Summary: Module CFrontend_utils is a container for two modules: Ast_utils and General_utils. Instead of opening CFrontend_utils in several places, it is now split into two separate modules CAst_utils and CGeneral_utils, which are now accessed directly. Reviewed By: jberdine Differential Revision: D4392710 fbshipit-source-id: ea756a2master
@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
(** Functions for transformations of ast nodes *)
module L = Logging
module F = Format
type type_ptr_to_sil_type = Tenv.t -> Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> Typ.t
let string_of_decl decl =
let name = Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_kind_string decl in
let info = Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_tuple decl in
Printf.sprintf "<\"%s\"> '%d'" name info.Clang_ast_t.di_pointer
let string_of_unary_operator_kind = function
| `PostInc -> "PostInc"
| `PostDec -> "PostDec"
| `PreInc -> "PreInc"
| `PreDec -> "PreDec"
| `AddrOf -> "AddrOf"
| `Deref -> "Deref"
| `Plus -> "Plus"
| `Minus -> "Minus"
| `Not -> "Not"
| `LNot -> "LNot"
| `Real -> "Real"
| `Imag -> "Imag"
| `Extension -> "Extension"
| `Coawait -> "Coawait"
let string_of_stmt stmt =
let name = Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_kind_string stmt in
let info, _ = Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_tuple stmt in
Printf.sprintf "<\"%s\"> '%d'" name info.Clang_ast_t.si_pointer
let get_stmts_from_stmt stmt =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match stmt with
| OpaqueValueExpr (_, lstmt, _, opaque_value_expr_info) ->
(match opaque_value_expr_info.Clang_ast_t.ovei_source_expr with
| Some stmt -> lstmt @ [stmt]
| _ -> lstmt)
(* given that this has not been translated, looking up for variables *)
(* inside leads to inconsistencies *)
| ObjCAtCatchStmt _ ->
| _ -> snd (Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_tuple stmt)
let fold_qual_name qual_name_list =
match qual_name_list with
| [] -> ""
| name :: quals ->
let s = (IList.fold_right (fun el res -> res ^ el ^ "::") quals "") ^ name in
let no_slash_space = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "[/ ]") "_" s in
let get_qualified_name name_info =
fold_qual_name name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_qual_name
let get_unqualified_name name_info =
let name = match name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_qual_name with
| name :: _ -> name
| [] -> name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
fold_qual_name [name]
let get_class_name_from_member member_name_info =
match member_name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_qual_name with
| _ :: class_qual_list -> fold_qual_name class_qual_list
| [] -> assert false
let make_name_decl name = {
Clang_ast_t.ni_name = name;
ni_qual_name = [name];
let make_qual_name_decl class_name_quals name = {
Clang_ast_t.ni_name = name;
ni_qual_name = name :: class_name_quals;
let property_name property_impl_decl_info =
let no_property_name = make_name_decl "WARNING_NO_PROPERTY_NAME" in
match property_impl_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.opidi_property_decl with
| Some decl_ref ->
(match decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_name with
| Some n -> n
| _ -> no_property_name)
| None -> no_property_name
let generated_ivar_name property_name =
match property_name.Clang_ast_t.ni_qual_name with
| [name; class_name] ->
let ivar_name = "_" ^ name in
{ Clang_ast_t.ni_name = ivar_name;
ni_qual_name = [ivar_name; class_name]
| _ -> make_name_decl property_name.Clang_ast_t.ni_name
let compare_property_attribute =
[%compare: [
`Readonly | `Assign | `Readwrite | `Retain | `Copy | `Nonatomic | `Atomic
| `Weak | `Strong | `Unsafe_unretained | `ExplicitGetter | `ExplicitSetter
let equal_property_attribute att1 att2 =
compare_property_attribute att1 att2 = 0
let get_memory_management_attributes () =
[`Assign; `Retain; `Copy; `Weak; `Strong; `Unsafe_unretained]
let is_retain attribute_opt =
match attribute_opt with
| Some attribute ->
attribute = `Retain || attribute = `Strong
| _ -> false
let is_copy attribute_opt =
match attribute_opt with
| Some attribute ->
attribute = `Copy
| _ -> false
let name_opt_of_name_info_opt name_info_opt =
match name_info_opt with
| Some name_info -> Some (get_qualified_name name_info)
| None -> None
let pointer_counter = ref 0
let get_fresh_pointer () =
pointer_counter := !pointer_counter + 1;
let internal_pointer = -(!pointer_counter) in
let get_invalid_pointer () =
let type_from_unary_expr_or_type_trait_expr_info info =
match info.Clang_ast_t.uttei_type_ptr with
| Some tp -> Some tp
| None -> None
let get_decl decl_ptr =
Some (Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.find decl_ptr !CFrontend_config.pointer_decl_index)
with Not_found -> Logging.out "decl with pointer %d not found\n" decl_ptr; None
let get_decl_opt decl_ptr_opt =
match decl_ptr_opt with
| Some decl_ptr -> get_decl decl_ptr
| None -> None
let get_stmt stmt_ptr =
Some (Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.find stmt_ptr !CFrontend_config.pointer_stmt_index)
with Not_found -> Logging.out "stmt with pointer %d not found\n" stmt_ptr; None
let get_stmt_opt stmt_ptr_opt =
match stmt_ptr_opt with
| Some stmt_ptr -> get_stmt stmt_ptr
| None -> None
let get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref decl_ref_opt =
match decl_ref_opt with
| Some decl_ref -> get_decl decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer
| None -> None
let get_property_of_ivar decl_ptr =
Some (Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.find decl_ptr !CFrontend_config.ivar_to_property_index)
with Not_found -> Logging.out "property with pointer %d not found\n" decl_ptr; None
let update_sil_types_map type_ptr sil_type =
CFrontend_config.sil_types_map :=
Clang_ast_types.TypePointerMap.add type_ptr sil_type !CFrontend_config.sil_types_map
let update_enum_map enum_constant_pointer sil_exp =
let open Clang_ast_main in
let (predecessor_pointer_opt, _) =
try PointerMap.find enum_constant_pointer !CFrontend_config.enum_map
with Not_found -> assert false in
let enum_map_value = (predecessor_pointer_opt, Some sil_exp) in
CFrontend_config.enum_map :=
PointerMap.add enum_constant_pointer enum_map_value !CFrontend_config.enum_map
let add_enum_constant enum_constant_pointer predecessor_pointer_opt =
let enum_map_value = (predecessor_pointer_opt, None) in
CFrontend_config.enum_map :=
Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.add enum_constant_pointer enum_map_value !CFrontend_config.enum_map
let get_enum_constant_exp enum_constant_pointer =
Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.find enum_constant_pointer !CFrontend_config.enum_map
let get_type type_ptr =
(* There is chance for success only if type_ptr is in fact clang pointer *)
(let raw_ptr = Clang_ast_types.type_ptr_to_clang_pointer type_ptr in
Some (Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.find raw_ptr !CFrontend_config.pointer_type_index)
with Not_found -> Logging.out "type with pointer %d not found\n" raw_ptr; None)
with Clang_ast_types.Not_Clang_Pointer ->
(* otherwise, function fails *)
let type_str = Clang_ast_types.type_ptr_to_string type_ptr in
Logging.out "type %s is not clang pointer\n" type_str;
let get_desugared_type type_ptr =
let typ_opt = get_type type_ptr in
match typ_opt with
| Some typ ->
let type_info = Clang_ast_proj.get_type_tuple typ in
(match type_info.Clang_ast_t.ti_desugared_type with
| Some ptr -> get_type ptr
| _ -> typ_opt)
| _ -> typ_opt
let get_decl_from_typ_ptr typ_ptr =
let typ_opt = get_desugared_type typ_ptr in
let typ = match typ_opt with Some t -> t | _ -> assert false in
match typ with
| Clang_ast_t.RecordType (_, decl_ptr)
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCInterfaceType (_, decl_ptr) -> get_decl decl_ptr
| _ -> None
(* TODO take the attributes into account too. To be done after we get the attribute's arguments. *)
let is_type_nonnull type_ptr =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match get_type type_ptr with
| Some AttributedType (_, attr_info) -> attr_info.ati_attr_kind = `Nonnull
| _ -> false
let is_type_nullable type_ptr =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match get_type type_ptr with
| Some AttributedType (_, attr_info) -> attr_info.ati_attr_kind = `Nullable
| _ -> false
let string_of_type_ptr type_ptr = Clang_ast_j.string_of_type_ptr type_ptr
let name_of_typedef_type_info {Clang_ast_t.tti_decl_ptr} =
match get_decl tti_decl_ptr with
| Some TypedefDecl (_, name_decl_info, _, _, _) ->
get_qualified_name name_decl_info
| _ -> ""
let name_opt_of_typedef_type_ptr type_ptr =
match get_type type_ptr with
| Some Clang_ast_t.TypedefType (_, typedef_type_info) ->
Some (name_of_typedef_type_info typedef_type_info)
| _ -> None
let string_of_qual_type {Clang_ast_t.qt_type_ptr; qt_is_const} =
Printf.sprintf "%s%s" (if qt_is_const then "is_const " else "") (string_of_type_ptr qt_type_ptr)
let add_type_from_decl_ref type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv decl_ref_opt fail_if_not_found =
match decl_ref_opt with (* translate interface first if found *)
| Some dr ->
ignore (type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv (`DeclPtr dr.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer));
| _ -> if fail_if_not_found then assert false else ()
let add_type_from_decl_ref_list type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv decl_ref_list =
let add_elem dr =
ignore (type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv (`DeclPtr dr.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer)) in
IList.iter add_elem decl_ref_list
let get_function_decl_with_body decl_ptr =
let open Clang_ast_t in
let decl_opt = get_decl decl_ptr in
let decl_ptr' = match decl_opt with
| Some (FunctionDecl (_, _, _, fdecl_info))
| Some (CXXMethodDecl (_, _, _, fdecl_info, _))
| Some (CXXConstructorDecl (_, _, _, fdecl_info, _))
| Some (CXXConversionDecl (_, _, _, fdecl_info, _))
| Some (CXXDestructorDecl (_, _, _, fdecl_info, _)) ->
| _ -> Some decl_ptr in
if decl_ptr' = (Some decl_ptr) then decl_opt
else get_decl_opt decl_ptr'
let get_info_from_decl_ref decl_ref =
let name_info = match decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_name with Some ni -> ni | _ -> assert false in
let decl_ptr = decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer in
let type_ptr = match decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_type_ptr with Some tp -> tp | _ -> assert false in
name_info, decl_ptr, type_ptr
(* st |= EF (atomic_pred param) *)
let rec exists_eventually_st atomic_pred param st =
if atomic_pred param st then true
let _, st_list = Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_tuple st in
IList.exists (exists_eventually_st atomic_pred param) st_list
let is_syntactically_global_var decl =
match decl with
| Clang_ast_t.VarDecl (_, _ ,_, vdi) ->
vdi.vdi_is_global && not vdi.vdi_is_static_local
| _ -> false
let is_const_expr_var decl =
match decl with
| Clang_ast_t.VarDecl (_, _ ,_, vdi) -> vdi.vdi_is_const_expr
| _ -> false
let is_ptr_to_objc_class typ class_name =
match typ with
| Some Clang_ast_t.ObjCObjectPointerType (_, {Clang_ast_t.qt_type_ptr}) ->
(match get_desugared_type qt_type_ptr with
| Some ObjCInterfaceType (_, ptr) ->
(match get_decl ptr with
| Some ObjCInterfaceDecl (_, ndi, _, _, _) ->
|||| ndi.ni_name class_name = 0
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let full_name_of_decl_opt decl_opt =
match decl_opt with
| Some decl ->
(match Clang_ast_proj.get_named_decl_tuple decl with
| Some (_, name_info) -> get_qualified_name name_info
| None -> "")
| None -> ""
(* Generates a unique number for each variant of a type. *)
let get_tag ast_item =
let item_rep = Obj.repr ast_item in
if Obj.is_block item_rep then
Obj.tag item_rep
else -(Obj.obj item_rep)
(* Generates a key for a statement based on its sub-statements and the statement tag. *)
let rec generate_key_stmt stmt =
let tag_str = string_of_int (get_tag stmt) in
let _, stmts = Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_tuple stmt in
let tags = generate_key_stmt stmts in
let buffer = Buffer.create 16 in
let tags = tag_str :: tags in
IList.iter (fun tag -> Buffer.add_string buffer tag) tags;
Buffer.contents buffer
(* Generates a key for a declaration based on its name and the declaration tag. *)
let generate_key_decl decl =
let buffer = Buffer.create 16 in
let name = full_name_of_decl_opt (Some decl) in
Buffer.add_string buffer (string_of_int (get_tag decl));
Buffer.add_string buffer name;
Buffer.contents buffer
let rec get_super_if decl =
match decl with
| Some Clang_ast_t.ObjCImplementationDecl(_, _, _, _, impl_decl_info) ->
(* Try getting the super ref through the impl info, and fall back to
getting the if decl first and getting the super ref through it. *)
let super_ref = get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref impl_decl_info.oidi_super in
if Option.is_some super_ref then
get_super_if (get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref impl_decl_info.oidi_class_interface)
| Some Clang_ast_t.ObjCInterfaceDecl(_, _, _, _, interface_decl_info) ->
get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref interface_decl_info.otdi_super
| _ -> None
let get_super_impl impl_decl_info =
let objc_interface_decl_current =
impl_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.oidi_class_interface in
let objc_interface_decl_super = get_super_if objc_interface_decl_current in
let objc_implementation_decl_super =
match objc_interface_decl_super with
| Some ObjCInterfaceDecl(_, _, _, _, interface_decl_info) ->
| _ -> None in
match objc_implementation_decl_super with
| Some ObjCImplementationDecl(_, _, decl_list, _, impl_decl_info) ->
Some (decl_list, impl_decl_info)
| _ -> None
let get_super_ObjCImplementationDecl impl_decl_info =
let objc_interface_decl_current =
impl_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.oidi_class_interface in
let objc_interface_decl_super = get_super_if objc_interface_decl_current in
let objc_implementation_decl_super =
match objc_interface_decl_super with
| Some ObjCInterfaceDecl(_, _, _, _, interface_decl_info) ->
| _ -> None in
let get_impl_decl_info dec =
match dec with
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCImplementationDecl (_, _, _, _, idi) -> Some idi
| _ -> None
let default_blacklist =
let open CFrontend_config in
[nsobject_cl; nsproxy_cl]
let rec is_objc_if_descendant ?(blacklist = default_blacklist) if_decl ancestors =
(* List of ancestors to check for and list of classes to short-circuit to
false can't intersect *)
if not String.Set.(is_empty (inter (of_list blacklist) (of_list ancestors))) then
failwith "Blacklist and ancestors must be mutually exclusive."
match if_decl with
| Some Clang_ast_t.ObjCInterfaceDecl (_, ndi, _, _, _) ->
let in_list some_list =
IList.mem String.equal ndi.Clang_ast_t.ni_name some_list in
not (in_list blacklist)
&& (in_list ancestors
|| is_objc_if_descendant ~blacklist:blacklist (get_super_if if_decl) ancestors)
| _ -> false
let rec type_ptr_to_objc_interface type_ptr =
let typ_opt = get_desugared_type type_ptr in
match (typ_opt : Clang_ast_t.c_type option) with
| Some ObjCInterfaceType (_, decl_ptr) -> get_decl decl_ptr
| Some ObjCObjectPointerType (_, (inner_qual_type: Clang_ast_t.qual_type)) ->
type_ptr_to_objc_interface inner_qual_type.qt_type_ptr
| Some FunctionProtoType (_, function_type_info, _)
| Some FunctionNoProtoType (_, function_type_info) ->
type_ptr_to_objc_interface function_type_info.Clang_ast_t.fti_return_type
| _ -> None
let if_decl_to_di_pointer_opt if_decl =
match if_decl with
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCInterfaceDecl (if_decl_info, _, _, _, _) ->
Some if_decl_info.di_pointer
| _ -> None
let is_instance_type type_ptr =
match name_opt_of_typedef_type_ptr type_ptr with
| Some name -> name = "instancetype"
| None -> false
let return_type_matches_class_type rtp type_decl_pointer =
if is_instance_type rtp then
let return_type_decl_opt = type_ptr_to_objc_interface rtp in
let return_type_decl_pointer_opt =
|||| ~f:if_decl_to_di_pointer_opt return_type_decl_opt in
(Some type_decl_pointer) = return_type_decl_pointer_opt
let is_objc_factory_method if_decl meth_decl =
let if_type_decl_pointer = if_decl_to_di_pointer_opt if_decl in
match meth_decl with
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCMethodDecl (_, _, omdi) ->
(not omdi.omdi_is_instance_method) &&
(return_type_matches_class_type omdi.omdi_result_type if_type_decl_pointer)
| _ -> false
let name_of_decl_ref_opt (decl_ref_opt: Clang_ast_t.decl_ref option) =
match decl_ref_opt with
| Some decl_ref ->
(match decl_ref.dr_name with
| Some named_decl_info -> Some named_decl_info.ni_name
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
(** Functions for transformations of ast nodes *)
val string_of_stmt : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> string
val get_stmts_from_stmt : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> Clang_ast_t.stmt list
val string_of_decl : Clang_ast_t.decl -> string
val string_of_unary_operator_kind : Clang_ast_t.unary_operator_kind -> string
val name_opt_of_name_info_opt : Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info option -> string option
val property_name : Clang_ast_t.obj_c_property_impl_decl_info -> Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info
val compare_property_attribute :
Clang_ast_t.property_attribute -> Clang_ast_t.property_attribute -> int
val generated_ivar_name :
Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info -> Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info
val equal_property_attribute :
Clang_ast_t.property_attribute -> Clang_ast_t.property_attribute -> bool
val get_memory_management_attributes : unit -> Clang_ast_t.property_attribute list
val is_retain : Clang_ast_t.property_attribute option -> bool
val is_copy : Clang_ast_t.property_attribute option -> bool
val is_type_nonnull : Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> bool
val is_type_nullable : Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> bool
val get_fresh_pointer : unit -> Clang_ast_t.pointer
val get_invalid_pointer : unit -> Clang_ast_t.pointer
val type_from_unary_expr_or_type_trait_expr_info :
Clang_ast_t.unary_expr_or_type_trait_expr_info -> Clang_ast_t.type_ptr option
val get_decl : Clang_ast_t.pointer -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
val get_decl_opt : Clang_ast_t.pointer option -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
val get_stmt : Clang_ast_t.pointer -> Clang_ast_t.stmt option
val get_stmt_opt : Clang_ast_t.pointer option -> Clang_ast_t.stmt option
val get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref : Clang_ast_t.decl_ref option -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
val get_property_of_ivar : Clang_ast_t.pointer -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
val update_sil_types_map : Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> Typ.t -> unit
val update_enum_map : Clang_ast_t.pointer -> Exp.t -> unit
val add_enum_constant : Clang_ast_t.pointer -> Clang_ast_t.pointer option -> unit
val get_enum_constant_exp : Clang_ast_t.pointer -> Clang_ast_t.pointer option * Exp.t option
(** returns sanitized, fully qualified name given name info *)
val get_qualified_name : Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info -> string
(** returns sanitized unqualified name given name info *)
val get_unqualified_name : Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info -> string
(** returns qualified class name given member name info *)
val get_class_name_from_member : Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info -> string
(** looks up clang pointer to type and returns c_type. It requires type_ptr to be `TPtr. *)
val get_type : Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> Clang_ast_t.c_type option
(** looks up clang pointer to type and resolves any sugar around it.
See get_type for more info and restrictions *)
val get_desugared_type : Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> Clang_ast_t.c_type option
(** returns declaration of the type for certain types
(RecordType, ObjCInterfaceType and None for others *)
val get_decl_from_typ_ptr : Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
(** returns string representation of type_ptr
NOTE: this doesn't expand type, it only converts type_ptr to string *)
val string_of_type_ptr : Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> string
val name_of_typedef_type_info : Clang_ast_t.typedef_type_info -> string
(** returns name of typedef if type_ptr points to Typedef, None otherwise *)
val name_opt_of_typedef_type_ptr : Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> string option
val string_of_qual_type : Clang_ast_t.qual_type -> string
val make_name_decl : string -> Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info
val make_qual_name_decl : string list -> string -> Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info
type type_ptr_to_sil_type = Tenv.t -> Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> Typ.t
val add_type_from_decl_ref : type_ptr_to_sil_type -> Tenv.t -> Clang_ast_t.decl_ref option ->
bool -> unit
val add_type_from_decl_ref_list : type_ptr_to_sil_type -> Tenv.t -> Clang_ast_t.decl_ref list ->
val get_function_decl_with_body : Clang_ast_t.pointer -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
val get_info_from_decl_ref : Clang_ast_t.decl_ref ->
Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info * Clang_ast_t.pointer * Clang_ast_t.type_ptr
val exists_eventually_st : ('a -> Clang_ast_t.stmt -> bool) -> 'a -> Clang_ast_t.stmt -> bool
(** true if a declaration is a global variable *)
val is_syntactically_global_var : Clang_ast_t.decl -> bool
(** true if a declaration is a constexpr variable *)
val is_const_expr_var : Clang_ast_t.decl -> bool
val is_ptr_to_objc_class : Clang_ast_t.c_type option -> string -> bool
val full_name_of_decl_opt : Clang_ast_t.decl option -> string
(** Generates a key for a statement based on its sub-statements and the statement tag. *)
val generate_key_stmt : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> string
(** Generates a key for a declaration based on its name and the declaration tag. *)
val generate_key_decl : Clang_ast_t.decl -> string
(** Given an objc impl or interface decl, returns the objc interface decl of
the superclass, if any. *)
val get_super_if : Clang_ast_t.decl option -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
val get_impl_decl_info : Clang_ast_t.decl -> Clang_ast_t.obj_c_implementation_decl_info option
(** Given an objc impl decl info, return the super class's list of decls and
its objc impl decl info. *)
val get_super_impl :
Clang_ast_t.obj_c_implementation_decl_info ->
(Clang_ast_t.decl list *
(** Given an objc impl decl info, return its super class implementation decl *)
val get_super_ObjCImplementationDecl :
Clang_ast_t.obj_c_implementation_decl_info -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
(** Recursively go up the inheritance hierarchy of a given ObjCInterfaceDecl.
Returns true if the passed in decl is an objc interface decl that's an
eventual descendant of one of the classes passed in.
Ancestors param is a list of strings that represent the class names.
Will short-circuit on NSObject and NSProxy since those are known to be
common base classes.
The list of classes to short-circuit on can be overridden via specifying
the named `blacklist` argument. *)
val is_objc_if_descendant :
?blacklist:string list -> Clang_ast_t.decl option -> string list -> bool
val type_ptr_to_objc_interface : Clang_ast_types.t_ptr -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
(** A class method that returns an instance of the class is a factory method. *)
val is_objc_factory_method : Clang_ast_t.decl -> Clang_ast_t.decl -> bool
val name_of_decl_ref_opt : Clang_ast_t.decl_ref option -> string option
@ -1,781 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
(** Module for utility functions for the whole frontend. Includes functions for transformations of
ast nodes and general utility functions such as functions on lists *)
module L = Logging
module F = Format
module Ast_utils =
type type_ptr_to_sil_type = Tenv.t -> Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> Typ.t
let string_of_decl decl =
let name = Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_kind_string decl in
let info = Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_tuple decl in
Printf.sprintf "<\"%s\"> '%d'" name info.Clang_ast_t.di_pointer
let string_of_unary_operator_kind = function
| `PostInc -> "PostInc"
| `PostDec -> "PostDec"
| `PreInc -> "PreInc"
| `PreDec -> "PreDec"
| `AddrOf -> "AddrOf"
| `Deref -> "Deref"
| `Plus -> "Plus"
| `Minus -> "Minus"
| `Not -> "Not"
| `LNot -> "LNot"
| `Real -> "Real"
| `Imag -> "Imag"
| `Extension -> "Extension"
| `Coawait -> "Coawait"
let string_of_stmt stmt =
let name = Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_kind_string stmt in
let info, _ = Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_tuple stmt in
Printf.sprintf "<\"%s\"> '%d'" name info.Clang_ast_t.si_pointer
let get_stmts_from_stmt stmt =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match stmt with
| OpaqueValueExpr (_, lstmt, _, opaque_value_expr_info) ->
(match opaque_value_expr_info.Clang_ast_t.ovei_source_expr with
| Some stmt -> lstmt @ [stmt]
| _ -> lstmt)
(* given that this has not been translated, looking up for variables *)
(* inside leads to inconsistencies *)
| ObjCAtCatchStmt _ ->
| _ -> snd (Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_tuple stmt)
let fold_qual_name qual_name_list =
match qual_name_list with
| [] -> ""
| name :: quals ->
let s = (IList.fold_right (fun el res -> res ^ el ^ "::") quals "") ^ name in
let no_slash_space = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "[/ ]") "_" s in
let get_qualified_name name_info =
fold_qual_name name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_qual_name
let get_unqualified_name name_info =
let name = match name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_qual_name with
| name :: _ -> name
| [] -> name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
fold_qual_name [name]
let get_class_name_from_member member_name_info =
match member_name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_qual_name with
| _ :: class_qual_list -> fold_qual_name class_qual_list
| [] -> assert false
let make_name_decl name = {
Clang_ast_t.ni_name = name;
ni_qual_name = [name];
let make_qual_name_decl class_name_quals name = {
Clang_ast_t.ni_name = name;
ni_qual_name = name :: class_name_quals;
let property_name property_impl_decl_info =
let no_property_name = make_name_decl "WARNING_NO_PROPERTY_NAME" in
match property_impl_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.opidi_property_decl with
| Some decl_ref ->
(match decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_name with
| Some n -> n
| _ -> no_property_name)
| None -> no_property_name
let generated_ivar_name property_name =
match property_name.Clang_ast_t.ni_qual_name with
| [name; class_name] ->
let ivar_name = "_" ^ name in
{ Clang_ast_t.ni_name = ivar_name;
ni_qual_name = [ivar_name; class_name]
| _ -> make_name_decl property_name.Clang_ast_t.ni_name
let compare_property_attribute =
[%compare: [
`Readonly | `Assign | `Readwrite | `Retain | `Copy | `Nonatomic | `Atomic
| `Weak | `Strong | `Unsafe_unretained | `ExplicitGetter | `ExplicitSetter
let equal_property_attribute att1 att2 =
compare_property_attribute att1 att2 = 0
let get_memory_management_attributes () =
[`Assign; `Retain; `Copy; `Weak; `Strong; `Unsafe_unretained]
let is_retain attribute_opt =
match attribute_opt with
| Some attribute ->
attribute = `Retain || attribute = `Strong
| _ -> false
let is_copy attribute_opt =
match attribute_opt with
| Some attribute ->
attribute = `Copy
| _ -> false
let name_opt_of_name_info_opt name_info_opt =
match name_info_opt with
| Some name_info -> Some (get_qualified_name name_info)
| None -> None
let pointer_counter = ref 0
let get_fresh_pointer () =
pointer_counter := !pointer_counter + 1;
let internal_pointer = -(!pointer_counter) in
let get_invalid_pointer () =
let type_from_unary_expr_or_type_trait_expr_info info =
match info.Clang_ast_t.uttei_type_ptr with
| Some tp -> Some tp
| None -> None
let get_decl decl_ptr =
Some (Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.find decl_ptr !CFrontend_config.pointer_decl_index)
with Not_found -> Logging.out "decl with pointer %d not found\n" decl_ptr; None
let get_decl_opt decl_ptr_opt =
match decl_ptr_opt with
| Some decl_ptr -> get_decl decl_ptr
| None -> None
let get_stmt stmt_ptr =
Some (Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.find stmt_ptr !CFrontend_config.pointer_stmt_index)
with Not_found -> Logging.out "stmt with pointer %d not found\n" stmt_ptr; None
let get_stmt_opt stmt_ptr_opt =
match stmt_ptr_opt with
| Some stmt_ptr -> get_stmt stmt_ptr
| None -> None
let get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref decl_ref_opt =
match decl_ref_opt with
| Some decl_ref -> get_decl decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer
| None -> None
let get_property_of_ivar decl_ptr =
Some (Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.find decl_ptr !CFrontend_config.ivar_to_property_index)
with Not_found -> Logging.out "property with pointer %d not found\n" decl_ptr; None
let update_sil_types_map type_ptr sil_type =
CFrontend_config.sil_types_map :=
Clang_ast_types.TypePointerMap.add type_ptr sil_type !CFrontend_config.sil_types_map
let update_enum_map enum_constant_pointer sil_exp =
let open Clang_ast_main in
let (predecessor_pointer_opt, _) =
try PointerMap.find enum_constant_pointer !CFrontend_config.enum_map
with Not_found -> assert false in
let enum_map_value = (predecessor_pointer_opt, Some sil_exp) in
CFrontend_config.enum_map :=
PointerMap.add enum_constant_pointer enum_map_value !CFrontend_config.enum_map
let add_enum_constant enum_constant_pointer predecessor_pointer_opt =
let enum_map_value = (predecessor_pointer_opt, None) in
CFrontend_config.enum_map :=
Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.add enum_constant_pointer enum_map_value !CFrontend_config.enum_map
let get_enum_constant_exp enum_constant_pointer =
Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.find enum_constant_pointer !CFrontend_config.enum_map
let get_type type_ptr =
(* There is chance for success only if type_ptr is in fact clang pointer *)
(let raw_ptr = Clang_ast_types.type_ptr_to_clang_pointer type_ptr in
Some (Clang_ast_main.PointerMap.find raw_ptr !CFrontend_config.pointer_type_index)
with Not_found -> Logging.out "type with pointer %d not found\n" raw_ptr; None)
with Clang_ast_types.Not_Clang_Pointer ->
(* otherwise, function fails *)
let type_str = Clang_ast_types.type_ptr_to_string type_ptr in
Logging.out "type %s is not clang pointer\n" type_str;
let get_desugared_type type_ptr =
let typ_opt = get_type type_ptr in
match typ_opt with
| Some typ ->
let type_info = Clang_ast_proj.get_type_tuple typ in
(match type_info.Clang_ast_t.ti_desugared_type with
| Some ptr -> get_type ptr
| _ -> typ_opt)
| _ -> typ_opt
let get_decl_from_typ_ptr typ_ptr =
let typ_opt = get_desugared_type typ_ptr in
let typ = match typ_opt with Some t -> t | _ -> assert false in
match typ with
| Clang_ast_t.RecordType (_, decl_ptr)
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCInterfaceType (_, decl_ptr) -> get_decl decl_ptr
| _ -> None
(*TODO take the attributes into account too. To be done after we get the attribute's arguments. *)
let is_type_nonnull type_ptr =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match get_type type_ptr with
| Some AttributedType (_, attr_info) -> attr_info.ati_attr_kind = `Nonnull
| _ -> false
let is_type_nullable type_ptr =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match get_type type_ptr with
| Some AttributedType (_, attr_info) -> attr_info.ati_attr_kind = `Nullable
| _ -> false
let string_of_type_ptr type_ptr = Clang_ast_j.string_of_type_ptr type_ptr
let name_of_typedef_type_info {Clang_ast_t.tti_decl_ptr} =
match get_decl tti_decl_ptr with
| Some TypedefDecl (_, name_decl_info, _, _, _) ->
get_qualified_name name_decl_info
| _ -> ""
let name_opt_of_typedef_type_ptr type_ptr =
match get_type type_ptr with
| Some Clang_ast_t.TypedefType (_, typedef_type_info) ->
Some (name_of_typedef_type_info typedef_type_info)
| _ -> None
let string_of_qual_type {Clang_ast_t.qt_type_ptr; qt_is_const} =
Printf.sprintf "%s%s" (if qt_is_const then "is_const " else "") (string_of_type_ptr qt_type_ptr)
let add_type_from_decl_ref type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv decl_ref_opt fail_if_not_found =
match decl_ref_opt with (* translate interface first if found *)
| Some dr ->
ignore (type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv (`DeclPtr dr.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer));
| _ -> if fail_if_not_found then assert false else ()
let add_type_from_decl_ref_list type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv decl_ref_list =
let add_elem dr =
ignore (type_ptr_to_sil_type tenv (`DeclPtr dr.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer)) in
IList.iter add_elem decl_ref_list
let get_function_decl_with_body decl_ptr =
let open Clang_ast_t in
let decl_opt = get_decl decl_ptr in
let decl_ptr' = match decl_opt with
| Some (FunctionDecl (_, _, _, fdecl_info))
| Some (CXXMethodDecl (_, _, _, fdecl_info, _))
| Some (CXXConstructorDecl (_, _, _, fdecl_info, _))
| Some (CXXConversionDecl (_, _, _, fdecl_info, _))
| Some (CXXDestructorDecl (_, _, _, fdecl_info, _)) ->
| _ -> Some decl_ptr in
if decl_ptr' = (Some decl_ptr) then decl_opt
else get_decl_opt decl_ptr'
let get_info_from_decl_ref decl_ref =
let name_info = match decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_name with Some ni -> ni | _ -> assert false in
let decl_ptr = decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer in
let type_ptr = match decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_type_ptr with Some tp -> tp | _ -> assert false in
name_info, decl_ptr, type_ptr
(* st |= EF (atomic_pred param) *)
let rec exists_eventually_st atomic_pred param st =
if atomic_pred param st then true
let _, st_list = Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_tuple st in
IList.exists (exists_eventually_st atomic_pred param) st_list
let is_syntactically_global_var decl =
match decl with
| Clang_ast_t.VarDecl (_, _ ,_, vdi) ->
vdi.vdi_is_global && not vdi.vdi_is_static_local
| _ -> false
let is_const_expr_var decl =
match decl with
| Clang_ast_t.VarDecl (_, _ ,_, vdi) -> vdi.vdi_is_const_expr
| _ -> false
let is_ptr_to_objc_class typ class_name =
match typ with
| Some Clang_ast_t.ObjCObjectPointerType (_, {Clang_ast_t.qt_type_ptr}) ->
(match get_desugared_type qt_type_ptr with
| Some ObjCInterfaceType (_, ptr) ->
(match get_decl ptr with
| Some ObjCInterfaceDecl (_, ndi, _, _, _) ->
|||| ndi.ni_name class_name = 0
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false
let full_name_of_decl_opt decl_opt =
match decl_opt with
| Some decl ->
(match Clang_ast_proj.get_named_decl_tuple decl with
| Some (_, name_info) -> get_qualified_name name_info
| None -> "")
| None -> ""
(* Generates a unique number for each variant of a type. *)
let get_tag ast_item =
let item_rep = Obj.repr ast_item in
if Obj.is_block item_rep then
Obj.tag item_rep
else -(Obj.obj item_rep)
(* Generates a key for a statement based on its sub-statements and the statement tag. *)
let rec generate_key_stmt stmt =
let tag_str = string_of_int (get_tag stmt) in
let _, stmts = Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_tuple stmt in
let tags = generate_key_stmt stmts in
let buffer = Buffer.create 16 in
let tags = tag_str :: tags in
IList.iter (fun tag -> Buffer.add_string buffer tag) tags;
Buffer.contents buffer
(* Generates a key for a declaration based on its name and the declaration tag. *)
let generate_key_decl decl =
let buffer = Buffer.create 16 in
let name = full_name_of_decl_opt (Some decl) in
Buffer.add_string buffer (string_of_int (get_tag decl));
Buffer.add_string buffer name;
Buffer.contents buffer
let rec get_super_if decl =
match decl with
| Some Clang_ast_t.ObjCImplementationDecl(_, _, _, _, impl_decl_info) ->
(* Try getting the super ref through the impl info, and fall back to
getting the if decl first and getting the super ref through it. *)
let super_ref = get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref impl_decl_info.oidi_super in
if Option.is_some super_ref then
get_super_if (get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref impl_decl_info.oidi_class_interface)
| Some Clang_ast_t.ObjCInterfaceDecl(_, _, _, _, interface_decl_info) ->
get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref interface_decl_info.otdi_super
| _ -> None
let get_super_impl impl_decl_info =
let objc_interface_decl_current =
impl_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.oidi_class_interface in
let objc_interface_decl_super = get_super_if objc_interface_decl_current in
let objc_implementation_decl_super =
match objc_interface_decl_super with
| Some ObjCInterfaceDecl(_, _, _, _, interface_decl_info) ->
| _ -> None in
match objc_implementation_decl_super with
| Some ObjCImplementationDecl(_, _, decl_list, _, impl_decl_info) ->
Some (decl_list, impl_decl_info)
| _ -> None
let get_super_ObjCImplementationDecl impl_decl_info =
let objc_interface_decl_current =
impl_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.oidi_class_interface in
let objc_interface_decl_super = get_super_if objc_interface_decl_current in
let objc_implementation_decl_super =
match objc_interface_decl_super with
| Some ObjCInterfaceDecl(_, _, _, _, interface_decl_info) ->
| _ -> None in
let get_impl_decl_info dec =
match dec with
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCImplementationDecl (_, _, _, _, idi) -> Some idi
| _ -> None
let default_blacklist =
let open CFrontend_config in
[nsobject_cl; nsproxy_cl]
let rec is_objc_if_descendant ?(blacklist = default_blacklist) if_decl ancestors =
(* List of ancestors to check for and list of classes to short-circuit to
false can't intersect *)
if not String.Set.(is_empty (inter (of_list blacklist) (of_list ancestors))) then
failwith "Blacklist and ancestors must be mutually exclusive."
match if_decl with
| Some Clang_ast_t.ObjCInterfaceDecl (_, ndi, _, _, _) ->
let in_list some_list =
IList.mem String.equal ndi.Clang_ast_t.ni_name some_list in
not (in_list blacklist)
&& (in_list ancestors
|| is_objc_if_descendant ~blacklist:blacklist (get_super_if if_decl) ancestors)
| _ -> false
let rec type_ptr_to_objc_interface type_ptr =
let typ_opt = get_desugared_type type_ptr in
match (typ_opt : Clang_ast_t.c_type option) with
| Some ObjCInterfaceType (_, decl_ptr) -> get_decl decl_ptr
| Some ObjCObjectPointerType (_, (inner_qual_type: Clang_ast_t.qual_type)) ->
type_ptr_to_objc_interface inner_qual_type.qt_type_ptr
| Some FunctionProtoType (_, function_type_info, _)
| Some FunctionNoProtoType (_, function_type_info) ->
type_ptr_to_objc_interface function_type_info.Clang_ast_t.fti_return_type
| _ -> None
let if_decl_to_di_pointer_opt if_decl =
match if_decl with
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCInterfaceDecl (if_decl_info, _, _, _, _) ->
Some if_decl_info.di_pointer
| _ -> None
let is_instance_type type_ptr =
match name_opt_of_typedef_type_ptr type_ptr with
| Some name -> name = "instancetype"
| None -> false
let return_type_matches_class_type rtp type_decl_pointer =
if is_instance_type rtp then
let return_type_decl_opt = type_ptr_to_objc_interface rtp in
let return_type_decl_pointer_opt =
|||| ~f:if_decl_to_di_pointer_opt return_type_decl_opt in
(Some type_decl_pointer) = return_type_decl_pointer_opt
let is_objc_factory_method if_decl meth_decl =
let if_type_decl_pointer = if_decl_to_di_pointer_opt if_decl in
match meth_decl with
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCMethodDecl (_, _, omdi) ->
(not omdi.omdi_is_instance_method) &&
(return_type_matches_class_type omdi.omdi_result_type if_type_decl_pointer)
| _ -> false
let name_of_decl_ref_opt (decl_ref_opt: Clang_ast_t.decl_ref option) =
match decl_ref_opt with
| Some decl_ref ->
(match decl_ref.dr_name with
| Some named_decl_info -> Some named_decl_info.ni_name
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None
let rec getter_attribute_opt attributes =
match attributes with
| [] -> None
| attr:: rest ->
match attr with
| `Getter getter -> getter.Clang_ast_t.dr_name
| _ -> (getter_attribute_opt rest)
let rec setter_attribute_opt attributes =
match attributes with
| [] -> None
| attr:: rest ->
match attr with
| `Setter setter -> setter.Clang_ast_t.dr_name
| _ -> (setter_attribute_opt rest)
(* Global counter for anonymous block*)
let block_counter = ref 0
(* Returns a fresh index for a new anonymous block *)
let get_fresh_block_index () =
block_counter := !block_counter +1;
module General_utils =
type var_info = Clang_ast_t.decl_info * Clang_ast_t.qual_type * Clang_ast_t.var_decl_info * bool
let rec swap_elements_list l =
match l with
| el1:: el2:: rest ->
el2:: el1:: (swap_elements_list rest)
| [] -> []
| _ -> assert false
let rec string_from_list l =
match l with
| [] -> ""
| [item] -> item
| item:: l' -> item^" "^(string_from_list l')
let rec append_no_duplicates eq list1 list2 =
match list2 with
| el:: rest2 ->
if (IList.mem eq el list1) then
(append_no_duplicates eq list1 rest2)
else (append_no_duplicates eq list1 rest2)@[el]
| [] -> list1
let append_no_duplicates_csu list1 list2 =
append_no_duplicates Typename.equal list1 list2
let append_no_duplicates_methods list1 list2 =
append_no_duplicates Procname.equal list1 list2
let append_no_duplicated_vars list1 list2 =
let eq (m1, t1) (m2, t2) = (Mangled.equal m1 m2) && (Typ.equal t1 t2) in
append_no_duplicates eq list1 list2
let append_no_duplicates_annotations list1 list2 =
let eq (annot1, _) (annot2, _) = annot1.Annot.class_name = annot2.Annot.class_name in
append_no_duplicates eq list1 list2
let add_no_duplicates_fields field_tuple l =
let rec replace_field field_tuple l found =
match field_tuple, l with
| (field, typ, annot), ((old_field, old_typ, old_annot) as old_field_tuple :: rest) ->
let ret_list, ret_found = replace_field field_tuple rest found in
if Ident.equal_fieldname field old_field && Typ.equal typ old_typ then
let annotations = append_no_duplicates_annotations annot old_annot in
(field, typ, annotations) :: ret_list, true
else old_field_tuple :: ret_list, ret_found
| _, [] -> [], found in
let new_list, found = replace_field field_tuple l false in
if found then new_list
else field_tuple :: l
let rec append_no_duplicates_fields list1 list2 =
match list1 with
| field_tuple :: rest ->
let updated_list2 = append_no_duplicates_fields rest list2 in
add_no_duplicates_fields field_tuple updated_list2
| [] -> list2
let sort_fields fields =
let compare (name1, _, _) (name2, _, _) =
Ident.compare_fieldname name1 name2 in
IList.sort compare fields
let sort_fields_tenv tenv =
let sort_fields_struct name ({StructTyp.fields} as st) =
ignore (Tenv.mk_struct tenv ~default:st ~fields:(sort_fields fields) name) in
Tenv.iter sort_fields_struct tenv
let rec collect_list_tuples l (a, a1, b, c, d) =
match l with
| [] -> (a, a1, b, c, d)
| (a', a1', b', c', d'):: l' -> collect_list_tuples l' (a@a', a1@a1', b@b', c@c', d@d')
let is_static_var var_decl_info =
match var_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.vdi_storage_class with
| Some sc -> sc = CFrontend_config.static
| _ -> false
let block_procname_with_index defining_proc i =
Config.anonymous_block_prefix^(Procname.to_string defining_proc)^Config.anonymous_block_num_sep^(string_of_int i)
(* Makes a fresh name for a block defined inside the defining procedure.*)
(* It updates the global block_counter *)
let mk_fresh_block_procname defining_proc =
let name = block_procname_with_index defining_proc (get_fresh_block_index ()) in
Procname.mangled_objc_block name
(* Returns the next fresh name for a block defined inside the defining procedure *)
(* It does not update the global block_counter *)
let get_next_block_pvar defining_proc =
let name = block_procname_with_index defining_proc (!block_counter +1) in
Pvar.mk_tmp name defining_proc
(* Reset block counter *)
let reset_block_counter () =
block_counter := 0
let rec zip xs ys =
match xs, ys with
| [], _
| _, [] -> []
| x :: xs, y :: ys -> (x, y) :: zip xs ys
let list_range i j =
let rec aux n acc =
if n < i then acc else aux (n -1) (n :: acc)
in aux j [] ;;
let replicate n el = (fun _ -> el) (list_range 0 (n -1))
let mk_class_field_name field_qual_name =
let field_name = field_qual_name.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
let class_name = Ast_utils.get_class_name_from_member field_qual_name in
Ident.create_fieldname (Mangled.mangled field_name class_name) 0
let is_cpp_translation translation_unit_context =
let lang = translation_unit_context.CFrontend_config.lang in
lang = CFrontend_config.CPP || lang = CFrontend_config.ObjCPP
let is_objc_extension translation_unit_context =
let lang = translation_unit_context.CFrontend_config.lang in
lang = CFrontend_config.ObjC || lang = CFrontend_config.ObjCPP
let rec get_mangled_method_name function_decl_info method_decl_info =
(* For virtual methods return mangled name of the method from most base class
Go recursively until there is no method in any parent class. All names
of the same method need to be the same, otherwise dynamic dispatch won't
work. *)
let open Clang_ast_t in
match method_decl_info.xmdi_overriden_methods with
| [] -> function_decl_info.fdi_mangled_name
| base1_dr :: _ ->
(let base1 = match Ast_utils.get_decl base1_dr.dr_decl_pointer with
| Some b -> b
| _ -> assert false in
match base1 with
| CXXMethodDecl (_, _, _, fdi, mdi)
| CXXConstructorDecl (_, _, _, fdi, mdi)
| CXXConversionDecl (_, _, _, fdi, mdi)
| CXXDestructorDecl (_, _, _, fdi, mdi) ->
get_mangled_method_name fdi mdi
| _ -> assert false)
let mk_procname_from_function translation_unit_context name function_decl_info_opt =
let file =
match function_decl_info_opt with
| Some (decl_info, function_decl_info) ->
(match function_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.fdi_storage_class with
| Some "static" ->
let file_opt = (fst decl_info.Clang_ast_t.di_source_range).Clang_ast_t.sl_file in
Option.value_map ~f:SourceFile.to_string ~default:"" file_opt
| _ -> "")
| None -> "" in
let mangled_opt = match function_decl_info_opt with
| Some (_, function_decl_info) -> function_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.fdi_mangled_name
| _ -> None in
let mangled_name =
match mangled_opt with
| Some m when is_cpp_translation translation_unit_context -> m
| _ -> "" in
let mangled = (Utils.string_crc_hex32 file) ^ mangled_name in
if String.length file = 0 && String.length mangled_name = 0 then
Procname.from_string_c_fun name
Procname.C (Procname.c name mangled)
let mk_procname_from_objc_method class_name method_name method_kind =
(Procname.objc_cpp class_name method_name method_kind)
let mk_procname_from_cpp_method class_name method_name ?meth_decl mangled =
let method_kind = match meth_decl with
| Some (Clang_ast_t.CXXConstructorDecl (_, _, _, _, {xmdi_is_constexpr})) ->
Procname.CPPConstructor (mangled, xmdi_is_constexpr)
| _ ->
Procname.CPPMethod mangled in
(Procname.objc_cpp class_name method_name method_kind)
let get_objc_method_name name_info mdi class_name =
let method_name = name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
let is_instance = mdi.Clang_ast_t.omdi_is_instance_method in
let method_kind = Procname.objc_method_kind_of_bool is_instance in
mk_procname_from_objc_method class_name method_name method_kind
let procname_of_decl translation_unit_context meth_decl =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match meth_decl with
| FunctionDecl (decl_info, name_info, _, fdi) ->
let name = Ast_utils.get_qualified_name name_info in
let function_info = Some (decl_info, fdi) in
mk_procname_from_function translation_unit_context name function_info
| CXXMethodDecl (_, name_info, _, fdi, mdi)
| CXXConstructorDecl (_, name_info, _, fdi, mdi)
| CXXConversionDecl (_, name_info, _, fdi, mdi)
| CXXDestructorDecl (_, name_info, _, fdi, mdi) ->
let mangled = get_mangled_method_name fdi mdi in
let method_name = Ast_utils.get_unqualified_name name_info in
let class_name = Ast_utils.get_class_name_from_member name_info in
mk_procname_from_cpp_method class_name method_name ~meth_decl mangled
| ObjCMethodDecl (_, name_info, mdi) ->
let class_name = Ast_utils.get_class_name_from_member name_info in
get_objc_method_name name_info mdi class_name
| BlockDecl _ ->
let name = Config.anonymous_block_prefix ^ Config.anonymous_block_num_sep ^
(string_of_int (get_fresh_block_index ())) in
Procname.mangled_objc_block name
| _ -> assert false
let get_var_name_mangled name_info var_decl_info =
let clang_name = Ast_utils.get_qualified_name name_info in
let param_idx_opt = var_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.vdi_parm_index_in_function in
let name_string =
match clang_name, param_idx_opt with
| "", Some index -> "__param_" ^ string_of_int index
| "", None -> assert false
| _ -> clang_name in
let mangled = match param_idx_opt with
| Some index -> Mangled.mangled name_string (string_of_int index)
| None -> Mangled.from_string name_string in
name_string, mangled
let mk_sil_global_var {CFrontend_config.source_file} ?(mk_name=fun _ x -> x)
named_decl_info var_decl_info qt =
let name_string, simple_name = get_var_name_mangled named_decl_info var_decl_info in
let translation_unit =
match (var_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.vdi_storage_class,
var_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.vdi_init_expr) with
| Some "extern", None ->
(* some compilers simply disregard "extern" when the global is given some initialisation
code, which is why we make sure that [vdi_init_expr] is None here... *)
| _ ->
source_file in
let is_constexpr = var_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.vdi_is_const_expr in
let is_pod =
Ast_utils.get_desugared_type qt.Clang_ast_t.qt_type_ptr
|> Fn.flip Option.bind (function
| Clang_ast_t.RecordType(_, decl_ptr) -> Ast_utils.get_decl decl_ptr
| _ -> None)
|> Option.value_map ~default:true ~f:(function
| Clang_ast_t.CXXRecordDecl(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, {xrdi_is_pod})
| Clang_ast_t.ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, {xrdi_is_pod}, _) ->
| _ -> true) in
Pvar.mk_global ~is_constexpr ~is_pod
(mk_name name_string simple_name) translation_unit
let mk_sil_var trans_unit_ctx named_decl_info decl_info_type_ptr_opt procname outer_procname =
match decl_info_type_ptr_opt with
| Some (decl_info, qt, var_decl_info, should_be_mangled) ->
let name_string, simple_name = get_var_name_mangled named_decl_info var_decl_info in
if var_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.vdi_is_global then
let mk_name =
if var_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.vdi_is_static_local then
Some (fun name_string _ ->
Mangled.from_string ((Procname.to_string outer_procname) ^ "_" ^ name_string))
else None in
mk_sil_global_var trans_unit_ctx ?mk_name named_decl_info var_decl_info qt
else if not should_be_mangled then simple_name procname
let start_location = fst decl_info.Clang_ast_t.di_source_range in
let line_opt = start_location.Clang_ast_t.sl_line in
let line_str = match line_opt with | Some line -> string_of_int line | None -> "" in
let mangled = Utils.string_crc_hex32 line_str in
let mangled_name = Mangled.mangled name_string mangled in
|||| mangled_name procname
| None ->
let name_string = Ast_utils.get_qualified_name named_decl_info in
|||| (Mangled.from_string name_string) procname
@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
(** Module for utility functions for the whole frontend. Includes functions for transformations of
ast nodes and general utility functions such as functions on lists *)
module Ast_utils :
val string_of_stmt : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> string
val get_stmts_from_stmt : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> Clang_ast_t.stmt list
val string_of_decl : Clang_ast_t.decl -> string
val string_of_unary_operator_kind : Clang_ast_t.unary_operator_kind -> string
val name_opt_of_name_info_opt : Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info option -> string option
val property_name : Clang_ast_t.obj_c_property_impl_decl_info -> Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info
val compare_property_attribute :
Clang_ast_t.property_attribute -> Clang_ast_t.property_attribute -> int
val generated_ivar_name :
Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info -> Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info
val equal_property_attribute :
Clang_ast_t.property_attribute -> Clang_ast_t.property_attribute -> bool
val get_memory_management_attributes : unit -> Clang_ast_t.property_attribute list
val is_retain : Clang_ast_t.property_attribute option -> bool
val is_copy : Clang_ast_t.property_attribute option -> bool
val is_type_nonnull : Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> bool
val is_type_nullable : Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> bool
val get_fresh_pointer : unit -> Clang_ast_t.pointer
val get_invalid_pointer : unit -> Clang_ast_t.pointer
val type_from_unary_expr_or_type_trait_expr_info :
Clang_ast_t.unary_expr_or_type_trait_expr_info -> Clang_ast_t.type_ptr option
val get_decl : Clang_ast_t.pointer -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
val get_decl_opt : Clang_ast_t.pointer option -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
val get_stmt : Clang_ast_t.pointer -> Clang_ast_t.stmt option
val get_stmt_opt : Clang_ast_t.pointer option -> Clang_ast_t.stmt option
val get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref : Clang_ast_t.decl_ref option -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
val get_property_of_ivar : Clang_ast_t.pointer -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
val update_sil_types_map : Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> Typ.t -> unit
val update_enum_map : Clang_ast_t.pointer -> Exp.t -> unit
val add_enum_constant : Clang_ast_t.pointer -> Clang_ast_t.pointer option -> unit
val get_enum_constant_exp : Clang_ast_t.pointer -> Clang_ast_t.pointer option * Exp.t option
(** returns sanitized, fully qualified name given name info *)
val get_qualified_name : Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info -> string
(** returns sanitized unqualified name given name info *)
val get_unqualified_name : Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info -> string
(** returns qualified class name given member name info *)
val get_class_name_from_member : Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info -> string
(** looks up clang pointer to type and returns c_type. It requires type_ptr to be `TPtr. *)
val get_type : Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> Clang_ast_t.c_type option
(** looks up clang pointer to type and resolves any sugar around it.
See get_type for more info and restrictions *)
val get_desugared_type : Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> Clang_ast_t.c_type option
(** returns declaration of the type for certain types
(RecordType, ObjCInterfaceType and None for others *)
val get_decl_from_typ_ptr : Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
(** returns string representation of type_ptr
NOTE: this doesn't expand type, it only converts type_ptr to string *)
val string_of_type_ptr : Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> string
val name_of_typedef_type_info : Clang_ast_t.typedef_type_info -> string
(** returns name of typedef if type_ptr points to Typedef, None otherwise *)
val name_opt_of_typedef_type_ptr : Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> string option
val string_of_qual_type : Clang_ast_t.qual_type -> string
val make_name_decl : string -> Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info
val make_qual_name_decl : string list -> string -> Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info
type type_ptr_to_sil_type = Tenv.t -> Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> Typ.t
val add_type_from_decl_ref : type_ptr_to_sil_type -> Tenv.t -> Clang_ast_t.decl_ref option ->
bool -> unit
val add_type_from_decl_ref_list : type_ptr_to_sil_type -> Tenv.t -> Clang_ast_t.decl_ref list ->
val get_function_decl_with_body : Clang_ast_t.pointer -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
val get_info_from_decl_ref : Clang_ast_t.decl_ref ->
Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info * Clang_ast_t.pointer * Clang_ast_t.type_ptr
val exists_eventually_st : ('a -> Clang_ast_t.stmt -> bool) -> 'a -> Clang_ast_t.stmt -> bool
(** true if a declaration is a global variable *)
val is_syntactically_global_var : Clang_ast_t.decl -> bool
(** true if a declaration is a constexpr variable *)
val is_const_expr_var : Clang_ast_t.decl -> bool
val is_ptr_to_objc_class : Clang_ast_t.c_type option -> string -> bool
val full_name_of_decl_opt : Clang_ast_t.decl option -> string
(** Generates a key for a statement based on its sub-statements and the statement tag. *)
val generate_key_stmt : Clang_ast_t.stmt -> string
(** Generates a key for a declaration based on its name and the declaration tag. *)
val generate_key_decl : Clang_ast_t.decl -> string
(** Given an objc impl or interface decl, returns the objc interface decl of
the superclass, if any. *)
val get_super_if : Clang_ast_t.decl option -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
val get_impl_decl_info : Clang_ast_t.decl -> Clang_ast_t.obj_c_implementation_decl_info option
(** Given an objc impl decl info, return the super class's list of decls and
its objc impl decl info. *)
val get_super_impl :
Clang_ast_t.obj_c_implementation_decl_info ->
(Clang_ast_t.decl list *
(** Given an objc impl decl info, return its super class implementation decl *)
val get_super_ObjCImplementationDecl :
Clang_ast_t.obj_c_implementation_decl_info -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
(** Recursively go up the inheritance hierarchy of a given ObjCInterfaceDecl.
Returns true if the passed in decl is an objc interface decl that's an
eventual descendant of one of the classes passed in.
Ancestors param is a list of strings that represent the class names.
Will short-circuit on NSObject and NSProxy since those are known to be
common base classes.
The list of classes to short-circuit on can be overridden via specifying
the named `blacklist` argument. *)
val is_objc_if_descendant :
?blacklist:string list -> Clang_ast_t.decl option -> string list -> bool
val type_ptr_to_objc_interface : Clang_ast_types.t_ptr -> Clang_ast_t.decl option
(** A class method that returns an instance of the class is a factory method. *)
val is_objc_factory_method : Clang_ast_t.decl -> Clang_ast_t.decl -> bool
val name_of_decl_ref_opt : Clang_ast_t.decl_ref option -> string option
module General_utils :
type var_info = Clang_ast_t.decl_info * Clang_ast_t.qual_type * Clang_ast_t.var_decl_info * bool
val string_from_list : string list -> string
val append_no_duplicates_fields : (Ident.fieldname * Typ.t * Annot.Item.t) list ->
(Ident.fieldname * Typ.t * Annot.Item.t) list ->
(Ident.fieldname * Typ.t * Annot.Item.t) list
val append_no_duplicates_csu :
Typename.t list -> Typename.t list -> Typename.t list
val append_no_duplicates_methods : Procname.t list -> Procname.t list -> Procname.t list
val append_no_duplicated_vars :
(Mangled.t * Typ.t) list -> (Mangled.t * Typ.t) list -> (Mangled.t * Typ.t) list
val sort_fields :
(Ident.fieldname * Typ.t * Annot.Item.t) list ->
(Ident.fieldname * Typ.t * Annot.Item.t) list
val sort_fields_tenv : Tenv.t -> unit
val collect_list_tuples : ('a list * 'b list * 'c list * 'd list * 'e list) list ->
'a list * 'b list * 'c list * 'd list * 'e list ->
'a list * 'b list * 'c list * 'd list * 'e list
val swap_elements_list : 'a list -> 'a list
val is_static_var : Clang_ast_t.var_decl_info -> bool
val mk_fresh_block_procname : Procname.t -> Procname.t
val get_next_block_pvar : Procname.t -> Pvar.t
val reset_block_counter : unit -> unit
val zip: 'a list -> 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list
val list_range: int -> int -> int list
val replicate: int -> 'a -> 'a list
val mk_procname_from_objc_method : string -> string -> Procname.objc_cpp_method_kind -> Procname.t
val mk_procname_from_function : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context -> string
-> (Clang_ast_t.decl_info * Clang_ast_t.function_decl_info) option -> Procname.t
val get_mangled_method_name : Clang_ast_t.function_decl_info ->
Clang_ast_t.cxx_method_decl_info -> string option
val mk_procname_from_cpp_method :
string -> string -> ?meth_decl:Clang_ast_t.decl -> string option -> Procname.t
val procname_of_decl : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context -> Clang_ast_t.decl -> Procname.t
val mk_class_field_name : Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info -> Ident.fieldname
val get_var_name_mangled : Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info -> Clang_ast_t.var_decl_info ->
(string * Mangled.t)
val mk_sil_global_var : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context ->
?mk_name:(string -> Mangled.t -> Mangled.t) ->
Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info -> Clang_ast_t.var_decl_info -> Clang_ast_t.qual_type -> Pvar.t
val mk_sil_var : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context -> Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info ->
var_info option -> Procname.t -> Procname.t -> Pvar.t
(** true if the current language is C++ or ObjC++ *)
val is_cpp_translation : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context -> bool
(** true if the current language is ObjC or ObjC++ *)
val is_objc_extension : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context -> bool
@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
(** General utility functions such as functions on lists *)
module L = Logging
module F = Format
type var_info = Clang_ast_t.decl_info * Clang_ast_t.qual_type * Clang_ast_t.var_decl_info * bool
let rec swap_elements_list l =
match l with
| el1:: el2:: rest ->
el2:: el1:: (swap_elements_list rest)
| [] -> []
| _ -> assert false
let rec string_from_list l =
match l with
| [] -> ""
| [item] -> item
| item:: l' -> item^" "^(string_from_list l')
let rec append_no_duplicates eq list1 list2 =
match list2 with
| el:: rest2 ->
if (IList.mem eq el list1) then
(append_no_duplicates eq list1 rest2)
else (append_no_duplicates eq list1 rest2)@[el]
| [] -> list1
let append_no_duplicates_csu list1 list2 =
append_no_duplicates Typename.equal list1 list2
let append_no_duplicates_methods list1 list2 =
append_no_duplicates Procname.equal list1 list2
let append_no_duplicates_annotations list1 list2 =
let eq (annot1, _) (annot2, _) = annot1.Annot.class_name = annot2.Annot.class_name in
append_no_duplicates eq list1 list2
let add_no_duplicates_fields field_tuple l =
let rec replace_field field_tuple l found =
match field_tuple, l with
| (field, typ, annot), ((old_field, old_typ, old_annot) as old_field_tuple :: rest) ->
let ret_list, ret_found = replace_field field_tuple rest found in
if Ident.equal_fieldname field old_field && Typ.equal typ old_typ then
let annotations = append_no_duplicates_annotations annot old_annot in
(field, typ, annotations) :: ret_list, true
else old_field_tuple :: ret_list, ret_found
| _, [] -> [], found in
let new_list, found = replace_field field_tuple l false in
if found then new_list
else field_tuple :: l
let rec append_no_duplicates_fields list1 list2 =
match list1 with
| field_tuple :: rest ->
let updated_list2 = append_no_duplicates_fields rest list2 in
add_no_duplicates_fields field_tuple updated_list2
| [] -> list2
let sort_fields fields =
let compare (name1, _, _) (name2, _, _) =
Ident.compare_fieldname name1 name2 in
IList.sort compare fields
let sort_fields_tenv tenv =
let sort_fields_struct name ({StructTyp.fields} as st) =
ignore (Tenv.mk_struct tenv ~default:st ~fields:(sort_fields fields) name) in
Tenv.iter sort_fields_struct tenv
let rec collect_list_tuples l (a, a1, b, c, d) =
match l with
| [] -> (a, a1, b, c, d)
| (a', a1', b', c', d'):: l' -> collect_list_tuples l' (a@a', a1@a1', b@b', c@c', d@d')
let is_static_var var_decl_info =
match var_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.vdi_storage_class with
| Some sc -> sc = CFrontend_config.static
| _ -> false
let block_procname_with_index defining_proc i =
Config.anonymous_block_prefix ^
(Procname.to_string defining_proc) ^
Config.anonymous_block_num_sep ^
(string_of_int i)
(* Global counter for anonymous block*)
let block_counter = ref 0
(* Returns a fresh index for a new anonymous block *)
let get_fresh_block_index () =
block_counter := !block_counter +1;
(* Makes a fresh name for a block defined inside the defining procedure.*)
(* It updates the global block_counter *)
let mk_fresh_block_procname defining_proc =
let name = block_procname_with_index defining_proc (get_fresh_block_index ()) in
Procname.mangled_objc_block name
(* Returns the next fresh name for a block defined inside the defining procedure *)
(* It does not update the global block_counter *)
let get_next_block_pvar defining_proc =
let name = block_procname_with_index defining_proc (!block_counter +1) in
Pvar.mk_tmp name defining_proc
(* Reset block counter *)
let reset_block_counter () =
block_counter := 0
let rec zip xs ys =
match xs, ys with
| [], _
| _, [] -> []
| x :: xs, y :: ys -> (x, y) :: zip xs ys
let list_range i j =
let rec aux n acc =
if n < i then acc else aux (n -1) (n :: acc)
in aux j [] ;;
let replicate n el = (fun _ -> el) (list_range 0 (n -1))
let mk_class_field_name field_qual_name =
let field_name = field_qual_name.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
let class_name = CAst_utils.get_class_name_from_member field_qual_name in
Ident.create_fieldname (Mangled.mangled field_name class_name) 0
let is_cpp_translation translation_unit_context =
let lang = translation_unit_context.CFrontend_config.lang in
lang = CFrontend_config.CPP || lang = CFrontend_config.ObjCPP
let is_objc_extension translation_unit_context =
let lang = translation_unit_context.CFrontend_config.lang in
lang = CFrontend_config.ObjC || lang = CFrontend_config.ObjCPP
let rec get_mangled_method_name function_decl_info method_decl_info =
(* For virtual methods return mangled name of the method from most base class
Go recursively until there is no method in any parent class. All names
of the same method need to be the same, otherwise dynamic dispatch won't
work. *)
let open Clang_ast_t in
match method_decl_info.xmdi_overriden_methods with
| [] -> function_decl_info.fdi_mangled_name
| base1_dr :: _ ->
(let base1 = match CAst_utils.get_decl base1_dr.dr_decl_pointer with
| Some b -> b
| _ -> assert false in
match base1 with
| CXXMethodDecl (_, _, _, fdi, mdi)
| CXXConstructorDecl (_, _, _, fdi, mdi)
| CXXConversionDecl (_, _, _, fdi, mdi)
| CXXDestructorDecl (_, _, _, fdi, mdi) ->
get_mangled_method_name fdi mdi
| _ -> assert false)
let mk_procname_from_function translation_unit_context name function_decl_info_opt =
let file =
match function_decl_info_opt with
| Some (decl_info, function_decl_info) ->
(match function_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.fdi_storage_class with
| Some "static" ->
let file_opt = (fst decl_info.Clang_ast_t.di_source_range).Clang_ast_t.sl_file in
Option.value_map ~f:SourceFile.to_string ~default:"" file_opt
| _ -> "")
| None -> "" in
let mangled_opt = match function_decl_info_opt with
| Some (_, function_decl_info) -> function_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.fdi_mangled_name
| _ -> None in
let mangled_name =
match mangled_opt with
| Some m when is_cpp_translation translation_unit_context -> m
| _ -> "" in
let mangled = (Utils.string_crc_hex32 file) ^ mangled_name in
if String.length file = 0 && String.length mangled_name = 0 then
Procname.from_string_c_fun name
Procname.C (Procname.c name mangled)
let mk_procname_from_objc_method class_name method_name method_kind =
(Procname.objc_cpp class_name method_name method_kind)
let mk_procname_from_cpp_method class_name method_name ?meth_decl mangled =
let method_kind = match meth_decl with
| Some (Clang_ast_t.CXXConstructorDecl (_, _, _, _, {xmdi_is_constexpr})) ->
Procname.CPPConstructor (mangled, xmdi_is_constexpr)
| _ ->
Procname.CPPMethod mangled in
(Procname.objc_cpp class_name method_name method_kind)
let get_objc_method_name name_info mdi class_name =
let method_name = name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
let is_instance = mdi.Clang_ast_t.omdi_is_instance_method in
let method_kind = Procname.objc_method_kind_of_bool is_instance in
mk_procname_from_objc_method class_name method_name method_kind
let procname_of_decl translation_unit_context meth_decl =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match meth_decl with
| FunctionDecl (decl_info, name_info, _, fdi) ->
let name = CAst_utils.get_qualified_name name_info in
let function_info = Some (decl_info, fdi) in
mk_procname_from_function translation_unit_context name function_info
| CXXMethodDecl (_, name_info, _, fdi, mdi)
| CXXConstructorDecl (_, name_info, _, fdi, mdi)
| CXXConversionDecl (_, name_info, _, fdi, mdi)
| CXXDestructorDecl (_, name_info, _, fdi, mdi) ->
let mangled = get_mangled_method_name fdi mdi in
let method_name = CAst_utils.get_unqualified_name name_info in
let class_name = CAst_utils.get_class_name_from_member name_info in
mk_procname_from_cpp_method class_name method_name ~meth_decl mangled
| ObjCMethodDecl (_, name_info, mdi) ->
let class_name = CAst_utils.get_class_name_from_member name_info in
get_objc_method_name name_info mdi class_name
| BlockDecl _ ->
let name = Config.anonymous_block_prefix ^ Config.anonymous_block_num_sep ^
(string_of_int (get_fresh_block_index ())) in
Procname.mangled_objc_block name
| _ -> assert false
let get_var_name_mangled name_info var_decl_info =
let clang_name = CAst_utils.get_qualified_name name_info in
let param_idx_opt = var_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.vdi_parm_index_in_function in
let name_string =
match clang_name, param_idx_opt with
| "", Some index -> "__param_" ^ string_of_int index
| "", None -> assert false
| _ -> clang_name in
let mangled = match param_idx_opt with
| Some index -> Mangled.mangled name_string (string_of_int index)
| None -> Mangled.from_string name_string in
name_string, mangled
let mk_sil_global_var {CFrontend_config.source_file} ?(mk_name=fun _ x -> x)
named_decl_info var_decl_info qt =
let name_string, simple_name = get_var_name_mangled named_decl_info var_decl_info in
let translation_unit =
match (var_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.vdi_storage_class,
var_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.vdi_init_expr) with
| Some "extern", None ->
(* some compilers simply disregard "extern" when the global is given some initialisation
code, which is why we make sure that [vdi_init_expr] is None here... *)
| _ ->
source_file in
let is_constexpr = var_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.vdi_is_const_expr in
let is_pod =
CAst_utils.get_desugared_type qt.Clang_ast_t.qt_type_ptr
|> Fn.flip Option.bind (function
| Clang_ast_t.RecordType(_, decl_ptr) -> CAst_utils.get_decl decl_ptr
| _ -> None)
|> Option.value_map ~default:true ~f:(function
| Clang_ast_t.CXXRecordDecl(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, {xrdi_is_pod})
| Clang_ast_t.ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, {xrdi_is_pod}, _) ->
| _ -> true) in
Pvar.mk_global ~is_constexpr ~is_pod
(mk_name name_string simple_name) translation_unit
let mk_sil_var trans_unit_ctx named_decl_info decl_info_type_ptr_opt procname outer_procname =
match decl_info_type_ptr_opt with
| Some (decl_info, qt, var_decl_info, should_be_mangled) ->
let name_string, simple_name = get_var_name_mangled named_decl_info var_decl_info in
if var_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.vdi_is_global then
let mk_name =
if var_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.vdi_is_static_local then
Some (fun name_string _ ->
Mangled.from_string ((Procname.to_string outer_procname) ^ "_" ^ name_string))
else None in
mk_sil_global_var trans_unit_ctx ?mk_name named_decl_info var_decl_info qt
else if not should_be_mangled then simple_name procname
let start_location = fst decl_info.Clang_ast_t.di_source_range in
let line_opt = start_location.Clang_ast_t.sl_line in
let line_str = match line_opt with | Some line -> string_of_int line | None -> "" in
let mangled = Utils.string_crc_hex32 line_str in
let mangled_name = Mangled.mangled name_string mangled in
|||| mangled_name procname
| None ->
let name_string = CAst_utils.get_qualified_name named_decl_info in
|||| (Mangled.from_string name_string) procname
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
(** General utility functions such as functions on lists *)
type var_info = Clang_ast_t.decl_info * Clang_ast_t.qual_type * Clang_ast_t.var_decl_info * bool
val string_from_list : string list -> string
val append_no_duplicates_fields : (Ident.fieldname * Typ.t * Annot.Item.t) list ->
(Ident.fieldname * Typ.t * Annot.Item.t) list ->
(Ident.fieldname * Typ.t * Annot.Item.t) list
val append_no_duplicates_csu :
Typename.t list -> Typename.t list -> Typename.t list
val append_no_duplicates_methods : Procname.t list -> Procname.t list -> Procname.t list
val sort_fields :
(Ident.fieldname * Typ.t * Annot.Item.t) list ->
(Ident.fieldname * Typ.t * Annot.Item.t) list
val sort_fields_tenv : Tenv.t -> unit
val collect_list_tuples : ('a list * 'b list * 'c list * 'd list * 'e list) list ->
'a list * 'b list * 'c list * 'd list * 'e list ->
'a list * 'b list * 'c list * 'd list * 'e list
val swap_elements_list : 'a list -> 'a list
val is_static_var : Clang_ast_t.var_decl_info -> bool
val mk_fresh_block_procname : Procname.t -> Procname.t
val get_next_block_pvar : Procname.t -> Pvar.t
val reset_block_counter : unit -> unit
val zip: 'a list -> 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list
val list_range: int -> int -> int list
val replicate: int -> 'a -> 'a list
val mk_procname_from_objc_method : string -> string -> Procname.objc_cpp_method_kind -> Procname.t
val mk_procname_from_function : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context -> string
-> (Clang_ast_t.decl_info * Clang_ast_t.function_decl_info) option -> Procname.t
val get_mangled_method_name : Clang_ast_t.function_decl_info ->
Clang_ast_t.cxx_method_decl_info -> string option
val mk_procname_from_cpp_method :
string -> string -> ?meth_decl:Clang_ast_t.decl -> string option -> Procname.t
val procname_of_decl : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context -> Clang_ast_t.decl -> Procname.t
val mk_class_field_name : Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info -> Ident.fieldname
val get_var_name_mangled : Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info -> Clang_ast_t.var_decl_info ->
(string * Mangled.t)
val mk_sil_global_var : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context ->
?mk_name:(string -> Mangled.t -> Mangled.t) ->
Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info -> Clang_ast_t.var_decl_info -> Clang_ast_t.qual_type -> Pvar.t
val mk_sil_var : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context -> Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info ->
var_info option -> Procname.t -> Procname.t -> Pvar.t
(** true if the current language is C++ or ObjC++ *)
val is_cpp_translation : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context -> bool
(** true if the current language is ObjC or ObjC++ *)
val is_objc_extension : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context -> bool
Reference in new issue