[pulse] Add a flag to model methods for memory ownership transfer

Just like `CFBridgingRelease` we want to be able to model functions that are specific to a given codebase that make a transfer of memory ownership so that developers don't need to worry about releasing that memory anymore, and hence, we don't want to report leaks on that memory.
Things get a little more complicated, because some of the functions we want to model are in a specific namespace, so with this flag we take both cases into account, when we are dealing with namespaces or not.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D21404409

fbshipit-source-id: c36bd7afc
Dulma Churchill 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent aad4f581e8
commit ef7bc324e3

@ -243,6 +243,10 @@ OPTIONS
--pulse-model-release-pattern string
Regex of methods that should be modelled as release in Pulse
--pulse-model-transfer-ownership +string
Methods that should be modelled as transfering memory ownership in
Pulse. Accepted formats are method or namespace::method
Activates: Enable --pulse and disable all other checkers
(Conversely: --no-pulse-only)

@ -870,6 +870,11 @@ OPTIONS
Regex of methods that should be modelled as release in Pulse
See also infer-analyze(1).
--pulse-model-transfer-ownership +string
Methods that should be modelled as transfering memory ownership in
Pulse. Accepted formats are method or namespace::method
See also infer-analyze(1).
Activates: Enable --pulse and disable all other checkers
(Conversely: --no-pulse-only) See also infer-analyze(1).
@ -1616,6 +1621,9 @@ INTERNAL OPTIONS
Cancel the effect of --pulse-model-release-pattern.
Set --pulse-model-transfer-ownership to the empty list.
--pulse-recency-limit int
Maximum number of array elements and structure fields to keep
track of for a given array address.

@ -870,6 +870,11 @@ OPTIONS
Regex of methods that should be modelled as release in Pulse
See also infer-analyze(1).
--pulse-model-transfer-ownership +string
Methods that should be modelled as transfering memory ownership in
Pulse. Accepted formats are method or namespace::method
See also infer-analyze(1).
Activates: Enable --pulse and disable all other checkers
(Conversely: --no-pulse-only) See also infer-analyze(1).

@ -1788,6 +1788,13 @@ and pulse_model_release_pattern =
"Regex of methods that should be modelled as release in Pulse"
and pulse_model_transfer_ownership =
CLOpt.mk_string_list ~long:"pulse-model-transfer-ownership"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_generic)]
"Methods that should be modelled as transfering memory ownership in Pulse. Accepted formats \
are method or namespace::method"
and pulse_widen_threshold =
CLOpt.mk_int ~long:"pulse-widen-threshold" ~default:3
"Under-approximate after $(i,int) loop iterations"
@ -2868,6 +2875,27 @@ and pulse_model_alloc_pattern = Option.map ~f:Str.regexp !pulse_model_alloc_patt
and pulse_model_release_pattern = Option.map ~f:Str.regexp !pulse_model_release_pattern
and pulse_model_transfer_ownership_namespace, pulse_model_transfer_ownership =
let models =
let re = Str.regexp "::" in
List.map ~f:(fun model -> (model, Str.split re model)) !pulse_model_transfer_ownership
let aux el =
match el with
| _, [namespace; m] ->
`Fst (namespace, m)
| _, [m] ->
`Snd m
| option, splits ->
L.die UserError
"Wrong use of option pulse-model-transfer-ownership %s: expected at most one namespace \
but found %d"
(List.length splits - 1)
List.partition_map ~f:aux models
and pulse_widen_threshold = !pulse_widen_threshold
and pure_by_default = !pure_by_default

@ -457,6 +457,10 @@ val pulse_model_alloc_pattern : Str.regexp option
val pulse_model_release_pattern : Str.regexp option
val pulse_model_transfer_ownership_namespace : (string * string) list
val pulse_model_transfer_ownership : string list
val pulse_widen_threshold : int
val pure_by_default : bool

@ -108,8 +108,9 @@ module C = struct
PulseOperations.allocate callee_procname location ret_value astate
|> PulseArithmetic.and_positive ret_addr
|> PulseOperations.ok_continue
module ObjCCoreFoundation = struct
let cf_bridging_release access : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ _ ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let astate = PulseOperations.write_id ret_id access astate in
@ -622,8 +623,23 @@ module ProcNameDispatcher = struct
["add"; "addAll"; "append"; "delete"; "remove"; "replace"; "poll"; "put"; "putAll"]
let transfer_ownership_matchers =
let transfer_ownership_namespace_matchers =
~f:(fun (namespace, m) ->
-namespace &:: m $ capt_arg_payload $+...$--> ObjCCoreFoundation.cf_bridging_release )
let transfer_ownership_name_matchers =
~f:(fun m -> -m $ capt_arg_payload $+...$--> ObjCCoreFoundation.cf_bridging_release)
transfer_ownership_namespace_matchers @ transfer_ownership_name_matchers
[ +match_builtin BuiltinDecl.free <>$ capt_arg_payload $--> C.free
( transfer_ownership_matchers
@ [ +match_builtin BuiltinDecl.free <>$ capt_arg_payload $--> C.free
; +match_builtin BuiltinDecl.malloc <>$ capt_arg_payload $--> C.malloc
; +match_builtin BuiltinDecl.__delete <>$ capt_arg_payload $--> Cplusplus.delete
; +match_builtin BuiltinDecl.__placement_new &++> Cplusplus.placement_new
@ -644,10 +660,12 @@ module ProcNameDispatcher = struct
; -"std" &:: "basic_string" &:: "data" <>$ capt_arg_payload $--> StdBasicString.data
; -"std" &:: "basic_string" &:: "~basic_string" <>$ capt_arg_payload
$--> StdBasicString.destructor
; -"std" &:: "function" &:: "operator()" $ capt_arg_payload $++$--> StdFunction.operator_call
; -"std" &:: "function" &:: "operator()" $ capt_arg_payload
$++$--> StdFunction.operator_call
; -"std" &:: "function" &:: "operator=" $ capt_arg_payload $+ capt_arg_payload
$--> Misc.shallow_copy "std::function::operator="
; +PatternMatch.implements_lang "Object" &:: "clone" $ capt_arg_payload $--> JavaObject.clone
; +PatternMatch.implements_lang "Object"
&:: "clone" $ capt_arg_payload $--> JavaObject.clone
; ( +PatternMatch.implements_lang "System"
&:: "arraycopy" $ capt_arg_payload $+ any_arg $+ capt_arg_payload
$+...$--> fun src dest -> Misc.shallow_copy "System.arraycopy" dest src )
@ -740,7 +758,8 @@ module ProcNameDispatcher = struct
; +PatternMatch.implements_iterator &:: "remove" <>$ capt_arg_payload
$+...$--> JavaIterator.remove ~desc:"remove"
; +PatternMatch.implements_map &:: "put" <>$ capt_arg_payload $+...$--> StdVector.push_back
; +PatternMatch.implements_map &:: "putAll" <>$ capt_arg_payload $+...$--> StdVector.push_back
; +PatternMatch.implements_map &:: "putAll" <>$ capt_arg_payload
$+...$--> StdVector.push_back
; -"std" &:: "vector" &:: "reserve" <>$ capt_arg_payload $+...$--> StdVector.reserve
; +PatternMatch.implements_collection
&:: "get" <>$ capt_arg_payload $+ capt_arg_payload
@ -762,20 +781,21 @@ module ProcNameDispatcher = struct
$!--> JavaIterator.next ~desc:"Iterator.next()"
; ( +PatternMatch.implements_enumeration
&:: "nextElement" <>$ capt_arg_payload
$!--> fun x -> StdVector.at ~desc:"Enumeration.nextElement" x (AbstractValue.mk_fresh (), [])
$!--> fun x ->
StdVector.at ~desc:"Enumeration.nextElement" x (AbstractValue.mk_fresh (), []) )
; +PatternMatch.ObjectiveC.is_core_graphics_create_or_copy &++> C.malloc
; +PatternMatch.ObjectiveC.is_core_foundation_create_or_copy &++> C.malloc
; +match_builtin BuiltinDecl.malloc_no_fail <>$ capt_arg_payload $--> C.malloc_not_null
; +PatternMatch.ObjectiveC.is_modelled_as_alloc &++> C.malloc_not_null
; +PatternMatch.ObjectiveC.is_core_graphics_release
<>$ capt_arg_payload $--> C.cf_bridging_release
; -"CFRelease" <>$ capt_arg_payload $--> C.cf_bridging_release
<>$ capt_arg_payload $--> ObjCCoreFoundation.cf_bridging_release
; -"CFRelease" <>$ capt_arg_payload $--> ObjCCoreFoundation.cf_bridging_release
; +PatternMatch.ObjectiveC.is_modelled_as_release
<>$ capt_arg_payload $--> C.cf_bridging_release
; -"CFAutorelease" <>$ capt_arg_payload $--> C.cf_bridging_release
; -"CFBridgingRelease" <>$ capt_arg_payload $--> C.cf_bridging_release
; +match_builtin BuiltinDecl.__free_cf <>$ capt_arg_payload $--> C.cf_bridging_release ]
<>$ capt_arg_payload $--> ObjCCoreFoundation.cf_bridging_release
; -"CFAutorelease" <>$ capt_arg_payload $--> ObjCCoreFoundation.cf_bridging_release
; -"CFBridgingRelease" <>$ capt_arg_payload $--> ObjCCoreFoundation.cf_bridging_release
; +match_builtin BuiltinDecl.__free_cf
<>$ capt_arg_payload $--> ObjCCoreFoundation.cf_bridging_release ] )
let dispatch tenv proc_name args = ProcNameDispatcher.dispatch tenv proc_name args

@ -6,9 +6,7 @@
TESTS_DIR = ../../..
INFER_OPTIONS = --pulse-only --debug-exceptions --project-root $(TESTS_DIR) \
--pulse-model-alloc-pattern "AB[IF].*Create.*" \
--pulse-model-release-pattern ABFRelease
INFER_OPTIONS = --pulse-only --debug-exceptions --project-root $(TESTS_DIR)
INFERPRINT_OPTIONS = --issues-tests
SOURCES = $(wildcard *.m)

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
codetoanalyze/objc/pulse/AllocPatternMemLeak.m, A::create_no_release_leak_bad, 1, PULSE_MEMORY_LEAK, no_bucket, ERROR, [allocation part of the trace starts here,allocated by call to `ABFDataCreate` (modelled),allocation part of the trace ends here,memory becomes unreachable here]
codetoanalyze/objc/pulse/MallocInObjC.m, leak_bad, 0, PULSE_MEMORY_LEAK, no_bucket, ERROR, [allocation part of the trace starts here,allocated by call to `malloc_no_fail` (modelled),allocation part of the trace ends here,memory becomes unreachable here]
codetoanalyze/objc/pulse/MemoryLeaks.m, MemoryLeaks::call_no_bridge_leak_bad, 1, PULSE_MEMORY_LEAK, no_bucket, ERROR, [allocation part of the trace starts here,when calling `MemoryLeaks::ret_no_bridge` here,allocated by call to `CFLocaleCreate` (modelled),allocation part of the trace ends here,memory becomes unreachable here]
codetoanalyze/objc/pulse/MemoryLeaks.m, MemoryLeaks::cg_path_create_mutable_leak_bad:, 2, PULSE_MEMORY_LEAK, no_bucket, ERROR, [allocation part of the trace starts here,allocated by call to `CGPathCreateMutable` (modelled),allocation part of the trace ends here,memory becomes unreachable here]

@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ typedef struct ABFDataRef {
ABFDataRef* ABFDataCreate(size_t size);
void ABFRelease(ABFDataRef*);
ABFData* ABFBridgingRelease(ABFDataRef*);
namespace abf {
ABFData* BridgingRelease(ABFDataRef*);
@interface A : NSObject
@ -34,4 +40,12 @@ void ABFRelease(ABFDataRef*);
ABFData* someData = (__bridge_transfer ABFData*)ABFDataCreate(4);
- (void)custom_bridge_no_leak_good {
ABFData* someData = ABFBridgingRelease(ABFDataCreate(4));
- (void)custom_bridge_namesapce_no_leak_good {
ABFData* someData = abf::BridgingRelease(ABFDataCreate(4));

@ -5,8 +5,13 @@
TESTS_DIR = ../../..
INFER_OPTIONS = --pulse-only --debug-exceptions --project-root $(TESTS_DIR)
INFER_OPTIONS = --pulse-only --debug-exceptions --project-root $(TESTS_DIR) \
--pulse-model-alloc-pattern "AB[IF].*Create.*" \
--pulse-model-release-pattern "ABFRelease" \
--pulse-model-transfer-ownership "abf::BridgingRelease" \
--pulse-model-transfer-ownership "ABFBridgingRelease"
INFERPRINT_OPTIONS = --issues-tests
SOURCES = $(wildcard *.mm)

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
codetoanalyze/objcpp/pulse/AllocPatternMemLeak.mm, A::create_no_release_leak_bad, 1, PULSE_MEMORY_LEAK, no_bucket, ERROR, [allocation part of the trace starts here,allocated by call to `ABFDataCreate` (modelled),allocation part of the trace ends here,memory becomes unreachable here]
codetoanalyze/objcpp/pulse/use_after_delete.mm, PulseTest::deref_deleted_in_objc_method_bad, 3, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,assigned,was invalidated by `delete`,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,assigned,when calling `Simple::Simple` here,parameter `__param_0` of Simple::Simple,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/objcpp/pulse/use_after_delete.mm, deref_deleted_bad, 3, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,assigned,was invalidated by `delete`,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,assigned,when calling `Simple::Simple` here,parameter `__param_0` of Simple::Simple,invalid access occurs here]
