@ -39,17 +39,17 @@ type environment =
{ current_module : module_name (* * used to qualify function names *)
; exports : UnqualifiedFunction . Set . t (* * used to determine public/private access *)
; imports : module_name UnqualifiedFunction . Map . t (* * used to resolve function names *)
; location : Location . t (* * used to tag nodes and instructions being created *)
; procdesc : ( Procdesc . t option [ @ sexp . opaque ] ) (* * imperative, being built *)
; result : ( Exp . t option [ @ sexp . opaque ] ) (* * where to store the result value ( if any ) *)
; source : ( SourceFile . t [ @ sexp . opaque ] ) (* * used to add location information *) }
; result : ( Exp . t option [ @ sexp . opaque ] ) (* * where to store the result value ( if any ) *) }
[ @@ deriving sexp_of ]
let get_environment module_ : environment =
let init =
{ exports = UnqualifiedFunction . Set . empty
{ current_module = Printf . sprintf " %s:unknown_module " _ _ FILE__
; exports = UnqualifiedFunction . Set . empty
; imports = UnqualifiedFunction . Map . empty (* TODO: auto-import from module "erlang" *)
; current_module = Printf . sprintf " %s:unknown_module " _ _ FILE__
; source = SourceFile . invalid _ _ FILE__
; location = Location . dummy
; procdesc = None
; result = None }
@ -73,7 +73,9 @@ let get_environment module_ : environment =
| Module current_module ->
{ env with current_module }
| File { path } ->
{ env with source = SourceFile . create path }
let file = SourceFile . create path in
let location = Location . none file in
{ env with location }
| _ ->
@ -82,49 +84,47 @@ let get_environment module_ : environment =
let ( | ~ ~ > ) from to_ = Procdesc . set_succs from ~ normal : ( Some to_ ) ~ exn : None
let update_location line env =
let location = { env . location with line ; col = - 1 } in
{ env with location }
(* * Groups several helpers used to create nodes. *)
module Node = struct
let make ? line ? loc env kind instructions =
let make env kind instructions =
let procdesc = Option . value_exn env . procdesc in
let loc =
match ( loc , line ) with
| Some loc , _ ->
| None , Some line ->
{ Location . line ; col = - 1 ; file = env . source }
| None , None ->
Procdesc . get_loc procdesc
Procdesc . create_node procdesc loc kind instructions
Procdesc . create_node procdesc env . location kind instructions
let make_stmt ? line ? loc env ( kind : Procdesc . Node . stmt_nodekind ) instructions =
make ? line ? loc env ( Stmt_node kind ) instructions
let make_stmt env ? ( kind = Procdesc . Node . Erlang ) instructions =
make env ( Stmt_node kind ) instructions
let make_nop ? line ? loc env = make_stmt ? line ? loc env MethodBody []
let make_nop env = make_stmt env []
let make_join ? line ? loc env = make ? line ? loc env Join_node []
let make_join env = make env Join_node []
let make_throw ? line ? loc env one_instruction =
make ? line ? loc env Procdesc . Node . throw_kind [ one_instruction ]
let make_throw env one_instruction = make env Procdesc . Node . throw_kind [ one_instruction ]
let make_if ? line ? loc env branch one_instruction =
let make_if env branch id =
let prune_kind : Procdesc . Node . prune_node_kind =
if branch then PruneNodeKind_TrueBranch else PruneNodeKind_FalseBranch
let kind : Procdesc . Node . nodekind = Prune_node ( branch , Ik_switch , prune_kind ) in
make ? line ? loc env kind [ one_instruction ]
let condition : Exp . t =
if branch then Var id else UnOp ( LNot , Var id , Some ( Typ . mk ( Tint IBool ) ) )
let kind : Procdesc . Node . nodekind = Prune_node ( branch , Ik_if , prune_kind ) in
let prune : Sil . instr = Prune ( condition , env . location , branch , Ik_if ) in
make env kind [ prune ]
let make_block_success ? line ? loc env =
let exit_success , exit_failure = ( Node . make_nop ? line ? loc env , Node . make_nop ? line ? loc env ) in
let make_block_success env =
let exit_success , exit_failure = ( Node . make_nop env , Node . make_nop env ) in
{ start = exit_success ; exit_success ; exit_failure }
let make_block_failure ? line ? loc env =
let exit_success , exit_failure = ( Node . make_nop ? line ? loc env , Node . make_nop ? line ? loc env ) in
let make_block_failure env =
let exit_success , exit_failure = ( Node . make_nop env , Node . make_nop env ) in
{ start = exit_failure ; exit_success ; exit_failure }
@ -175,21 +175,80 @@ let any_block env (blocks : block list) : block =
{ start ; exit_success ; exit_failure }
let translate_pattern env ( _ value : Ident . t ) _ pattern =
(* TODO: This is a dummy implementation. *)
let start = Node . make_nop env in
let make_dummy_prune branch : Sil . instr =
let has_type env ~ result ~ value ( name : ErlangTypeName . t ) : Sil . instr =
let fun_exp : Exp . t = Const ( Cfun BuiltinDecl . __instanceof ) in
let any = typ_of_name Any in
let args : ( Exp . t * Typ . t ) list =
[ ( Var value , any )
; ( Sizeof
{ typ = typ_of_name name
; nbytes = None
; dynamic_length = None
; subtype = Subtype . subtypes_instof }
, any ) ]
Call ( ( result , Typ . mk ( Tint IBool ) ) , fun_exp , args , env . location , CallFlags . default )
(* * If the pattern-match succeeds, then the [exit_success] node is reached and the pattern variables
are storing the corresponding values ; otherwise , the [ exit_failure ] node is reached . * )
let rec translate_pattern env ( value : Ident . t ) { Ast . line ; simple_expression } =
let env = update_location line env in
let any = typ_of_name Any in
let procdesc = Option . value_exn env . procdesc in
let procname = Procdesc . get_proc_name procdesc in
match simple_expression with
| Cons { head ; tail } ->
let id = Ident . create_fresh Ident . knormal in
Prune ( Exp . Var id , Location . dummy , branch , Ik_if )
let start = Node . make_stmt env [ has_type env ~ result : id ~ value Cons ] in
let right_type_node = Node . make_if env true id in
let wrong_type_node = Node . make_if env false id in
let load id field : Sil . instr =
(* x=value.field *)
let field = Fieldname . make ( ErlangType Cons ) field in
{ id
; e = Lfield ( Var value , field , typ_of_name Cons )
; root_typ = any
; typ = any
; loc = env . location }
let prune_true = Node . make_if env true ( make_dummy_prune true ) in
let prune_false = Node . make_if env false ( make_dummy_prune false ) in
let exit_success = Node . make_nop env in
let head_value = Ident . create_fresh Ident . knormal in
let tail_value = Ident . create_fresh Ident . knormal in
let head_load = load head_value " head " in
let tail_load = load tail_value " tail " in
let unpack_node = Node . make_stmt env [ head_load ; tail_load ] in
let head_matcher = translate_pattern env head_value head in
let tail_matcher = translate_pattern env tail_value tail in
let submatcher = all_blocks env [ head_matcher ; tail_matcher ] in
let exit_failure = Node . make_nop env in
start | ~ ~ > [ prune_true ; prune_false ] ;
prune_true | ~ ~ > [ exit_success ] ;
prune_false | ~ ~ > [ exit_failure ] ;
start | ~ ~ > [ right_type_node ; wrong_type_node ] ;
right_type_node | ~ ~ > [ unpack_node ] ;
unpack_node | ~ ~ > [ submatcher . start ] ;
wrong_type_node | ~ ~ > [ exit_failure ] ;
submatcher . exit_failure | ~ ~ > [ exit_failure ] ;
{ start ; exit_success = submatcher . exit_success ; exit_failure }
| Nil ->
let id = Ident . create_fresh Ident . knormal in
let start = Node . make_stmt env [ has_type env ~ result : id ~ value Nil ] in
let exit_success = Node . make_if env true id in
let exit_failure = Node . make_if env false id in
start | ~ ~ > [ exit_success ; exit_failure ] ;
{ start ; exit_success ; exit_failure }
| Variable vname when String . equal vname " _ " ->
make_block_success env
| Variable vname ->
let store : Sil . instr =
let e1 : Exp . t = Lvar ( Pvar . mk ( Mangled . from_string vname ) procname ) in
let e2 : Exp . t = Var value in
Store { e1 ; root_typ = any ; typ = any ; e2 ; loc = env . location }
let exit_success = Node . make_stmt env [ store ] in
let exit_failure = Node . make_nop env in
{ start = exit_success ; exit_success ; exit_failure }
| _ ->
(* TODO: Cover all cases. *)
make_block_failure env
let translate_body env _ body =
@ -218,7 +277,7 @@ let translate_case_clause env (values : Ident.t list) {Ast.line= _; patterns; gu
; exit_success = body_block . exit_success }
let translate_one_function env cfg line function_ clauses =
let translate_one_function env cfg function_ clauses =
let uf_name = UnqualifiedFunction . of_ast function_ in
let { UnqualifiedFunction . name = function_name ; arity } = uf_name in
let name =
@ -227,11 +286,10 @@ let translate_one_function env cfg line function_ clauses =
let any = typ_of_name Any in
let attributes =
let default = ProcAttributes . default env . sourc e name in
let default = ProcAttributes . default env . location. fil e name in
let access : ProcAttributes . access = if Set . mem env . exports uf_name then Public else Private in
let formals = List . init ~ f : ( fun i -> ( mangled_arg i , any ) ) arity in
let loc = { Location . line ; col = - 1 ; file = env . source } in
{ default with access ; formals ; loc ; ret_type = any }
{ default with access ; formals ; loc = env . location ; ret_type = any }
let procdesc = Cfg . create_proc_desc cfg attributes in
let env = { env with procdesc = Some procdesc ; result = Some ( Exp . Lvar ( Pvar . get_ret_pvar name ) ) } in
@ -250,7 +308,7 @@ let translate_one_function env cfg line function_ clauses =
let () =
(* Add a node that loads all values on which we pattern-match into idents. *)
let loads_node = Node . make_stmt env CaseStmt loads in
let loads_node = Node . make_stmt env ~ kind : ErlangCaseClause loads in
Procdesc . get_start_node procdesc | ~ ~ > [ loads_node ] ;
loads_node | ~ ~ > [ start ]
@ -269,17 +327,18 @@ let translate_one_function env cfg line function_ clauses =
let translate_functions env cfg module_ =
let f ( form : Ast . form ) =
match form . simple_form with
let f { Ast . line ; simple_form } =
let env = update_location line env in
match simple_form with
| Function { function_ ; clauses } ->
translate_one_function env cfg f orm. line f unction_ clauses
translate_one_function env cfg f unction_ clauses
| _ ->
List . iter module_ ~ f ;
DB . Results_dir . init env . sourc e ;
Cfg . store env . sourc e cfg ;
SourceFiles . add env . sourc e cfg Tenv . Global None
DB . Results_dir . init env . location. fil e ;
Cfg . store env . location. fil e cfg ;
SourceFiles . add env . location. fil e cfg Tenv . Global None
let translate_module module_ =