[pulse] do not stop at the first error in function calls

We deliberately stopped as soon as an error was detected when applying a
function call. This is not good as other pre/posts of the function may
apply cleanly, which would allow us to cover more behaviours of the

Went on a bit of a refactoring tangeant while fixing this, to clarify
the `Ok None`/`Ok Some _`/`Error _` datatype returned by PulseInterproc.

Now we report errors as soon as we find them during function calls but
continue accumulating specs afterwards.

Reviewed By: da319

Differential Revision: D24888768

fbshipit-source-id: d5f2c29d7
Jules Villard 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 3df3ca9eac
commit f411c7d131

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
open! IStd
module F = Format
[@@@warning "-32"]
(** Extension of {!Base.Container}, i.e. generic definitions of container operations in terms of a
[fold] function. *)

@ -12,43 +12,23 @@ open IResult.Let_syntax
open PulseBasicInterface
open PulseDomainInterface
let report ?(extra_trace = []) proc_desc err_log diagnostic =
let open Diagnostic in
Reporting.log_issue proc_desc err_log ~loc:(get_location diagnostic)
~ltr:(extra_trace @ get_trace diagnostic)
Pulse (get_issue_type diagnostic) (get_message diagnostic)
let exec_list_of_list_result = function
| Ok posts ->
| Error PulseReport.InfeasiblePath ->
| Error (PulseReport.FeasiblePath post) ->
let check_error_transform {InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; err_log} ~f = function
| Ok astate ->
f astate
| Error (diagnostic, astate) -> (
let astate_summary = AbductiveDomain.summary_of_post proc_desc astate in
if PulseArithmetic.is_unsat_cheap (astate_summary :> AbductiveDomain.t) then []
match LatentIssue.should_report_diagnostic astate_summary diagnostic with
| `ReportNow ->
report proc_desc err_log diagnostic ;
[ExecutionDomain.AbortProgram astate_summary]
| `DelayReport latent_issue ->
( if Config.pulse_report_latent_issues then
(* HACK: report latent issues with a prominent message to distinguish them from
non-latent. Useful for infer's own tests. *)
let diagnostic = LatentIssue.to_diagnostic latent_issue in
let extra_trace =
let depth = 0 in
let tags = [] in
let location = Diagnostic.get_location diagnostic in
[Errlog.make_trace_element depth location "*** LATENT ***" tags]
report ~extra_trace proc_desc err_log diagnostic ) ;
[ExecutionDomain.LatentAbortProgram {astate= astate_summary; latent_issue}] )
let report_on_error {InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; err_log} result =
PulseReport.report_error proc_desc err_log result
>>| (fun post -> [ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram post])
|> exec_list_of_list_result
let check_error_continue analysis_data result =
check_error_transform analysis_data
~f:(fun astate -> [ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate])
let report_on_error_list {InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; err_log} result =
PulseReport.report_error proc_desc err_log result |> exec_list_of_list_result
let proc_name_of_call call_exp =
@ -69,19 +49,20 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
AnalysisCallbacks.proc_resolve_attributes pname |> Option.map ~f:ProcAttributes.get_pvar_formals
let interprocedural_call {InterproceduralAnalysis.analyze_dependency; proc_desc} ret call_exp
actuals call_loc astate =
let interprocedural_call {InterproceduralAnalysis.analyze_dependency; proc_desc; err_log} ret
call_exp actuals call_loc astate =
match proc_name_of_call call_exp with
| Some callee_pname when not Config.pulse_intraprocedural_only ->
let formals_opt = get_pvar_formals callee_pname in
let callee_data = analyze_dependency callee_pname in
PulseOperations.call ~caller_proc_desc:proc_desc ~callee_data call_loc callee_pname ~ret
~actuals ~formals_opt astate
PulseOperations.call ~caller_proc_desc:proc_desc err_log ~callee_data call_loc callee_pname
~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt astate
| _ ->
L.d_printfln "Skipping indirect call %a@\n" Exp.pp call_exp ;
PulseOperations.unknown_call call_loc (SkippedUnknownCall call_exp) ~ret ~actuals
~formals_opt:None astate
|> PulseOperations.ok_continue
[ Domain.ContinueProgram
(PulseOperations.unknown_call call_loc (SkippedUnknownCall call_exp) ~ret ~actuals
~formals_opt:None astate) ]
(** has an object just gone out of scope? *)
@ -204,7 +185,7 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
| ContinueProgram astate ->
dispatch_call analysis_data ret call_exp actuals location call_flags astate
|> check_error_transform analysis_data ~f:Fn.id
|> report_on_error_list analysis_data
List.rev_append astate astates )
~init:[] astate_list
@ -239,7 +220,7 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
let+ astate, rhs_addr_hist = PulseOperations.eval_deref loc rhs_exp astate in
PulseOperations.write_id lhs_id rhs_addr_hist astate
check_error_continue analysis_data result
report_on_error analysis_data result
| Store {e1= lhs_exp; e2= rhs_exp; loc} ->
(* [*lhs_exp := rhs_exp] *)
let event = ValueHistory.Assignment loc in
@ -257,19 +238,19 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
| _ ->
Ok astate
check_error_continue analysis_data result
report_on_error analysis_data result
| Prune (condition, loc, _is_then_branch, _if_kind) ->
PulseOperations.prune loc ~condition astate
|> check_error_transform analysis_data ~f:(fun astate ->
(let+ astate = PulseOperations.prune loc ~condition astate in
if PulseArithmetic.is_unsat_cheap astate then
(* [condition] is known to be unsatisfiable: prune path *)
(* [condition] is true or unknown value: go into the branch *)
[Domain.ContinueProgram astate])
|> report_on_error_list analysis_data
| Call (ret, call_exp, actuals, loc, call_flags) ->
dispatch_call analysis_data ret call_exp actuals loc call_flags astate
|> check_error_transform analysis_data ~f:(fun id -> id)
|> report_on_error_list analysis_data
| Metadata (ExitScope (vars, location)) ->
let remove_vars vars astates =
@ -280,7 +261,7 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
| ContinueProgram astate ->
let astate =
PulseOperations.remove_vars vars location astate
|> check_error_continue analysis_data
|> report_on_error analysis_data
List.rev_append astate astates )
~init:[] astates

@ -554,10 +554,10 @@ let apply_prepost callee_proc_name call_location ~callee_prepost:pre_post
(* can't make sense of the pre-condition in the current context: give up on that particular
pre/post pair *)
L.d_printfln "Cannot apply precondition: %a" pp_contradiction reason ;
Ok None
| Error _ as error ->
(* error: the function call requires to read some state known to be invalid *)
PulseReport.FeasiblePath error
| Ok call_state -> (
L.d_printfln "Pre applied successfully. call_state=%a" pp_call_state call_state ;
@ -569,10 +569,8 @@ let apply_prepost callee_proc_name call_location ~callee_prepost:pre_post
apply_post callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~captured_vars_with_actuals ~formals
~actuals call_state
| Ok post ->
Ok (Some post)
| post ->
PulseReport.FeasiblePath post
| exception Contradiction reason ->
L.d_printfln "Cannot apply post-condition: %a" pp_contradiction reason ;
Ok None
| Error _ as error ->
error )
PulseReport.InfeasiblePath )

@ -7,17 +7,15 @@
open! IStd
open PulseBasicInterface
open PulseDomainInterface
val apply_prepost :
-> Location.t
-> callee_prepost:PulseAbductiveDomain.t
-> callee_prepost:AbductiveDomain.t
-> captured_vars_with_actuals:(Var.t * (AbstractValue.t * ValueHistory.t)) list
-> formals:Var.t list
-> actuals:((AbstractValue.t * ValueHistory.t) * Typ.t) list
-> PulseAbductiveDomain.t
-> ( (PulseAbductiveDomain.t * (AbstractValue.t * ValueHistory.t) option) option
, Diagnostic.t * PulseAbductiveDomain.t )
(** return the abstract state after the call along with an optional return value, or [None] if the
precondition could not be satisfied (e.g. some aliasing constraints were not satisfied) *)
-> AbductiveDomain.t
-> (AbductiveDomain.t * (AbstractValue.t * ValueHistory.t) option) PulseReport.access_result

@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ type model =
-> AbductiveDomain.t
-> ExecutionDomain.t list PulseOperations.access_result
let ok_continue post = Ok [ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram post]
let cpp_model_namespace = QualifiedCppName.of_list ["__infer_pulse_model"]
module Misc = struct
@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ module Misc = struct
let i = IntLit.of_int64 i64 in
let ret_addr = AbstractValue.Constants.get_int i in
let astate = PulseArithmetic.and_eq_int ret_addr i astate in
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (ret_addr, []) astate |> PulseOperations.ok_continue
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (ret_addr, []) astate |> ok_continue
let return_positive ~desc : model =
@ -64,14 +66,14 @@ module Misc = struct
let ret_value = (ret_addr, [event]) in
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id ret_value astate
|> PulseArithmetic.and_positive ret_addr
|> PulseOperations.ok_continue
|> ok_continue
let return_unknown_size : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ _location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let ret_addr = AbstractValue.mk_fresh () in
let astate = PulseArithmetic.and_nonnegative ret_addr astate in
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (ret_addr, []) astate |> PulseOperations.ok_continue
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (ret_addr, []) astate |> ok_continue
(** Pretend the function call is a call to an "unknown" function, i.e. a function for which we
@ -100,12 +102,12 @@ module Misc = struct
let nondet ~fn_name : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model fn_name; location; in_call= []} in
PulseOperations.havoc_id ret_id [event] astate |> PulseOperations.ok_continue
PulseOperations.havoc_id ret_id [event] astate |> ok_continue
let id_first_arg arg_access_hist : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ _ ~ret astate ->
PulseOperations.write_id (fst ret) arg_access_hist astate |> PulseOperations.ok_continue
PulseOperations.write_id (fst ret) arg_access_hist astate |> ok_continue
let free_or_delete operation deleted_access : model =
@ -113,8 +115,7 @@ module Misc = struct
(* NOTE: we could introduce a case-split explicitly on =0 vs ≠0 but instead only act on what we
currently know about the value. This is purely to avoid contributing to path explosion. *)
(* freeing 0 is a no-op *)
if PulseArithmetic.is_known_zero astate (fst deleted_access) then
PulseOperations.ok_continue astate
if PulseArithmetic.is_known_zero astate (fst deleted_access) then ok_continue astate
let astate = PulseArithmetic.and_positive (fst deleted_access) astate in
let invalidation =
@ -154,14 +155,14 @@ module C = struct
let astate = PulseOperations.write_id ret_id ret_value astate in
PulseOperations.allocate callee_procname location ret_value astate
|> PulseArithmetic.and_positive ret_addr
|> PulseOperations.ok_continue
|> ok_continue
module ObjCCoreFoundation = struct
let cf_bridging_release access : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ _ ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let astate = PulseOperations.write_id ret_id access astate in
PulseOperations.remove_allocation_attr (fst access) astate |> PulseOperations.ok_continue
PulseOperations.remove_allocation_attr (fst access) astate |> ok_continue
module ObjC = struct
@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ module ObjC = struct
let astate = PulseOperations.write_id ret_id ret_value astate in
PulseOperations.add_dynamic_type dynamic_type ret_addr astate
|> PulseArithmetic.and_positive ret_addr
|> PulseOperations.ok_continue
|> ok_continue
module Optional = struct
@ -245,8 +246,7 @@ module Optional = struct
(* Check dereference to show an error at the callsite of `value()` *)
let* astate, _ = PulseOperations.eval_access location value Dereference astate in
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (value_addr, event :: value_hist) astate
|> PulseOperations.ok_continue
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (value_addr, event :: value_hist) astate |> ok_continue
let has_value optional ~desc : model =
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ module Cplusplus = struct
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (address, event :: hist) astate
| _ ->
PulseOperations.havoc_id ret_id [event] astate )
|> PulseOperations.ok_continue
|> ok_continue
module StdAtomicInteger = struct
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ end
module StdFunction = struct
let operator_call ProcnameDispatcher.Call.FuncArg.{arg_payload= lambda_ptr_hist; typ} actuals :
model =
fun {analyze_dependency; proc_desc} ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret astate ->
fun {analyze_dependency; proc_desc; err_log} ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret astate ->
let havoc_ret (ret_id, _) astate =
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::function::operator()"; location; in_call= []} in
[PulseOperations.havoc_id ret_id [event] astate]
@ -495,14 +495,16 @@ module StdFunction = struct
match AddressAttributes.get_closure_proc_name lambda astate with
| None ->
(* we don't know what proc name this lambda resolves to *)
Ok (havoc_ret ret astate |> List.map ~f:ExecutionDomain.continue)
( havoc_ret ret astate
|> List.map ~f:(fun astate -> ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate) )
| Some callee_proc_name ->
let actuals =
(lambda_ptr_hist, typ)
:: List.map actuals ~f:(fun ProcnameDispatcher.Call.FuncArg.{arg_payload; typ} ->
(arg_payload, typ) )
PulseOperations.call ~caller_proc_desc:proc_desc
PulseOperations.call ~caller_proc_desc:proc_desc err_log
~callee_data:(analyze_dependency callee_proc_name)
location callee_proc_name ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt:None astate
@ -800,7 +802,7 @@ module StdVector = struct
if AddressAttributes.is_std_vector_reserved (fst vector) astate then
(* assume that any call to [push_back] is ok after one called [reserve] on the same vector
(a perfect analysis would also make sure we don't exceed the reserved size) *)
PulseOperations.ok_continue astate
ok_continue astate
(* simulate a re-allocation of the underlying array every time an element is added *)
reallocate_internal_array [crumb] vector PushBack location astate

@ -12,9 +12,7 @@ open PulseDomainInterface
type t = AbductiveDomain.t
type 'a access_result = ('a, Diagnostic.t * t) result
let ok_continue post = Ok [ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram post]
type 'a access_result = 'a PulseReport.access_result
let check_addr_access location (address, history) astate =
let access_trace = Trace.Immediate {location; history} in
@ -437,13 +435,14 @@ let unknown_call call_loc reason ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt astate =
let apply_callee ~caller_proc_desc callee_pname call_loc callee_exec_state ~ret
~captured_vars_with_actuals ~formals ~actuals astate =
let apply callee_prepost ~f =
let map_call_result callee_prepost ~f =
PulseInterproc.apply_prepost callee_pname call_loc ~callee_prepost ~captured_vars_with_actuals
~formals ~actuals astate
>>= function
| None ->
(* couldn't apply pre/post pair *) Ok None
| Some (post, return_val_opt) ->
| (FeasiblePath (Error _) | InfeasiblePath) as path_result ->
| FeasiblePath (Ok (post, return_val_opt)) ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Call callee_pname; location= call_loc; in_call= []} in
let post =
match return_val_opt with
@ -457,28 +456,30 @@ let apply_callee ~caller_proc_desc callee_pname call_loc callee_exec_state ~ret
let open ExecutionDomain in
match callee_exec_state with
| AbortProgram astate ->
(astate :> AbductiveDomain.t)
~f:(fun astate ->
let astate_summary = AbductiveDomain.summary_of_post caller_proc_desc astate in
Ok (Some (AbortProgram astate_summary)) )
FeasiblePath (Ok (AbortProgram astate_summary)) )
| ContinueProgram astate ->
apply astate ~f:(fun astate -> Ok (Some (ContinueProgram astate)))
map_call_result astate ~f:(fun astate -> FeasiblePath (Ok (ContinueProgram astate)))
| ExitProgram astate ->
apply astate ~f:(fun astate -> Ok (Some (ExitProgram astate)))
map_call_result astate ~f:(fun astate -> FeasiblePath (Ok (ExitProgram astate)))
| LatentAbortProgram {astate; latent_issue} ->
(astate :> AbductiveDomain.t)
~f:(fun astate ->
let astate_summary = AbductiveDomain.summary_of_post caller_proc_desc astate in
if PulseArithmetic.is_unsat_cheap (astate_summary :> AbductiveDomain.t) then Ok None
if PulseArithmetic.is_unsat_cheap (astate_summary :> AbductiveDomain.t) then
let latent_issue =
LatentIssue.add_call (CallEvent.Call callee_pname, call_loc) latent_issue
if LatentIssue.should_report astate_summary then
( if LatentIssue.should_report astate_summary then
Error (LatentIssue.to_diagnostic latent_issue, (astate_summary :> AbductiveDomain.t))
else Ok (Some (LatentAbortProgram {astate= astate_summary; latent_issue})) )
else Ok (LatentAbortProgram {astate= astate_summary; latent_issue}) ) )
let get_captured_actuals location ~captured_vars ~actual_closure astate =
@ -493,9 +494,8 @@ let get_captured_actuals location ~captured_vars ~actual_closure astate =
(astate, captured_vars_with_actuals)
let call ~caller_proc_desc ~(callee_data : (Procdesc.t * PulseSummary.t) option) call_loc
callee_pname ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt (astate : AbductiveDomain.t) :
(ExecutionDomain.t list, Diagnostic.t * t) result =
let call ~caller_proc_desc err_log ~(callee_data : (Procdesc.t * PulseSummary.t) option) call_loc
callee_pname ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt (astate : AbductiveDomain.t) =
match callee_data with
| Some (callee_proc_desc, exec_states) ->
let formals =
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ let call ~caller_proc_desc ~(callee_data : (Procdesc.t * PulseSummary.t) option)
let pvar = Pvar.mk mangled callee_pname in
Var.of_pvar pvar )
let* astate, captured_vars_with_actuals =
let+ astate, captured_vars_with_actuals =
match actuals with
| (actual_closure, _) :: _
when not (Procname.is_objc_block callee_pname || List.is_empty captured_vars) ->
@ -517,34 +517,35 @@ let call ~caller_proc_desc ~(callee_data : (Procdesc.t * PulseSummary.t) option)
| _ ->
Ok (astate, [])
let is_blacklist =
let should_keep_at_most_one_disjunct =
Option.exists Config.pulse_cut_to_one_path_procedures_pattern ~f:(fun regex ->
Str.string_match regex (Procname.to_string callee_pname) 0 )
if should_keep_at_most_one_disjunct then
L.d_printfln "Will keep at most one disjunct because %a is in blacklist" Procname.pp
callee_pname ;
(* call {!AbductiveDomain.PrePost.apply} on each pre/post pair in the summary. *)
List.fold ~init:[]
(exec_states :> ExecutionDomain.t list)
~fold:List.fold ~init:[]
~f:(fun posts callee_exec_state ->
if should_keep_at_most_one_disjunct && not (List.is_empty posts) then posts
(* apply all pre/post specs *)
apply_callee ~caller_proc_desc callee_pname call_loc callee_exec_state
~captured_vars_with_actuals ~formals ~actuals ~ret astate
| Ok None ->
| InfeasiblePath ->
(* couldn't apply pre/post pair *)
Continue (Ok posts)
| Ok (Some post) when is_blacklist ->
L.d_printfln "Keep only one disjunct because %a is in blacklist" Procname.pp
callee_pname ;
Stop [post]
| Ok (Some post) ->
Continue (Ok (post :: posts))
| Error _ as x ->
Continue x )
~finish:(fun x -> x)
| FeasiblePath post -> (
match PulseReport.report_error caller_proc_desc err_log post with
| Error InfeasiblePath ->
| Error (FeasiblePath post) | Ok post ->
post :: posts ) )
| None ->
(* no spec found for some reason (unknown function, ...) *)
L.d_printfln "No spec found for %a@\n" Procname.pp callee_pname ;
unknown_call call_loc (SkippedKnownCall callee_pname) ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt astate
|> ok_continue
|> fun astate -> Ok [ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]

@ -11,9 +11,7 @@ open PulseDomainInterface
type t = AbductiveDomain.t
type 'a access_result = ('a, Diagnostic.t * t) result
val ok_continue : t -> (ExecutionDomain.t list, 'a) result
type 'a access_result = 'a PulseReport.access_result
val check_addr_access : Location.t -> AbstractValue.t * ValueHistory.t -> t -> t access_result
(** Check that the [address] is not known to be invalid *)
@ -125,6 +123,7 @@ val check_address_escape :
val call :
-> Errlog.t
-> callee_data:(Procdesc.t * PulseSummary.t) option
-> Location.t
-> Procname.t

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open PulseBasicInterface
open PulseDomainInterface
type 'a access_result = ('a, Diagnostic.t * AbductiveDomain.t) result
type 'a path_feasibility = InfeasiblePath | FeasiblePath of 'a
let report ?(extra_trace = []) proc_desc err_log diagnostic =
let open Diagnostic in
Reporting.log_issue proc_desc err_log ~loc:(get_location diagnostic)
~ltr:(extra_trace @ get_trace diagnostic)
Pulse (get_issue_type diagnostic) (get_message diagnostic)
let report_latent_issue proc_desc err_log latent_issue =
(* HACK: report latent issues with a prominent message to distinguish them from
non-latent. Useful for infer's own tests. *)
let diagnostic = LatentIssue.to_diagnostic latent_issue in
let extra_trace =
let depth = 0 in
let tags = [] in
let location = Diagnostic.get_location diagnostic in
[Errlog.make_trace_element depth location "*** LATENT ***" tags]
report ~extra_trace proc_desc err_log diagnostic
let report_error proc_desc err_log access_result =
Result.map_error access_result ~f:(fun (diagnostic, astate) ->
let astate_summary = AbductiveDomain.summary_of_post proc_desc astate in
if PulseArithmetic.is_unsat_cheap (astate_summary :> AbductiveDomain.t) then InfeasiblePath
match LatentIssue.should_report_diagnostic astate_summary diagnostic with
| `ReportNow ->
report proc_desc err_log diagnostic ;
FeasiblePath (ExecutionDomain.AbortProgram astate_summary)
| `DelayReport latent_issue ->
if Config.pulse_report_latent_issues then
report_latent_issue proc_desc err_log latent_issue ;
FeasiblePath (ExecutionDomain.LatentAbortProgram {astate= astate_summary; latent_issue}) )

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open PulseBasicInterface
open PulseDomainInterface
type 'a access_result = ('a, Diagnostic.t * AbductiveDomain.t) result
type 'a path_feasibility = InfeasiblePath | FeasiblePath of 'a
val report_error :
-> Errlog.t
-> 'ok access_result
-> ('ok, _ ExecutionDomain.base_t path_feasibility) result

@ -111,3 +111,20 @@ void access_to_invalidated_alias2_bad(struct X* x, struct X* y) {
void set_first_non_null_ok(int* x, int* y) {
if (x) {
*x = 42;
} else {
*y = 42;
// should get two latent issues here, or at least one for the dereference of
// [p=nullptr]
void set_x_then_crash_double_latent(int* x) {
set_first_non_null_ok(x, nullptr);
set_first_non_null_ok(nullptr, x);
int* p = nullptr;
*p = 42;

@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/interprocedural.cpp, delete_inner_then_write_bad, 2, USE
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/interprocedural.cpp, delete_then_read_bad, 2, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,parameter `x` of delete_then_read_bad,was invalidated by `delete`,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,parameter `x` of delete_then_read_bad,when calling `wraps_read` here,parameter `x` of wraps_read,when calling `wraps_read_inner` here,parameter `x` of wraps_read_inner,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/interprocedural.cpp, delete_then_write_bad, 2, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,parameter `x` of delete_then_write_bad,when calling `wraps_delete` here,parameter `x` of wraps_delete,when calling `wraps_delete_inner` here,parameter `x` of wraps_delete_inner,was invalidated by `delete`,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,parameter `x` of delete_then_write_bad,when calling `wraps_read` here,parameter `x` of wraps_read,when calling `wraps_read_inner` here,parameter `x` of wraps_read_inner,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/interprocedural.cpp, feed_invalid_into_access_bad, 2, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,when calling `may_return_invalid_ptr_ok` here,passed as argument to `new` (modelled),return from call to `new` (modelled),assigned,was invalidated by `delete`,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,passed as argument to `may_return_invalid_ptr_ok`,return from call to `may_return_invalid_ptr_ok`,assigned,when calling `call_store` here,parameter `y` of call_store,when calling `store` here,parameter `y` of store,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/interprocedural.cpp, set_x_then_crash_double_latent, 1, NULLPTR_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [*** LATENT ***,invalidation part of the trace starts here,assigned,is the null pointer,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,when calling `set_first_non_null_ok` here,parameter `y` of set_first_non_null_ok,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/interprocedural.cpp, set_x_then_crash_double_latent, 4, NULLPTR_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [*** LATENT ***,invalidation part of the trace starts here,assigned,is the null pointer,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,assigned,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/join.cpp, invalidate_node_alias_bad, 1, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [calling context starts here,in call to `invalidate_node_alias_latent`,invalidation part of the trace starts here,parameter `head` of invalidate_node_alias_latent,assigned,assigned,was invalidated by `delete`,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,parameter `head` of invalidate_node_alias_latent,assigned,assigned,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/join.cpp, invalidate_node_alias_latent, 12, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [*** LATENT ***,invalidation part of the trace starts here,parameter `head` of invalidate_node_alias_latent,assigned,assigned,was invalidated by `delete`,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,parameter `head` of invalidate_node_alias_latent,assigned,assigned,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/join.cpp, invalidate_node_alias_latent, 12, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [*** LATENT ***,invalidation part of the trace starts here,parameter `head` of invalidate_node_alias_latent,assigned,assigned,assigned,was invalidated by `delete`,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,parameter `head` of invalidate_node_alias_latent,assigned,assigned,assigned,invalid access occurs here]
