@ -15,78 +15,88 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
module F = Format
module CLOpt = CommandLineOption
module CLOpt = CommandLineOption
(* log files *)
(* * Name of dir for logging the output in the specific executable *)
(* * Name of dir for logging the output in the specific executable *)
let log_dir_of_ current_ exe ( current_ exe : CLOpt . exe ) =
let log_dir_of_ exe ( exe : CLOpt . exe ) =
match current_ exe with
match exe with
| Analyze -> " analyze "
| Analyze -> " analyze "
| Clang -> " clang "
| Clang -> " clang "
| Interactive -> " interactive "
| Interactive -> " interactive "
| Java -> " java "
| Java -> " java "
| Print -> " print "
| Print -> " print "
| Toplevel -> " top_level "
| Toplevel -> " toplevel "
let stdout_err_log_files =
let out_file = ref ( lazy " out log file not initialized, stdout used instead " )
( ( ( lazy F . std_formatter ) , ( lazy Pervasives . stdout ) ,
let err_file = ref ( lazy " err log file not initialized, stderr used instead " )
( lazy " out log file not initialized, stdout used instead " ) ) ,
let out_chan = ref ( lazy Pervasives . stdout )
( ( lazy F . err_formatter ) , ( lazy Pervasives . stderr ) ,
let err_chan = ref ( lazy Pervasives . stderr )
( lazy " err log file not initialized, stderr used instead " ) ) )
let out_formatter = ref ( lazy F . std_formatter )
let err_formatter = ref ( lazy F . err_formatter )
let close_log_file fmt chan file =
(* evaluating any of the three values will evaluate the rest *)
if Lazy . is_val fmt | | Lazy . is_val chan | | Lazy . is_val file then (
F . pp_print_flush ( Lazy . force fmt ) () ;
let c = Lazy . force chan in
if c < > stdout && c < > stderr then
Out_channel . close c
let set_log_file_identifier ( current_exe : CLOpt . exe ) string_opt =
let create_log_file exe name_prefix outerr =
let should_setup_log_files =
let log_dir = Config . results_dir ^/ Config . log_dir_name ^/ log_dir_of_exe exe in
match current_exe with
let config_name = match outerr with
| Analyze
| ` Out -> Config . out_file_cmdline
| Clang -> Config . debug_mode | | Config . stats_mode
| ` Err -> Config . err_file_cmdline in
| Toplevel -> true
| _ -> false in
if should_setup_log_files then (
let name_prefix =
( match string_opt with
| Some name -> name ^ " - "
| None -> " "
) in
let exe_log_dir =
Config . results_dir ^/ Config . log_dir_name ^/ log_dir_of_current_exe current_exe in
let fmt_chan_file name suffix = lazy (
let file =
let file =
(* the command-line option takes precedence if specified *)
(* the command-line option takes precedence if specified *)
if name < > " " then name
if config_name < > " " then
else exe_log_dir ^/ name_prefix ^ suffix in
Unix . mkdir_p exe_log_dir ;
let outerr_suffix = match outerr with ` Out -> " out.log " | ` Err -> " err.log " in
log_dir ^/ name_prefix ^ outerr_suffix in
Unix . mkdir_p log_dir ;
let chan = Pervasives . open_out_gen [ Open_append ; Open_creat ] 0o666 file in
let chan = Pervasives . open_out_gen [ Open_append ; Open_creat ] 0o666 file in
let fmt = F . formatter_of_out_channel chan in
let file_fmt = F . formatter_of_out_channel chan in
F ormat . fprintf fmt
F . fprintf file_fmt
" ---- start logging from %d -------------------------------------------@ \n "
" ---- start logging from %d -------------------------------------------@ . "
( Pid . to_int ( Unix . getpid () ) ) ;
( Pid . to_int ( Unix . getpid () ) ) ;
( fmt , chan , file )
(* flush files on exit *)
with Sys_error _ ->
Pervasives . at_exit ( fun () -> close_log_file ( lazy file_fmt ) ( lazy chan ) ( lazy file ) ) ;
failwithf " ERROR: cannot open log file \" %s \" " file
( file_fmt , chan , file )
) in
let out_fmt_chan_file = fmt_chan_file Config . out_file_cmdline " out.log " in
let err_fmt_chan_file = fmt_chan_file Config . err_file_cmdline " err.log " in
Pervasives . at_exit ( fun () ->
let close fmt_chan_file =
if Lazy . is_val fmt_chan_file then (
let ( fmt , chan , _ ) = Lazy . force fmt_chan_file in
F . pp_print_flush fmt () ;
Out_channel . close chan
) in
close out_fmt_chan_file ;
close err_fmt_chan_file
) ;
out_formatter := lazy ( fst3 ( Lazy . force out_fmt_chan_file ) ) ;
out_chan := lazy ( snd3 ( Lazy . force out_fmt_chan_file ) ) ;
out_file := lazy ( trd3 ( Lazy . force out_fmt_chan_file ) ) ;
err_formatter := lazy ( fst3 ( Lazy . force err_fmt_chan_file ) ) ;
err_chan := lazy ( snd3 ( Lazy . force err_fmt_chan_file ) ) ;
err_file := lazy ( trd3 ( Lazy . force err_fmt_chan_file ) )
(* set up log files on startup if needed *)
let should_setup_log_files ( exe : CLOpt . exe ) = match exe with
let () = set_log_file_identifier Config . current_exe None
| Analyze
| Clang -> Config . debug_mode | | Config . stats_mode
| Toplevel -> true
| _ -> false
let create_outerr_log_files exe prefix_opt =
let lazy3 x = ( lazy ( fst3 ( Lazy . force x ) ) ,
lazy ( snd3 ( Lazy . force x ) ) ,
lazy ( trd3 ( Lazy . force x ) ) ) in
if should_setup_log_files exe then
let name_prefix = match prefix_opt with
| Some name -> name ^ " - "
| None -> " " in
( lazy ( create_log_file exe name_prefix ` Out ) | > lazy3 ,
lazy ( create_log_file exe name_prefix ` Err ) | > lazy3 )
let ( ( out_formatter , out_chan , out_file ) ,
( err_formatter , err_chan , err_file ) ) =
let ( o_fmt , o_c , o_f ) , ( e_fmt , e_c , e_f ) =
create_outerr_log_files Config . current_exe None in
( ( ref o_fmt , ref o_c , ref o_f ) ,
( ref e_fmt , ref e_c , ref e_f ) )
let set_log_file_identifier exe prefix_opt =
let ( o_fmt , o_c , o_f ) , ( e_fmt , e_c , e_f ) = create_outerr_log_files exe prefix_opt in
(* close previous log files *)
close_log_file ! out_formatter ! out_chan ! out_file ;
close_log_file ! err_formatter ! err_chan ! err_file ;
out_formatter := o_fmt ; out_chan := o_c ; out_file := o_f ;
err_formatter := e_fmt ; err_chan := e_c ; err_file := e_f
let log_file_names () = ( Lazy . force ! out_file , Lazy . force ! err_file )
let log_file_names () = ( Lazy . force ! out_file , Lazy . force ! err_file )
@ -261,7 +271,7 @@ let d_decrease_indent (indent: int) =
let log_progress_simple text =
let log_progress_simple text =
if Config . show_progress_bar then
if Config . show_progress_bar then
F . fprintf F ormat . err_formatter " %s@? " text
F . fprintf F . err_formatter " %s@? " text
let log_progress_file () =
let log_progress_file () =
log_progress_simple Config . log_analysis_file
log_progress_simple Config . log_analysis_file