@ -183,16 +183,14 @@ let filename_to_absolute fname =
(** Convert an absolute filename to one relative to the current directory. *)
let filename_to_relative root fname =
let string_strict_subtract s1 s2 =
let n1, n2 = String.length s1, String.length s2 in
if n1 < n2 && String.sub s2 ~pos:0 ~len:n1 = s1 then
String.sub s2 ~pos:(n1 + 1) ~len:(n2 - (n1 + 1))
else s2 in
let norm_root = (* norm_root is root without any trailing / *)
Filename.dirname root ^/ Filename.basename root in
let remainder = (* remove the path prefix to root including trailing / *)
string_strict_subtract norm_root fname in
let rec relativize_if_under origin target =
match origin, target with
| x :: xs, y :: ys when x = y -> relativize_if_under xs ys
| [], [] -> "."
| [], ys -> Filename.of_parts ys
| _ -> fname
relativize_if_under (Filename.parts root) (Filename.parts fname)
let directory_fold f init path =