@ -421,12 +421,54 @@ let add_dispatch_calls cfg cg tenv f_translate_typ_opt =
Cfg . Procdesc . iter_nodes ( node_add_dispatch_calls pname ) pdesc in
Cfg . iter_proc_desc cfg proc_add_dispach_calls
(* * add instructions to perform abstraction *)
let add_abstraction_instructions cfg =
let open Cfg in
(* true if there is a succ node s.t.: it is an exit node, or the succ of >1 nodes *)
let converging_node node =
let is_exit node = match Node . get_kind node with
| Node . Exit_node _ -> true
| _ -> false in
let succ_nodes = Node . get_succs node in
if IList . exists is_exit succ_nodes then true
else match succ_nodes with
| [] -> false
| [ h ] -> IList . length ( Node . get_preds h ) > 1
| _ -> false in
let node_requires_abstraction node =
match Node . get_kind node with
| Node . Start_node _
| Node . Join_node ->
| Node . Exit_node _
| Node . Stmt_node _
| Node . Prune_node _
| Node . Skip_node _ ->
converging_node node in
let all_nodes = Node . get_all_nodes cfg in
let do_node node =
let loc = Node . get_last_loc node in
if node_requires_abstraction node then Node . append_instrs_temps node [ Sil . Abstract loc ] [] in
IList . iter do_node all_nodes
(* * add instructions to remove temporaries *)
let add_removetemps_instructions cfg =
let open Cfg in
let all_nodes = Node . get_all_nodes cfg in
let do_node node =
let loc = Node . get_last_loc node in
let temps = Node . get_temps node in
if temps != [] then Node . append_instrs_temps node [ Sil . Remove_temps ( temps , loc ) ] [] in
IList . iter do_node all_nodes
let doit ? ( f_translate_typ = None ) cfg cg tenv =
add_removetemps_instructions cfg ;
AllPreds . mk_table cfg ;
Cfg . iter_proc_desc cfg ( analyze_and_annotate_proc cfg ) ;
AllPreds . clear_table () ;
if ! Config . curr_language = Config . Java
then add_dispatch_calls cfg cg tenv f_translate_typ ;
add_abstraction_instructions cfg ;
Printing function useful for debugging