@ -506,45 +506,9 @@ let has_block_prefix s =
(** Java types by name *)
let rec java_from_string : string -> t = function
| "" | "void" ->
mk Tvoid
| "int" ->
mk (Tint IInt)
| "byte" ->
mk (Tint IShort)
| "short" ->
mk (Tint IShort)
| "boolean" ->
mk (Tint IBool)
| "char" ->
mk (Tint IChar)
| "long" ->
mk (Tint ILong)
| "float" ->
mk (Tfloat FFloat)
| "double" ->
mk (Tfloat FDouble)
| typ_str when String.contains typ_str '[' ->
let stripped_typ = String.sub typ_str ~pos:0 ~len:(String.length typ_str - 2) in
mk (Tptr (mk (Tarray (java_from_string stripped_typ, None, None)), Pk_pointer))
| typ_str ->
mk (Tstruct (Name.Java.from_string typ_str))
type typ = t
module Procname = struct
type method_kind =
| Non_Static
(* in Java, procedures called with invokevirtual, invokespecial, and invokeinterface *)
| Static
(* in Java, procedures called with invokestatic *)
[@@deriving compare]
let equal_method_kind = [%compare.equal : method_kind]
(** Level of verbosity of some to_string functions. *)
type detail_level = Verbose | Non_verbose | Simple [@@deriving compare]
@ -553,6 +517,13 @@ module Procname = struct
let is_verbose v = match v with Verbose -> true | _ -> false
module Java = struct
type kind =
| Non_Static
(* in Java, procedures called with invokevirtual, invokespecial, and invokeinterface *)
| Static
(* in Java, procedures called with invokestatic *)
[@@deriving compare]
(* TODO: use Mangled.t here *)
type java_type = string option * string
@ -565,7 +536,7 @@ module Procname = struct
; parameters: java_type list
; class_name: Name.t
; return_type: java_type option (* option because constructors have no return type *)
; kind: method_kind }
; kind: kind }
[@@deriving compare]
let make class_name return_type method_name parameters kind =
@ -655,6 +626,72 @@ module Procname = struct
else cls_prefix ^ j.method_name
method_name ^ "(" ^ params ^ ")"
let get_return_typ pname_java =
let rec java_from_string = function
| "" | "void" ->
mk Tvoid
| "int" ->
mk (Tint IInt)
| "byte" ->
mk (Tint IShort)
| "short" ->
mk (Tint IShort)
| "boolean" ->
mk (Tint IBool)
| "char" ->
mk (Tint IChar)
| "long" ->
mk (Tint ILong)
| "float" ->
mk (Tfloat FFloat)
| "double" ->
mk (Tfloat FDouble)
| typ_str when String.contains typ_str '[' ->
let stripped_typ = String.sub typ_str ~pos:0 ~len:(String.length typ_str - 2) in
mk (Tptr (mk (Tarray (java_from_string stripped_typ, None, None)), Pk_pointer))
| typ_str ->
mk (Tstruct (Name.Java.from_string typ_str))
let typ = java_from_string (get_return_type pname_java) in
match typ.desc with Tstruct _ -> mk (Tptr (typ, Pk_pointer)) | _ -> typ
let is_close {method_name} = String.equal method_name "close"
let is_class_initializer {method_name} = String.equal method_name "<clinit>"
let is_anonymous_inner_class_constructor {class_name} =
Name.Java.is_anonymous_inner_class_name class_name
let is_static {kind} = match kind with Static -> true | _ -> false
let is_lambda {method_name} = String.is_prefix ~prefix:"lambda$" method_name
let is_generated {method_name} = String.is_prefix ~prefix:"$" method_name
let is_access_method {method_name} =
match String.rsplit2 method_name ~on:'$' with
| Some ("access", s) ->
let is_int =
ignore (int_of_string s) ;
with Failure _ -> false
| _ ->
let is_autogen_method {method_name} = String.contains method_name '$'
(** Check if the proc name has the type of a java vararg.
Note: currently only checks that the last argument has type Object[]. *)
let is_vararg {parameters} =
match List.last parameters with Some (_, "java.lang.Object[]") -> true | _ -> false
(** Type of c procedure names. *)
@ -758,67 +795,6 @@ module Procname = struct
(** Check if the procedure name is an anonymous inner class constructor. *)
let java_is_anonymous_inner_class_constructor = function
| Java js ->
Name.Java.is_anonymous_inner_class_name js.class_name
| _ ->
(** Return true if the java procedure is static *)
let java_is_static = function Java j -> equal_method_kind j.kind Static | _ -> false
let java_is_lambda = function
| Java j ->
String.is_prefix ~prefix:"lambda$" j.method_name
| _ ->
let java_is_generated = function
| Java j ->
String.is_prefix ~prefix:"$" j.method_name
| _ ->
(** Check if the procedure name is an acess method (e.g. access$100 used to
access private members from a nested class. *)
let java_is_access_method = function
| Java js -> (
match String.rsplit2 js.method_name ~on:'$' with
| Some ("access", s) ->
let is_int =
ignore (int_of_string s) ;
with Failure _ -> false
| _ ->
false )
| _ ->
(** Check if the procedure name is of an auto-generated method containing '$'. *)
let java_is_autogen_method = function
| Java js ->
String.contains js.method_name '$'
| _ ->
(** Check if the proc name has the type of a java vararg.
Note: currently only checks that the last argument has type Object[]. *)
let java_is_vararg = function
| Java js -> (
match List.rev js.parameters with (_, "java.lang.Object[]") :: _ -> true | _ -> false )
| _ ->
let rec objc_cpp_replace_method_name t (new_method_name: string) =
match t with
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->
@ -909,16 +885,6 @@ module Procname = struct
let java_is_close = function Java js -> String.equal js.method_name "close" | _ -> false
(** [is_class_initializer pname] returns true if [pname] is a class initializer *)
let is_class_initializer = function
| Java js ->
String.equal js.method_name "<clinit>"
| _ ->
(** [is_infer_undefined pn] returns true if [pn] is a special Infer undefined proc *)
let is_infer_undefined pn =
match pn with
@ -1146,12 +1112,6 @@ module Procname = struct
(** Return the return type of [pname_java]. *)
let java_proc_return_typ pname_java : t =
let typ = java_from_string (Procname.Java.get_return_type pname_java) in
match typ.desc with Tstruct _ -> mk (Tptr (typ, Pk_pointer)) | _ -> typ
module Fieldname = struct
type clang_field_info = {class_name: Name.t; field_name: string} [@@deriving compare]