@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ end
(** Theory Solver *)
(* orient equations s.t. Var < Memory < Extract < Concat < others, then
(** orient equations s.t. Var < Memory < Extract < Concat < others, then
using height of aggregate nesting, and then using Term.compare *)
let orient e f =
let compare e f =
@ -681,9 +681,10 @@ let subst_invariant us s0 s =
type 'a zom = Zero | One of 'a | Many
(* try to solve [p = q] such that [fv (p - q) ⊆ us ∪ xs] and [p - q] has at
most one maximal solvable subterm, [kill], where [fv kill ⊈ us]; solve [p
= q] for [kill]; extend subst mapping [kill] to the solution *)
(** try to solve [p = q] such that [fv (p - q) ⊆ us ∪ xs] and [p - q]
has at most one maximal solvable subterm, [kill], where
[fv kill ⊈ us]; solve [p = q] for [kill]; extend subst mapping [kill]
to the solution *)
let solve_poly_eq us p' q' subst =
let diff = Term.sub p' q' in
let max_solvables_not_ito_us =