@ -874,6 +874,10 @@ module AliasTarget = struct
| Top
| Top
[ @@ deriving compare ]
[ @@ deriving compare ]
let top = Top
let is_top = function Top -> true | _ -> false
let equal = [ % compare . equal : t ]
let equal = [ % compare . equal : t ]
let pp_with_key ~ pp_lhs ~ pp_rhs =
let pp_with_key ~ pp_lhs ~ pp_rhs =
@ -902,6 +906,11 @@ module AliasTarget = struct
F . fprintf fmt " %t=?%t " pp_lhs pp_rhs
F . fprintf fmt " %t=?%t " pp_lhs pp_rhs
let pp =
let pp_underscore fmt = F . pp_print_string fmt " _ " in
pp_with_key ~ pp_lhs : pp_underscore ~ pp_rhs : pp_underscore
let get_locs = function
let get_locs = function
| Simple { java_tmp = Some tmp }
| Simple { java_tmp = Some tmp }
| Size { java_tmp = Some tmp }
| Size { java_tmp = Some tmp }
@ -1041,95 +1050,58 @@ end
module KeyRhs = Loc
module KeyRhs = Loc
module RhsAliasTarget = struct
module AliasTargets = struct
type non_top = KeyRhs . t * AliasTarget . t
include AbstractDomain . SafeInvertedMap ( KeyRhs ) ( AliasTarget )
type t = non_top top_lifted
let top = Top
let is_top = function AbstractDomain . Types . Top -> true | AbstractDomain . Types . NonTop _ -> false
let leq ~ lhs ~ rhs =
match ( lhs , rhs ) with
| _ , Top ->
| Top , _ ->
| NonTop ( k1 , v1 ) , NonTop ( k2 , v2 ) ->
KeyRhs . equal k1 k2 && AliasTarget . leq ~ lhs : v1 ~ rhs : v2
let equal x y = leq ~ lhs : x ~ rhs : y && leq ~ lhs : y ~ rhs : x
let join x y =
match ( x , y ) with
| _ , Top | Top , _ ->
| NonTop ( k1 , v1 ) , NonTop ( k2 , v2 ) ->
if KeyRhs . equal k1 k2 then NonTop ( k1 , AliasTarget . join v1 v2 ) else Top
let widen ~ prev ~ next ~ num_iters =
match ( prev , next ) with
| _ , Top | Top , _ ->
| NonTop ( k1 , v1 ) , NonTop ( k2 , v2 ) ->
if KeyRhs . equal k1 k2 then NonTop ( k1 , AliasTarget . widen ~ prev : v1 ~ next : v2 ~ num_iters )
else Top
let pp_with_lhs ~ pp_lhs fmt x =
let pp_with_lhs ~ pp_lhs fmt x =
AbstractDomain . TopLiftedUtils . pp fmt x ~ pp : ( fun fmt ( rhs , v ) ->
let pp_sep fmt () = F . fprintf fmt " , @, " in
AliasTarget . pp_with_key ~ pp_lhs ~ pp_rhs : ( fun fmt -> KeyRhs . pp fmt rhs ) fmt v )
let pp1 fmt ( rhs , v ) =
AliasTarget . pp_with_key ~ pp_lhs ~ pp_rhs : ( fun fmt -> KeyRhs . pp fmt rhs ) fmt v
F . pp_print_list ~ pp_sep pp1 fmt ( bindings x )
let pp = pp_with_lhs ~ pp_lhs : ( fun fmt -> F . pp_print_string fmt " _ " )
let pp = pp_with_lhs ~ pp_lhs : ( fun fmt -> F . pp_print_string fmt " _ " )
let lift_map ~ f = function Top -> Top | NonTop x -> NonTop ( f x )
let forget l x =
let not_use_l k v = not ( KeyRhs . equal l k | | AliasTarget . use_loc l v ) in
let lift_map2 ~ f = function Top -> Top | NonTop x -> f x
filter not_use_l x
let forget l =
lift_map2 ~ f : ( fun ( ( rhs , v ) as x ) ->
if not ( KeyRhs . equal l rhs | | AliasTarget . use_loc l v ) then NonTop x else Top )
let forget_size_alias arr_locs =
let forget_size_alias arr_locs x =
lift_map2 ~ f : ( fun ( ( rhs , v ) as x ) ->
let not_in_arr_locs k v = not ( PowLoc . mem k arr_locs && AliasTarget . is_size v ) in
if not ( PowLoc . mem rhs arr_locs && AliasTarget . is_size v ) then NonTop x else Top )
filter not_in_arr_locs x
let incr_size_alias loc =
let incr_size_alias loc x = update loc ( Option . map ~ f : AliasTarget . incr_size_alias ) x
lift_map ~ f : ( fun ( ( rhs , v ) as x ) ->
if Loc . equal loc rhs then ( rhs , AliasTarget . incr_size_alias v ) else x )
let incr_or_not_size_alias loc x =
update loc ( Option . map ~ f : AliasTarget . incr_or_not_size_alias ) x
let incr_or_not_size_alias loc =
lift_map ~ f : ( fun ( ( rhs , v ) as x ) ->
if Loc . equal loc rhs then ( rhs , AliasTarget . incr_or_not_size_alias v ) else x )
let subst ~ subst_loc x =
let subst ~ subst_loc ( rhs , tgt ) =
let accum_substed rhs tgt acc =
Option . map ( subst_loc rhs ) ~ f : ( fun rhs -> ( rhs , AliasTarget . loc_map tgt ~ f : subst_loc ) )
Option . value_map ( subst_loc rhs ) ~ default : acc ~ f : ( fun rhs ->
add rhs ( AliasTarget . loc_map tgt ~ f : subst_loc ) acc )
fold accum_substed x empty
let exists2 f ( rhs1 , v1 ) ( rhs2 , v2 ) = f rhs1 v1 rhs2 v2
let exists2 f x y = exists ( fun k v -> exists ( f k v ) y ) x
let is_simple_zero_alias = function
let find_first_simple_zero_alias x =
| rhs , AliasTarget . Simple { i } when IntLit . iszero i ->
let exception Found of KeyRhs . t in
Some rhs
let is_simple_zero rhs = function
| AliasTarget . Simple { i } when IntLit . iszero i ->
raise ( Found rhs )
| _ ->
| _ ->
match iter is_simple_zero x with () -> None | exception Found rhs -> Some rhs
let set_java_tmp loc = lift_map ~ f : ( fun ( k , v ) -> ( k , AliasTarget . set_java_tmp loc v ) )
let get_non_top = function Some ( NonTop x ) -> Some x | _ -> None
module AliasMap = struct
module AliasMap = struct
module M = AbstractDomain . SafeInvertedMap ( KeyLhs ) ( Rhs AliasTarget)
module M = AbstractDomain . SafeInvertedMap ( KeyLhs ) ( AliasTargets )
type t = M . t
type t = M . t
@ -1142,9 +1114,7 @@ module AliasMap = struct
let pp : F . formatter -> t -> unit =
let pp : F . formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt x ->
fun fmt x ->
let pp_sep fmt () = F . fprintf fmt " , @, " in
let pp_sep fmt () = F . fprintf fmt " , @, " in
let pp1 fmt ( lhs , v ) =
let pp1 fmt ( lhs , v ) = AliasTargets . pp_with_lhs ~ pp_lhs : ( fun fmt -> KeyLhs . pp fmt lhs ) fmt v in
RhsAliasTarget . pp_with_lhs ~ pp_lhs : ( fun fmt -> KeyLhs . pp fmt lhs ) fmt v
F . pp_print_list ~ pp_sep pp1 fmt ( M . bindings x )
F . pp_print_list ~ pp_sep pp1 fmt ( M . bindings x )
@ -1152,114 +1122,142 @@ module AliasMap = struct
let is_empty = M . is_empty
let is_empty = M . is_empty
let add_alias ~ lhs tgt m = M . add lhs ( NonTop tgt ) m
let add_alias ~ lhs ~ rhs v m =
let add_to_tgts = function
| None ->
Some ( AliasTargets . singleton rhs v )
| Some tgts ->
Some ( AliasTargets . add rhs v tgts )
M . update lhs add_to_tgts m
let add_aliases ~ lhs tgts m =
AliasTargets . fold ( fun rhs v acc -> add_alias ~ lhs ~ rhs v acc ) tgts m
let remove = M . remove
let remove = M . remove
let find_id : Ident . t -> t -> RhsAliasTarget . non_top option =
let find k m = M . find_opt k m | > Option . value ~ default : AliasTargets . empty
fun id x -> M . find_opt ( KeyLhs . of_id id ) x | > RhsAliasTarget . get_non_top
let find_id : Ident . t -> t -> AliasTargets . t = fun id x -> find ( KeyLhs . of_id id ) x
let find_loc : Loc . t -> t -> RhsAliasTarget . non_top option =
let find_loc : Loc . t -> t -> AliasTargets . t =
fun loc x ->
fun loc x -> find ( KeyLhs . LocKey loc ) x | > AliasTargets . map ( AliasTarget . set_java_tmp loc )
M . find_opt ( KeyLhs . LocKey loc ) x
| > Option . map ~ f : ( RhsAliasTarget . set_java_tmp loc )
| > RhsAliasTarget . get_non_top
let load : Ident . t -> Loc . t -> AliasTarget . t -> t -> t =
let load : Ident . t -> Loc . t -> AliasTarget . t -> t -> t =
fun id loc tgt x ->
fun id loc tgt x ->
if Loc . is_unknown loc | | AliasTarget . is_unknown tgt then x
if Loc . is_unknown loc | | AliasTarget . is_unknown tgt then x
let tgt =
let tgt s =
match tgt with
match tgt with
| AliasTarget . Simple { i } when IntLit . iszero i && Language . curr_language_is Java ->
| AliasTarget . Simple { i } when IntLit . iszero i && Language . curr_language_is Java ->
Option . value ( find_loc loc x ) ~ default : ( loc , tgt )
find_loc loc x | > AliasTargets . add loc tgt
| _ ->
| _ ->
( loc , tgt )
AliasTargets . singleton loc tgt
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_id id ) tgt x
add_alias es ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_id id ) tgt s x
let forget : Loc . t -> t -> t =
let forget : Loc . t -> t -> t =
fun l x ->
fun l x ->
let forget1 k v =
let forget1 k v = if KeyLhs . use_loc l k then AliasTargets . top else AliasTargets . forget l v in
if KeyLhs . use_loc l k then RhsAliasTarget . top else RhsAliasTarget . forget l v
M . mapi forget1 x
M . mapi forget1 x
let store : Loc . t -> Ident . t -> t -> t =
let store : Loc . t -> Ident . t -> t -> t =
fun l id x ->
fun l id x ->
if Language . curr_language_is Java then
if Language . curr_language_is Java then
if Loc . is_frontend_tmp l then
let tgts = find_id id x in
Option . value_map ( find_id id x ) ~ default : x ~ f : ( fun tgt ->
if Loc . is_frontend_tmp l then add_aliases ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_loc l ) tgts x
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_loc l ) tgt x )
match find_id id x with
let accum_java_tmp_alias rhs tgt acc =
| Some ( rhs , AliasTarget . Simple { i } ) when IntLit . iszero i && Loc . is_frontend_tmp rhs ->
match tgt with
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_id id ) ( l , AliasTarget . Simple { i ; java_tmp = Some rhs } ) x
| AliasTarget . Simple { i } when IntLit . iszero i && Loc . is_frontend_tmp rhs ->
| > add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_loc rhs ) ( l , AliasTarget . Simple { i ; java_tmp = None } )
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_id id ) ~ rhs : l
( AliasTarget . Simple { i ; java_tmp = Some rhs } )
| > add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_loc rhs ) ~ rhs : l ( AliasTarget . Simple { i ; java_tmp = None } )
| _ ->
| _ ->
AliasTargets . fold accum_java_tmp_alias tgts x
else x
else x
let add_zero_size_alias ~ size ~ arr x =
let add_zero_size_alias ~ size ~ arr x =
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_loc size )
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_loc size ) ~ rhs : arr
( arr , AliasTarget . Size { alias_typ = Eq ; i = IntLit . zero ; java_tmp = None } )
( AliasTarget . Size { alias_typ = Eq ; i = IntLit . zero ; java_tmp = None } )
let incr_size_alias loc x = M . map ( Rhs AliasTarget. incr_size_alias loc ) x
let incr_size_alias loc x = M . map ( AliasTargets . incr_size_alias loc ) x
let incr_or_not_size_alias loc x = M . map ( Rhs AliasTarget. incr_or_not_size_alias loc ) x
let incr_or_not_size_alias loc x = M . map ( AliasTargets . incr_or_not_size_alias loc ) x
let forget_size_alias arr_locs x = M . map ( Rhs AliasTarget. forget_size_alias arr_locs ) x
let forget_size_alias arr_locs x = M . map ( AliasTargets . forget_size_alias arr_locs ) x
let store_n ~ prev loc id n x =
let store_n ~ prev loc id n x =
match find_id id prev with
let accum_size_alias rhs tgt acc =
| Some ( rhs , AliasTarget . Size { alias_typ ; i } ) ->
match tgt with
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_loc loc )
| AliasTarget . Size { alias_typ ; i } ->
( rhs , AliasTarget . Size { alias_typ ; i = IntLit . add i n ; java_tmp = None } )
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_loc loc ) ~ rhs
( AliasTarget . Size { alias_typ ; i = IntLit . add i n ; java_tmp = None } )
| _ ->
| _ ->
AliasTargets . fold accum_size_alias ( find_id id prev ) x
let add_iterator_offset_alias id arr x =
let add_iterator_offset_alias id arr x =
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_id id )
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_id id ) ~ rhs : arr
( arr , AliasTarget . IteratorOffset { alias_typ = Eq ; i = IntLit . zero ; java_tmp = None } )
( AliasTarget . IteratorOffset { alias_typ = Eq ; i = IntLit . zero ; java_tmp = None } )
let incr_iterator_offset_alias id x =
let incr_iterator_offset_alias id x =
match M . find_opt ( KeyLhs . of_id id ) x with
let accum_incr_iterator_offset_alias rhs tgt acc =
| Some ( NonTop ( rhs , AliasTarget . IteratorOffset ( { i ; java_tmp } as tgt ) ) ) ->
match tgt with
| AliasTarget . IteratorOffset ( { i ; java_tmp } as tgt ) ->
let i = IntLit . ( add i one ) in
let i = IntLit . ( add i one ) in
let x =
let acc =
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_id id ) (rhs , AliasTarget . IteratorOffset { tgt with i } ) x
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_id id ) ~rhs ( AliasTarget . IteratorOffset { tgt with i } ) acc
Option . value_map java_tmp ~ default : x ~ f : ( fun java_tmp ->
Option . value_map java_tmp ~ default : x ~ f : ( fun java_tmp ->
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_loc java_tmp )
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_loc java_tmp ) ~ rhs
( rhs , AliasTarget . IteratorOffset { tgt with i ; java_tmp = None } )
( AliasTarget . IteratorOffset { tgt with i ; java_tmp = None } )
x )
acc )
| _ ->
match M . find_opt ( KeyLhs . of_id id ) x with
| Some tgts ->
AliasTargets . fold accum_incr_iterator_offset_alias tgts x
| _ ->
| _ ->
let add_iterator_has_next_alias ~ ret_id ~ iterator x =
let add_iterator_has_next_alias ~ ret_id ~ iterator x =
let accum_has_next_alias _ rhs tgt acc =
match tgt with
| AliasTarget . IteratorOffset { java_tmp = Some java_tmp } ->
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_id ret_id ) ~ rhs : java_tmp
( AliasTarget . IteratorHasNext { java_tmp = None } )
| _ ->
match M . find_opt ( KeyLhs . of_id iterator ) x with
match M . find_opt ( KeyLhs . of_id iterator ) x with
| Some ( NonTop ( _ rhs , AliasTarget . IteratorOffset { java_tmp = Some java_tmp } ) ) ->
| Some tgts ->
add_alias ~ lhs : ( KeyLhs . of_id ret_id )
AliasTargets . fold accum_has_next_alias tgts x
( java_tmp , AliasTarget . IteratorHasNext { java_tmp = None } )
| _ ->
| _ ->
module AliasRet = struct
module AliasRet = struct
include AbstractDomain . Flat ( RhsAliasTarget )
include AliasTargets
let pp : F . formatter -> t -> unit = fun fmt x -> F . pp_print_string fmt " ret= " ; pp fmt x
let pp : F . formatter -> t -> unit = fun fmt x -> F . pp_print_string fmt " ret= " ; pp fmt x
@ -1289,23 +1287,17 @@ module Alias = struct
AliasRet . pp x . ret
AliasRet . pp x . ret
let bo t : t = { map = AliasMap . empty ; ret = AliasRet . bottom }
let ini t : t = { map = AliasMap . empty ; ret = AliasRet . empty }
let lift_map : ( AliasMap . t -> AliasMap . t ) -> t -> t = fun f a -> { a with map = f a . map }
let lift_map : ( AliasMap . t -> AliasMap . t ) -> t -> t = fun f a -> { a with map = f a . map }
let bind_map : ( AliasMap . t -> ' a ) -> t -> ' a = fun f a -> f a . map
let bind_map : ( AliasMap . t -> ' a ) -> t -> ' a = fun f a -> f a . map
let find_id : Ident . t -> t -> RhsAliasTarget . non_top option =
let find_id : Ident . t -> t -> AliasTargets . t = fun x -> bind_map ( AliasMap . find_id x )
fun x -> bind_map ( AliasMap . find_id x )
let find_loc : Loc . t -> t -> AliasTargets . t = fun x -> bind_map ( AliasMap . find_loc x )
let find_loc : Loc . t -> t -> RhsAliasTarget . non_top option =
let find_ret : t -> AliasTargets . t = fun x -> x . ret
fun x -> bind_map ( AliasMap . find_loc x )
let find_ret : t -> RhsAliasTarget . non_top option =
fun x -> AliasRet . get x . ret | > RhsAliasTarget . get_non_top
let load : Ident . t -> Loc . t -> AliasTarget . t -> t -> t =
let load : Ident . t -> Loc . t -> AliasTarget . t -> t -> t =
fun id loc tgt -> lift_map ( AliasMap . load id loc tgt )
fun id loc tgt -> lift_map ( AliasMap . load id loc tgt )
@ -1317,10 +1309,7 @@ module Alias = struct
match e with
match e with
| Exp . Var l ->
| Exp . Var l ->
let a = lift_map ( AliasMap . store loc l ) a in
let a = lift_map ( AliasMap . store loc l ) a in
if Loc . is_return loc then
if Loc . is_return loc then { a with ret = find_id l a } else a
let update_ret retl = { a with ret = AliasRet . v ( NonTop retl ) } in
Option . value_map ( find_id l a ) ~ default : a ~ f : update_ret
else a
| Exp . BinOp ( Binop . PlusA _ , Exp . Var id , Exp . Const ( Const . Cint i ) )
| Exp . BinOp ( Binop . PlusA _ , Exp . Var id , Exp . Const ( Const . Cint i ) )
| Exp . BinOp ( Binop . PlusA _ , Exp . Const ( Const . Cint i ) , Exp . Var id ) ->
| Exp . BinOp ( Binop . PlusA _ , Exp . Const ( Const . Cint i ) , Exp . Var id ) ->
lift_map ( AliasMap . load id loc ( AliasTarget . Simple { i = IntLit . neg i ; java_tmp = None } ) ) a
lift_map ( AliasMap . load id loc ( AliasTarget . Simple { i = IntLit . neg i ; java_tmp = None } ) ) a
@ -1356,31 +1345,18 @@ module Alias = struct
let add_empty_size_alias : Loc . t -> PowLoc . t -> t -> t =
let add_empty_size_alias : Loc . t -> PowLoc . t -> t -> t =
fun loc arr_locs prev ->
fun loc arr_locs prev ->
let a = lift_map ( AliasMap . forget loc ) prev in
let accum_empty_size_alias arr_loc acc =
match PowLoc . is_singleton_or_more arr_locs with
lift_map ( AliasMap . add_zero_size_alias ~ size : loc ~ arr : arr_loc ) acc
| IContainer . Singleton arr_loc ->
lift_map ( AliasMap . add_zero_size_alias ~ size : loc ~ arr : arr_loc ) a
PowLoc . fold accum_empty_size_alias arr_locs ( lift_map ( AliasMap . forget loc ) prev )
| More ->
(* NOTE: Keeping only one alias here is suboptimal, but current alias domain can keep one
alias for each ident , which will be extended later . * )
let arr_loc = PowLoc . min_elt arr_locs in
lift_map ( AliasMap . add_zero_size_alias ~ size : loc ~ arr : arr_loc ) a
| Empty ->
let add_iterator_offset_alias : Ident . t -> PowLoc . t -> t -> t =
let add_iterator_offset_alias : Ident . t -> PowLoc . t -> t -> t =
fun id arr_locs a ->
fun id arr_locs a ->
match PowLoc . is_singleton_or_more arr_locs with
let accum_iterator_offset_alias arr_loc acc =
| IContainer . Singleton arr_loc ->
lift_map ( AliasMap . add_iterator_offset_alias id arr_loc ) acc
lift_map ( AliasMap . add_iterator_offset_alias id arr_loc ) a
| More ->
PowLoc . fold accum_iterator_offset_alias arr_locs a
(* NOTE: Keeping only one alias here is suboptimal, but current alias domain can keep one
alias for each ident , which will be extended later . * )
let arr_loc = PowLoc . min_elt arr_locs in
lift_map ( AliasMap . add_iterator_offset_alias id arr_loc ) a
| Empty ->
let incr_iterator_offset_alias : Ident . t -> t -> t =
let incr_iterator_offset_alias : Ident . t -> t -> t =
@ -1798,7 +1774,7 @@ module MemReach = struct
fun oenv ->
fun oenv ->
{ stack_locs = StackLocs . bot
{ stack_locs = StackLocs . bot
; mem_pure = MemPure . bot
; mem_pure = MemPure . bot
; alias = Alias . bo t
; alias = Alias . ini t
; latest_prune = LatestPrune . top
; latest_prune = LatestPrune . top
; relation = Relation . empty
; relation = Relation . empty
; oenv = GOption . GSome oenv }
; oenv = GOption . GSome oenv }
@ -1877,33 +1853,29 @@ module MemReach = struct
PowLoc . fold find_join locs Val . bot
PowLoc . fold find_join locs Val . bot
let find_alias_id : Ident . t -> _ t0 -> RhsAliasTarget . non_top option =
let find_alias_id : Ident . t -> _ t0 -> AliasTargets . t = fun k m -> Alias . find_id k m . alias
fun k m -> Alias . find_id k m . alias
let find_alias_loc : Loc . t -> _ t0 -> AliasTargets . t = fun k m -> Alias . find_loc k m . alias
let find_alias_loc : Loc . t -> _ t0 -> RhsAliasTarget . non_top option =
let find_simple_alias : Ident . t -> _ t0 -> ( Loc . t * IntLit . t ) list =
fun k m -> Alias . find_loc k m . alias
let accum_simple_alias l tgt acc =
match tgt with AliasTarget . Simple { i } -> ( l , i ) :: acc | _ -> acc
let find_simple_alias : Ident . t -> _ t0 -> ( Loc . t * IntLit . t ) option =
fun k m -> AliasTargets . fold accum_simple_alias ( Alias . find_id k m . alias ) []
fun k m ->
match Alias . find_id k m . alias with
| Some ( l , AliasTarget . Simple { i } ) ->
Some ( l , i )
| _ ->
let find_size_alias : Ident . t -> _ t0 -> ( AliasTarget . alias_typ * Loc . t * Loc . t option ) option =
let find_size_alias : Ident . t -> _ t0 -> ( AliasTarget . alias_typ * Loc . t * Loc . t option ) list =
fun k m ->
let accum_size_alias l tgt acc =
match Alias . find_id k m . alias with
match tgt with
| Some ( l , AliasTarget . Size { alias_typ ; java_tmp } ) ->
| AliasTarget . Size { alias_typ ; java_tmp } ->
Some ( alias_typ , l , java_tmp )
( alias_typ , l , java_tmp ) :: acc
| _ ->
| _ ->
fun k m -> AliasTargets . fold accum_size_alias ( Alias . find_id k m . alias ) []
let find_ret_alias : _ t0 -> Rhs AliasTarget. non_ top option = fun m -> Alias . find_ret m . alias
let find_ret_alias : _ t0 -> AliasTargets . t = fun m -> Alias . find_ret m . alias
let load_alias : Ident . t -> Loc . t -> AliasTarget . t -> t -> t =
let load_alias : Ident . t -> Loc . t -> AliasTarget . t -> t -> t =
fun id loc tgt m -> { m with alias = Alias . load id loc tgt m . alias }
fun id loc tgt m -> { m with alias = Alias . load id loc tgt m . alias }
@ -2060,8 +2032,7 @@ module MemReach = struct
| _ ->
| _ ->
let default = ( m , PrunePairs . empty ) in
List . fold ( find_simple_alias r m ) ~ init : ( m , PrunePairs . empty ) ~ f : apply_simple_alias1
Option . value_map ~ default ( find_simple_alias r m ) ~ f : ( apply_simple_alias1 default )
| LatestPrune . VRet ( x , prunes , _ ) , Exp . Var r
| LatestPrune . VRet ( x , prunes , _ ) , Exp . Var r
| LatestPrune . VRet ( x , _ , prunes ) , Exp . UnOp ( Unop . LNot , Exp . Var r , _ ) ->
| LatestPrune . VRet ( x , _ , prunes ) , Exp . UnOp ( Unop . LNot , Exp . Var r , _ ) ->
if Ident . equal x r then ( apply_prunes prunes m , prunes ) else ( m , PrunePairs . empty )
if Ident . equal x r then ( apply_prunes prunes m , prunes ) else ( m , PrunePairs . empty )
@ -2076,12 +2047,16 @@ module MemReach = struct
if IntLit . isone i then { m with latest_prune = LatestPrune . TrueBranch ( x , p ) }
if IntLit . isone i then { m with latest_prune = LatestPrune . TrueBranch ( x , p ) }
else if IntLit . iszero i then { m with latest_prune = LatestPrune . FalseBranch ( x , p ) }
else if IntLit . iszero i then { m with latest_prune = LatestPrune . FalseBranch ( x , p ) }
else { m with latest_prune = LatestPrune . forget updated_locs m . latest_prune }
else { m with latest_prune = LatestPrune . forget updated_locs m . latest_prune }
| Lvar return , _ , _ when Pvar . is_return return -> (
| Lvar return , _ , _ when Pvar . is_return return ->
match Alias . find_ret m . alias with
let tgts = Alias . find_ret m . alias in
| Some ( Loc . Var ( ProgramVar pvar ) , AliasTarget . Simple { i } ) when IntLit . iszero i ->
let replace_latest_prune l tgt acc =
{ m with latest_prune = LatestPrune . replace ~ from : pvar ~ to_ : return m . latest_prune }
match ( l , tgt ) with
| Loc . Var ( ProgramVar pvar ) , AliasTarget . Simple { i } when IntLit . iszero i ->
{ acc with latest_prune = LatestPrune . replace ~ from : pvar ~ to_ : return m . latest_prune }
| _ ->
| _ ->
m )
AliasTargets . fold replace_latest_prune tgts m
| _ , _ , _ ->
| _ , _ , _ ->
{ m with latest_prune = LatestPrune . forget updated_locs m . latest_prune }
{ m with latest_prune = LatestPrune . forget updated_locs m . latest_prune }
@ -2294,24 +2269,29 @@ module Mem = struct
fun k -> f_lift_default ~ default : None ( MemReach . find_opt k )
fun k -> f_lift_default ~ default : None ( MemReach . find_opt k )
let find_alias_id : Ident . t -> _ t0 -> Rhs AliasTarget. non_ top option =
let find_alias_id : Ident . t -> _ t0 -> AliasTargets . t =
fun k -> f_lift_default ~ default : None ( MemReach . find_alias_id k )
fun k -> f_lift_default ~ default : AliasTargets . empty ( MemReach . find_alias_id k )
let find_alias_loc : Loc . t -> _ t0 -> Rhs AliasTarget. non_ top option =
let find_alias_loc : Loc . t -> _ t0 -> AliasTargets . t =
fun k -> f_lift_default ~ default : None ( MemReach . find_alias_loc k )
fun k -> f_lift_default ~ default : AliasTargets . empty ( MemReach . find_alias_loc k )
let find_simple_alias : Ident . t -> _ t0 -> ( Loc . t * IntLit . t ) option =
let find_simple_alias : Ident . t -> _ t0 -> ( Loc . t * IntLit . t ) list =
fun k -> f_lift_default ~ default : None ( MemReach . find_simple_alias k )
fun k -> f_lift_default ~ default : [] ( MemReach . find_simple_alias k )
let find_size_alias : Ident . t -> _ t0 -> ( AliasTarget . alias_typ * Loc . t * Loc . t option ) option =
let find_size_alias : Ident . t -> _ t0 -> ( AliasTarget . alias_typ * Loc . t * Loc . t option ) list =
fun k -> f_lift_default ~ default : None ( MemReach . find_size_alias k )
fun k -> f_lift_default ~ default : [] ( MemReach . find_size_alias k )
let find_ret_alias : _ t0 -> RhsAliasTarget . non_top option =
let find_ret_alias : _ t0 -> AliasTargets . t bottom_lifted =
fun m -> match m with Bottom | ExcRaised -> None | NonBottom m' -> MemReach . find_ret_alias m'
fun m ->
match m with
| Bottom | ExcRaised ->
| NonBottom m' ->
NonBottom ( MemReach . find_ret_alias m' )
let load_alias : Ident . t -> Loc . t -> AliasTarget . t -> t -> t =
let load_alias : Ident . t -> Loc . t -> AliasTarget . t -> t -> t =