@ -220,44 +220,60 @@ let copyright_has_changed fname lines ~notice_range:(cstart, cend) ~monoidics ~r
let com_style_of_lang =
type inferred_comment_style =
[ ( " .ac " , comment_style_m4 )
| Resolved of comment_style
; ( " .al " , comment_style_al )
| Dune (* * dune files can have either an OCaml or a lisp-style syntax *)
; ( " .atd " , comment_style_ocaml )
; ( " .c " , comment_style_c )
; ( " .cpp " , comment_style_c )
; ( " .h " , comment_style_c )
; ( " .inc " , comment_style_c )
; ( " .java " , comment_style_c )
; ( " .ll " , comment_style_llvm )
; ( " .m " , comment_style_c )
; ( " .m4 " , comment_style_m4 )
; ( " .make " , comment_style_make )
; ( " .mk " , comment_style_make )
; ( " .ml " , comment_style_ocaml )
; ( " .mli " , comment_style_ocaml )
; ( " .mll " , comment_style_ocaml )
; ( " .mly " , comment_style_c )
; ( " .mm " , comment_style_c )
; ( " .php " , comment_style_php )
; ( " .py " , comment_style_python )
; ( " .re " , comment_style_c )
; ( " .rei " , comment_style_c )
; ( " .sh " , comment_style_shell )
; ( " dune " , comment_style_lisp )
; ( " dune.in " , comment_style_ocaml )
; ( " dune.common " , comment_style_lisp )
; ( " dune.common.in " , comment_style_ocaml )
; ( " dune-common " , comment_style_lisp )
; ( " dune-common.in " , comment_style_ocaml )
; ( " dune-project " , comment_style_lisp )
; ( " dune-workspace " , comment_style_lisp )
; ( " dune-workspace.in " , comment_style_lisp )
; ( " Makefile " , comment_style_make ) ]
let com_style_of_lang =
[ ( " .ac " , Resolved comment_style_m4 )
; ( " .al " , Resolved comment_style_al )
; ( " .atd " , Resolved comment_style_ocaml )
; ( " .c " , Resolved comment_style_c )
; ( " .cpp " , Resolved comment_style_c )
; ( " .h " , Resolved comment_style_c )
; ( " .inc " , Resolved comment_style_c )
; ( " .java " , Resolved comment_style_c )
; ( " .ll " , Resolved comment_style_llvm )
; ( " .m " , Resolved comment_style_c )
; ( " .m4 " , Resolved comment_style_m4 )
; ( " .make " , Resolved comment_style_make )
; ( " .mk " , Resolved comment_style_make )
; ( " .ml " , Resolved comment_style_ocaml )
; ( " .mli " , Resolved comment_style_ocaml )
; ( " .mll " , Resolved comment_style_ocaml )
; ( " .mly " , Resolved comment_style_c )
; ( " .mm " , Resolved comment_style_c )
; ( " .php " , Resolved comment_style_php )
; ( " .py " , Resolved comment_style_python )
; ( " .re " , Resolved comment_style_c )
; ( " .rei " , Resolved comment_style_c )
; ( " .sh " , Resolved comment_style_shell )
; ( " dune " , Dune )
; ( " dune.in " , Dune )
; ( " dune.common " , Dune )
; ( " dune.common.in " , Dune )
; ( " dune-project " , Resolved comment_style_lisp )
; ( " dune-workspace " , Resolved comment_style_lisp )
; ( " dune-workspace.in " , Resolved comment_style_lisp )
; ( " Makefile " , Resolved comment_style_make ) ]
let tuareg_magic_style_line = " (* -*- tuareg -*- *) "
let comment_style_of_filename fname =
let comment_style_of_filename fname =
List . Assoc . find com_style_of_lang ~ equal : Filename . check_suffix fname
List . Assoc . find com_style_of_lang ~ equal : Filename . check_suffix fname
| > Option . map ~ f : ( function
| Resolved comment_type ->
| Dune ->
(* a dune file is in OCaml syntax if and only if its first line is a tuareg style line *)
let first_line =
In_channel . with_file fname ~ f : ( fun ic -> In_channel . input_line ic )
| > Option . map ~ f : String . strip
if Option . exists first_line ~ f : ( fun line -> String . equal line tuareg_magic_style_line )
then comment_style_ocaml
else comment_style_lisp )
let output_diff ~ fname lines ? notice_range ? ( monoidics = false ) ? ( ropas = false ) com_style =
let output_diff ~ fname lines ? notice_range ? ( monoidics = false ) ? ( ropas = false ) com_style =