@ -13,13 +13,8 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
type perf_stats =
{ rtime : float
; utime : float
; stime : float
; cutime : float
; cstime : float
; minor_gb : float
type mem_perf =
{ minor_gb : float
; promoted_gb : float
; major_gb : float
; allocated_gb : float
@ -30,6 +25,10 @@ type perf_stats =
; stack_kb : float
; minor_heap_kb : float }
type time_perf = { rtime : float ; utime : float ; stime : float ; cutime : float ; cstime : float }
type perf_stats = { mem : mem_perf option ; time : time_perf option }
type stats_type =
| ClangLinters
| ClangFrontend
@ -79,79 +78,119 @@ let string_of_stats_type = function
let to_json ps =
` Assoc
[ ( " rtime " , ` Float ps . rtime )
; ( " utime " , ` Float ps . utime )
; ( " stime " , ` Float ps . stime )
; ( " cutime " , ` Float ps . cutime )
; ( " cstime " , ` Float ps . cstime )
; ( " minor_gb " , ` Float ps . minor_gb )
; ( " promoted_gb " , ` Float ps . promoted_gb )
; ( " major_gb " , ` Float ps . major_gb )
; ( " allocated_gb " , ` Float ps . allocated_gb )
; ( " minor_collections " , ` Int ps . minor_collections )
; ( " major_collections " , ` Int ps . major_collections )
; ( " compactions " , ` Int ps . compactions )
; ( " top_heap_gb " , ` Float ps . top_heap_gb )
; ( " stack_kb " , ` Float ps . stack_kb )
; ( " minor_heap_kb " , ` Float ps . minor_heap_kb ) ]
let time =
Option . value_map ~ default : [] ps . time ~ f : ( fun time_perf ->
[ ( " time "
, ` Assoc
[ ( " rtime " , ` Float time_perf . rtime )
; ( " utime " , ` Float time_perf . utime )
; ( " stime " , ` Float time_perf . stime )
; ( " cutime " , ` Float time_perf . cutime )
; ( " cstime " , ` Float time_perf . cstime ) ] ) ] )
let mem =
Option . value_map ~ default : [] ps . mem ~ f : ( fun mem_perf ->
[ ( " mem "
, ` Assoc
[ ( " minor_gb " , ` Float mem_perf . minor_gb )
; ( " promoted_gb " , ` Float mem_perf . promoted_gb )
; ( " major_gb " , ` Float mem_perf . major_gb )
; ( " allocated_gb " , ` Float mem_perf . allocated_gb )
; ( " minor_collections " , ` Int mem_perf . minor_collections )
; ( " major_collections " , ` Int mem_perf . major_collections )
; ( " compactions " , ` Int mem_perf . compactions )
; ( " top_heap_gb " , ` Float mem_perf . top_heap_gb )
; ( " stack_kb " , ` Float mem_perf . stack_kb )
; ( " minor_heap_kb " , ` Float mem_perf . minor_heap_kb ) ] ) ] )
` Assoc ( time @ mem )
let from_json json =
let open ! Yojson . Basic . Util in
{ rtime = json | > member " rtime " | > to_float
; utime = json | > member " utime " | > to_float
; stime = json | > member " stime " | > to_float
; cutime = json | > member " cutime " | > to_float
; cstime = json | > member " cstime " | > to_float
; minor_gb = json | > member " minor_gb " | > to_float
; promoted_gb = json | > member " promoted_gb " | > to_float
; major_gb = json | > member " major_gb " | > to_float
; allocated_gb = json | > member " allocated_gb " | > to_float
; minor_collections = json | > member " minor_collections " | > to_int
; major_collections = json | > member " major_collections " | > to_int
; compactions = json | > member " compactions " | > to_int
; top_heap_gb = json | > member " top_heap_gb " | > to_float
; stack_kb = json | > member " stack_kb " | > to_float
; minor_heap_kb = json | > member " minor_heap_kb " | > to_float }
let mem =
json | > member " mem "
| > to_option ( fun mem_perf ->
{ minor_gb = mem_perf | > member " minor_gb " | > to_float
; promoted_gb = mem_perf | > member " promoted_gb " | > to_float
; major_gb = mem_perf | > member " major_gb " | > to_float
; allocated_gb = mem_perf | > member " allocated_gb " | > to_float
; minor_collections = mem_perf | > member " minor_collections " | > to_int
; major_collections = mem_perf | > member " major_collections " | > to_int
; compactions = mem_perf | > member " compactions " | > to_int
; top_heap_gb = mem_perf | > member " top_heap_gb " | > to_float
; stack_kb = mem_perf | > member " stack_kb " | > to_float
; minor_heap_kb = mem_perf | > member " minor_heap_kb " | > to_float } )
let time =
json | > member " time "
| > to_option ( fun time_perf ->
{ rtime = time_perf | > member " rtime " | > to_float
; utime = time_perf | > member " utime " | > to_float
; stime = time_perf | > member " stime " | > to_float
; cutime = time_perf | > member " cutime " | > to_float
; cstime = time_perf | > member " cstime " | > to_float } )
{ mem ; time }
let aggregate_mem_stats s =
let mk_stats f =
StatisticsToolbox . compute_statistics
( List . filter_map s ~ f : ( fun stats -> Option . map stats . mem ~ f ) )
let aggr_minor_gb = mk_stats ( fun mem_perf -> mem_perf . minor_gb ) in
let aggr_promoted_gb = mk_stats ( fun mem_perf -> mem_perf . promoted_gb ) in
let aggr_major_gb = mk_stats ( fun mem_perf -> mem_perf . major_gb ) in
let aggr_allocated_gb = mk_stats ( fun mem_perf -> mem_perf . allocated_gb ) in
let aggr_minor_collections = mk_stats ( fun mem -> float_of_int mem . minor_collections ) in
let aggr_major_collections = mk_stats ( fun mem -> float_of_int mem . major_collections ) in
let aggr_compactions = mk_stats ( fun mem -> float_of_int mem . compactions ) in
let aggr_top_heap_gb = mk_stats ( fun mem -> mem . top_heap_gb ) in
let aggr_stack_kb = mk_stats ( fun mem -> mem . stack_kb ) in
let aggr_minor_heap_kb = mk_stats ( fun mem -> mem . minor_heap_kb ) in
[ ( " minor_gb " , aggr_minor_gb )
; ( " promoted_gb " , aggr_promoted_gb )
; ( " major_gb " , aggr_major_gb )
; ( " allocated_gb " , aggr_allocated_gb )
; ( " minor_collections " , aggr_minor_collections )
; ( " major_collections " , aggr_major_collections )
; ( " compactions " , aggr_compactions )
; ( " top_heap_gb " , aggr_top_heap_gb )
; ( " stack_kb " , aggr_stack_kb )
; ( " minor_heap_kb " , aggr_minor_heap_kb ) ]
let aggregate_time_stats s =
let mk_stats f =
StatisticsToolbox . compute_statistics
( List . filter_map s ~ f : ( fun stats -> Option . map stats . time ~ f ) )
let aggr_rtime = mk_stats ( fun time -> time . rtime ) in
let aggr_utime = mk_stats ( fun time -> time . utime ) in
let aggr_stime = mk_stats ( fun time -> time . stime ) in
let aggr_cutime = mk_stats ( fun time -> time . cutime ) in
let aggr_cstime = mk_stats ( fun time -> time . cstime ) in
[ ( " rtime " , aggr_rtime )
; ( " utime " , aggr_utime )
; ( " stime " , aggr_stime )
; ( " cutime " , aggr_cutime )
; ( " cstime " , aggr_cstime ) ]
let aggregate s =
let mk_stats f = StatisticsToolbox . compute_statistics ( List . map ~ f s ) in
let aggr_rtime = mk_stats ( fun stats -> stats . rtime ) in
let aggr_utime = mk_stats ( fun stats -> stats . utime ) in
let aggr_stime = mk_stats ( fun stats -> stats . stime ) in
let aggr_cutime = mk_stats ( fun stats -> stats . cutime ) in
let aggr_cstime = mk_stats ( fun stats -> stats . cstime ) in
let aggr_minor_gb = mk_stats ( fun stats -> stats . minor_gb ) in
let aggr_promoted_gb = mk_stats ( fun stats -> stats . promoted_gb ) in
let aggr_major_gb = mk_stats ( fun stats -> stats . major_gb ) in
let aggr_allocated_gb = mk_stats ( fun stats -> stats . allocated_gb ) in
let aggr_minor_collections = mk_stats ( fun stats -> float_of_int stats . minor_collections ) in
let aggr_major_collections = mk_stats ( fun stats -> float_of_int stats . major_collections ) in
let aggr_compactions = mk_stats ( fun stats -> float_of_int stats . compactions ) in
let aggr_top_heap_gb = mk_stats ( fun stats -> stats . top_heap_gb ) in
let aggr_stack_kb = mk_stats ( fun stats -> stats . stack_kb ) in
let aggr_minor_heap_kb = mk_stats ( fun stats -> stats . minor_heap_kb ) in
` Assoc
[ ( " rtime " , StatisticsToolbox . to_json aggr_rtime )
; ( " utime " , StatisticsToolbox . to_json aggr_utime )
; ( " stime " , StatisticsToolbox . to_json aggr_stime )
; ( " cutime " , StatisticsToolbox . to_json aggr_cutime )
; ( " cstime " , StatisticsToolbox . to_json aggr_cstime )
; ( " minor_gb " , StatisticsToolbox . to_json aggr_minor_gb )
; ( " promoted_gb " , StatisticsToolbox . to_json aggr_promoted_gb )
; ( " major_gb " , StatisticsToolbox . to_json aggr_major_gb )
; ( " allocated_gb " , StatisticsToolbox . to_json aggr_allocated_gb )
; ( " minor_collections " , StatisticsToolbox . to_json aggr_minor_collections )
; ( " major_collections " , StatisticsToolbox . to_json aggr_major_collections )
; ( " compactions " , StatisticsToolbox . to_json aggr_compactions )
; ( " top_heap_gb " , StatisticsToolbox . to_json aggr_top_heap_gb )
; ( " stack_kb " , StatisticsToolbox . to_json aggr_stack_kb )
; ( " minor_heap_kb " , StatisticsToolbox . to_json aggr_minor_heap_kb ) ]
let stats source_file stats_type =
let build_json_list =
List . fold_right ~ init : [] ~ f : ( fun ( key , stats ) l ->
match stats with Some stats -> ( key , StatisticsToolbox . to_json stats ) :: l | None -> l )
let mem_stats = build_json_list ( aggregate_mem_stats s ) in
let time_stats = build_json_list ( aggregate_time_stats s ) in
let mem_json = if List . is_empty mem_stats then [] else [ ( " mem " , ` Assoc mem_stats ) ] in
let time_json = if List . is_empty time_stats then [] else [ ( " time " , ` Assoc time_stats ) ] in
` Assoc ( time_json @ mem_json )
let compute_mem_stats () =
let bytes_per_word = Sys . word_size / 8 in
let words_to_bytes n = n * . float_of_int bytes_per_word in
let words_to_kb n = words_to_bytes n /. 1024 . in
@ -160,19 +199,9 @@ let stats source_file stats_type =
let gc_stats = Gc . quick_stat () in
let allocated_words = gc_stats . minor_words + . gc_stats . major_words -. gc_stats . promoted_words in
let gc_ctrl = Gc . get () in
let exit_times = Unix . times () in
let rtime = Mtime_clock . elapsed () | > Mtime . Span . to_s in
let utime = exit_times . tms_utime -. Utils . initial_times . tms_utime in
let stime = exit_times . tms_stime -. Utils . initial_times . tms_stime in
let cutime = exit_times . tms_cutime -. Utils . initial_times . tms_cutime in
let cstime = exit_times . tms_cstime -. Utils . initial_times . tms_cstime in
let stats =
{ rtime
; utime
; stime
; cutime
; cstime
; minor_gb = words_to_gb gc_stats . minor_words
{ minor_gb = words_to_gb gc_stats . minor_words
; promoted_gb = words_to_gb gc_stats . promoted_words
; major_gb = words_to_gb gc_stats . major_words
; allocated_gb = words_to_gb allocated_words
@ -185,17 +214,9 @@ let stats source_file stats_type =
(* We log number of bytes instead of a larger unit in EventLogger so the EventLogger output can
display in whatever format fits best * )
let stats_event =
EventLogger . PerformanceStats
{ lang = Language . to_explicit_string ! Language . curr_language
; source_file
; stats_type = string_of_stats_type stats_type
; real_time = rtime
; user_time = utime
; sys_time = stime
; children_user_time = cutime
; children_sys_time = cstime
; minor_heap_mem = words_to_bytes gc_stats . minor_words
let mem =
{ EventLogger . minor_heap_mem = words_to_bytes gc_stats . minor_words
; promoted_minor_heap_mem = words_to_bytes gc_stats . promoted_words
; major_heap_mem = words_to_bytes gc_stats . major_words
; total_allocated_mem = words_to_bytes allocated_words
@ -206,12 +227,46 @@ let stats source_file stats_type =
; stack_size = gc_stats . stack_size * bytes_per_word
; minor_heap_size = gc_ctrl . minor_heap_size * bytes_per_word }
( stats , mem )
let compute_time_stats () =
let exit_times = Unix . times () in
let rtime = Mtime_clock . elapsed () | > Mtime . Span . to_s in
let utime = exit_times . tms_utime -. Utils . initial_times . tms_utime in
let stime = exit_times . tms_stime -. Utils . initial_times . tms_stime in
let cutime = exit_times . tms_cutime -. Utils . initial_times . tms_cutime in
let cstime = exit_times . tms_cstime -. Utils . initial_times . tms_cstime in
let stats = Some { rtime ; utime ; stime ; cutime ; cstime } in
let time =
{ EventLogger . real_time = rtime
; user_time = utime
; sys_time = stime
; children_user_time = cutime
; children_sys_time = cstime }
( stats , time )
let compute_stats ? ( include_mem = true ) ? ( include_time = true ) source_file stats_type =
let mem , mem_perf = if include_mem then compute_mem_stats () else ( None , None ) in
let time , time_perf = if include_time then compute_time_stats () else ( None , None ) in
let stats = { mem ; time } in
let stats_event =
EventLogger . PerformanceStats
{ lang = Language . to_explicit_string ! Language . curr_language
; source_file
; stats_type = string_of_stats_type stats_type
; mem_perf
; time_perf }
( stats , stats_event )
let report file source_file stats_type () =
let report ? include_mem ? include_time file source_file stats_type () =
let stats , stats_event = stats source_file stats_type in
let stats , stats_event = compute_ stats ? include_mem ? include_time source_file stats_type in
let json_stats = to_json stats in
EventLogger . log stats_event ;
(* We always log to EventLogger, but json files are unnecessary to log outside of developer mode *)
@ -233,20 +288,22 @@ let report file source_file stats_type () =
let registered_files = ref String . Set . empty
let handle_report filename ? source_file stats_type ~ f =
let handle_report ? include_mem ? include_time filename ? source_file stats_type ~ f =
let dirname = dirname_of_stats_type stats_type in
let relative_path = Filename . concat dirname filename in
let absolute_path = Filename . concat Config . results_dir relative_path in
(* make sure to not double register the same perf stat report *)
if not ( String . Set . mem ! registered_files relative_path ) then (
registered_files := String . Set . add ! registered_files relative_path ;
f ( report absolute_path source_file stats_type ) relative_path )
f ( report ? include_mem ? include_time absolute_path source_file stats_type ) relative_path )
let report_now filename ? source_file stats_type =
handle_report filename ? source_file stats_type ~ f : ( fun report _ -> report () )
let report_now ? include_mem ? include_time filename ? source_file stats_type =
handle_report ? include_mem ? include_time filename ? source_file stats_type ~ f : ( fun report _ ->
report () )
let register_report_at_exit filename ? source_file stats_type =
handle_report filename ? source_file stats_type ~ f : ( fun report relative_path ->
let register_report_at_exit ? include_mem ? include_time filename ? source_file stats_type =
handle_report ? include_mem ? include_time filename ? source_file stats_type ~ f :
( fun report relative_path ->
Epilogues . register ~ f : report ( " stats reporting in " ^ relative_path ) )