . exps in
let callee_pname = match sil_method with
let callee_pname =
match sil_method with
| Sil . Const ( Const . Cfun pn ) -> pn
| _ -> assert false (* method pointer not implemented, this shouldn't happen *) in
if CTrans_models . is_assert_log sil_method then
CTrans_utils . trans_assertion sil_loc context trans_state_pri . succ_nodes
(* As we may have nodes coming from different parameters we need to *)
(* call instruction for each parameter and collect the results *)
(* afterwards. The 'instructions' function does not do that *)
let result_trans_subexprs =
let trans_state_param =
{ trans_state_pri with succ_nodes = [] ; var_exp_typ = None } in
let result_trans_subexprs =
let instruction' = exec_with_self_exception ( exec_with_glvalue_as_reference instruction ) in
let res_trans_p = IList . map ( instruction' trans_state_param ) params_stmt in
result_trans_callee :: res_trans_p in
(* first expr is method address, rest are params including 'this' parameter *)
let actual_params = IList . tl ( collect_exprs result_trans_subexprs ) in
match cxx_method_builtin_trans trans_state_pri sil_loc callee_pname with
| Some builtin -> builtin
| _ ->
let call_flags = {
CallFlags . default with
CallFlags . cf_virtual = is_cpp_call_virtual ;
CallFlags . cf_interface = false ;
CallFlags . cf_noreturn = false ;
CallFlags . cf_is_objc_block = false ;
CallFlags . cf_targets = [] ;
} in
let res_trans_call = create_call_instr trans_state_pri function_type sil_method actual_params
sil_loc call_flags ~ is_objc_method : false in
let res_trans_call = create_call_instr trans_state_pri function_type sil_method
actual_params sil_loc call_flags ~ is_objc_method : false in
let nname = " Call " ^ ( Sil . exp_to_string sil_method ) in
let all_res_trans = result_trans_subexprs @ [ res_trans_call ] in
let result_trans_to_parent =
@ -1011,7 +1001,7 @@ struct
| _ -> None
(* assertions *)
else if CTrans_models . is_handleFailureInMethod selector then
Some ( CTrans_utils . trans_assertion sil_loc context trans_state . succ_nodes )
Some ( CTrans_utils . trans_assertion trans_state sil_loc )
else None